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Tunneling right is what counters gen rushing..!

WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

So I played a couple of matches last night with various killers. The other night was Trickster night, and playing with him can be REALLY Annoying. Handicapped Huntress. My last match was on the The Game (Pallet Town), ideally the worst map. Fortunately I managed to run Agitation/IG to carry and deal with the team that round. As always one complained due to being tunneled despite having DS, Unbreakable, and Prove Thyself. Along with the rest of his whole team having DS, Unbreakable. Attempting to pull miracle stunts even after being slugged, hooked, and everything else. I let the last one escape through hatch, wherever it was. Not worth hooking if you’re that sweaty. “Don’t want their sweat on me” is my new motto.

What I noticed with not just him but all the killers… Is that if you don’t punish survivors for unsafe hooks, or simply eliminate them right off the bat because you’re being “sporting”… You will likely lose. Here is the thing…

1.) Survivors job is to do gens, and do them as fast as possible to escape. When killers complain about how fast the gens are all done it’s because “You suck at the game”. When killers run Ruin/Undying to mitigate their speed survivors also complain. None of what survivors complain about is entirely true. Because the moment a killer targets anyone as killer you assume that the other 3 are doing objectives. Which lowers your chances of winning.

2.) A killers job is to ELIMINATE all 4 survivors as before they finish the gens to begin with. Often times as quick as possible so that they can’t double up on the gens, getting them done in less than a minute. When a killer “Tunnels” it’s to quickly eliminate a person so that there’s 1 less person on a gen rushing to get them all done. It may come off as VERY unsporting to be singled out, but it’s a legitimate strategy when done correctly. If the killer FAILS they wasted all their time and lost anyway. Killers are not always successful with tunneling/camping. If killers had the same mentality they would tell survivors “Your team should’ve saved better, they should’ve body blocked, blah blah”.

Why am I saying this? Because of 1 crucial fact (I play both killer and survivor). Survivors WILL NOT, and I will repeat WILL NOT step off of a gen under any normal circumstance!! I typically won’t… Unless a teammate is about to die..! Survivors hate tunneling SOOOO much that they’ll literally stop doing all their objectives. They’ll dive bomb the killer to stop the tunneling. In which a killer can start whacking everyone upside the head, and gaining an advantage. This has worked like a charm, and it has ****ed a lot of players off. The catch is… Killer is supposed to play dirty! 😏😏😏

So I learned to do what I do to win as killer just like what to do to win as survivor. Hate me all you want (LOL). The moment you as an individual stop caring/catering to the opposite side you’ll see more victories, pips, and less mistakes. Along with the many tears of people that take this game WAAAY too seriously. After all, it’s a staggering mess as of now.


  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Yes because Victories and pips are the most important thing in life I agree

  • Souplet
    Souplet Member Posts: 345
    edited July 2021

    Recently i went against a full 4k hours+, stretched res """"to make the game looks better""""" team holding w, making the game absolutely unfun for me.

    From now on i will tunnel the ######### out of survivors if i see that they are good. I mostly avoided this during my 700hours of gameplay, but killing someone fast is, indeed, the best way to win a game and make it fair when survivors are tryharding this much.

    If they want to tryhard with prove thyself, toolboxes, holding w etc, just go for it and tryhard by hard tunneling one of them.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645

    Well all the fun creative builds get gen rushed. Then I get tbagged at the end. Lmso. I depip, and then fight weenies until I’m Red again.

    Personally I like Rancor because you can Mori the obsession at the very end (If they make it that far). It’s especially good if you killed one, and then the hooked survivor does DS to become the new obsession. You can do it again! Which is very satisfying.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Maybe you're just not very good?

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Tunneling happens since the beginning. Gen rush is just an answer to that.

    The fact that many survivors stop doing Gen at 1 Gen left to do totems or get in a chase when they dont get any hook yet (when survivors have advantage)

    Killer doesnt stop tunneling one out even at 5 Gen (when killers have advantage)

    Survivor isnt going to watch Killer tunneling one out with 5 Gen left to be done. If a survivor down right after his 1st hook, I will ignore totem,chest and do Gen real hard

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645

    That’s why I said knowing WHEN to tunnel. You shouldn’t tunnel the entire match because you’ll lose. I already stated this in the OP. The trick is to get them all for being too altruistic. You don’t even have to KILL the tunneled person. You can just harass them, and then their friends come to the harassed persons defense. I see this 70% of my matches. Whereas I catch 1 at a time all the gens are done by the time I caught the 4th person once. Even if I down them in 30 seconds. BECAUSE THE OTHERS ARE DOING GENS. Cocky survivors will NOT let their buddies die too early. They’ll stop doing gens. I’ve seen it enough times. Deny it all you want. Depending on the killer, and what perks they may have, the survivors will let their buddies die if saving the 1 were to make them all lose. Survivors want 4 man escapes just as much as killer wants 4-5K, so you play on that.

    Thats why I like The Trapper with Bloody Coil. I don’t have to resort to such methods via his traps. It’s all mind game. Even if buddies alert of trap they’re punished for disarming it.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2021

    See it’s that nonsense I refer to. You read “Tunneling” and assumed that’s all I do every match. Lmso. It’s knowing WHEN to. Doing it the whole match will cost you, I stated this in OP.

    You will NOT beat any well coordinated team period unless they were too cocky or altruistic. Saying “Git Gud” is ridiculous garbo logic given how bad the game already functions. There’s nothing to “Git Gud” about when it’s constantly glitching against 4 players that are typically communicating with one another at all times. Especially when their perk synergy is really good, and they carry items too. Slug them for the win? WGLF/Unbreakable! Hooked them all? Deliverance! Punish for safe unhooks? BT! About to kill one? DS. Prove Thyself on COMMS. In two chases chase 3 gens will pop. Even if you caught the person you were chasing. It takes at least 30-40 seconds to get anyone competent at the game. Meaning for every chase that’s a generator. You have to hook them each 3 times remember? You’ll never kill them hooking a different person each and every time… That’s how fast the players get stuff done, even with totems. Some have memorized exactly where totems spawn. Which is why I typically use totems on killers that can defend them while doing other things, like Trapper. You only “win” without playing dirty because those players were REALLY REALLY bad! 😂

    4 competent players will run you in circles long enough to get stuff done, break all your totem(s) the moment you chase someone else, and rescue the moment you walk far enough away from the hook. Every single time. You can either follow the Survivor Handbook, and LOSE. Or play like a killer would (Cheap), and WIN. I’ve been winning since. Having popcorn ready for h8mail. Because when done correctly it WORKS! Survivors mains only complain about things that work. Like old Ruin. Even as survivor when I first started playing I saw nothing wrong with a perk that encourages you to get better (Unless lag made you miss). Perfectly good killer perk gone to **** because survivors didn’t want to “Get better” as you would put it. Please! 😂

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Well aren't we sensitive. My point was if you need to resort to those tactics you're over matched. The problem I've noticed is killers, and survivors for that matter feel the game is unbalanced because they are over matched. You reach a certain rank because alot of people are bad at the game. Then when you met opponents that belong at that rank you get clobbered.

    Simply put if you need to tunnel the majority of your matches, you're not being properly matched.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Not really. it's slugging and pressuring multiple survivors what slowdown gens.

    If you play as a mindless killer that tunnel from hook 1 you will get the fastest gen rush you can get because you are giving the other survivors a walk in the park.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Tunneling does not counter genrushing, it does the complete opposite because you're just asking to be genrushed.

    What happens is while you're tunneling the other survivor, you're giving the other three survivors time to do three generators. Three generators doesn't sound like much, but you had to waste time searching and chasing the survivor before you can begin tunneling them — that's enough time for the other survivors to do generators before hand. They aren't being pressured to leave their generators because they have no threat to push them off — you're at the hooked survivor making sure they are being sacrificed.

    Let's say you just you proxy tunnel. If so then you risk the hooked survivor getting free and would then need to worry about about DS and BT hindering you from tunneling them. Unfortunately, this would take up so much time that you would pretty much be throwing the game to just get one survivor sacrificed. And... you'll depip, hope the 1K was worth the satisfaction.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    to keep a long story short, the more pressure you add onto saving survs, the less time survs can spend on doing gens.

    tunneling isn't an exact science, but if you can pull it off in a way to prevent gens from being done.

  • Matieusz
    Matieusz Member Posts: 12

    gen rushing isnt a thing, it's a world used by killers that cant understand that survivors objective is doing gens if they can they will do gens that's how it works same as killer if he can he kills simple

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    mans on the forums saying the game can't have lingo. 😒 so disrespectful.

    just means when the survs prioritize repairing gens over other things.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2021

    Yes, but get this though… Pay close attention now everyone…! The killers objective is to KILL the survivors by any means necessary 😒. Even if they have to sit on top of hooked survivors, or pursue some to death 👀. These are all legitimate strategies that are looked down upon in this toxic community for some silly reason. As toxic as DBD can be some people (Typically Survivor Mains), whom are often more toxic than the average killer, complains about the toxicity. When all they have to do is do gens..! Not everyone will spend 5k+ hours into a game to “git gud”. Maybe in my teen years (I lost track of the time I spent playing L4D & L4D2), but not now. I’d only do that if I get paid to, like a streamer.

    In a horror flick do you all actually think that the monster would give a flying ****? Would let you do your objectives? Unhook someone? Heal? Let you pick people up? Being closer to death means it’ll come at you faster, and more aggressively!

    So… Again… Why is it when survivors rush their objective it’s okay, but when killers (MONSTERS) rush their objective it’s a some kind of abomination? That’s the conundrum I pondered ever since I started playing this game a wee bit more.

    Survivors never make the match sporting. Ever. I always try more fun builds at first, but after fighting 10 sweaty/toxic teams with meta perks I reciprocate. They win because of their perks usually. Survivors will do all the gens in under 5 mins and then leave flicking all their flashlights. Let themselves get caught only to DS you out the door. This is what I experienced when I FIRST started playing as killer. Very unsporting AND discouraging, but I’m not a quitter. As I grew accustomed to what to expect, like all the shenanigans, I’m now able to predict/outwit players more often.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2021

    I understand this. Now, what if you tunneled someone after they’ve been hooked twice, and had already used whatever second chance perks they may have had? Am I the bad guy, or just doing what’s logical and sensible? 1 less chicken around to coop. Which typically causes their buddies to run in front of your swings like sacrificial lambs. This is the particular situation that I’m referring, to make a long story short.

    I know many times the wiser/wisest survivors will let said person die, and simply finish their objectives. The catch is most players are cocky/arrogant, and wants to rush the match and troll the killer along the way. No matter how good a survivor might be they always want to troll the killer and stop a camp/tunnel if/when they can.

    Back when I started playing killer some year or more ago I would think “Maybe I should’ve just took that person out right then and there, the outcome would’ve been different.” I was sporting and chose to targeted others, but was then tbagged almost every time. Then they send messages calling you bad for being sporting. This is when my mentality began to change.

    If I do tunnel it’s never the very first person, or every single person I see. It’s usually when they’re on last the hook, and so many gens are left. I need them gone. If 1 gen is left and 4 people are around you’re screwed. I’d say by the time 2-3 gens pop someone should ge dead already. That’s when I think “Someone needs to die”. Another time I tunnel aggressively is when I see someone use BT to body block for your mate instead of just getting away as they should. I’ve hated this more than DS. It’s actually a lot more efficient since everyone typically gets away from this stunt. I stare at them and say “Okay, you die now.” 😂