So is the whole chapter gonna go by without the map?

Still can't use my RPD offerings...still waiting...still not update?
It's a blessing. The map....isn't good.
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I've gotten it a few times randomly but i wanna force go there lmao, i like it! i know the map mostly from RE:2
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I've gotten it like 3 times since it was re enabled. So far I don't like it but again I've only been on it a few times so hopefully I will like it the more I play on the map.
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I haven't gotten it at all. And I agree that it's crazy to think that this entire event will have gone by without the map being enabled for full access.
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Unfortunately it seems that way. A lot of these RPD complaints would likely go away if it showed up because people would be able to learn the map.
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I agree, literally practice on it. Haddonfield Exists and is arguably worse
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Haven't played it yet, but a whole lot of the reworked daylight corn maps. Seriously dislike these maps now, mainly due to frequency, but also not a fan of the day aspect combined with corn. Corn sucks, bright corn sucks more.
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I’ve gotten it 3 times so far and it seems hellish. I can’t wait until they enable the offering so I can use my steam account to do a custom game against my switch account and just explore the map.
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I'd just learn the map but playing on it a lot
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Well,Haddonfield at least isn't 2 Mother's Dwellings stacked on top of each other.
RPD is just terrible because it's HUGE and an indoor map,meaning a TON of killer powers are pretty much useless there + tracking from distance with crows and scratch marks is not possible.
Easily THE worst map they've ever released gameplay wise
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You don't need the offering for a custom game. You can choose the map there in the match settings.
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While I am not a big fan of some parts of the map, I do want to play more on it so I don't get lost in it.
I have a ton of RPD offerings I wish I can burn.
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Its amazing how people love to complain about RPD map... I mean i heared everything like the map huge, the map is garbage, the map is this and that etc etc.. Those people are such a crying babys honestly. People the map is great, i played RE 2 and 3 Remake so the map is not confused to me or for those who is actually are a fan of Resident Evil games/movies. If you guys don t like the map just don t play it got dammit... People who are not fan or even if you didn t played RE Remakes or the old ones, you guys don t even have the Audacity to complain about the map because you guys didn t played or atleast didn t tryed to explore the map a little bit.. Sorry if i was a little rude but this kind of people just pissed me of...
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Yeah I've had the map maybe 5-6 times and it's a nightmare.
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Or maybe the player is not good enough...
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i want bloodpoints!!!
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If only haddonfield had an issue that caused the offering to be retired, a dream that would be
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The map is available in custom games right now, isn't it?
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The complaints wouldn't go away if people learnt the map. There's nothing to learn about holding W through massively long corridors that limit almost every Killer's power in some way, and then a few unsafe pallets with a few god pallets too.
Everything wrong with DBD can be found in RPD.
(Oh also the map still causes crashes)
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You like it because it's familiar.
Don't like it then don't play it? Hard to hand pick EVERY map EVERY game.
If you didn't play the game its from you have no right to complain? BS You like it just because you played it in RE so you don't get to sit on the high horse. You say it's great then go right into you having played it before with no arguments for it.
This is pure fanboyism and wrong.
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Got it last night as the twins, it was, interesting
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I have never played the Re games it's in and I will say I do like the map. I've only played killer on it though.
I know I I've played huntress Nemesis and trapper. I think I also played Cannibal but I can't remember. Maybe even demo?
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Nah, the map is just terrible. It doesnt belong in this game and 99% of the community hates it.
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Did i forgot to mension that 99% of the community are crying babys ?
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You do realize of course that not all maps are created equal? Copying and pasting the map from RE:2 doesn't mean that it transitions well to a multiplayer game.
The RE:2 map was big intentionally so that you had plenty of room to run away from Mr. X, but as a 4v1 game it fails since it's long corridors and hallways make for a frustrating experience getting from one end of the map to the other in quick succession, especially if your playing a slow moving killer.
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literally right? What's wrong with it? i think it's fine
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All this hate for RPD smh. People had the same exact issue with Midwich Elementary School. The more you play on the map itself, the more of a cakewalk it turns out to be later on. RE fans on the other hand have more of an advantage already as the layout is near 1:1 to the remake of RE2.
BHVR is likely waiting for Mid-Chapter to roll around, so the performance fixes can allow them to determine if the offering should be enabled. Afaik, the map by a small percentage still causes crash issues on console.
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RPD has long and lots of corridors. Deathslinger was killer and with the corridors and small room it enable him to catch the survivors with his power easily. We all died at the end. I noticed the killer was only one side of the map the entire time i assume it was because the map is huge and he doesn't know much about the navigation. Survivors were dying on one side of the map while I and another survivor were completing gens on the other side. Once we got to the other side of the map we were caught and killed.(It wasn't easy for killer though).
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Hopefully. Its by far the worst map in the game.
Its a game in a map its ridiculous.
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I have never played resident evil 2 and i enjoy the map because while at first it may seem annoying after a while it really is a fun and cool designed map.
If you are really struggling though I highly recommend dyllonkg's video on YouTube that explains the entire layout of the map in around 30 minutes it really helped me and I highly recommend it.
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have you tried practicing on it???
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Can’t wait till it gets enabled, I got a healthy stack of RPD badges to burn
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it's on live i've played it a few times. I've gotten one badge.
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I still don't think we can use the offerings
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No, they wouldn't. It's a cramped indoor map, so no powers, that's the size of two Mother's Dwellings stacked on each other, so absolutely no ability to ever pressure gens in any way, with nothing but God pallets/windows or useless pallets/windows, so both killers and survivors hate it, and it's the most W-friendly map in existence.
None of which will ever be solved by learning the layout. That's just the crap-flavoured icing.
Edit: Also, I forgot, it's nearly impossible to find generators.
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I don't agree, its not "two mother's dwellings", It's also not hard to find the gens for me either. You gotta have them roll out the red carpet to each one?
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You can't disagree with facts, it's been timed. It takes just as long to traverse from one side to the other, and it's two floors.
And yes, I would like there to be some indication of where the gens are. Outdoor maps have the giant pole, every other Idoor map has the flickering lights/signs or closed doors. As far as I can tell, RCPD is the only map in the entire game that has zero indication. You just sort of stumble on them or hear someone else working on them through the walls.
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Yeah, I've managed to get it twice as survivor and twice as killer. I enjoyed it, but it was easy to get lost in and I've played Re2 quite a bit in the past. Even the og Re2 on PS1. It's just a huge map and takes some getting used too. But I can totally see why killer players don't like it. I moan and groan whenever I play on any Autohaven Wreckers maps. That's mostly just because it seems like they're all I get to play on some days lol
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I've gotten RPD three times today. Those matches didn't go well. They couldn't find gens, I couldn't find them, and then when I did find them they couldn't find each other to make the hook saves.
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like other survivors say ill use the same words, maybe some maps are better for killer than survivor? , or play on the map and practice or play RE:2
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It's supposed to be big dude, just practice on it. It's not meant to be baby easy and im glad its not, all the other maps are easier access to gens. This one is something different, i don't think it's as big as two mother's dwellings either.
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Or maybe the map is fundamentally bad? Navigation is horrible for both sides, unbalanced pallet setups, killer powers are either bugged or straight up dont work, horrendous for 110s, and bad hook spawns.
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It's hard to practice when map offerings are disabled I get rpd every 30 games lol
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Every time anyone brings up all the horrible points of that map, an RE megafan goes and tells us to buy and play a completely different game in an idiotic solution that doesn't even fix any of the maps problems.
Maps shouodnt be anything-sided, and especially not to the extreme that RCPD is. It is by far and by default the most survivor-sided map in the game. Even if it had no pallets or Windows it would be the most survivor-sided map a la old Rotten Fields
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Got it twice, both times on killer, and it was twice too many. I know the map is an exact replica from the Resident Evil game.. but they're two different types of games.. and sadly, for Dead by Daylight, long corridors and rooms is really bad map design. As killer, even knowing where generators are, or where hooks are while carrying, you can still get lost.. I can't imagine how bad it is as a survivor trying to reach a hook to save someone, or trying to find generators/totems without perks to help you find them more easily!
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It looks that way. although the whole event is going by without the game being playable on console, so it's no surprise really.
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They tell you to buy the game because, it's partnered with DBD now. There's some lore behind it and the maps aren't that different as terms of layout. It's a good game and like i said it helped me lol. If you don't then let's talk about a survivor sided map that you don't remember like Haddonfield or the Swamp are pretty survivor sided.
If you're looking for them to change how it's built it's not gonna happen, It's from the game which is licensed ontop of it. They made it like that for a reason
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Im sick of this. I have played re2 remake twice, and re3 remake twice.
I dont care how good you are at the map its a bad map. The silent hill map you could see getting better with practice.
All they have done with RE map is literally copy and paste the GAME.
I shouldnt have to practice an entire game to learn a map thats just bad design. It should have been split in half, upper and lower level. Or indoor outdoor. No amount of practice will take away the fact its a bad map.
The entire reason the game is structured like that is to escape mr x
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As a person who has played RE2 remake multiple times the map is awful. It is to large and all over the place to fit into DBD. This isnt a resident evil game and the map simply does not work as it is in DBD. They should cut it in half honestly, east and west or upstairs and downstairs and make it two maps