People really think Wraith is op?

Damn I wish
His most recent speed buff feels like a little too much at times, a lot of people now play him in a way where the survivors will only have chases that last around 5 seconds due to the fact that the Wraith will constantly keep cloaking and uncloaking, being able to catch up to a survivor that he just hit almost immediately.
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He is if you don't know how to face him.
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I don't think he's OP. I do think he's incredibly boring to play against (which isn't something I hold against the killers playing as him). There's very little you can do about him with his cloaking speed boost and any Wraith worth their bell will block windows or things you can actually use against him as they decloak.
Just doesn't seem to be a whole lot you can do against him unless you happen to be around a bunch of pallets, which just makes him boring to go again.
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I find it really funny, most of the time any wraith worth their salt would be running windstorm anyway. Yet no one was complaining then.
But now that he has any base mobility he's all of a sudden "OP."
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Some days on this forum looks like a flow chat.
Did Killer Win?
If Yes: Killer is OP. Nerf them.
If No: Killer is unfun. Nerf Them.
(I kid!)
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His basekit is fine. Many of his add-ons can be overboard and need be looked at.
The gameplay style might not be the most engaging, but that's 3/4th of the roaster. So, whatever.
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Yeah, I think the addons are more the issue here. Before the buff, they just brought him to the level of a "good killer". Now that he's pretty decent base, they might push him up a bit too high.
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People see him as the new Freddy. Easy to play while also being strong.
He also has some extremely good add-ons.
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Wraith is in a position where he isn't op, but if they keep increasing his speed he could be. It's already a bit weird to deal with stealth killers since generally you need to focus a bit more unless you run the perks that negate stealth. Wraith needed the buffs he's gotten, but fast killers who you can't see are the general kryptonite of most survivors. He sort of needs some adjustments to give him some spice. He's kinda just speedy boi bing bong every time you see him which can probably get on a player's nerves, but that's the game.
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He's not really OP, but he can feel very oppression on certain maps especially with bad rng. People love to complain about things in dbd and most of the time they are looking at the perfect/ideal situation and not as a whole.
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I feel like with the right add-ons, Wraith is now able to decloak near me with no warning and hit me before I can reasonably react. I used to be able to get a sense of his approach or de-cloak most times but that doesn't seem to be the case any more.
The counter seems to be effective hiding which is a rare thing to counter killers these days. I guess most people are having success because they are stealthing as survivor?
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Survivors: I hate seeing only 3 killers in red ranks, where's the diversity!?
Also Survivors when a literally average killer starts to see a slight increase in usage: OP PLZ NERF
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He’s not OP, just very easy to play, but not so easy to counter which creates an imbalance.
He also has two add ons that really need replaced, and make going against him a total chore
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No he isn’t OP at all. I’ve personally never liked his gameplay, he is very uninteractive because it goes like this “sneak up on survivor, uncloak, hit with an omega lunge, cloak, and run away.” It’s hit and run so you barely have any chase interaction with him.
The cloaked speed boost and “true invisibility” really make Wraith strong because you only have a 24 meter distance to spot a killer that is moving pretty fast, hard to see to begin with, and gets free hits on an uncloak. Most of the time I hear him before I can even see him.
With other stealth killers there are drawbacks like Myers is slower, Ghostface is still only 115% and slower when crouched, and Pig is slower when crouched. Wraith suffers no drawbacks because even though he is slowed when starting to uncloak, that lunge makes up for it.
The only thing I’d change about Wraith is slightly lessening the amount of distance he gets on his lunge. It feels just as long as a Spirit running Wakazashi Saya.
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Either making his lunge shorter or adding a CD do his cloaking so he cant just spam it like he currently does.
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Adding a cooldown or reducing his lunge would kill him along with having a cooldown on his stealth defeats his entire purpose as he would then just be an objectively worse version of the spirit(Not that he isn't one now).
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Wraith is probably one of the most underrated killers. I have no idea if people are stuck in the past or something, but he is better than people make him out to be. Nowhere near the bottom full of killers people think are actually decent. Like Trapper or Pig. Rofl. I think annoying might be the word they were looking for.
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My only issue with wraith bois is the pretty absurd lunge that acts like a token of coup de grace.
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Then how would you fix him then? cause right now his reward is too high for the skill required, (next to none).
Also Spirit doesnt have infinite Phasing, Wraith can stay on his cloaking for as much as he wants.
Also his stealth wouldnt be affected, it would only affect his ability to be able to cloak after a hit to get another free hit with his absurd lunge.
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He doesn't need to be fixed is the point.
He's been the game's laughing stock for most of his existence and the moment he's no longer the worst killer in the game, survivor mains want him nerfed because they can't bully him anymore.
Edit: Heck the new flash bang perk is probably the single hardest counter to wraith in the game as well as it outright stuns him if he tried to uncloak near you when you use one.
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So just cause he had a terrible history he gets a free pass now?
No, he needs to be addressed, and that includes his addons which are ridiculous
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He's not OP people are just so used to being able to bully him that when he's no longer the worst they think he's op because they have no idea of how to play around him.
His speed is fine.
His post stealth lunge is fine(Trust me I played wraith when he didn't have it. He was unplayable).
His add-ons are over hyped for how little they actually do(All seeing blood's range is 12 meters which is smaller then some loops in the game).
People just need to learn to respect the wraith as a killer instead of being a joke they can bully and T-bag endlessly.
Also did I mention how powerful of a counter flash bangs are as they can STUN him if he ever tried to uncloak near you?
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I think that’s the issue, having windstorm base kit pushed his add ons a bit too far. Wraith always had some of the best add ons, now that his best one is base kit, it opens up some really good combos, borderline op.
I don’t think Wraith is op, but his add ons need a pass for sure, as that is the problem to me.
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The Boi Wraith needed to be buffed because of survivors trying to aggravate him.
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He's not OP, he's not even strong in "Competitive". He's fine in Normal DbD because normal Survivors are way below in skill level and game knowledge.
His speed buff doesn't change the fact that he plays the exact same way. Plus his uncloacking speed got nerfed and uncloacking takes longer aswell. Basicly traded the need of Windstorm for the need of Swift Hunt. Every other add-on is the exact same.
He still needs to be sneaky and body block otherwise he loses chases just like old times. I speak based on experience, i've been playing Wraith since his update and when the MMR test came around i couldn't do #########, i had high MMR due to beating normal average survivors and during the test i faced nothing but Sweat squads and i couldn't do ######### cause Wraith can't do ######### against good Survivors.
He is useless while in Stealth he is the only stealth killer that can't attack or progress his objective while in stealth. That's a massive disadvantage. Moving fast only helps if you can do something with it in a timely fashion wich Wraith can't, he'll move fast but then announce his presence and go through a slow uncloacking process. There's plenty of Counterplay.
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Wait your having issues with wraith *laughs with flash bang because I'm addicted to it*
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Reducing his lunge wouldn’t kill him. His lunge covers basically all of shack. Do you not think that’s just a little too much?
Not saying they should just remove the lunge, but just tone it down a little bit. They did the same thing with Spirit’s two lunge add-ons and Wraith has basically that lunge without the use of add-ons.
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Exactly this
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Yea I'm happy they buffed him. I personally like killers that are easy to pick up, rather than spend a bunch of time needing to learn them.
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He sucks ass at shack, dunno what you're on about.
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Precisely.. Wraiths can misplay and cloak at the wrong time which in turn gives you extra vaults so take advantage whenever that happens. You can even waste slightly more of the Wraiths time if they bait uncloaking in order to get a pallet drop.. in those situations don’t be afraid to vault back into the cloaked wraith because it will block his pallet break prompt and it’s literally impossible time-wise for him to uncloak and smack you before you’re able to vault back over to the other side again.
With basic looping stick to the long side so if they uncloak for the speed boost near the pallet for example you should be able to swing around safely assuming you didn’t misread the situation or they get you with a respectable mind game fakeout.
If you’re in areas with a strong window with a long wall and the wraith is breathing down your neck then feel free to get a free vault that won’t count towards an entity blocker (if you’re newer.. windows block after vaulting it 3 times during a chase but if it’s specifically the wraith, a chase is considered dropped/reset if they cloak and chases don’t officially begin if he’s cloaked. Just never allow yourself to get your vault prompt blocked if you already beat him to it.
this isn’t much but just a few little bits that might help some people out.
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Free unlimited DH is nice on The Wraith. You can close the gap so quickly on Survivors.
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He's not op, just extremely annoying because his skill-ceiling is so low compared to the damage output you can do with him.
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Skill Floor*
Skill Floor is how good you'd need to be to do something well.
While skill Ceiling is how good can you make something if you play well enough.
Wraith's Skill Ceiling is higher then most people think given that he has to both position himself at a loop properly while also sneaking up close enough to get an ambush hit.
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No, it's really the same way people feel about spirit and deathslinger right now. They're not op by any means, but they're very unfun to play against for most people.
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Yeah, I think a killer who happens to be absolutely terrified of utility equipment and gets a headache from them is the most OP killer in the game.
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I never stated that he was a good killer at shack. I was just making a comparison to how long the lunge is. You could uncloak at the doorway and lunge at the window and still hit the survivor, that’s how long the lunge is. Never anywhere in my statement did I say “Wraith is a good killer at shack”.
He isn’t as good at Huntress or Demogorgon but he doesn’t “suck ass” like you think he does.
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I think the combination with the extreme speed with the almost complete invisiblity AND the lunge buff staying seems a little crazy. Not OP though. Just kinda overtweaked. There's no real skill to Wraith so its weird that he can be so oppressive to me.
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I don't think Wraith is trash tier. I still think he's barely average because of his high amount of counterplay.
Also, if he isn't as good as Huntress or Demo then why do you want him nerfed? His entire power is built around his long lunge attack. The only thing people want him to get is a nerf/rework to "All Seeing" - Blood.
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I mean, he is so fast and with his lunge, I get hit while while I'm in my three seconds 150% Balanced Landing, so kinda? I don't know if I'd say OP, but I think they went too far with his buff. You can't hear him, you can rarely see him, and he's so fast, you will get hit, period. It's not fun to play against by any means. Will the devs admit they made a mistake and rebalance him? Probably not.
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Community: Wraith is weak and needs a buff.
BVHR: buffs Wraith.
Community: Wraith is OP and needs a nerf.
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This content has been removed.
He isn’t as good as Huntress and Demo at SHACK but my point wasn’t about how good Wraith is at shack, I was only comparing his lunge to the length of shack, that is it. How good Wraith is at shack has nothing to do with why I think his lunge should be decreased.
His lunge is just a bit too long. So was Spirit’s lunge with add-ons, which is why it was decreased. His lunge is way too forgiving.
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I really hope they don't touch my Belndy spotter.
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Yeah you've made your point about his lunge distance, let's switch to why you want him nerfed.
He has so much counterplay, let's not make him trash tier again please.
His lunge has always been the same btw. His uncloak speed boost was increased from 1 second to 1.25 seconds, but that didn't affect the lunge itself. Old Wraith with purple windstorm would have an exact same lunge.
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Bring his Shimmer back at distance, he shouldn't be completely invisible.
Awareness used to be the "counterplay" to Wraith. Now he so fast, by the time you can see him, he's already on top of you.
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Don't you touch my pallet kicking add-ons
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They should increase the range he could be seen in compensation for his speed when cloaked
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You can see him from a distance.
You just can't see him outside of a 20 meter radius so you can't see him running from the otherside of the map.
This allows him a stealth killer to actually sneak up on survivors while still letting survivor see him if his approach is sloppy/survivors are aware.
Edit: Also consider that he's the only stealth killer without a secondary power. Such as Ghost Face's expose or Pig's Reverse bear traps. So his stealth has to be good as its his only power.
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That's the same with basically any killer.