Which character would you like it to be a legendary skin?

Now I know this might sound crazy...a bit controversial, but...for me at least I would LOVE Annette Birkin from RE 2.
And I know that a lot of people will be saying: " Why tf would you want Annette? There are so many better well developed characters in the games. Like Ada, Sherry even Ashley would be a better choice! "
And to that I say, you're right...
What do you guys think?
I would honestly very much rather have Ada or Carlos as legendary skins over Annette.
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This for Wraith.
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Would love Ada and Carlos has legendaries too, but...Annette has a very special place in my heart.
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Ok then 0_0
No Offense to this character, but I would probably dc after seeing him...he gives me the creeps...
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There are a lot of Resident Evil characters I want. Sheva for sure.
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Never liked her that much. I hated the way she was talking to Claire in that one cutscene after the elevator drop as that goes for really anybody.
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A lot lol. William Birkin, Tyrant T-002, Mr.X, Jack Baker, John Kramer, Lakewood Slasher, SH Nurse, Robert Englund Freddy, etc.
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If we could swap genders then Nancy for Quentin
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I wanna Scooby Doo legendary skins. All team for survivors and monster skins for killers. For example Space Kook for Doctor, Daphne for Kate, Fred for Felix etc
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Jason for Trapper
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Blight needs a Flash legendary skin
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Ada and Sheva, though I would just rather have legendary skins for every character to bring them all into the game.
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As a main Annette of RE Resistance (when the game was alive) , I'm a little offended by that >:(
Just kidding :D
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I think this thread needs more attention
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Ethan Winters
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Jack Baker, Karl Heisenberg, and Ethan Winters.
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A new Michael Myers skin. Preferably from the new movie.
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Rebecca Chambers. Nurse Rebecca would be the cherry on top.
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Would it be cool to have Ethan in the game? Yes.
Would killer mains be happy with a survivor that has regenerative abilities and is made out of mold? Probably not lol.
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YES. And granny Laurie pls.
Hopefully, they will release new skins, for Laurie and Michael, when the new movie comes out later this year
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Salvatore Moreau for blight and Donna Beneviento for twins
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Plague needs a Exorcism skin forgot the girls name that barfs tho
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While I'd prefer a whole character, I'd settle with a Pumpkinhead Demogorgon skin.
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If this ever happens I bet demo mains will be like:
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I would sell my soul for a Nancy Thompson skin with Heather Langenkamp's likeness. If they don't want to swap genders for legendary skins then Glen Lantz would also be cool since he's the character Quentin replaces in the remake.
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I want a legendary skin for ash !
Young ash armored !
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Sheva skin for jill
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At this rate, I just want Ash to get any skin. He hasn't gotten one in forever.
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" I would sell my soul for a Nancy Thompson skin "
Me too...me too
#Gives us Nancy Thompson
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Probably because the new season of Ash VS Evil Dead hasn't come out yet. But I still don't get why we don't have a legendary skin for Pablo.
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It certainly would coincide well with the Halloween event and the new movie!
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Ash Vs Evil Dead got canceled awhile ago due to lack of funding.
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Are you saying that I've been waiting for a new season of this for more than 2 years for nothing?
God...I feel such an idiot right now...
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It was canceled on the 20th of April, 2018.
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That's kinda sad.
Still hoping for that legendary of Pablo and who knowns maybe even Kelly.
But if I could choose a character to become a set, I would probably pick Ruby.
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He will have a black cloud around his face all game
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the crazy T virus woman? why? I'd rather Ada or someone else
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James sunderland skin or Harry Mason
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Yes pleass
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Same. A Pablo skin would be sick.
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Billy should get RE4 Chainsaw Guy skin
Mystery Inc set for Legion because why not
Eldian Kazan Yamaoka for Oni.