Whats the point of clowns yellow bottles?

I don't understand
They are a meme, I think they were going for making clown the "fun party" killer, or something like that. It's every so slightly useful to get around the map but that's it. Just a guess because I really have no idea.
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Much more efficent than pink ones, easier to use and can be combined with pink to get some hits on otherwise not possible places.
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It's a fun and useful chase utility, not meant for mobility. Every time I've played Clown, the antidotes have saved me multiple times per game. You just have to figure out when and how to use it. I will consider recording a video of my Clown gameplay after he's fixed, because his bugs are quite annoying rn.
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They close more total distance per bottle than purples, are more reliable, and can have their effects applied concurrently with purple gas.
They're great if you know how to use them, but 90% of people just see "if I grief myself I speed survivors" and don't use them ever.
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at the very least they can be a discount agitation
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A few things:
If you’ve used a Tonic at a loop, and the survivor leaves the loop, although still a “win” of sorts, that’s all you get.
If you’ve used an Antidote at a loop, and the survivor leaves the loop, Clown still gets SOMETHING out of the gas when continuing to pursue the survivor.
It’s also devastating when successfully combined with a Tonic. Throw an Antidote first when pursuing a survivor, it should be activated by the time you reach it, and THEN use a Tonic on the survivor to Hinder them while you are Invigorated. A survivor being Hindered at the same time you are Invigorated for a few seconds is nothing to be laughed at.
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I have always been able to win games with Clown using only Pink bottles.
I dont like that I have to switch between bottles and I sometimes accidently switch bottles by accidently tapping the button.
They really ought to fix that.
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They exist because the community wanted him to be more viable due to his lack of map pressure and many people associate mobility with map pressure so they exist to give him "mobility" without actually changing anything major from his basekit outside of reload speed. When I play clown I never touch the yellow bottles.
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To make him better in chase.
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reloading more with clown is not really a win and usually when your getting survivors that are doing that, they'll comeback to the loops they leave. Its like playing against bamboozle killers. It just shows weakness in the killer power. its sad that clown's rework has so much potential to be strong. if the yellow gas was instant like purple one, leaving loop might be punishing as you could become invigorated and hit a purple bottle to land a hit.
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Useful at certain loops like shack or some junk tiles here’s an example
Another use is for zoning when combined with the tonic it looks something like this
Also cigar box
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It's useless because, for some known only to BHVR reason, they decided Survivors can benefit from the yellow bottles.
Nothing like negating the slowdown you just put on someone.
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So if you’re a bad clown you get punished? Sounds like good design to me
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Of course it does; Survivors want every power to be effortlessly counterable.
Why not make the Plague choke and die if she cancels her vomit? Or Billy & Bubba to cut their own leg off if they miss a chainsaw swing? Or Legion to trip and fall on their own knife if they run too long?
There's a difference between 'bad play' and 'My power cancels itself'. This is why Legion is dumpster-tier; his power has so many cancels, counters, and ways to stop itself from working that he's basically an M1 Killer.
And now Clown has secondary bottles that cancel his primary bottles, meaning that he's better off just using his primary bottles the whole time. Which means the power sucks.
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Using clown’s bottles together is actually what makes him a huge threat in chase. A lot of people just overlook the antidote because it can potentially give the survivor a buff.
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Its to make survivors faster. So they can reach the save pallet or exit gate in time.
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And to give them aura reading too if you’re running the cigar box!
But tbf only bad clowns will give the survivors a boost
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Good clowns won´t even start the match right now 😉
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Fair point sadly :(
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There HAS to be a delay on the yellow gas, so that Clown can plan around making sure HE gets a benefit, and NOT the survivors.
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Yeah, I’m not touching him until there’s something official fixing the Hindered bug.
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ideally survivors shouldn't be getting benefits from clown's gas in the first place.
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So clown players would shut up and stop asking for a buff. The copium on here from Clown players was honestly kinda sad after that update.
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The reason that exists is to stop Clown becoming overpowered. If Clown didn’t have to worry about Invigorating survivors then he could just spam them constantly without consequence.
I love Clown. But I see WHY they’ve made certain choices for balance purposes. I.e. I can see how badly broken Clown would be if Antidotes didn’t have delay, and survivors couldn’t use them.
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what do you mean, he has only 4 bottles and has to reload. is that not preventing spam? survivors do not get benefits from other killer powers. not sure why you think clown should be giving benefits to survivors.
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It’s only 3 seconds. I play (played) Clown a lot. You learn when you should and shouldn’t reload to make the 3 seconds a total non issue.
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I have never used clowns yellow bottles other than when they were first added, I do fine playing him without them, they seem to waste ur time to use them since you will just need to reload after you get where you need with them
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It removes the slightest shred of counterplay that clown has and lets you get hits at places like long-wall jungle gyms.
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