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Dead hard is the literal definition of a Crutch Perk



  • Member Posts: 103

    It can be frustrating yes, i'll admit that! Fair enough! But i am still pretty sure that on average people are able to use it 2-3 times in a match for extending chases. All exhaustion perks do of course. And maybe DH is not even the best one when it comes to all the numbers across the board. But it is the one with the least interactivity. If a survivor sprint bursts to a loop, they will extend the chase for a similar manner. But at the very least i know i can get them with mind games, hiding red stain , good play etc. I might not and still loose. But at least i know i have a chance.

  • Member Posts: 103

    And we are not even talking about all the other scenarios: DH is also a free escape once gates are opened. No other exhaustion perk can do that. You can avoid traps, ranged attacks etc. No other exhaustion perk can do that.

  • Member Posts: 555

    If you get hit with Sprint Burst ready or hit before a window while using Lithe you're bad at using them, what make you think those player will be better with Dead Hard.

    And again Dead Hard does require to be in a loop with a pallet or window and the later it is in the game the less pallet there is. Also if the killer use a perk against loop like Bamboozle or is a killer that give no ######### about pallet or window (there are plenty) Dead Hard will give you less time than Lithe or Sprint burst.

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    I am a fan of an idea someone else proposed where dead hard is a boost to speed when going healthy -> injured, the numbers would probably have to be fiddled with some to make sure it isn't just a better sprint burst. I'm also a fan of removing the dash, extending the i-frames, and mini-stuns the killer if they swing into you during dead hard. However the latter would need to be done with fixing the networking problems that cause exhausted on ground. I'm not a fan of ideas like blanket nerfing it or making it so you can't interact with pallets/windows after dead harding as they would just throw it into the trash perk pile. We already have enough garbage perks on both sides, I don't think we need to add more.

  • Member Posts: 267

    You really do not want to admit it, do you? Getting the killer to waste time breaking a pallet or using their power is already enough. Lithe and Balanced are predictable and will only work one time. Whenever I get to a window or a pallet I can easily extend the chase for at least 20 seconds. Dh covers up my mistakes when I run into a deadzone or got too greedy at a loop. It is literally a crutch perk

    Sprint burst is my go to but at least requires some kind of strategy to use at at full potential.

    You must be a top tier killer if you can apparently predict and outplay dh since most killers I face are not able to.

  • Member Posts: 214

    Did the killer catch you in the open by his own game knowledge ? Or maybe by several of the killer wallhack perks or add ons that were introduced into the game ?

    Chili, Nurses calling, Mirror Myers naming just a few.....

  • Member Posts: 555

    And getting away with Sprint Burst, Lithe or Balance Landing without having to drop a pallet doesn't make the killer waste time? You're dishonest with your reply, even better you don't even need to drop a pallet as early with those exhaustion perk.

  • Member Posts: 614

    It's more of a passive counter than direct (like hiding in a locker to counter bbq) but survivors working on different gens. Can't chase 4 different survivors at the same time on multiple tinkerer notifications if you are spread out. You can't counter the undetectable status though.

    I'm confused how it offers a free escape. While you are trying to down them in the exit gate?

    IME survivors wait till the last second to dead hard into the exit zone anyways, and at that point even if you knocked em down while running, they are probably in that zone where they escape (unless you are playing slinger and reel em in).

    Anyways, my 2 cents is as someone who plays killer/survivor 60/40, dead hard is a non issue imo. If someone is looping you for x amount of gens, and they truly use dead hard for distance, the best play is truly just leave the chase patrol the gens and go after other survivors. If they are in a dead zone, bait it out. DH plays to dodge attacks are so predictable - Otz, tofu, etc do it all the time. But seriously - choose your battles. You are putting no pressure at all if you chase one survivor for a while and you make the survivor waste their dead hard and get exhausted and have to recover.

  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited July 2021

    Well then, we better nerf pallets and window vaults that cause killers to whiff an attack. Oh and survivors that wait till the last moment to use Sprint Burst, that cause killers to whiff. Whiffing an attack as killer is not a 3rd health state bruh.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    It is not what crutch perk is. crutch perk is perk that a player relies on and without the perk, he is significantly at disadvantage. it has nothing to do with failure or how difficult it is to use. It has everything to do with whether the survivor player relies on it to be successful.

    For example, say you have trouble finding pallets and you often run into dead zones, Window of opportunity would be crutch perk for you because it eliminates your weakness as a survivor. I would never use it because I have memorized every layout of every map by heart, but some survivors need that pallet aura reading.

    Dead hard is a exhaustion perk that allows you to greed loops and push the loops to their limit. a survivor typical objective is to bluff/vault windows until they are fully blocked before using strong pallets however bluffing/vaulting windows has inherent risks associated with it and Dead hard eliminates the risk and allows survivors to greed loops without the risk using its dash component and in some instances, the Iframe component(like dodging a hatchet or dead hard through a trapper trap etc.).

    Pushing loops to their limit without dead hard is difficult so for most survivors, its crutch perk because greatly improves their performance in a chase.

    The PTB has weakened version of dead hard where they lowered dash distance and Iframes, I wonder if that is going live due to threads like this. it was not even written in the patch notes.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Alright mate, please do not act like you do not know what you just said, makes absolutely zero sense. This might be one of the worst comparisons i have ever seen in this forum. I cannot fathom how some people say stuff like this without feeling ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 248

    That's not a what a crutch is at all. A crutch is something that makes a weak player better, but a strong player worse. Like how a crutch will help an injured person move around more quickly, but just be cumbersome to a healthy person.

    Imagine an FPS that had a gun that aimed for you, but did 20% less damage. This would be a crutch because people who could aim well would be much better off with the normal gun with more damage, but newer players would benefit greatly from the autoaim.

    Something that's strong in general isn't a crutch. Imagine that FPS had a gun that aimed for you, but did 20% MORE damage. Now it obviously still helps the weaker players a lot, but the stronger players will use it too because it's objectively good. Since it doesn't impair the stronger players, it's not a crutch.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    You're telling me this after saying Dead Hard is a second health state... The irony is real.

  • Member Posts: 103

    Because in the situation that we are discussing here it is... it is not even that hard to understand. DH is turning a SAFE hit into an extended chase, without anything the killer can do. Its EXACTLY like a styptic agent would be in this situation or like already stated a 3rd health state. The consequences are exactly the same. Simply whiffing is a complete different situation. Thats on the killer, that happens due to interaction. Thats not the case with DH, because there is nothing the killer can do in loops. But of course you have to resolve to complete nonsense comparisons because you do not understand that. Thats typical and considering there are too many streamers using the same method of arguing, it is no surprise.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    So whiffing an attack on a survivor successfully using Dead Hard is entirely different than whiffing an attack on a survivor successfully using a window or pallet.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I can't dead any harder

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    the Exhaustion Perks come with huge cooldowns and restrictions, its hardly worth to ever use a Perk slot for them, unless you center your entire build around them - and even then, you are going to lack at some other aspect of the game and will lose to that. give me more perk slots / buff those perks to a level where they are worth running and i'll bring them more often.

    you are correct about the Exhaustion Add Ons, but think about it: how many Killers have access to those? thats like 3 out of 24 Killers. which means everyone who doesnt have them gets screwed again.

    and the Killer list you gave hardly has anyone that actually counters the Perk. and even if, what about everyone else?

    Deathslinger isnt a valid point, ive had plenty people react to my close range shots with DH to dodge them.

    PH would require you to run in a straight line in the perfect distance towards him to have his PotD work, thats extremely situational at best.

    same applies to Demo, which, btw, additionally has its shred cancelled when it hits a Survivor, so DH still lets them get away without taking damage with the Demo either jumping through them or the shred getting cancelled.

    Doctor is not going to shock you in the loop he thinks he is gonna land a hit, so DH to a pallet once again saves you - some even use it to dodge the incomming shock and bring the pallet between them and the Killer. it still works fine.

    a survivor can just DH straight through a hag who just teleported to her trap to hit them. "just have multiple traps around" is abotut the same level of an argument as "just dont get hit" or "just catch the survivor in a deadzone so they cant DH to safety".

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    I love the people here trying to underplay DH's strength, it's actually pretty comical people are defending the legit strongest perk in the game for either side. A third health state every single chase is totally fair and balanced for a game that is balanced around you having only 2 health states.

    I use DH all the time, in fact it's the one perk on survivor that I never replace, EVER, wanna know why? Because it's busted af and has no counter at all. I press E and you lose the chase, ggez get dunked on nerd. This perk is busted af and absolutely needs a total rework. On demand distance AND iframes? Bruh you have got to be kidding me, the only people who defend this perk are fools and liars.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Remove bloodlust and pretty much all no mobility killers will suffer even more than they do already in a chase. We saw how that worked when they disabled it.

  • Member Posts: 843

    Exept you can deny the perk by cleansing totem but for DH its a different story unless the survivor run in a dead zone

  • Member Posts: 777

    Killers run Deadhard, balanced landing, etc. by default. The killer already has super versions of most of the survivors perks. The game by design is supposed to be hopeless for the survirors (I know, except for that small 1% who are streaming swf games.) Don't begrudge survivors the few perks which actually work. Killers perks are game changers, survivors perks are meh at best and most are garbage space wasters no one equips. The Devs designed it this way on purpose, or they are really bad at balancing a game. Any killer main who whines is weak as a player.

    I get motion sickness in first person games, I get dizzy and feel like I'm going to be sick but I can always get a 3k and usually a 4k if I want. I am the worse type of player for killer and I can do it with ease.

  • Member Posts: 359

    If it wasn't used for speed, and just to dodge hits, it should stagger killer for an extra second past his normal miss swing

  • Member Posts: 1,075
  • Member Posts: 105

    If otz truly struggles against dead hard than I would say he’s not a good killer. Watch people like monto play killer, ive yet to see him ever have a problem with dead hard.

    its the easiest perk to counter and as for ditsnce its a huge lol. It doesnt give any distance compared to other exhaustion perks

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  • Member Posts: 713

    DH was not a problem for me before. But then they nerfed a lot of antigenrush perks. And now, a simple push of a button can extend chase by another half a minute. That with current speed of gens repairing can be critical. Thus, its importance has increased greatly. And yes, I totally agree, it's very silly that all mind games and survivor mistakes can be fixed with a simple push of a button.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    By this logic, every perk is a crutch perk. At which point the term 'crutch perk' has no meaning.

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  • Member Posts: 103

    Why can't exhaustion perks just deactivate after certain amount of uses?

  • Member Posts: 606

    I’m pretty sure we all knew it was a crutch perk already 🤪🤪

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    yes every perk could be a crutch perk but it depends on a player weaknesses. The title of this thread is misleading.

    The title should be: Dead Hard is the definition of second chance perk.

    I do not personally mind the perk.... but I do think the perk is very unfair for every killer bar nurse and spirit because killers get very few chances to hit survivors at loops on strong survivor maps and since this perk eliminates very few errors that a good survivor makes, it makes that survivor almost untouchable at strong loops and taking a chase with them with weaker killer is pretty much 100% losing. I think if you get many chances to outplay the survivor, like instead of 1 chance to hit a survivor every 20 seconds, you get 3 chances every 20 secnds(like once chance every single time nurse has blinks up) than the perk isn't so bad, even if you miss one blink due to dead hard, you get a chance to redeem it in next few seconds.... but for other killers, they miss one oppornity to down a survivor and this perk save them, the chase can be extended by a lot and it is often game losing.

    moral of the story, super fun survivor perk, very unfair for killer.

  • Member Posts: 331
    edited July 2021

    Any word on if the PTB changes to DH are making it live?

  • Member Posts: 259

    How about just play like you handle LT walls. Let them just Dead Hard there and vault. There's no more Dead Hard left to use and should be easy down. If LT wall is your problem, bring Bamboozle.

    You told one scenario where Dead Hard actually works well, other scenarios are making to a pallet with it or making to an window with it. There is 3 places where Dead Hard actually works. Without those it's useless and you will be downed no matter what.

    Are we next gonna complain about hope? "You, the killer, are chasing survivor towards an LT wall, and that survivor makes it because he have that 5% haste bonus. Nerf Hope devs".

    It's just your problem if Dead Hard to an LT wall is too much an issue to you. I'll rather take that Dead Hard to and LT wall than Lithe from a window which makes 10x bigger distance between you and that survivor.

    Well, I guess someone is coming to call me survivor main after this.

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  • Member Posts: 259

    There is only 3 scenarios, well maybe 2 scenarios if we count just pallet and window generally. Let's say that there is LT wall and behind that (20 meters) is jungle gym and survivor is repairing gen close to LT wall.

    A. Uses Dead hard to reach window and you pressure that survivor away from jungle gym. No Dead Hard left to use and probably gets downed soon.

    B. Uses Sprint Burst to reach jungle gym, good survivors make you waste time there and then he have chance to reach that LT wall too.

    "There is no real counterplay" is wrong because bating Dead Hard in right places is counterplay. Surely there is situations where survivor gets to use Dead Hard at the right place but saying that there is no real counterplay is just stupid. There is even two perks to add exhaustion but one survivor perk to counter Lethal Pursuer. Im not saying that Lethal Pursuer is OP or anything but Dead Hard to me is third best exhaustion perk. First is Adrenaline and then Sprint Burst.

    I just yesterday had game as Pig where was Adam with Dead Hard. Do you know how many times he got to use dead hard the way it helped him? once, and only reason was because I tried to use my dash attack to not use STBFL stacks, all remaining situations I pressured him away from good places to use it.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    In its current state its covering way too much distance. But looking at the ptb changes it seems to be going to a healthy spot. Even then I think dead hard is important to have as a survivor. I actually find the survivor role lacks nuance and is in desperate need of more perks like dead hard and deception. Something that rewards good timing and excellent positioning or manipulates information in a meaningful way. Yes your myer's and trapper will have an even harder time but the quality of current killer kits should not be balanced by terrible map design survivor should have more nuances and tricks.

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