Why does the block system not work?

If I block someone I don't want to have them keep appearing in my sessions. They are blocked for a reason.
Blocking prevents DMs. Nothing more.
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There is no system that blocks players from playing the game with you. That leads to all sorts of issues including players blocking people that are better than them etc - some Nurse mains would never get a match if that were a thing!
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I suppose the OP might think about something else, but the block feature literally doesn't work. If you try to block a player, it won't register at all. No effect takes place. Even the option will remain as 'Block', instead of turning to 'Unblock', as it used to.
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He said he wanted to prevent them from being paired with/against him again. No such feature exists, just going off the info OP provided.
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ok then .. but what is blocking good for?
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You know, there is something to take away from that - but it's not what you're saying it is. If one particular Killer, is so obnoxious no one wants to play against them? That's a problem that needs looking at. If a large number of people would rather DC (or, if it existed, block a player who always played a specific character) than play against a particular Killer (whether it's Nurse, Spirit, Doctor, etc.) - that should be a red flag that the Killer needs looking at. It's not a player issue, it's a character issue.
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Prevents people from sending you messages, I believe.
If you were to balance DbD around what makes survivors DC, you'd just remove killers altogether. Not even replace the players with bots, just remove them.
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The main reason I block is if I get constant ######### games with said persons or they do toxic ######### like sand bagging, not helpful, or the killer tunnels me to hell over and over every time I get em. It should work because who wants to keep going against others who recognize your name and make your games miserable every time you encounter them. I sure the hell don't.
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I don't mind a killer being better then me its the people who play survivors and killers who act like dick face oo la las that I want no parts with.
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Actually, if it's implimented correctly, it doesn't. It would actually function similarly to an auto-ban system, analysing the number of blocks individuals send out and correctly weighting them against one another. The blocks don't necessarily prevent people from being natched with the person they blocked, but rather those with the most "reputable" blocks are matched together, no matter the wait time (reputable here meaning blocks sent by players that don't send blocks all that much). That's roughly how other games send griefers into their own little cesspit, instead of telling everyone to deal with it.
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Hey Mandy, last night I got a game with two survivors working with the killer, they sand bagged me and the other guy until we died but before this I was running empathy so was tracking what was happening for a solid 5 mins before I was found and it was very obvious what was happening, I have the footage recorded as I'm on playstation but the said users were not steam or playstation users so I couldn't obtain proper steam id's to go with their name. Is it pointless to report them now ?
Sorry to highjack a threat with this question but it feels kinda related.
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That's hyperbole. There is a short list of Killer characters a large percentage of survivor players simply do not like playing against, because their power and/or gameplay is annoying and obnoxious. The Doctor is one, because his AOE power is ridiculously spammable, and its visual effects can trigger headaches and even seizures. Given that, you would think that would be a big red flag for BHVR to take steps to fix the problem.
My point stands, and I've said it before: BHVR should be looking at survivor DC stats for patterns and trends. If, for example, 50% of survivor players choose to DC against Nurse (whether it's a "leave match" or a game quit), that's a red flag that something needs to change about the Killer character. That's a large number of players who are simply electing to not play the game and re-enter the queue in order to avoid a particular character. That's a problem.
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What about the other hundreds of thousands of players? What's to stop them from blocking players who are better than them to stomp newbies?
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Just because you would use a system responsibly doesn't mean other people would. We've already seen the community is willing to report players for using certain tactics despite that not being against the rules, and we already see abuse in the endgame chat for bringing certain perks, or playing a certain killer, or tbagging and clicking. It's not really a question that many people would abuse the block function to get rid of anyone they don't want to play against. For some, that'd be 'they're good at the game and I don't want to play against players who can beat me.' For way more others, that'd be 'they used tactics I think are scummy' or 'they played Spirit.' I know that I'd block players who BMed excessively if I had the option.
It's just not possible to create a fully functional block system that wouldn't be used outside its intended purpose.
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not pointless at all, especially as you have it recorded, please send that to Support via a ticket - https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
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This is kinda from experience here, as I remember the time when MLGA was a thing and some players just legit couldn't get a match because other players had blocked them so used to dodge lobbies - that shouldn't happen. One particular one I know, really struggled and it was all because he was actually very good at the game.
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It'd create ghost lobbies. You can join them, but it's nothing but a chat room. No killer, no game. And Vise Versa.
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I just had a game where a spirit main wanted to far because of the event. Guess what they do. Once getting everything they wanted, hooked my husband and kept slugging us. I got downed and hooked the other bled out thank God one person got hatch. And you want to know why I don't want to put up with ######### like this? Its basically enabling them. And you will der why we have such bad relationships between roles as it is. You ask for sk.ething that ends up needing both sides to comply but you wanna be a dick and sabotage it by blatant lying for an easy game, by pretending. Thats why its survivors vs killers. This bullshit right here is the prime example.
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Thats one person though you all have a big enough community with cross play now
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That doesn't answer my question. I'll repeat it:
What about the other hundreds of thousands of players? What's to stop them from blocking players who are better than them to stomp newbies?
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That's not the point, though. Nobody's saying dirtbags that nobody ever wants to play again with don't exist. They do and they're awful. I will always complain about the ingame community and how awful it can be. But wey're saying that if you give people the ability to block them, you also give people the ability to block everyone who does something slightly unpopular (plays Spirit or Nurse or Bubba or whatever killer's in vogue at the moment, slugs for the 4k, uses NoED, comes back to the hook... and so on.) And this will definitely happen.
And acting like only killers are at fault for bad experiences is disingenuous. I've had survivors indicate they wanted to farm, I played around all game letting them pallet stun me and the like, and then they run off and leave through the gates without letting me hook anyone.
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I see your point I guess because people could report for more petty things. I expect tunneling when there's 3 gens on the board at this point since the balance is kinda wonky as far as gen speed goes. So I don't blame any killer trying to even the game out. I mostly play survivor but ill play killer from time to time if I'm having bad games to chill or play boop the snoot with piggy lol. Only question I have is this though...if blocking is bad what about the ban system? Wont it end up the same way?
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We have to stop using this as an excuse. First, because it's exaggerated - hundreds of thousands of players aren't going to spends hundreds of matches blocking anyone who is better than them. Will there be a small minority? Probably - but we have to stop letting the small minority of jerks prevent us from implementing good policies that can make the game and its community a better place.
ETA: it would also be very easy to datamine. For example, if there is a player who has literally blocked thousands of players (in order to only go against newbies as you say), that would be obvious data attached to their account - and thus easy to deal with from an abuse standpoint. Basically, gathered data can make it easy to determine who is and is not the problem.
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It's not an excuse. I base my assumptions off who'd use the block function on 'did they ragequit or spew salt in endgame chat.'
It's not exactly rare.
I'd be all for a wiser system, like revoking block privileges from players who make too many blocks in a short period of time and retroactively removing all of their blocks - the player segregation brought up by MadLordJack earlier would be ideal - but I don't trust BHVR to implement functioning smart systems after the mess of a chat filter they put out. I'll believe it when I see it.
No, that's a serious issue. If one person can't play the game because they can't get a lobby, they've wasted their money buying the game. It doesn't not become a problem because everyone else can play just fine, because that person has a gamebreaking issue. Granted, I doubt somebody would become blocked by everyone just because they're good, because it's only a portion of players that will block for that reason, but they could end up with very long lobby times as killer because if even one survivor in the bunch has them blocked, they can't be selected as the killer. And there are some players who could push it further. While I'm not exactly shedding tears for someone who manages to get blocked by almost everyone because every match with them is a facecamping Bubba that kebabs the first person they catch to death... I absolutely despise such players and I'd play them a tune on the world's smallest violin if they complained about it, but at the same time, as long as what they're doing is within the rules, it doesn't make sense that they can be effectively banned for it. Like, if nobody in the game wants to play with you, that's definitely a you problem, but the rules of the game have decreed you're in the clear, so... ???
(Though that's because my drug of choice is to gather up all the toxic players and toss them in a pit where they all play with each other. Though, again, such a system has to be written carefully to prevent innocent players from ending up in the dungeon and I don't know if BHVR can handle that.)
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If memory serves correctly, we have seen this exact thing happen in Overwatch, with the system being abused to block players who are simply better than the ones abusing the system.
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It made sense not to be able to block players back then since there was a less active players and no cross-play. But now a days with cross-play, and a larger active player base. I feel that maybe survivors/killers would be able to get matches now even if they get blocked.
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Exactly. It's not an excuse, it's a demonstrable fact.
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It wasn't just one person, I was giving a specific example, there were lots of people that were blocked by other players.
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Hi, sry for refreshing old thread, but idk where else to ask. I have question about block system. I am unable to block any players for unknown reasons. Whenever i click on the block button it does nothing. But i saw different players using block button with no problems. Is anyone knows why my blocks did not work?