So i am not allowed to use strong perks on strong killers?

Because people keep calling baby killer builds. But what is difference against using this builds on Trapper or Nurse? So i can not use my fav perks on my fav killers?
For example Undying, Devour, Pop, BBQ for Freddy or Undying, Ruin, Tinkerer, Pop for Blight etc.
Yeah, they’re training wheels.
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Nope they are not. Killers and survivors can play with any perks they wanna.
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Thing is certain killers don’t need strong perks to win. For example running IF on nurse and slugging is pretty disgusting but IF on Plague is more fair
It’s all about the killer in question
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You're allowed to use these builds just as much as people are allowed to complain about them.
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Ah yes; the Survivor tactic of insulting Killers to steer them away from effective builds.
Because actually trying to win is only allowed for Survivors.
People will note that Survivor meta, SWF, and voice comms are not 'training wheels' but anything effective for a Killer is 'training wheels' or 'toxic' or 'unfun'. Remember Killers; Survivors genuinely think Killers trying to win is against their made up rules!
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Of course, you're allowed to. Just like you're allowed to make bait copy-pasta like-fishing threads. As you just did.
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I mean, OP’s Freddy builds okay, but Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer on Blight tells me the killer player doesn’t really know how to play Blight and needs strong perks while they figure it out.
I didn’t say a killer has to do anything, but of course there’s no respect for builds like that.
OP - I suggest that if you think you’re good at hitting survivors with Blights rush that you try replacing those four gen regression perks with tracking and chase perks. If you’re not good with Blight then keep the training wheels on.
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And you should also 12 hook every game, but also let Survivors leave, never mind game with red stain, also avoid slugging, Spirit, certain addons, half of the perks, Lightborn included...
Come to think of it, why even play if we let other people dictate what's okay?
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No, these are what's called crutches or training wheels. Once you finally git good, you won't have any perks because only noobs need them. You'll stop using your killer's power, because it's unethical to use anything other than M1. Real killers can 4k with only melee, and NO LUNGING. You'll also be playing nurse/spirit/deathslinger/trickster because moving at a slightly faster speed is unethical and a crutch for baby killers.
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My games ending before last gen finish most of times with Blight. How i do not know my killer?
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The interpretation of whoever said this reminds me of these annoying children back in school.
We are playing a game here, customizable where we can play how we want, how long we want etc.
You are allowed to do whatever you want to enjoy your game.
If i want to use the most useless perk in the game because i have fun with it, i will use it for my fun.
Same goes to you, it means nothing about that particular character with that kind of build.
That sounds too arrogant to me to say "You have a baby build" what is that supposed to mean?
People win with empty slots in this game then how one build can tell if you are going to win or not?
Play how you want, friend. have fun with your game. 💚
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Yeah exactly. People can play with any perk they wanna. Noone can judge them. Baby survivor perks, baby killer build etc. But some people thinks they have a right to interfere in player perks and tactics.
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I’m a killer player. I can show you my killer credentials, too (P3’ing all twenty-four killers). Let me know if that’d move you.
Also the SWF argument is weak.
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You can use whatever you want if people ######### and moan about it, usually says more about them then anything else.
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Play with whatever you want, but it is undeniable that some killers and builds will dramatically boost your outcomes not by increasing your skill, but by providing in-match benefits. As you climb up the leader, this might become a problem as you're matched against better opponents and didn't take have time to learn the details of the killer's power, macro management, and how to cut corners, but instead 2 pip your way carried by whatever is meta. The same is true for survivors.
I dunno about you, but playing killer with 2-3 regression perks make the game boring to me, Ruin being the worst offender. Just strap and forget your way to victory.
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Noones saying you cannot do certain builds, but OP is asking why they’re being called a baby killer while wishing to be adored by survivors he wins against after bringing meta stacked on meta.
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'It's training wheels' is weaker.
There are not any perks that win the game for Killers. It all comes down to how well the Killer does Vs the Survivors. This 'The perks carry you!' mentality is why so many Survivors scream for nerfs; they can't comprehend that a Killer can have skill.
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Well said. They prevent stepping up the killer players game.
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You can run whatever you like but dont expect players to like it.
And IMO, Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer is basically the "I am bad at Killer"-Starter Pack.
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No, the SWF one is weak. Clutch your excuses tightly. Never get better.
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Sorry, Survivors are the ones who invent BS rules and try to use peer pressure & insults to control Killer tactics, from who to play, to what perks to use, to what tactics are acceptable.
Nice try, though. Keep screaming 'ItS jUsT tRaInInG wHeElS!' in an attempt to control your opponent.
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Ruin alone can carry a game if left uncontested, same for Devour Hope. The only thing the killer needs to do is patrol gens. Survivors play a game of dwindling resources while the killer expands their pressure and Ruin gives the killer enough time to exhaust most item charges and map assets.
Here's a comparison between a few slowdown perks in the game.
Yes, Ruin carries games, even when compared to other similar perks.
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'Ruin alone can carry a game if left uncontested,'
...Then contest it? 'This hex perk is strong if we don't cleanse it, so it's a training wheel!' Survivor mentality in a nutshell; Ignore the counter to claim it's OP.
Bottom line; the 'it's training wheels' excuse is BS meant to shame Killers into not using strong perks, while Survivors run full meta plus SWF plus voice comms. The comment has 0 purpose beyond making Killers feel ashamed for using strong perks. Stop.
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Otz uses this build so much, he is so bad killer yes.
And also i really do not know how i am bad at killer :) I have good kill rate. This makes survivor worse or you are just insulting.
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By that logic, why do Survivors run perks? They can win extremly easy without perks or items/addons.
Same can go for killers btw.
Just because a Killer is good already it doesnt mean you cant use good stuff on them.
Besides that, not everyone is good enough to play with weaker perks at high ranks.
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Ok, you're just too salty for us to establish any line of dialog if you really believe everyone in the opposing party is just shouting on top of their comms to their SWF for killers to stop using strong perks.
I said in my first post "play whatever you want" and gave the reasons why I didn't. Take of that what you will, bc this is my last answer to you.
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Ruin doesnt carry games, YOU still have to put pressure for ruin to get value + if it gets cleansed fast its a wasted perk.
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You didn't watch the video or fully read the post, did you? Bc I think you skipped the part where I said the killer needed to patrol gens.
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I never understood the mindset that using strong perks meant you were bad.
Why would anyone playing to win intentionally use weaker perks for the sake of their opponent?
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Ah, now that Otz is using that build I will change my opinion!
Obviously good Killer players might also use the same build, but usually, it is run by bad Killer players.
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Same for me, without using strong builds. Maybe you still don't know him?
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Yes, you need to ask permission before using your perks, even if you payed them with real money
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If you need 4 gen defense perks with Freddy thats just asking for an easy time that's boring af to go against
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I saw the video but you still said ruin carries the game which isnt neccesary true. Sure, there are times where the killer would have lost without it but lets be honest, how many times do you get such a value out of ruin like in Otz video?
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That's just saltiness, even though lightborn is a huge waste of a perk slot
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Oh yeah, new Ruin Undying, the unbeatable OP combo that makes survivors have to cleanse 2 totems to make the killer remain with half a build.
Survivors are completely defenseless against that, it's not like they have a bunch of pretty good totem finding perks to help them counter hexes. Any killer that loses with this combo must be automatically bad at the game, there's no way around it.
Why do i always smell a certain flavour of salt coming from these type of comments?
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If winning without good perks makes us good killers, i am also winning without them. Next question?
So you are deciding who is good and bad at killer.
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I mean both sides use strong perks. So I don't see why certain folks complain about builds.
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Since I said, it is my opinion - yeah, I decide, for myself, in my own opinion, who is good or bad at Killer.
I guess you will do the same.
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I use that combo when I'm frustrated with suriviors lol. I will say though mixing it up on blight is what makes him really fun. But at the end of the day ######### what suriviors think, you play to win.
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Use whatever perks on whatever killer you want. I will run PGTW, Undying, Ruin and CI on Spirit and Nurse. IDC what people think. If they lose, that is on them, not me. The survivor role has all the power. The killer can only chase one person at a time. The thing is that most players just don't know how to play survivor very well. So the blame everything on the killer. When I play survivor the only things I ever complain about are killers that face camp, deadweight teammates and sometimes Spirit. I never trash talk about perks or add-ons. When I play survivor I run meta stuff, and I expect every killer I face to also run meta.
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Ignore em. Seriously.
"You're a baby killer for using these perks."
Okay, you're a baby survivor for using DH, DS, PTS, and Adrenaline.
They'll get angry and say that's not the same thing, yet you're throwing back the same exact argument they used against you because "it different."
Different my butt.
I ran into a survivor who said that to me and they were running the same exact perks I listed off. They had three second chance perks.
OP, let them complain, eventually they'll realize that they're being extremely childish and move on. That's if they're willing to stop being insufferable.
Run what you want to run, screw what some random person said.
You have fun.
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People seem to attribute negative connotations to intended behaviour a lot.
The point is, i have yet to see a logical reason that supports that negative connotation. That assumption or claim that certain intended behaviour is bad.
They will bring how they feel, how you might make others feel, hypotetical cases...
Leave the right to determine what is bad or wrong to devs and just enjoy the design possibilites they granted to you without remorse.