Dbd isn't scary anymore :(



  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    edited July 2021

    Thats demonstrably false....

    I've been in everything from Dino Crisis to Resident Evil to Outlast...good horror games only lose their fear factor after you've memorized them.

    This game on the other hand....the enemies can't be memorized because they're played by actual people. Theres no excuse for this game to lose fear factor, except it has....over time....I've watched it....burn away...little...by little. And the reason its burned away is due to coddling, nerfs, and giving tells to the survivor player too much, under the guise of (improving solo queue experience) when in actuality its done nothing but take away from the overall theme of the game. Every stealth killer was given huge sound queues and tells so people could see them coming. And most of the threats that made killers dangerous and build tension have been removed or a perk on the survivors side is created to negate a threat and negate tension.

    It isn't like this game didn't used to be scary or have tension. It used to....damn near every single game, especially against jump scare killers. Past 2 years though..its been thrown down the drain in exchange for FORTNITE SKINS! And happy go lucky themes. Don't take my word for it...just go back and look at old DBD videos (from players not click hungry content creators) The ambiance, mood, character themes, costume choices ARE NIGHT AND DAY! And the way survivors would play WAS NIGHT AND DAY. They had more of a sense of self preservation and immersion because it was way easier to die as a survivor.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I gave up on this game as a horror game. Its shifted to be campy, easy going and lighthearted especially with the changes they make every major patch. I'm jumpin over to support Evil Dead as soon as it releases in hopes their vision has some integrity. At least in Evil dead when something out of a cartoon happens it'll fit with the overall theme of the films. This game though, you have some of the most serious and Iconic characters in horror movie history being treated like jokes by the games design. That mockery of a resident evil boss was proof enough.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Yeah, I remember being new to the game. The terror radius was scary, not hearing the terror radius and wondering if a Wraith or Myers is stalking you was scary, staying injured was scary. Eventually when you learn the game and realise where to run and how to loop tiles, you don't get scared because you know what you have to do. You lose that unsureness. And that's not just for DBD, it's any horror game you play long enough to memorise. Resident Evil is a good example, the first time you play through those the jumpscares will get you. But if you're playing it again you know exactly when they're going to happen. DBD might be a different kind of game to RE or Outlast, but it's no exception to this. The only thing that scares me in-game anymore is setting off Hag traps when you aren't expecting it. And perhaps the occasional Myers or Ghostface.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    And funny enough, those horror icons are what truly contributed to the horror aesthetic, which the game sadly now lacks. In my honest opinion, during DBD's golden age of spookiness (2017) Freddy and Michael were easily the scariest killers. Combine the map's visuals and fog, which were way better in the past, with the uniqueness of those two killers and you had the perfect set for horror.

    Now, the map's all look worse, the fog is basically gone. Freddy lost everything that made him unique, including his creepy factor. Michael still plays the same, but so many things changed around him that it is hard to find the same enjoyment. And all of this without mentioning Trickster and weird cosmetics.

    Yes, it is obvious that the game will never be as scary as it was when you first started playing. However, there is a very clear difference between having a horror theme on a survival horror game, and not having one at all.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,176
    edited July 2021


  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Resident Evil is full of NPC's they repeat the same actions over and over again, the result is the same, over and over again. This game's horror element has the luxury of being controlled by a real person. The results and actions....are not the same over and over again. Every match is different, every killer is different, you can't expect whats going to happen from match to match....

    BUT ONE PROBLEM....You lose unsureness in this game not from playing it 100 times...but from the course of that 300 hours the game patch by patch becoming easier and more of an E-sport. You teabag the killer because you're sure you can escape, and you're sure that that doing that you will suffer no real consequence. You have tons of second chance perks, tons of perks to start the chase huge distances away from the killer, perks to instantly end a chase and pop across a map, perks to see the killer coming via auras, perks to see everybody on your team, perks to heal yourself, perks to get back up from being practically dead, perks to escape hooks on your own, perks to stop a killer from hooking you, perks to blind and stun killers, perks to end the game in minutes, items to end the game in minutes, items to stun the killer, items to find a key and get out of the match early, perks to find items to do all of the above, and a game design team who's idea of a threat is making a counter to the same threat thus turning the game into a MOBA.....and everything I mentioned above is multiplied by 4 in a game that can be finished in under 5 minutes...

    I've heard the same excuse about why this game isn't scary for the past 3 years and everybody skips over the most basic part of why survivors don't hide in games anymore and neon bright skins became the best selling costumes in the game...ITS OBVIOUS....

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I used to be scared to play survivor during that time. The game was at its peak. Now adays though playing survivor feels cheap, I can run all the meta perks and just drop pallets early and never die, so I mainly play killer for 2 reasons, A because I like the role, and B because I feel like if at least 1 killer is still TRYING to keep things spicey survivor players coming into the game won't be completely bored, given the limitations of what a killer can even do. But even now adays I'm starting to feel like not even bothering with that anymore because the devs won't even try to meet halfway so you as the killer can provide even a little tension, fear, and entertainment to survivors.

    The game used to feel like dressing up as a big horror villain in one of the nations best haunted houses that would send people into actual panic and fear.

    Now it just feels like killer is a haunted house usher in a haunted house made for 5 year olds where the patrons casually walk by and say hi and you in your "monster suit" reach down and say hello to peoples toddlers and give them hugs and candy.....ITS BULL #########!

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Oh, I definitely entertain survivors. Not by scaring them, no, by making them laugh. I am the Scary Movie Ghostface.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    I agree with what you're saying, I just don't understand why you replied to me with a huge paragraph that isn't relevant to what I was talking about lol. My comment was about the actual scare factor of the game. And the unsureness I was referring to is about being new and not knowing how to play the game correctly (e.g. where do I run to, what did this sound cue mean, where are the gens, etc.), instead of whether or not you can escape. Personally I don't think it's scary to not know how the killer is going to play because different people are playing them each match.

    I think there are different types of scary in DBD. It's scary when a Hag trap pops up when you aren't ready for it. It's also scary versing a really good Nurse player. But they are different feelings. I assumed OP was referring to the first one, and that's what my comment was about.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    I agree completely.

    And I also miss being scared as a survivor. Not necessarily like in the very beginning, but just the feeling of being stuck on a scary place with a bloodthirsty monster.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Don't even get me started on ghostface...I had a lot of hope for him when there were leaks of his kit and the possibility of him being a stealth killer....and then all of his brooding potential went down the drain when I realized that even while stealth YOU CAN HEAR HIS DAMN FLAPPY BIRD COSTUME FROM ACROSS THE GODS DAMN STREET! And a PTB that released where you could break his god damn stealth and not even realize you were looking at him.

  • Gwinty
    Gwinty Member Posts: 981

    The problem is that you complain about the game not being scary and Killers not being blood thirsty monsters while other people complain about Killers being OP and too oppressive. Those arguments go into different directions as making the Killer more dangerous would make him more oppressive.

    Take Moris as an example. It is quiet scary when you go against a Killer with 5 stacks Devoure Hope, right? You can die any moment, one mistake and its over. Not just to the hook but over. You see you chacter die and...well, I guess you get it.

    The problem is that people were complaining about Moris all day. The old Ebony Mori was a scary think. You got one hook as a warning and after that you were in for the death scentence. Yet people complained about the old Mori as it gave the Killer to much power.

    You see the complains about Spirit, Bubba, Deathslinger and other Killers, all asking for them to be less powerful.

    But how are you going to be afraid of something that has little to no power?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    go play any horror game, lets just say Outlast for the fun of it, for more than 2k hours.

    i guarantee you dying will no longer be scary to you, it will have shifted into an annoyance.

    you wont be sitting in a locker, frightened with the thought "omg please no, if he opens this door i will have to replay this entire section again!", your thoughts are going to be a lot more like this "i swear i will quit this damn game if the randomly checks my locker again. i am so sick of playing this section over and over".

    that is, simply put, exactly the point DbD has reached over the years. Dying has turned from a frightening thought you want to avoid at any cost into an annoyance that wont let you get your 5k "escaped" BP.

    and thats nothing unique to DbD, its just that you will usually play most horror games once and then stop, because they dont really have anything new to offer to you. DbD on the other hand is build as a game you will repeatedly come back to, so you will get to exactly that point eventually, while a game like Outlast wont have you reach that point (unless you're someone who tries to go for like a 100% achievements playthrough / speedrun of it), which makes it feel like this was a phenomeon unique to DbD, when in reality it simply isnt.


    Like rapid and intermittent breathing, thrill, crying, screams of horror

    that is literally in the game already.

    you just grew dull to it eventually for the exact same reason as to why you no longer find it scary: you've simply seen it too many times now.

    once again, lets take Outlast as an example: go and repeatedly watch the scene where the Doctor cuts off your fingers. i guarantee you after you've watched it like 100 times in a row, you will just shrug it off, it will have lost all shock and scare factor it originally had. and 100, in comparison to the amount of trials in DbD, is quite a low number.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    good horror games only lose their fear factor after you've memorized them.

    yes, that is quite literally the point i was making.

    the enemies can't be memorized because they're played by actual people

    this one is jut straight up false.

    you can absolutely memorize all the characters, their strengths, weaknesses, Perk combinations and common playstyles - it doesnt even take that long.

    then you memorize all the map layouts and once you figured out that more than half of the entire Killer cast can be countered by the exact same playstyle (looping and / or genrushing), you wont be scared of any Killer you see anymore.

    And the reason its burned away is due to coddling, nerfs, and giving tells to the survivor player too much, under the guise of (improving solo queue experience) when in actuality its done nothing but take away from the overall theme of the game

    so you're saying that this game being balanced and fair is a bad thing?

    i can guarantee you, even if they buffed every Killer to be ridiculously OP and unbeatable, people wont be scared of them. They will be annoyed at best and just quit the game at worst.

    Every stealth killer was given huge sound queues and tells so people could see them coming.

    ... no?

    if that were the case, Killers like Shape, Ghost Face or Pig would be literally unplayable.

    if you get spotted with them, thats because your pathing was flawed and you ran straight into the Survivors LoS / because the map you were on happened to be a huge and open one like Rotten Fields or Mount Ormond.

    i still see plenty of people getting jumpscared by stealth Killers even today.

    and yes, when everyone was new to the game and didnt know ######### about it, they played very differently and much more immersed.

    however, as you can very clearly see, the more they got into it, the less scared and the more bold they became - thats not because the game had changed drastically in the survivors favor (quite the opposite, actually), its because they learned the different mechanics, layouts, Killers, etc. and got bored of hiding.

    again, play literally any horror game you want for 2k+ hours and you will experience exactly what you currently experience with DbD.

    or just rewatch the same horror film on a loop, its the same thing: they can be as good as they want, once you saw it all there is nothing left in there to scare you - even jumpscares (which are the cheapest way of "scaring" someone) eventually grow old. just look at FNAF, the exact same thing happened to those games - death was scary at first, but after a while was just annoying.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713
    edited July 2021

    It was one of the most disappointing things for me about this game. Game has become just a sports catch-up.

    >while other people complain about Killers being OP and too oppressive. Those arguments go into different directions as making the Killer more dangerous would make him more oppressive.

    So maybe don't need to listen to them so much? This is an asymmetrical game and players' voices must also have an asymmetrical weight. These players are already deformed, they see the game as a sport that they want to win easily. Now every second survivor is toxic, that is, he takes pleasure in laughing at the enemy's failures. Of course, they don't want to see killers strong, because then they will not be able to stick out before their eyes whole match. When I started playing survivor, I had 95 deaths in 100 matches. But I didn't go to complain about killers' OP, but adapted and tried to learn how to survive. Isn't that what survival is all about?

    I'm not even talking about Mori. Ask killer players what is one of the most frustrating things about this game? That you are playing as a killer. But no one is afraid of you. Not even real players, but even the characters they control. Game is so structured that survivor can run away from killer for almost the entire match, making a click click and tbag, and stay alive all the time. Can you imagine this in real life? Any horror movie other than parodies? Have you seen in at least one serious film an idiot who specially dresses up in a bright clown costume and calls killer? Yes, it happened. Only there they died first. Because people with idiotic behavior must die. Those who are afraid must survive. Because fear forces you to be careful. And that's one of things that ruins horror atmosphere the most. Because playing as a killer, you can still be immersed in the atmosphere. But idiotic behavior destroys it. Because it’s unrealistic.

    There should definitely be chases in this game. But they should not be so crucial that they determine entire outcome of match. Players should be afraid to be found early. And pay more attention to stealth. This will make them be more careful and benefit atmosphere. Most of the time I still play survivors this way. You shouldn't be sure that if you can run well, that's enough. Survival must be ensured by stealth + running skills + using brains for caution. Now it is 90% loop-to-loop skill and press m1 on gens.

    2 years ago, most clown-acting players died quickly in my killer games. Therefore, I have seen much less of this than now. Their number has increased two times. After nerf Ruin. And after nerf Mori. And no, I haven't used mori often. 265 in 3280 hours. Some of which are from perks and yellow. 90% used offerings if I saw toxic blacklisted players in lobby.

    Also, a greater realism of emotions could remove the atmosphere of idiocy. Because even if you're a tbag and click, but your character really screams in horror, it won't look so stupid.


    >so you're saying that this game being balanced and fair is a bad thing?

    Game is not balanced right now. Most of the time, if survivors know how to play it and all four of them are like that, match is ridiculously easy.

    >i can guarantee you, even if they buffed every Killer to be ridiculously OP and unbeatable, people wont be scared of them. They will be annoyed at best and just quit the game at worst.

    I've played a streak of matches on almost every killer in this game. And I came to the conclusion that I'm not interested in buying new killers. I bought last 3 chapters with Iridescent Shards. Because some killers are weak in principle. For the rest, you need a lot of experience just to compete with normal survivors. In reality, this means that you need to select one or some main-charasters. And play only on them. Otherwise, you will be just a clown who entertains survivors and acts as a whipping boy. Except when matchmaking throws weak survivors on you so that you sometimes win and don't feel butthurt so much. But I am not happy with victories over pseudo-green ranks. But even on your Mains, you will periodically be a powerless clown who will be bullied for most a part of match. You can make them pay only at the end by killing one or two. It just will happen less often.

    Do not misunderstand me. I don't want -4 in every game. I want to see characters trying to survive, not brazen presumptuous hooligans who need to be put in their place.

    Many other players I know have made the same conclusions. Just do a survey of those who quit playing killers and why. So as you can see, many are already annoyed and just quit the game.

    >that is literally in the game already.

    >you just grew dull to it eventually for the exact same reason as to why you no longer find it scary: you've simply seen it too many times now.

    No, it’s not like that. Emotions and animations of fear are pretty poor in this game. They are very far from realistic. Just compare with a chase scene in a movie or game like "Until Dawn" for example. Many details could be added to voiceovers and animations. The phrase at the first meeting "oh my god" or otherwise, short whoop at start of chase, "help me" when meeting another survivor in chasing. A random animation of a nervous peek back. Random run stumbling animation. Etc.

    There are a million things can think of and do. Different weather, let's say rain with a thunderstorm. Or imagine a sudden, random blackout on a map. Everything plunges into darkness for a while and the terror of killer disappears. This will definitely cause anxiety. Sometimes killers spare survivors. Why not add this as a mechanic? Survivor can beg for mercy and killer can accept this, receiving a stun for 5 seconds and additional BP. Can add BP-category "artistry" for emotional actions from survivors like this. Let survivor characters have a random chance to fall in love with another in a match. With an extra reward for saving her/him. Or inability to escape without a partner while he is alive, and in the event of his death, an unmasking cry occurs. Or rage, which allows you to stun killer once. In a word, can add more drama. All this can be measured out in a not too big dose, so that it does not become annoying.

    One of few things that still little scares me in this game is Myers. Why? Due to unexpected discovery that he is watching at you for tier up or a sudden appearance in your face. It's done really well. And also because of music of chase, it sounds like a siren, which causes alarm at the subconscious level. Because that's what works for atmosphere. Atmosphere is exactly what this game needs to add at least some horror to it.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    "you can absolutely memorize all the characters, their strengths, weaknesses, perk combinations and common playstyles - it doesn't even take that long"

    ^ You're missing the point. And unless you can prove to me that you're psychic my point still stands. Every killer is controlled by a human being. You can't predict nor memorize what they're going to do with their powers, when they're going to show up, what they're going to use to enhance their strengths, what they're going to use to patch up their weaknesses, you can't see their perks, you don't know that persons playstyle, and you don't even know who or what you're dealing with until the match starts....Its literally like having a custom horror movie made from scratch play out every single time.

    ^ Thats the point. Which is a great concept, and would create tense moments and keep people on their toes / afraid.....

    But it doesn't. Not because you don't know who's behind the controls or what they're going to do. But because survivors are given too many tools to completely IGNORE EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE DONE!

    I'll pose you a question.

    We're gonna pretend you've never played Resident Evil 3.

    Its your first time with the game, its got atmosphere, its got fear factor.

    As soon as you boot up the game, you have INFINITY BULLETS, ALL WEAPONS UNLOCKED, and INFINITY MED KITS...you gonna be afraid of a game if I give you infinite bullets and health?

    ^ Thats where this game is at right now on survivor side. There is no challenge, there is no reason to be afraid, and even if you don't know whats going to happen, you have 1000 different tools to completely negate whats happening THUS NO REASON TO EVER BE ON EDGE OR EVEN CAUTIOUS A LITTLE BIT. And patch after patch the devs keep adding on to the stash of INFINITE BULLETS. Like I said earlier in this thread, you can survive in this game with MINIMAL effort. All you have to do is throw on your BHVR cheat codes and meta perks, pick a survivor, you don't even need to hide from ANYTHING even ranged killers and just win games from rank 20 up to rank 1 its the same damn thing every game until you either run into a spirit, or run into a nurse or a blight (who by the way, are only complained about because there aren't tons of different tools available to deal with them IE you don't have infinite bullets)....THATS IT! 3 killers OUT OF THE ENTIRE ROSTER INCLUDING EVERY LICENSED STEALTH KILLER YOU MENTIONED IN YOUR POST are completely hosed out 90% of the time and provide little to no edge/fear/pressure/panic/or caution... 3..... THREEE!!! Out of a roster of 24, THREE OUT OF TWENTY FOUR!!

    And instead of adding onto the scary presence of the game by raising the stakes BHVR HAS LOWERED THEM EVERY TIME! They add more second chance perks, more stuns, more escapes, more hex counters, more healing, more gen rush assists. Why do you think killers are all of a sudden camping to jesus every game now adays? Its the only damn thing they got that can't be okey doked by some random perk or item....


  • NimaKh1
    NimaKh1 Member Posts: 41

    omg i know exactly which sound effect you’re talking about. i used to love that one too, i remember it sounding like a distant ringing noise and it always gave me the chills.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    Oh, I am glad to see that someone else remembers it. That sound effect was Top Tier, and it really contributed to the immersion.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Maybe fix that a little by making NOED a base kit mechanic and not a hex perk? It'd make the end game pretty scary, right?

  • cobalt22
    cobalt22 Member Posts: 133

    Someone hasn't met scratch mirror myers (jumpscare myers)

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    edited July 2021

    I don’t think it’s for the reasons you gave. I think it’s entirely based on the player, just like a good number of other games.

    So what do I mean? I remember my first DBD match. It was against a Doctor. I thought about DC’ing when I saw him walk past and it scared me. When he came close to me, found me, I DC’d.

    Wow, scary! What do I do as a survivor now? Chase the killer, Flashlight click, and screw around while being altruistic. It’s not the developers fault, it’s that dead by daylight is a Tom & Jerry game.

    The killer is more afraid of the survivors than the survivors are afraid of him 🤣

  • priamXus
    priamXus Member Posts: 17

    Competitiveness? It’s a garbo game since RE DLC; campers, trolls, tanneries, horrid matchmaking (more than ever), newbs and cheaters everywhere.

  • shiffpup2
    shiffpup2 Member Posts: 131

    It's not a "scary" horror game. It's an atmospheric horror game, celebrating icons of horror media alongside original characters.

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    I don't know about other people but if they made the game ,,darker" as you said I'd be annoyed that I can't see anything,and nowhere near scared.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    In my opinion it's normal just like everyone said about it losing the fear factor overtime, i started playing when clown came out and 2 or 3 weeks later i stopped getting scared from everything. Once you learn how the game works you start seeing the killer as just your opponent instead of the "scary killer".

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Awww i don't remember! Now i'm really curious, if you remember it's name could you tag me?

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    Sure! If I do manage to remember or find it, that is.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    Im looking at a playlist with all sound effects from a year ago, the sound that played when the game started and the camera was rotating is still ingame? I got a wave of nostalgia hearing this one.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    No, it isn't. It was a very eerie sound, like murmurs or whispers of agony.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713

    Let's better nerf Rin, Nurse, Blight, Canniball, Executioner, Huntress, Deathslinger. Playing against them is sometimes not as fun and fair as against the rest. And add to each killer bug that the Clown has now. And dress all killers in clown costumes and replace chase music with music from the Benny Hill show. With offscreen laughter after each stun, blinding, gen done. To make this game look and sound exactly as it really is, and not ridiculously claim to be horror.

    This is exactly the devs fault. They made a balance where you don't have to be careful to survive.

    Even seeing the killer as just an opponent, you may be afraid that your character will die early, which will cause the match to end too early for you. That will be quite authentic and real for the horror component as well. Because it will make you avoid him and not play dumb game of "hey, I'm here, catch me ahahaha". Which killer are you usually more careful with and less catching his eye. Spirit or Pig? Executioner or Billy? Certainly some are much more feared.

  • NimaKh1
    NimaKh1 Member Posts: 41

    i can’t tell wether generalv and i are thinking of the same sound, but the one im talking about is at the very beginning of this video where nea loads into the match, and it plays as the camera is turning. you sort of have to turn your volume up to hear, but it should sound like a faint ringing sound. i used to love that sfx!


  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822
  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    I miss this sound, adding more ambience sounds wouldn't fix the lack of fear but it would certainly help.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,395

    It wouldn't be fear for me, more annoyance. And for the other question it would be killers that can end the chase early like ph, nemesis and etc since I'm not a great looper and stealth killers.

  • Ludicris
    Ludicris Member Posts: 244

    I don't know about you, but when Silent Hill came out, that whole map was like playing Dead by Daylight the first time again.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713

    But from the point of view of killer, at least it would look more realistic and not destroy the atmosphere.