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General Discussions

The constant DCing is making playing solo unbearable.

Member Posts: 1,864

At 1st I was understanding when it was came to the DC's. Alot of people hate going against Spirit, so they'd rather go into, hopefully, another non-spirit match, but people are honestly just DCing against any inconvenience & using the "I won't be forced to play a game I won't like" excuse. I just don't understand. Why even queue up for a match if you know you're going to DC against one of the most commonly played killers??

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  • Member Posts: 705

    Survivor entitlement and ######### attitudes made the situation. Now you're noticing because it's affecting you. Welcome to the way Killers have always had to play the game, though. You're winning? Opponent DC's.

  • Member Posts: 705

    No, it actually is. Killer DC's haven't been crazy until recently; sure, you'd get a Killer who DC'ed while getting bullied every now and again, but now killers are done with the BS and will just drop for any reason. Survivors made that acceptable, remember? 'If i'm not having fun i'll just quit and I don't care about everyone else'.

    This is the consequence. So stop with the disingenuous 'its both sides' crap. It's not. It's one side and we all know it.

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    in fact we are the ones who asked for it in the first place but I rarely (but still) get crashes

  • Member Posts: 2,203

    I don't use cakes anymore, there is often a Killer/Survivor DC early in the game. Almost every match since the penalty is off.

  • Member Posts: 4,992

    You're better off DC'ing yourself then. Get into another match with 1-5 cakes and hopefully it goes more pleasant.

  • Member Posts: 705

    Deny it all you want, that's fine. I know what the evidence of my own senses for the last five years playing this game has told me. I play Survivor, get little or no bad treatment except from other survivors. I play Killer and get insulted, called all kinds of vile things, dogpiled, doxxed and my kid threatened plus some hate speech on top of it all. Yes, all of that has happened in my time both playing and streaming DbD. These people are animals and it was encouraged by everyone from the devs to the community to the piece of ######### streamers who popularized it and got away with it because everyone was too afraid to say anything to them.

    That long list comes down to 'my opponent is beating my ass, I'm not winning and losing isn't fun so I quit.'

    People who swear that attitude is toxic still do it themselves, and always have. This is why you drop that 'everything must be maximum fun!' mentality and encourage people to play to win.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    I don't disagree that survivors act way worse than killers in my experience, and that even while playing survivor, the majority of harassment I get and witness is from my teammates, not the killer. It's even in a ratio that outstrips the 3:1 you'd naturally expect. But even then, your bias is way too strong for me. Most of what you've said is experience I wasn't a part of and I could only interject my own in a pointless he-said-she-said, but I will say the devs certainly aren't incentivizing disconnecting when their stance all along has been that it's not allowed and ragequitting is one of the explicitly reportable offenses in the endgame screen. So I'm taking all of the 'survivors rule DBD with an iron fist' stuff with a healthy grain of salt.

    I strongly disagree with that second assessment. It can easily be turned around on you - people who play to win get myopically focused over the result and start smashing the keyboard when anything goes wrong. People who play for fun don't necessarily care what happens as long as they have a chance to do stuff and make a good play or two, and they're more comfortable with losing. People should play for fun, not to stress over always coming out on top and throwing in the towel whenever that doesn't look like it'll be possible.

    Or not. The truth is that it's never that absolute and easy to categorize. After all, people play to win because winning is fun. You can't really split the two in this kind of dichotomy where one objective is prone to bad behavior and the other is all good. What it boils down to is that different people want/expect different things out of a match and different people have different levels of maturity. Or patience, but I'm inclined to think someone who tableflips at the sight of anything they don't like is fairly immature, especially when there's 4 other people involved who stand to suffer for their decisions.

    So no thanks. I'll keep my mentality and you can keep yours. As long as neither of us are pulling the plug on our games, it hardly matters.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    While the game is broken for console I can't blame any of them for dcing with what they have to put up with right now.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    Just take a break until they switch penalties on again.

  • Member Posts: 705

    And just had a match, not minutes after my last post, wherein I downed a survivor in the first minute and they DC'ed. Cheated me out of Lullaby stacks and the chance to control the map the way I needed to win, so I just hit leave game and congratulated the rest of the Survivors. No point in playing if the game is tainted.

  • Member Posts: 38

    I'm kind of torn on this one. I hate that there isnt a penalty anymore because it ruins the game for every1. But, when there was a penalty, ppl would most of the time just kill themselves on hook or go afk and be just as useless. So I kinda prefer no penalties.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    But the event will be over by that point. It's a lose-lose situation.

  • Member Posts: 506

    Don't project your personal issues on the whole community.

    Also doesn't matter if you want to accept it or not. "We" know that it's a two-sided issue. Yes, we all know it.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    It would be worse without the event, trust me. Good timing on them.

  • Member Posts: 168

    As survivor I've had teammates dc because : first downed , missing a skill check , first hooked , hooked at all , Myers , spirit , legion , trickster , or no reason at all.

    Those games were almost always failures, or incredibly painful.

    Had one game where a nea sprinted into the bathroom on the game map. I had just started the gen there at the start of the round.

    5 seconds later a bubbs comes in and starts revving up. So I book it out past him before he finished.But Nea tried to hide behind that little wall in there.

    She goes down and immediately dc's. Well who do you think he went after then...

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Weirdly enough I'm getting more killers than survivors dcing right now. Even against solo teams. No idea whats going on there.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    I just roll with it. I have had many killers decide after a DC or suicide on hook who chill out and farm - ending up with 28k+ points easily. As a killer if someone DCs or suicides on hook...I take it easy on the survivors because I don't think others should have to suffer from someone else's temper tantrum and poor sportsmanship.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Yeah, I had some killers Disconnect when they lost both totems within the first minute. Others would Disconnect over other reasons such a recent game I had, a Huntress Disconnected because she missed all her hatchets on me and another survivor. Another one left right when someone cleansed their NoED and the list goes on.

    Then I have solo queue where my teammates rage after going down within the first 30 seconds of the game.

    It gets kinda funny knowing why they Disconnected (unless it's a irl situation, but those are supposed to be rare) and how immature they are.

    DC Penalties cannot come back sooner.

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    I normally do that too but after the umpteenth game of farming, aka waiting after I maxed 3 of 4 cathegories, it just gets tiresome.

    Once it is clear that I, as the killer, will let them farm they often take ages to do that and I can't do anything really to end the trial if they don't want other being a jerk and kill them. Often I hit the gens or exit gate and they point and wave for something else even after 15 minutes+.

    So i don't really farm anymore but play my now usual style of switching attention up to having all on death hook and then only injure them and let up with any pressure so they can heal and finish the rest of the gens. And I will open the gate for objective points for myself still :P

  • Member Posts: 705

    You can say that all you like. Won't change the facts presented. Survivors outnumber Killers and I have more games with two to four disconnects than games without. Whereas when I play Survivor they are so rare i can count the total across my entire time playing on one hand.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    Well, you know, maybe the issue isn't DCing and is Spirit.

    I play survivor and hate DCing but when all the survivors DC on a specific killer, then maybe that killer is the problem.

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    I lost a match because of a DC, so I am a bit nettled at some people

  • Member Posts: 1,245
  • Member Posts: 705

    Playing the game should not be cause for DC's and the fact that you are giving people who do it a pass tells me you have nothing to say that's worth hearing. Good day.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    People were DCing against killers who weren't Spirit. The DC penalty is back anyways & I haven't had people suicide on hook against Spirit either.

  • Member Posts: 1,562

    No, no. It's Survivors thinking they're entitled to loop every Killer for 3 minutes, so they DC when their worldview gets shook. And because DCing & blaming the Killer is easier than learning how to play.

  • Member Posts: 481

    Let me try to explain what everyone means respectfully. Most people here aren’t saying that dcing is ok and that a penalty shouldn’t exist. People are saying blaming one side for the issue is stupid. It’s not survivors or killers who are to blame. It’s entitled people who think it’s the responsibility of their opponents to make the game pleasant for them. And aren’t willing to even attempt a comeback.

  • Member Posts: 1,245

    You may wanna learn to read... I have NEVER said DCing is a viable option. Actually I have said it is childish, pathetic, cheap, and nothing but a temper tantrum. I said "maybe you're the problem" because you keep going on and on how sooo many survivors DC when you play.... Never said it was ok they were DCing, but if soo many keep doing it to you - maybe it's something you are or are not doing.

    I have NEVER purposefully DC'd and I think people who do - should be placed into a separate que and be forced to only play with others who purposefully DC.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    I had three Dcs in two games back to back. I was playing Hag. Not really sure why they DC’d. They made some good plays and when they were downed they left.

    I had a DC against my wraith after I Franklin’D their flashlight. They didn’t like the item drop I guess.

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    It sounds like you're long overdue for a break from the game tbh.

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