Rate Dead Hard as a perk ig

jadss Member Posts: 207

Rate dead hard.....

Rate Dead Hard as a perk ig 34 votes

Completely fair, that killers should stop crying about it.
SkeletalElitePennosukeTaigaPiwatteanonymous31337jadssa_good_playerChurchofPigIlliterateGenocideTheWisp1206BrodieDBDPSPVioletCrimesOtakucherrysZinoRyfmightytoxic784D4M4VR1CKyui_best_girl_at_mepatriotsteeler05Sdogofdoom 20 votes
Completely unfair.
Gibberishjuk3ta1entMrPenguinbjorksnasxtr4meNoOneKnowsNovaGannTMThr_ust[Deleted User]gilgamerGamerEzraGruul[Deleted User]EmpeQ 14 votes


  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Whats with the "should stop crying about it" part? Unnecessary.

    I think it's fair.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    Completely fair, that killers should stop crying about it.

    I really hope they don't nerf dead hard because than the good survivors that people are complaining about will just switch to sprint burst which is far more uncounterable and strong than dead hard ever was.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,014
    Completely fair, that killers should stop crying about it.

    yeah thank god people choose deadhard over sprintburst when i play killer, most of the time i can early lunge and get them right as there deadhard ends, sprintburst can extend the chase for like 30 seconds same with lithe, while deadhard is like 3-10 seconds max ive seen

  • yui_best_girl_at_me
    yui_best_girl_at_me Member Posts: 80
    Completely fair, that killers should stop crying about it.

    thecrying part was a bit far but as a killer main dead hard i dont mind as its easy to guess hard to use the perk i really hate is lithe as it beseclly has the relliyability of sprint burst and with out the risk of any of the other exution perk

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    It's a weak perk at the moment due to how bad it is on console, but if it worked as intended then it'd still be worse than Sprint Burst. It just feels so much cheaper than SB since there's no penalty for using it, and you'll still get an insanely strong effect

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
    Completely unfair.

    100% Tryhard perk.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    At this point, on console, it's actually a detriment to your game.

  • jadss
    jadss Member Posts: 207
    Completely fair, that killers should stop crying about it.

    Dead hard gamers are CLEARLY just better then the killers dude... change my mind

  • Gruul
    Gruul Member Posts: 130
    Completely unfair.

    Press "E" to outplay kek.

  • patriotsteeler05
    patriotsteeler05 Member Posts: 13
    Completely fair, that killers should stop crying about it.

    I would be in the middle of it was a option but it barely works and I'm on PS5 btw

  • D4M4VR1CK
    D4M4VR1CK Member Posts: 58
    Completely fair, that killers should stop crying about it.

    Killer main here and I don't cry about dead hard, it's fair and balanced and if you learn to be patient with your hits then it's usually useless. And yeah it's annoyingly present in every game but it's a exhaustion perk, It's obviously going to be a top tier perk.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763
    Completely fair, that killers should stop crying about it.

    All Dead Hard is, is frustrating. It's not active long enough imo to be cried about. If it was another version of Sprint Burst (like most exhaustion perks) and negated damage, then yeah maybe that's unfair, but that's not what Dead Hard is. It's really only a push forward with the added bonus of no damage. You really don't get that much further with it, it's enough that it can make a different but also not that far at the same time.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited July 2021

    Not everything is black and white. Dead Hard might need some small changes, but it is neither completly fair nore completly unfair.

    Just to give you an example: "Dead Hard exhausted" is completly unfair and therefore it actually need a buff/fix, on the other hand, Dead Hard for distance might be a bit to strong/annoying for the killer. Then again... whats up with Lithe? This perk gives much more distance. Objectively it is a stronger perk. If everyone would switch to lithe, i am pretty sure, killer mains would cry about this perk aswell.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869
    edited July 2021

    I think it is strong but shouldn't be nerfed in the current state of the game.

    And people are free to "cry" about things they dislike if they want.