Killer concept: The Betrayed

ToxicHowl Member Posts: 5

I made a rp character ages ago to fit into the Batman setting. But he would fit so well in dbd.

Originally he got caught in the crossfire of a superhero battle and fell into the many chemical vats. (that Gotham has a f ton of for some reason).

But now i feel it could be a mid 20/30's dude who works at a chemical place for work. And was pushed in due to confronting a coworker about shady things.


His power is his claw gauntlets. Rusty and go up almost to his elbows.

He mutated and has acid blood so he designed them to be resistant to the acid he now produces.

These gauntlets are good claw weapons normally. But when activated they dig into his skin and can inflict acid.

He would wear black jeans, a holey and tattered shirt (due to acid cause accidents), and hoodie. All sleeveless cause gauntlets.

Name: Zane Stormcrow (Idk about last name. I'm useing my own cause it is badass)

Age: possibly 30s working class.

Power: Gauntlets of betrayal.

When active cause the acid burn effect. (Similar to legion's stabs)



( Highlight gens (1/2/3) by making them acidic for a small time after hitting them) "Don't touch it!"

Hex: Warning Label

( if a survivor is suffering from the "acidic" effect when the gate opens they become injured from healthy or injured to dying) "should have read the label"


Your days of repairing complicated equipment have improved your hearing.(Can hear generators being repaired from a farther distance).

I think he would be bad ass. <3 


  • Givti
    Givti Member Posts: 50


    Gauntlets of betrayal - so a ranged worse Legion, because you can't really injure as many survivor as Legion can


    Vitriolic - so survivors get injured when they touch a gen, which was kicked maybe 20s ago? -> kinda like Dragon's Grip, still not good

    Hex: Warning Label - this perk is so weak, it should NOT be a Hex-Perk, also you can only use this perk if you play The Betrayed, which makes it even worse -> trash

    Dependable - Surveillance already increases the hearing distance of gens getting repaired as a side effect, -> trash

  • ToxicHowl
    ToxicHowl Member Posts: 5

    Wow you are just a party pooper. No criticism just negativity. How about some ideas?

  • NateyBoi
    NateyBoi Member Posts: 315

    Maybe actually say what he should change rather then being negative and non helpful?!

    Heres what I think about the concept: It needs more... stuff.

    For the power, you might wanna add maybe a speed boost per hit to survivor. When the survivor is burned by the acid, they would scream in distances for killers to hear. To get rid of the acid burn effect, you have to clean or mend, idk.

    Now for perks, your hex isn't the best, it doesn't work real well on other killers, maybe make it not with endgame and make it work with other killers, because some killers don't have an acidic power and it wouldnt work well as a teachable.

    Make the gen perk more unique, its kinda like dragons grip but nerfed. Also make the perks work with other killers.

    The sound perk is good.

    The concept needs a bit of work, but still decent.