Have You Ever Wanted to Quit the Game?

Title. And why?
I wanted twice.
First time was survivors were so strong with infinite loops. It was so unfair, i am so glad they fixed this. Because i was so near to stop play this game.
Second time, they reworked my fav killer. I tried new version but i never felt again i am playing with Freddy anymore.
Reason: Deathslinger, Freddy and Spirit
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There are always those few times where this game really gets on your nerves, but compared to other multiplayer games I've sunk too much time into, DBD is a really good mix of casual and tryhard fun, with decent balance and a community that isn't nearly as toxic as many others.
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Then leave.
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I could probably never quit this game tbh,but i do have to say that the performance issues with the Resident Evil update was easily the WORST one they have ever released
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Did for a while, right when BHVR reworked auras and made them virtually invisible for several weeks. It was just the last straw after a very long series of very buggy updates, and when the small pp build was at its absolute height. Just wasn't worth playing, wasn't fun.
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Of course I wanted to, several times, mostly due to some Developer decisions, performance issues and bugs.
But the game is still fun most of the time, so I didn't quit.
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I dont think so. There are a few things that make me angry but overall, I still love this game.
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Quit? No.
Take a break? A few times. No particular event, addition or removal of something from the game itself. I just burn out on games and need a break at times.
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Constantly :D
Edit: Should put in a "why", eh? While there are games that are actually close and great, I've found more and more at high ranks that you are curb stomping your opponents or you are getting a curb stomping. The "That was close, I can't believe I/we pulled that off" or "Damn, I/we just barely lost. Well played opponent(s)" games become rarer and rarer and rarer.
But there are enough of those games still that I keep on playing when I know in my head and in my heart that this next game is probably going to be a blowout in one direction or the other...
Post edited by tippy2k2 on5 -
Mostly whenever I notice the grind. I finally have five killers perks unlocked. Now I just need to get them onto the killers I want to use.
Then start over with the survivors.
Actually, I might just quit.
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If they release 1 more “I can hit you over loops but have no map pressure” killer I might just quit
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I have stopped playing the game for months on two occasions. The longest was almost a year when the tomes came out. It's a pretty miserable experience for solo survivors who just want to play the game when all three teammates have no intention of playing the game because they're trying to do a challenge. Or they purposely get you killed so they can try to get a flashlight save for the challenge. Etc etc.
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I feel same. Last 6 chapters and only Blight was worth to play so much and maybe Nemesis (because of zombies).
I wanna fast killer or silent killer for next chapter. I really bored because of anti loop killers. I wanna see 4 v 1 killers again.
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i did quit DbD for a year after they released Oni, got Dedi Servers and the Free Iron Will Bug happened until March 2021. 2020 wasn't that great for DbD so i stayed away and 2021 is being another disaster so i might just quit again and for good. I wouldn't mind the Grind if the game worked but the game doesn't even work, i'd even excuse the Blantant Balance issues if it was so broken it was funny but it isn't funny it's just broken and infuriating. I started on Console and i'm now on PC but it's the same #########, as bad as console is PC is only marginally "better".
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Yes because of people.
The closest thing i did was not playing the game for a week.
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Exactly. Killers like old Freddy or blight are more focused on the 4v1 and the devs seem to be phasing them out
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Yep, when they nerfed pig. If it wasn't for SWF I probably would have stopped playing long ago sometime around EGC release.
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I once thought about quitting after having a match playing as pre-buff Trickster on Haddonfield with two old Objects. One of the most painful matches I’ve ever had.
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I quit everyday........Seriously when you try to play killer and get the worst map spawn for that specific killer then add in the lag/freeze when you use your power. The game for me right now lags for just about anything so it's hard to play longer than 30 minutes (1 game with killer que's right now).
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No. Never.
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Only like 20 times since the event started.
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After the oni came out I basically quit the game because it was boring until the silent hill chapter came played that for a month and a half and then quit until the blight chapter came out and then quit and started playing again in June
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Yes, when I got a 6 hour penalty for a series of Crashes on Nintendo Switch. This was back before Crossplay was a thing. One crash was RIGHT as I was headed out the exit gate. Another was after I had one survivor dead, 4 gens left, and had two others on death hook. Then my internet went out a couple days later, and I got ANOTHER 6 hour penalty. Made me want to quit so bad, I didn't play for a couple weeks after that.
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Yes, many many times because of bugs, performance issues, and just getting bored/tired/frustrated with the game. I've spent way too much time, effort, and money on this game though, so there will probably never be a day where I actually quit.
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Only once:
This was easily my worst day of playing DBD, and I was there right when this stupid thing dropped.
I don't even like thinking about it, but I cannot deny that I do remember my very first match with his reworked power. It was on Old Léry's, which is my favorite map, but that did little to comfort me. As the trial went by, I saw that everything I truly liked about this killer was...gone, replaced by whatever the hell Freddy's current power. Technically the trial ended with a victory, after all I did kill all 4 survivors. But it didn't feel like one.
The first and only post-game chat message I got was from an Ace, and he said to me:
"This new power is boring af".
What makes it even worse is that his words are still true.
Frankly, I don't know what stopped me from quitting that day. But, if that wasn't strong enough to make me quit, then nothing is.
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Yes. The binding of kin chapter & the mid-chapter. It was so BROKEN I considered quitting & throwing the key away. Nemesis drew me back & maining him once I get all my killers to p3 -50
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I made a rant post after DS got nerfed, which made me take a break. Otherwise no, I've never really wanted to quit it full time.
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Yes, right now, after an afternoon of soloqueue
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No! I could never leave my demopuppy alone!
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i quit after the legion chapter came out and came back at the end of the twins chapter. the shard grind for actually nice cosmetics was too much for me. felt like it kept pushing me to make dumb purchases. then i heard a battlepass coming and was like nope. the fact dbd has a 10$ battlepass and all these 10-15$ cool cosmetics. kinda makes me think the game itself should be free.
i also got butthurt what they did to some of my favourite licensed killers. im a horror fangirl and i get technical on certain killers. i want my amanda (pig) to be able to cheat. i also wanted ghostface to not be half the license. it hurt they promoted alot of the content in the style of scream and it didnt come with the outfit or a survivor. i would of been happier if was a scary movie ghostface reveal then just the mask.
i can only come back cause roomate is gonna make sure i wander into the store for auric cells. im poor and i need to save away but i want to enjoy the game again. plus with more licensed content im fine that some killer are just weak representations. freddy used to be a weak representation but i enjoy him now.
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Oh wow, those auras. That was one of the few times killers and survivors came together.
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Need to come up for ...oxygen.
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Plenty of times for various reasons. I have taken many breaks in my time.
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I've wanted to quit the game for the past while now. There's no multiplayer game that I really like that I can leave this game for.
This is why I've been begging for a Black Ops 1 remake. Not this ######### Cold War game, but an actual proper remake. Just update the graphics, give it some good servers and let me give play.
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Once, thanks to a huge burnout.
Went through the burnout and re-evaluated how i should play this game.
Haven't truly stopped since.
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Every day I want to quit. Then I think Behaviour will listen to their customers and fix the game, then they do something even dumber and make the game less fun. But they do post positive quotes from their employees, so I guess they are having fun while we the players aren't.
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You'd quit faster with nothing to work for.
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Or he'd play more if he felt he was accomplishing.
I often lose interest right after an event, because the points feel too few.
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There's a huge gulf between 'not enough points' and 'no need for points'. I honestly can't say I've ever felt like BP was hard to get; but I also don't play Survivor much and that seems to be the side that complains about too little BP the most, which is amusing considering they get to keep their crap if they escape with it, whereas Killers don't.
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When they revealed how bad and inconsistent the new character designs for survivors are I considered it. Also if they ever canonically kill off any of the survivors. I'm going to be very much disaffected by the lore, this lot are gonna make it somehow and if they don't I'm no longer invested. This game is like 30% asethetic, 30% grind, 30 % adrenaline and 10% Story that people secretly want to imagine for themselves rather than having BHVR come in and try to tell it.
I did also play Nurse once and that made me want to kill myself. Like I can't believe people use her competitively she's mind numbingly slow and I'm convinced her add ons do nothing.
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I haven’t really, but I’ve gotten super frustrated in the past. Earlier today, I couldn’t perform a vault because the vault and heal animation are in the same button and the Cheryl on the ground was blocking the window. Went down for it and got SOOO pissed.
We still got out and I took a hit for the Cheryl, but especially on console, watch out for your surroundings! It could be life or death if you screw up your teammate!
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Killers gain more blood points easier...but they also have stupidly large bloodweb after they reach 50 so it kinda balances out. The game is still Grindy even with double BP though so if they made double bp the new default and did even more for holidays they likely would not lose much of anything.
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I did for a whole year, just came back last week. The game looks better and Decisive Strike has finally stopped tormenting me.
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It's impossible to kill off a survivor, they die every day and come back the next.
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Yes and probably will with how the players are rude and too aggressive i do not have any fun since buying this game. Im knocked out at the start and game over Would you enjoy that? I think not.
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There was a period where I did stop playing for well over a month. God that was freeing.
Lately, I find myself wanting to play it when I'm not and hating it when I am. My friend just started playing it with me, and it's the one thing we can play together, so I guess I'm stuck with it. We're at different levels in our "stages of DbD"—he's still at the early stage where he gets angry when matches are bad, I'm at the point where I get despondent—and I'm hoping at some point he'll start handling the frustration better otherwise I don't think our controllers are going to last very long. I feel bad that so often one of us gets tunneled out first thing with fewer than 5k BP, and I'm supposed to be the experienced one helping him have fun but I can't because I'm not actually good at the game, and it sucks that he's destined to have a bad time because of my ineptitude. That he can't see anything and often gets lost because the maps are so dark on the Switch makes it even worse. Whether he plays handheld or docked on the TV screen, the maps are too goddamn dark.
We console players must be really stupid, stubborn [BAD WORD]ers to stick with this game.
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I've uninstalled 2-3 times always after a bad killer session and dealing with multiple bully squads in a row back when I was stuck in green ranks.
I eventually went back to the game each time and eventually made it to red ranks. I still have bad sessions now and again it just doesn't bother me as much anymore.
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Someone has not read the lore.
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That's probably gonna be right now. I rage every time I attempt to play some normal matches because of the freezing. It's just not fair that this game has been in this state for console players for so long.