I'm tired of how strict it is to get an Adept Killer...

It really sucks how adept killers work, 3 Perks, Your best addons, offering 100% blood points or a closed map, 32K blood points, +2 at the end of a game and the 4 survivors dead!
On the other hand, an adept of a survivor is to get 3 perks and escape like that. It really sucks how this system works, I've been a lot of games with Ghostface and Bubba trying to get an expert and I only get 32K but +1.
I'm tired of getting these achievements and hopefully I was able to get Evil Incarnate in Red Ranks without tricks and fair play, hands down my best achievement.
I hope they rework it at some point. One time I 4ked as adept Bubba and forgot to take off Speed Limiter after a previous match but the game STILL gave me ruthless killer.
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I still think the same, they should improve, I am satisfied with 3 dead survivors and a ruthless victory, I have been many games taking the Ghostface expert, in open maps it is disgusting to remove it and my only solution is to play in closed maps, in multiple games no I have achieved it because of how the rank nugget system works and the initial analyzes, sometimes I keep 2 survivors and prevent them from escaping through the trapdoor. But there is no remedy. The only experts I've gotten are Myers, Freddy, Trapper, Legion, and Nemesis.
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Adept achievements is why I purposefully derank to Green Ranks if I ever want to attempt it. It's just not worth doing it in high rank where you need to play PERFECTLY according to the pip system especially for killers who suck at getting Chaser points.
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Killers in general have it tough
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Adept killer should just be getting a 4k
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DCs should count tbh.
I'm getting so SO tired when it's obvious I am going for adepts and one ######### DCs.
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use barbecue and chilli man 🙂
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You can't get Adept with BBQ, my man.
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To make it more fair for those who got adept before it would get reworked, give 'em a special charm for each character they got their adept on. Like a Trapper charm for those who got adept Trapper. Not sure how'd they do that but I'm sure they can get creative.
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No no, I feel like we shouldn't force people to do a broken challenge for a dumb cosmetic.
We don't need more exclusive crap that makes the game worse for people playing it.
Just make it easier and more fair and that's it.
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What about legacy? It was rewarded to those who had to deal with the old grind just to prestige their characters, I don't see why not.
Plus it'd be a surprise instead of forcing people. It doesn't change gameplay either, so...
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Because Legacy is different.
I'm just tired of seeing exclusive cosmetics tied to BS challenges and achievements in this game. It should just be changed and that's that. And that is also coming from someone who has gotten every achievement in the game. I don't want more exclusive charms. We don't need it.
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he want bp and ranking he can use bbq and get some bp and upgrade any other Character like: billy wraith huntress
and then he can get some ranking
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ghostface and bubba you can play perfect but oh god use your power
BHVR: thats not allowed here is gold chaser
im just like arent the killers who are effective at using their power better then the ones who barely use it and just m1.
it makes no sense tbh
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Adept achievements are challenging but not impossible. You will get them eventually, it might just take some effort.
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My advice for adept achievements with any killer that has a instant down is only use their power to instant down them from healthy state only once each. Use the power freely when they're already injured. Instant downing them all the time with your power only hurts your emblem score, brutality score. Being in the lower ranks will make it easier as well. Purple or green ranks and you need to get 11 hooks for adept. Red ranks 12 hooks.
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The main problem I feel is that this all links back to the emblem system and how broken it is at the moment. Say one was playing an instadown killer like billy and you slug someone that you instadown. This down is 1 point. You go off to get another survivor in order to snowball and/or build a bit more pressure. The other survivors heal the slug back to full, taking 2 points away from you. You end up with negative points because you wanted more pressure.
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Something that I also realized is that it depends on the time a game lasts, maybe that should also count, but something that I do not understand well because of the emblem system is that you lose +2 if you have been in pursuit for a long time, I do not know if it will be true or not.
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Killer adepts were even harder to get right after the emblems got introduced. You would practically lose Iri Gatekeeper when the survs managed to do more than two gens. Luckily they changed that later, so now you can still get Iri gatekeeper with one gen left, as long as the first four gens were not done too fast. And never let them open a gate, even after closing the hatch.
Kill adepts are still way more difficult than survivors, but it is manageable now, even in red ranks. Sure there will be lobbies where you stand no chance. But there will also be lobbies with suboptimal survivors you can beat easily to get your adept.
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OP was complaining about how annoying killer adepts are, only bubba can use bbq for adept.
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I appreciate the advice, today hopefully, I achieved the adept of Wraith and Deathslinger. But in Lery.
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I have been like 4, 5 games trying to get a Bubba Adept trying to play fair and staying with 2 survivors and 1 generator until I know where the trap door is, 3 games I have managed to reach 32k but I only reached +1, Today the first Try, I got an Adept from Wraith and Deathslinger. Bubba really is my curse or I need practice.
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Killer adepts are fine. Also they are optional. Some achievements are supposed to be challenging. Just 4k is too easy to be achievement
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And Survivors just escaping to get it is fine without doing anything?
How about this? Instead of making adepts easier, make it on par for Survivors in terms of how difficult it is.
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To get Adept as Survivor you have to repair at least two and a half gens solo, no help from anyone. You have to unhook at least three other Survivors and can't be downed more than once yourself. You have to cleanse one set of the following; A) four Dull totems, B) two Hex Totems, or C) one Hex Totem and two Dull Totems. You have to open one chest by yourself, no completing one someone else started but didn't open. You have to vault at least four windows while in chase and have to pallet stun the Killer at least twice. You have to escape alive, doesn't matter if it's the Exit Gate or The Hatch. Then you get your Adept Survivor Achievement.
Instead of just being able to jog around the edges of the map to avoid crows and hiding the whole game waiting to get Hatch.
I think for Adepts. on both sides, it would be fine if you just had to reach four Golds, or an Iridescent, two Golds, and a Silver for a bit more leeway. However, Killer Emblems are just not balanced when it comes to some Killers so even that might be hard to not get a single Bronze.
(For the record I have all but three Adepts, those three being the three new characters because I have not bought the DLC. Some of the Adepts, both survivor and Killer, took me many attempts. As Survivor it was often because I was either tunnled or facecamped or just had a [bad word] team. As Killer it was often because I had little to no pressure and couldn't get Iridescent Gatekeeper and other times it was because the team I was against was just straight up better than me.)
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We the new rank resets, they'll become a lot easier. So, I doubt they'll get reworked when they haven't already.
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The only reason why I wouldn't say the current adept killer system must be changed is because I got my Adept Trickster achievement with 3 kills and a very inspired performance on Mother's Dwelling. Back then I was happy I didn't have to kill everyone to get the award because that was grueling as all hell to do.
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I feel like they just need to make gatekeeper not basically a survivor emblem.
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Yeah sounds about right. It's equally as frustrating and jumps as much hoops as trying to get a Killer adept on a Killer that can instadown.
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I just got Adept Oni, and it was possibly the worst adept so far. You don't get any gen regression, tracking perks, or useful chase perks. None of his perks synergize well with his power and his power is an insta-down, so you can't use it too much or you don't get the chaser points you need.
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Thanks. I tried to hit that sweet spot of juuuuuust annoying enough to be doable but still also really tedious. Honestly I think the window vaulting is a bit much, as that has no real tangible Score Event or Emblem impact so maybe remove that part of things. Replace it with escaping two chases maybe. But it's easy enough to escape the same time you pallet stun so that's somewhat redundant... .
The thing about insta down Killers is you just don't have a power or have to be very stingy with it's use. It tended to be Gatekeeper, because no mobility or no pressure, or Devout, as you have to get a minimum of nine hooks AND hook everyone at least once, that got me more so than Malicious or Chaser. At least with insta down Killers you got great Chaser, you just had to balance it with the Malicious which takes some trial and error and knowing how the Emblem system actually works.
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Insta downs are actually really great for the Chaser Emblem, because the faster you end the chase the more points you get. You only short yourself the points from the second hit which you can make up for easily enough. Where you really get hurt with insta downs is in Malicious because one hit is 1 point and one heal is -1 point so you're only getting 2 points from the hook instead of (1+1+2-1=) 3 points like other Killers that have to hit twice to get downs. And it hurts even more if you slug and don't hook and they get back up as now you're net -1 when they heal to full instead of just neutral if you can't prevent the Injured -> Healthy heal.
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What? No, you just need your 3 perks and a double pip, then addons that supplement those 3 perks the best. You dont need 32k bp. You dont need a 4k unless you're red ranks. Besides, surviving as a survivor who only has their 3 specific perks might not be as specific, but its far from easy. You NEED to escape. You could double pip as a survivor, get all the above, best items, best offerings, best map, and still end up being face camped at the start of the game. Your adept as a survivor relies on the killer's attention to you specifically.
Besides, lets compare it to events:
Killers literally just need to be in the game. No kill requirement, no time requirement, nothing. They have to just reach their objective, interact with it, and tadaaa, done. 100% of the team got their objective.
Survivors need to escape, but survivors cant all escape, meaning best case scenario, 100% of them unlock the objective with the killer, worst case scenario, 0% gets it and they need to try again. Last year, I've spend almost 4 days in a row, 6 hours a day, just grinding to get all the crowns on survivor as there were killers who actively targetted people who unlocked the crown. For killers? I mean, 1 hour of just walking to the objective, getting it, not caring for the depip and just be afk the rest of the match. That's all they needed to do. Took me 3 hours in total since I decided to actually play the game instead of just grabbing the objective and being afk.
Now, does adepting all killers take 8 times as long as adepting all survivors? no, not really. Some are much harder to do, sure, but even then, it's not really that hard. Just look at how people like Tru3 and Dowsey have done the grandmaster adept killer challenge. No perks, no addons and still getting a double pip. Then apply that strategy, except with your killer specific perks helping you out.
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Congrats! I just got it last match, and yeah. He really hurts without Tinkerer or Infectious or any sort of gen regression, and he's one of the instadown killers on top of that. The inability to use certain powers is probably the biggest issue with the killer adept system right now - the need to stretch out the game and the scaling difficulty with rank are bad, but having some killers only allowed to use their power a couple of times if at all is just arbitrary and ridiculous, and makes some adepts very awkward to get. (There's also some killers that counteract their own perks - Doctor is one of the worst users of M&A, and Hag won't get adept if Devour Hope isn't cleansed, because she won't get enough Chaser points if she instadowns everyone, much less moris survivors early. She's also screwed if Third Seal goes full solo queue and nobody can figure out where to unhook.)
I got Oni's by using the addon that reveals survivor auras if they stand on a blood orb - playing him like an M1 killer with a good tracking perk and occasional speed boost. His perks are all fairly terrible; Zanshin did tell me where some pallets were on a low-visibility map, but mainly I got the adept because I got matched against a really bad team that spent more time hiding than doing gens. If they'd slammed the gens during my first two chases, I would have been smoked. It's impressive how badly his power synergizes with his perks - like, he has an anti-exhaustion perk that activates on hook when Oni gets the most value targeting healthy survivors and mass slugging, and his power encourages survivors to heal ASAP rather than remaining injured. He has an obsession switcher perk that does nothing else other than grant Oblivious in a chase, but no other obsession perks to use it on. And Zanshin is just a newbie goggles perk.
Luckily, the other adepts with a host of worthless perks come on killers with strong powers that are actually allowed to use them. (Wraith and Huntress are basically playing perkless and Deathslinger and Freddy aren't far behind.)
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You're comparing Tru3 and Dowsey to average people who play this game.
We don't play on the same level as them on pubs. It's like saying "Look! Spirit isn't completely problematic because she lost to Oracle!"
Killer adepts should not be so difficult as to tied to Emblems. You should not Double pip (especially in Red Ranks) when you've already done what the achievement has done before in the past (Which is to get a 4k).
Remember that? Because I'm sure you probably don't or try to forget about it. Back then you could use Moris (OLD MORIS) to get adepts because it was tied to a 4k rather than a Merciless. Now that they changed it to Merciless, it makes it significantly harder on certain Killers who gets screwed over on certain emblems.
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It's an achievement, if it's too hard for you, let it be.
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The main thing i've always hated is how the devs expect you to keep your opponents in the match. Denying adepts because you didn't prevent the survivor from quitting is idiotic and there's no good reason for the devs to keep refusing to change it.
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Sry to sound rude but dude... just dont do it if its that annoying. I have over 5k hours and never done 1 adapt cuz I just dont give a F about achievments, I will never understand ppl who put so much effort into just a random little sign with a written text on it on your profile.
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It's a sense of completion. People just like seeing things as complete.
It's why some people (like myself) go out of their way to get Prestige 3-50.
I know I don't have to do it, but I just like it.
If people don't like getting it, they wouldn't be attempting to get it in the first place. Otzdarva wouldn't be making guides for it either.
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I agree. I also think they need to make it that a DC counts as a full 3 hook.
I got screwed out of an adept multiple times while I was on the edge to earning it.
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I agree with P3, I prestiged also every Killer and Survivor which I can see ingame. But I barely notice achievments tbh, I didnt look at my achievments for over a year tbh. But i can see every day when I log in my prestiged Killers ( I use the outfits very often on most characters tbh).
But ye I totally get the sense of completion, I have a "problem" with that too xD
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Personally I like scrolling through my achivements list every now and then. I do it for every game since it's fun remembering what I did to get it. Achievements etch themselves in my mind.
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Ah I see well since I never do it I dont have a connection really to them, thats the difference, interesting. Cool to see different views of perspectives though!
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It's the same for everybody. I don't know why complain about achievements. If they were easy they wouldn't really be achievements, that's the whole point. I got almost all killer adepts and it would be incredibly unfair to make them easier when many of us spent so much time trying to get them.
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Ive gotten 3 adept killer trophies with 1 survivor dc'ing each of those matches! So it's possible
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Hmm I love when I manage to split the hooks, kill someone, into everyone goes through hatch *_*
Seriously, it has happened to me so much freaking time I stopped trying to get adepts, it's ridiculously hard in red ranks.
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Fun fact:
So did I. I've gotten every achievement in the game. And I'm of the opposite opinion. It shouldn't be this bullshit. Make it easier or at least more fair compared to getting a Survivor adept.
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I'd like to hear the reasoning behind killer adepts being this hard to get. Why not just a 4k?
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That's the reason I gave up on getting my platinum trophy. Adept trapper and hillbilly without good perks on console at rank 1 is near impossible for me.
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But why? Achievements is a thing that has literally 0 value if it's easy to obtain, the whole point is that it's hard to get, it has no other value.