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Which killer do you think has the most frequently sweaty players?

After playing this game for a while this question has sort of dawned on me. I've personally noticed that the sweatiest killers tend to be Plagues, Spirits, and Freddys. The most memey/kindest killers i've noticed were Blights, Ghostfaces, and Demo's. What do you think?

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  • Member Posts: 670


    But I don't judge, survivors seems to eat gens when they realised they are facing her.

  • Member Posts: 968

    Plague's being sweaty is understandable, as they get screwed over by the emblem and point system most of the time. I'd say pyramid head's tend to go all sweat mode.

  • Member Posts: 459

    Nurse by a long shot.

    Blight is second but far behind nurse.

  • Member Posts: 789

    Pyramid Head - never do they play casually

  • Member Posts: 789

    Nurse - the killer is sweating to learn, then earned the right to sweat

  • Member Posts: 130

    In my experience it's been huntress sweating for the 4k while bringing iri head.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Doctor is the killer most likely to slug for the 4K and let someone bleed out when there are two survivors left.

    Oni is most likely to slug at 5 gens. Twins are up there as well.

    And then obviously Nurse

    In my experience it’s a four way tie between them.

    I personally rarely run into sweaty Spirit players. A lot start to meme with me and let me escape.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Nea... Really? Your gonna pick the entity herself?

  • Member Posts: 3,448
    edited July 2021

    In my experience, Spirits or Deathslingers

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Nurse, Blight, Pig

  • Member Posts: 759
    edited July 2021

    You know I guess I am starting to wonder why this community points out the term sweats as often as it does. Idk if I know the proper sweats term. But I imagine it isn't much different from try hards? I mean even that terms to me is off putting. Why do we categorize sweats and try hards in a negative connotation? I mean what's wrong with trying your outmost best to win a match?

    But to answer your question I would imagine this is an easy answer. It'd be your killers that are meta that are filled with "sweats"

    Can you imagine if someone went up to any other top athlete and told them they were a sweat. Like #########? Okay so I did amazing? Thanks?

    The term “sweat” has been used at large by Fortnite streamers to talk about players who use complex and difficult strategies to take down opposing players even when they wouldn't need to. ... “Sweat” literally means that after a fight, the player was surely trying so hard to make a flashy play that they're sweating

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    In SOME gaming cases, I can understand it abit. I remember playing COD against people who were pros at spawnkilling. They'd just plant a sentry gun next to a spawn, or would have their recticle aimed at the spawn they KNEW you'd appear at so you'd die before you can even take a step...then again 10 seconds later when you respawn. This is a tactic thats LEGITAMATELY unfair.

    You also have cases where someone will go out of their way to pick on newbies. Dark Souls 1 would have people purposefully not lvl up their character and instead boost up their gear so they could invade the world of people who JUST STARTED. You have other people who will derank in games that have matchmaking systems, so they can get those easy kills against players who cant walk forward without looking up.

    Fortunately in todays world where we have the internet allowing devs to hotfix and apply balance changes where need be...alot of issues can get fixed. That doesnt mean you wont EVER run into some broken stuff though. Playing a fighting game where characters have combos that are basically death sentences sucks for example. The ease a Bayonetta could put a full opponent out of bounds or the Ice climbers grab that was unbreakable in Super smash bros...was enough to piss anyone off.

    DBD nowdays though...doesnt really have much like that. Theres some problem areas that show up with each update...but they're typically fixed. If theres a safe spot that a survivor can squeeze into or climb onto, its not gonna last for THAT long.

  • Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2021


    There's something about Leatherface players.... I don't understand it, but they seem to always be sweaty and never want to have fun, or farm, or give the last person hatch even if people crash/DC out.

    Bubba players are the worst.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    For me it used to be Freddy, now it seems like all those players moved on to Wraith.

    Spirits are sweaty too, thankfully, I don’t get her too often

  • Member Posts: 3,127


    Maybe it's a region thing but if I see a Wraith I know I'm either not going to pip up this game or I'm going to have a horrible time playing it.

    I don't even hate the killer, I just hate people who play him.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Spirits are the most likely to sweat in my experience. They're not toxic or anything, that mantle easily goes to Bubba, but they go hard, slug for the 4k, and they're the least likely to show mercy (be it sandbag/farming forgiveness or giving the last survivor hatch.)

    Friendliest killers I seem to encounter? Demogorgons. Most likely to switch up their targets and not tunnel. Pigs and Ghostfaces are the likeliest to meme, for obvious reasons. Hillbillies are either chillbillies or total unrelenting sweats, no in-between.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    To be fair to blight players:

    Their power experiences at a minimum one game breaking bug every single game that costs them a chase.

    Also from personal experiences there's usually 8-12 game breaking bugs a game if not more.

    So they kinda have to sweat to make up for their killer not working a LOT of the time, as blight also experiences bugs that can flat-out disable your power for extended periods of time unless you know how to fix them.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    As someone who plays Blight constantly.

    Not being able to use your power if you get stunned during it is the absolute worst. Especially during CRUCIAL moments during a match. The way to fix it is to M1 again but that would just make you lose the chase.

    Also hitboxes.


    I can't list how many times Ormond and Red Forest has cucked me with freaking hitboxes.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    Also I want to add to this:

    Breaking pallets with your power can sometimes stun you for 10 SECONDS!

    You can't move, you can't attack. You cannot do anything but get stunned for the equivalent of 2 Decisive Strikes.

    You can sometimes double-click without even doing it and waste so many tokens trying to get through a small gap in the wall.

    You can get screwed over CONSTANTLY by Dead Hard and Auto-Aim. Making his power really hard to use if the Survivor uses Dead Hard. They don't even need to time it that well.

  • Member Posts: 424

    I'd say it's between Wraiths and Blights... since the Freddy nerf, most sweaty Freddys turned into sweaty Wraiths as far as I can see. Going against Blight running Tinkerer, Ruin and Undying is by far one of the least fun experiences in the game as far as I can account for even though Blight doesn't need that sweat to easily get a perfect game. Then, Wraiths mostly camp and tunnel and abuse bodyblocking and it's exhausting.

  • Member Posts: 705

    Sweaty in this context is a stupid term made up by losers who want easy games but don't want to gain the skill to make games easy.

  • Member Posts: 2,917

    Read the comments above for why blights have to sweat.

    If you don't know how often blight breaks then you'd really need to play blight more as he rarely works as intended hence the sweat to make up the difference.

  • Member Posts: 594

    Sweat won't come down to a killer it comes down to meta, sweaty players will always use the most effective and efficient tools to win it's the definition of sweating and perfectly valid.

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2021

    You know people have such terrible definitions of things like "Sweaty" in a game. They're the same kind of people who take a snowball killer like Oni using IF and slugging as "sweaty" when it's literally just his most efficient type of playstyle. "Unfun" or, as sweaty survivors like to call it, "Boring" because it counters their own sweat. Honestly I think a lot of people think someone who is just far better than they are at the game and is something that's natural do to practice means they're sweaty, when they're just.. terrible.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Myers mains give me toxic behavior, hardcore tunnel & Slug, and always run Fragrant Tuft of Hair & Judith Myers memorial.

  • Member Posts: 705

    No, it isn't. There's no point in playing if you're not trying to win. At that point you could just go screw around in GMOD and get the same result without ruining someone else's game because of your arbitrary definition of 'fun' that leads to you playing the game poorly, which hurts my fun.

  • Member Posts: 594

    I'm not sure how in your head you think that response makes sense to what I said but you do you princess

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    Wraith, Ghostface, and Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 710

    No one sweat as much as Spirit players


    They know her power is broken and unfun and they abuse it

    Also Freddy players where pften lile that before his o dont see any anymore and its better

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Spirit and Slinger. At least in my experience.

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    In my experience, mainly Nurse and Blight.

  • Member Posts: 710

    Tbh... i see 2 kind of good nurses...

    The one that still play fair while being able to use her power to the best

    And the sweaty one who abuses it as à revenge from the bullying while learning

    Yet i can...somehow understand both of them lol

  • Member Posts: 7,669


    most of them arent even good at the game, they just do the ultra skillfull and extremely exciting "im just gonna stand here for 10 seconds and if they go anywhere else i walk up to hit them, while if they stay at this loop ill go into a phase at an entirely unknown time to them so there is no way they can predict and dodge me" strategy (i refuse to call that a mindgame, sorry).

  • Member Posts: 827

    Blights are sweatlord kings. They all use the same sweaty ass build, and are super tryhard. I have never had a farming/friendly blight either, but I never get farmers anyway.

  • Member Posts: 705

    Actually quoted the wrong person. Chill out, salty child.

  • Member Posts: 672

    From my experience, Spirit, Blight, and Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 1,158
    • Nurse
    • Blight
    • Definitely Wraith.
  • Member Posts: 51

    That's a tough one to answer, because it really just depends on the situation i guess. But i do see a lot of Spirit and Nurses being sweaty.

  • Member Posts: 215

    Damn seem like every killer in the book is sweaty, meanwhile survivors just having fun and not sweating all the time. Y’all wouldn’t last a day playing overwatch if you think killers are sweaty

  • Member Posts: 67

    I'm probably the only person in the whole world who uses "sweaty" or "tryhard" as a connotation for an extremely good player. I don't mean it as a negative to that person.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Nurse and blights are bathe in sweat lately.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    The meta killers. Nurse, Spirit and Blight. Surprise, surprise.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Spirit, nurse, blight, wraith

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