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Can people please stop with the flashlight clicking!
I just don't get why people do it, maybe it annoys the killer and it causes them to change how they play?
But look, when it happens and I play survivor, the game gets ruined, it often causes killers to get annoyed by it (rightly so), they often stop trying to play and will tunnel/camp, everyone ends up with low bloodpoints cause no one can save or get chased.
Bring flashlights, gets saves with them, that's great! Stop being a total waste of space in a match and ruining the experience for everyone else!
Flashlight clicking for no reason and for a reason ain't the same, sometimes you gotta do it to put killers attention on yourself in order to save or let other heal, do gens, unhook etc etc just like sometimes you gotta tunell
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I click at other survivors who also have flashlights to see if I can start a flashlight war. Doesn't happen often but it's hilarious when it does.
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That's fine and to a certain degree I agree with you, but you will notice 80% of flashlight clicks are repeated/macro clicks that are used in a taunting way towards killer, which is just a douchey thing to do.
I should have made my original point clear on that, thanks!
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Agreed and then I wonder why they died first.
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I click to get teammates to heal me in solos or follow me etc. Don't really do it at the killer tbh. Sometimes people do it as a desperate attempt at taking aggro from a killer chasing a survivor on death hook.
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Flashligh clicking doesn't do anything to effect your game as Killer. The Survivor is likely giving you precious distance when they should be running away.
I don't understand why this upsets you.
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Flashlight clicking doesn't cause a killer to camp/tunnel - let's get that clear right away. If a killer is that easily triggered into camping/tunneling - more than likely even a flashlight save would "cause" this type of behavior. As a killer there is nothing you can do that will MAKE me tunnel or camp you - I just roll my eyes and continue with what I was doing. I will remember what you did and if it comes to me being generous in the end game and giving you hatch or not... well that's another story. Give killers a little credit - they aren't all easily triggered - and if they are - just about anything can set them off.
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I tend to ignore the Survivor screaming 'Chase me!' with their actions. It's clear they think they can lead me on a merry chase & waste my time, which is exactly what I DO NOT want to do.
It's funny to watch them run after me, clicking/twerking, until I turn and wollop them. Easier than a chase!
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They remind me of gnats or flies - eventually ya just have to swat them to let them know they are bugging you. I just found it funny the OP thinks that people playing killer are sooo easily triggered that someone clicking their flashlight will MAKE the killer camp/tunnel. Let's be real - if a killer is gonna camp/tunnel they will look for any excuse to "justify" it. Not saying I have issues with people who camp and/or tunnel - it's your match - play how you want - definitely not my style as I prefer to get as high a score as possible which neither of those tactics work well in helping a killer achieve.
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People should stop being triggered by harmless actions like tbagging and flashlight clicking.
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I'm seeing more and more survivors with flashlight clicking macros just to make it as annoying as humanly possible...
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That's like saying you shouldn't get triggered because someone flipped you off or said "I ######### your mom last night." It's a deliberate provocation. Making people mad is the point. If it was not a taunt, people would not do these actions.
Anyway, I get clicking to divert, but I always make sure rampant clickers die in my matches, and macro users are destined for a special hell without internet access. Every damn time, I think my computer's having a seizure and about to crash before I identify the culprit.
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flashlight clicking can be a way to bait the killer away from a injured survivor I do this a lot
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Honestly I find flashlight macro spam funny for some reason I laugh my ass off when I see it as killer I guess it's just the repeated sound that's funny to me
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Survivor: ClickyClilckyClickyClicky
Me, As 'Trap Irwin': Crikey! This Survivor is trying to communicate! I'mma poke it...with my machete!
*Trap Snaps in the distance*: Sounds like we got a big one! We need to put the Survivor in it's natural habitat; a Meat Hook!
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"It often causes killers to get annoyed by it (rightly so)"- No, that's just silly. People are so sensitive. lol
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you're right. who cares about pixels on a monitor? i mean i could talk stuff bout ur mom, but its only pixels. relax
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Hehe I love the clicky clickys
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It shouldn't stop, it should evolve to a more civilized form.
The truly ascended form of solo-to-solo communication, morse code communication via flashlight.
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But that's exactly the point. They're doing it to piss you off, put you on tilt and play worse. Getting triggered by someone pressing crouch or clicking a flashlight literally just accomplishes exactly what they want.
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No, it's more like don't get triggered by someone clicking a button somewhere in your continent. It's a game, chill out. Nobody insulted nobody's mother...
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Dont get triggered, if i show you a middle finger. It doesnt harm you at all and i definitely dont do it to be toxic and provoke you.
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Ironically that's actually a good irl advice
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It can be.
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What do you think is worse?
The people who feel the need to uneccesary BM others for no reason?
Or the people who get triggered about to?
Use your brain.
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Why so touchy
Let them do it, I ignore them on purpose, because I know they won't do gens
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i don't like them either but nothing to do the worst part after the game chat most of the cliky person ı ve seen isn't the kindest
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Exactly. I had two matches in a row where a Survivor followed me while flashclicking. I take a look at them, nodded and left. They followed me. Please, waste your time. And fail your flashlight save after you sandbagged your teammate.
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Clicking and checking the flexibility of your knees? You want my attention?
Nah sorry, that behaviour gets the complete ignoring treatment. I play with the other three and if I should kill them (normally I don't kill anyone), then you can watch me go afk. I have better stuff to do than watching someone either being cocky or annoying. And either I chase them down and they get salty like normally or they are that good and I waste my time. But giving them nothing is really satisfying.
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When people stop being insulted by a gesture in rl, then you can come back and say this.
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Giving flashlight clickers attention like this, not a good idea.
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People are never going to stop. Yes, the point is to annoy the killers. I only ever do it when a killer is hard tunneling and I hope that I can annoy them enough they will chase me and leave whatever poor soul they happened to find first. I have never had a game ruined because a killer STARTS to tunnel because someone clicked a flashlight, nor have I had a killer give up because of clicking. And even if they did, how is it any different than all the killers who are afk from the start so they can derank?
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Flashlight clicking is a valuable game strategy. The idea is to throw the killer off their game. It works often. It’s just psychological warfare.
There’s ALOT more to playing VS killers than just gens and chase.
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People use it as means of communication. It's the only way to create sounds without alerting the killer.
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*click* I'm over here
*sprint burst*
*click click* I'm over here now
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Flashlight clicking serves a purpose.
It calls attention to you, either killer or survivor. There is a reason to do both. Often you do it to fellow survivors to get their attention, to get them to follow you (to the hatch for instance so they can see where it is, or to do a gen or to heal you). There is also a right time to tilt a killer, so they follow you and take the heat off a dying teammate, or to lure them away from a gen. If the killer is a newb and falls for it you can secure a huge tactical victory through flashlight clicking. Flashlight clicking is a mindgame just like most things you do while interacting with the enemy. Use it to your advantage.
If you don't have enough experience with the game you might not understand this, but if you've been playing this game a while it is very obvious when you should click and when you shouldn't, depending on what you are trying to achieve. It won't always work but it doesn't hurt to try if you need to achieve something with it.
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does this work on Humans?
I am not a Cat as far as I remember and run after everything I see or hear
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Can't stop me
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Suprisingly it works all the time they get annoyed by you clicking and they try to chase you down it's not about being cat to follow me it's up to their ego who screams "chase the clicker" just like survivors are often leave nasty msgs in end chat when they get tunelled it's because their ego said so and they probably felt bad afterwards but I went off subject the answer is yes it works 90% of times
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Crazy, I am always wondering why do they do that, not that I don't understand the reason behind it, but that people are actually failing for it 🤣
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I'm surprised as much just today I had wraith having injured person running on exit gates and he was about to catch them and I flashlight click him and he went after me and lost 4 man escape I mean it works for me but I don't see how going after me makes sense while I'm in full health I didn't expected that to Work I just wanted to bring attention and fail but he actually went after me lol
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Because respecting your teammates/oponents and empathy is something gamers never heard of.
I understand if someone else is toxic too but how many times you see stuff like that used when it serves no purpose, like clicking at the exit gates?
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On the one hand, it's annoying af. On the other, if you go on someone else and that clicking survivor chases you to keep clicking, you have 2 people off gens
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People get mad about this. Really? If a killer is gonna camp, they are gonna camp. I just laugh when I see it. 95 percent of the time you will die by the end of my match anyway
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I enjoy hiding near the killer when they don't know I'm around and letting out a single click. Especially good in dead dawg bushes.
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I see no problem with clicking a flashlight, lol. Again, people are too sensitive.