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Please help save Rebecca (Enaria)

Bryan Member Posts: 16
edited July 2021 in Off-topic

Hello, I normally don't make discussions, but I want to share this to let all know a wonderful person from the DBD community Rebecca (Enaria) is in need of help. She is in a hospital on a wait list for a double transplant of a liver and kidneys in order to save her life. Please share and donate if you can, she is in critical condition. Any little bit helps. More info in the link below. Thank You


    WHITY Member Posts: 1

    Definetly will support her, she is an angel. She deserves all the help she can get.

    To anyone reading this even just sharing this on social media would mean the world to all of us

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,126


    Still am shocked that she needs all those transplants, and the healthcare system won't do anything without payment in advance. I know it's vastly different where I'm from, but by everyone paying into it, then there wouldn't be this stress on her or her family.

    I wish her a speedy recover.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Donated what i can.

    Hope For a fast and painless recovery.

  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    I wish her the bestest and speediest of recoveries. Thank you for sharing this important cause with us here and I wish that everything gets better.

    I do have to clarify, this is not an official donation pool by BHVR.

  • Bryan
    Bryan Member Posts: 16

    I never updated this but sadly Rebecca (Enaria) passed away and was laid to rest, in a beautiful ceremony, at Cochran Cemetery, high in the Appalachian foothills. She now rests among the farms, fields, rolling hills, and sprawling woodlands of the Pennsylvania outdoors she so loved.

    RIP Rebecca We Love You <3