We can't excuse behavior for the game's current state

So as we all know currently the game's health is terrible currently constant lag, freezing, and bugs. Unplayable on whole platforms. Yet, some people defend them still saying you don't know what it's like to code and such. Well, they made a product that is currently awful. That we spent with our money to to buy. But, because we don't code we shouldn't criticize them making a bad product. For reference this is saying that we shouldn't criticize a builder who made a house that collapsed because we don't understand or work in construction see the issue there. We expect a working product and if you can't make it work you should be criticized. Additionally they have over 700 employees and have revenue over 100 million U.S dollars. There's only seven currencies worth more. And yes they have to spread it out but that is such a huge amount of resources to work with no excuses for a poor product. And many issues have been here for years. So, please don't white horse for behavior. Yes, they said they would fix it by the Mid-Chapter they said that about many things however before. Yes, I don't code or such by I spent money on the belief this game would work. Another Edit was just told "Oh no; they need more time to fix bugs. Heaven forbid! It's been 2 years so it should all work because some person on the internet who has 0 clue how it works says it should work! 🙄"
I actually took a month break when they had that pallet bug(dunno how tf that happened) Glad I'm not on console probably would have never came back
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I don't know this.
I have no problems with lag, freezing or bugs outside of the usual silly bugs.
I think you people have potato PCs or something, if you're having performance issues. My PC is pretty bad and old but I have no problems. You guys are probably playing on laptops or something.
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Not PC, console
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Wait, does that mean I have some magical legitimacy to criticise them, having experience in programming and game development?
Seriously, some of the issues don't make any kind of sense except as a byproduct of poor programming and design choices. Legion and Nemesis, for example - instead of temporarily removing the particle effects that were causing the game to freeze in order to scale them down to a lower resolution and by extension a lower impact on processing, the Devs... Did nothing.
Edit: and that's assuming they're individual, pre-rendered assets and not looped fluid physics.
Edit edit: Also they failed to deliver on a number of promises.
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It's very sad to see console players get treated as a second class players. BHVR has proven this time and time again that they always consider PC first.
Crossplay should never had been enabled in the current state of the game for consoles. Console players have always been at a disadvantage because of FPS, lag, aim dressing being worse with controller and no M&KB support. They could have implemented crossplay so that different consoles could choose to play with each other only excluding PC. But they didn't since we only exist for making PC queues shorter. Console players are also ridiculed for being worse players in the community while ignoring all the disadvantages and problems they face with normal game mechanics. There's even fog whisperers that openly insult every console player they encounter and BHVR is a okay with that.
The fact that they acknowledged the optimization problems only after it affected PC tells more than anything. And that they extended the event but still end it before fixing performance is a big middle finger for everyone having problems. Not one console player should ever white horse BHVR. All that's happened should be enough reason for BHVR to give a lot of auric cells, shards and BPs exclusively for console players and extend the event so that they can also play it for a month like everyone else.
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Not playing right now. The blood points and crowns aren't worth it. Hopefully the mid-chapter patch fixes at least most of the console issues.
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I haven't been experiencing these issues personally, but if so many people are, I have no reason not to stand with them.
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I love how I am on the same boat as everyone else here, but at the same time I am on a completely different one.
Because I cannot excuse BVHR for a lot of things, but never had a single issue related to performance.
EDIT: Actually I had one of those issues in Trickster's PTB, but I left that thing in less than a day, so it doesn't really matter.
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We cant. But the silent majority that play this game very casually and don't give 2 damns about anything deeper than that don't have to think about it. And BHVR caters to their silent majority.
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Probably because a majority of people also don't experience as many issues as people who sunk several hundreds or thousands of hours into it. Nor do they care enough to spot them. At most they'll just report cheaters and that's it.
Personally I never had issues with performance except the occasional crash (but that happens with every game). I understand if people are annoyed at the performance issues, but I can't really be mad if I am not personally affected by it.
I play this game for fun and stressing over issues I personally don't have isn't a great feeling.