I just had a thought about what would happen if they buffed the grind

Before I get yelled at, no, I'm not saying bring back legacies for everyone. I had the chance and I missed it, I made my bed and I'll sleep in it.
But, we've all struggled immensely through the grind, we can say it's getting really, really bad again. It's honestly a struggle for us.
But, if they were to buff it, would they give us a unique reward for P3ing our characters during this issue? The example being legacy from when the grind was actually sinful. It was just horrid, way worse than what it is now.
Do you think the devs would give us something kind of unique? Or do you think it'd stay the same? I'd personally like the anniversary black blood with gold as a blood swap instead of the legacy. Legacy belongs to the people who earned it.
TBH i almost got every killer P3 and many survivors P3 with every perk and it would be a pain if they decrease the grind just when i am about to finish it.
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They never will because they know the grind is what keeps most longtime players playing.
Why do you think whenever they ######### up and people get upset they just throw up BP on everyone and suddenly everyone shuts up?
Also remove perk levels. They're outdated by 3+ years
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I have never seen anyone shut up when given bloodpoints except for extending the event
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An alternate legacy would be cool but the devs want to do little change to the grind as possible shown by the changes they’ve made
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But thats what i dont understand. There are so much things you could grind. Why must it be grind to win? There are so many other options: grinding for shards (store cosmetics), grinding for p3, grinding for the battlepass, grinding for achievments. Then they could add rewards for getting a number of wins as character, reaching a MMR-rating (if it releases someday) or even daily objectives (for example each day you can collect a crown in a trial and then you get something for this crowns)
Would the majority stop to grind this other things if they wouldnt need to grind for perks?
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I honestly don't think they would. I have all the perks unlocked for killers and I still play. I enjoy the killer, not the grind
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I don't really care that much whether or not I get rewards for anything I just want the game to be more accessible for people who don't like the grind as well as to make leveling up more then a few killers/survivors not an absolutely maddening process.
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More rewards aren't what's needed, it's a severe reduction in grind. The Devs are trying to have their cake and eat it too, balancing the game around new players but leaving the grind as it is to keep obsessive ones around.
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I have all perks for all killers except nemesis (i stopped playing a month ago bc of the console problems) and i also dont care for the grind. But there are different playertypes and i know some on this forum who say they need the grind.
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The grind gets buffed ever chapter. I'm more interested in nerfing the grind.
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Why? How does that affect you in any way? This argument is awful, and it gets used all the time. "How dare someone get X for a lesser price / less work than me!!" Good grief.
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Nowhere i said they shouldnt reduce the grind and nowhere i demanded a compensation or anything like that.
But of course you would feel bad if you played 3k hours to get so far just so it gets changed once you reached your goal and now you only need 1k hours for that progress or something like that.
But thanks for trying to twist my words.
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I got almost every character P3 with all perks and i would be super happy for everyone else if BHVR would decide to reduce the grind.
One of my problems is that this game has meaningless/boring grind.
Getting perks or prestige cosmetics isn't exactly hard,it's just tedious.
What i would like to see is reduced grind add another kind of grind that rewards you with exclusive cosmetics that you earn yourself (e.g 1000 post-Blink hits as Nurse,1000 Blood Fury downs as Oni,1000 Flashlight saves as X survivor etc.)
That would be sooo much more fun to grind for and you could finally have something to show off how good you are with certain characters
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I've seen a few posts like this before. The short answer? Probably not. I've been playing since the game first came out on console back when items in the bloodweb had prices based of where they were located, not rarity. And when you only ever got two perks in the bloodweb. That grind back then was horrendous compared to now and we never got anything special so doubt they will start now. It would be nice, but I'm not gonna hold my breath
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this feels like people saying you can't forgive student debt because other people paid for it...
no. no one needs to get anything for it. just reduce the grind as much as possible
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How can it be "getting" really really bad "again"? It expands regularly by 6 to 9 perks. You get everyone on a character you can pick and choose what pops up on the blood web by when you unlock it. It's getting easier.
I'm not sure with the cakes flying around like they are is the best time to file a complaint about the grind. I don't think it should be as tough but they seem to have other concerns.
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I.. what.. how does that statement correlate?
It's just a question if you think they would or not
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Don't think of the event. That's a temporary solution.
How many characters do you have leveled up?
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I know the event is temporary but you might get more favorable replies afterward.
1200 hours worth and i'm not launching the game to look.
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I already have some decent replies.
Also, I'm at 2k and I don't even have everyone maxed out yet.
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I have everything that I feel I'll use aside from two recent killer perks but I don't know what I'd take out for them. I can already cover my weaknesses well enough for my matches and frankly I live for that calm when they realize I have devour at 3 or 4 charges. I kind of feel bad when I find a couple of injured people and get it to 5 and they don't know till I straight off a dude and they are visibly demoralized. Sometimes I'll let one go if they keep tryin. I like to run it because it gives them an oh crap I gotta buy new underwear moment and I think that kind of tension is why a lot of us play this game
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Um, alright haha