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What is better nerfing SWFs or just awarding more to Killers who loses to SWFs?

Member Posts: 715

We can all agree that the game is supposed to be balanced to Solo Queues therefore SWFs with their communication is borderline cheating. Seriously I am getting 80% SWFs in my matches these weekends. Someone with Detective Hunch means everyone on the SWF has Detectives Hunch. With the event ending these guys are super serious in getting Gens done in 5 minutes. I feel like I should get more rewards with putting up with these unfun games. BHVR surely would never do anything against SWF for the fun of it, as I don't ever see them buffing solo queue so instead just rewards us Killers more.

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  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I’d love an SWF nerf the issue is that I don’t know how to. You can’t just punish people for playing with their friends.

    ATM I’d say just give killers more rewards for killing even 1 or 2 of them as opposed to 4king

  • Member Posts: 157

    Even as solo Q the perks survivor have are strong and extremally versatile on top of countering almost every killer action an perk, combine with coms that a swf has it is unfair. I just think some of the second chance perks need to be tone down or something because dealing with 16 perks is a bit too much for killer to memorize an deal with on top of defending gens an totem placement being terrible. If they added the trail warm up they mention a year or so ago where gens start extremally slow until a chase happens it make killer a bit bearable so they can play or set up like hag an trapper. Only need to swf is coms but that ain't happening. So next best thing is adding mechanics to limit survivor to buy time, tone down gens or tone down perks an in some cases map rng makes it worse.

  • Member Posts: 103

    I agree with you, but i think you went totally overboard with this. I think 25% extra BP per SWF (so 50% at least) are enough. Not every SWF is stronger than a full solo group, please keep that in mind. On average of course, but not in every individual game. The blatantly unfair groups are rare. The skill level needed to reach this level as a SWF is NOT as high as peopl make it to be. Not only teams like oracle are unfair. But it is true that not every SWF group in red ranks is blatantly broken. I would also not give the killer a safety pip, this would have bad consequences for the gam IMO.

  • Member Posts: 459

    Only reasonable nerf to SWF that doesn't affect solos is a shared perk pool. Only one DH, BT, Adrenaline, DS etc. in an SWF team is enough for them to still dominate matches.

    50 or 100 percent extra BP for killers per SWF member is also a good motivation to play an unfair match.

    Overall the game needs some kind of early slowdown, but apparently the devs have abandoned that idea.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    How would you need swf, and why. People playing with there friends having fun, most don't even use mics. I guarantee most swfs you play against u will never realize, you can't punish people for playing with friends

  • Member Posts: 215

    But we can buff killers since playing swf is basically the same as screen peaking your friend in a splitscreen game, I think killers should be able to ban perks, get an extra perk, or just straight get even more bp against red rank swf. Or better yet let swf get their own queue, I’m pretty sure nobody will complain except bias survivor mains

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    I want a fair and competitive match, not compensation for being a punching bag.

    @DelsKibara nailed it above me so no real reason for me to rehash it but worse. Just read their post.

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Buff Solo

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Nerfing swf would cause a backlash. I wouldn't be opposed to it but many would trust me.

    And rewarding killers with bp wouldn't change anything nor make killers happy.

    I don't know what possible solution could work without making many people quit. Would they quit tho? I am sometimes undecided on this topic. Sometimes I think that people would still play the game even with the nerfs because there is no alternative game to go to.

  • Member Posts: 264

    Yeah, that's the only logical way to deal with broken balance right now: buff soloQ and Killers to the level of SWF. I don't know why it's taking DEVs so long to do it and fix their game.

  • Member Posts: 2,014
    edited July 2021

    Nope. Maybe the safety pip is bit too much but why not give the killer a buttload of bp for putting up with swf bs? I mean I'd rather have a nerf but that is never gonna happen

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    That's as me asking for extra reward for playing against spirit or nurse

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    the Devs need to buff solo Q.... because what would honestly be a good reward for getting your arse kicked? 4min 20secs gens are done because you decided to give some love to trapper or whatever.... and the devs say "there was really wasn't a chance of winning, here's 15k bp it was a SWF". whatever reward they decided to give it wouldn't be enough because it's not what we really want. we actually want to play and do well against those SWF teams.... it's been like 2 years now that the devs have stated that they want to buff solo Q so that they can buff killer as well because SWF doesn't really play the game as intended.

  • Member Posts: 194

    A game that punishes people just because they want to play together is tremendously dumb. They should just buff solo survivors, giving them more informations, and then buff killers accordingly

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    that would be an accurate comparison if nurse and spirit would use third party software to create an advantage that the normal game wouldn't allow them to have

  • Member Posts: 1,380
    edited July 2021

    The issue is that you can't really "Nerf" SWF. Their strength is coordination, if it was just 4 people in a lobby who knew eachother and nothing else, their only strength would be enhanced altruism and knowledge of one anothers builds, a not particularly powerful ability in of itself. The issue with SWF comes from their external communcations. An ability that by far breaks the game in every possible capacity, especially when you consider that both the original vision of the game and current balancing for the game are centered around survivors lack of communication and knowledge between each other. You can't nerf SWF in any healthy-for-the-game ways because their strength lies in resources OUTSIDE of the game. A pity reward for the killer for being ######### on by something that cannot be balanced would be an insulting fix, i think.

  • Member Posts: 670

    I don't want a nerf, I just want a indicator that I'm facing an SWF, so I can prepare my gameplay accordingly

  • Member Posts: 1,521

    Swf having ability to talk is why they have to give ppl whole pack as reward they didn't earned? How fair that exactly would be for other players? "Oh look noed, I expect extra reward for not finding totem" it's really not good idea and it would create such a war in community, swf is legit and killer being able to win swf is legit most swfs sucks anyway and no reward should be given to anyone as excuse "hehe you got beaten by swf here are yours extra bp"

  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited July 2021

    Do ppl not realize that there's no way to get solo Q on the same level as SWFs? Any buff to solo Q will be another little buff to SWFs aswell. SWFs don't need to be on comms, it's enough to know eachothers perks plus changes are high you're on the same skilllevel (rank / MMR). Even better if you have at least on low rank in your group to get matched with a low rank killer. Fun!

    And yes, i play solo Q only since 2017. There's always a chance to get at least a pip.

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    So true... they have the "expose system" with ghostface. what if survivors could have an "alert type affect" basekit only instead of breaking pallets survivors can detect the killer revealing their location/aura for a brief amount of time? another way to buff solo is after the first reveal the killers name (huntress, trapper, nemesis) could be listed on the HUD for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Why do they need to buff solo Q? Simply because SWF exist?

    As pointed out many times on these forums, kindred gets brought into a match and even with that information alone teammates are still making unsafe plays let alone saving off hook.

    I don’t need the devs to hold someone’s hand who isn’t clear about what it means to stay on a gen, what it means to not self care in the corner meanwhile 2 people on hook and one running the killer, what it means to stay efficient, period.

    Thise are the issues soloQ faces, not, not knowing where a hex is, or who the killer is, or who is on a gen and who isn’t. Matches aren’t lost because of that information missing.

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    A less strict ranking for the killer and more rewards would be better than nerfing anything, imo.

  • Member Posts: 215

    i play both sides, killer have it harder than solo q, you can easily carry a solo q game by yourself if you want, killer against swf is just pure cancer, just say that you want easy wins. If killer is going against swf we should be able to equip an extra perk, or ban 1 survivor perk, heck even telling us who in a swf would be nice to have, why should swf be able to exploit games using 3rd party software to communicate, try playing ghostface against a swf and see how hard it is to use your power when swf is following you so you can’t use your power since your being watched by swf

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Just let killers see swf members after the match and give them more BP.

    You cant nerf swf and even if you could, thats no way to go. Let people play with friends without being punished.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    and i play both sides equally, most swf you go against you wont even realise there swf

  • Member Posts: 1,250

    Swf is here to stay (and a lot of fun for the community).

    Buff killers, buff solo, and reward killers for facing swf ^^

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Give them a free car while you're at it.

    100% per swf member & safety pip is exaggerated...

  • Member Posts: 989

    Easy nerf suggestion: delineate solo and swf as different rankings.

  • Member Posts: 2,495
    edited July 2021

    I'd love it too, but you're physically unable to unless you want to make it a maximum of two. But that would make swf players riot

  • Member Posts: 6,090
  • Member Posts: 215

    Yeah some swf sucks so apparently all swf sucks, I play in a 2 to 4 man swf recently and it’s feel cheap winning against killers, wraith camping hook, just tell your team you got deliverance and ds ad they will just gen rush and you kobe last second with ds. Or 99 both gates before the killer even get to even one of the gates, killer kick a gen, just tap it while he look around the gen. Killer have tinkerer, let proc once and now everyone know the killer have it. So they either gen rush or hide once tinkerer proc. What can killer do to swf? Chase one who probably wanted to get chased, wait for a 3 gen miracle, pray to god that the swf is not sweaty and toxic

  • Member Posts: 705

    25% extra Bp per SWF would be nice, but i'd rather they address how unfair and unfun SWF is to face by removing all the extra information. IMO survivors should get no hud or free aura reading. ; that'd make it so they had no choice but to actually go visually look to see what's happening and pay attention. Never gonna happen, though; BHVR doesn't care about Killers.

  • Member Posts: 215

    Solo q is a joke, I get tunnel to death while everyone not doing gens and never got hooked. Always self caring, urban evasion in corners of the map, literally wait for you to hit struggle phase to let go of a gen to rescue you, while the killer is coming back. No one bring borrow time or kindred, survivors luring killers to almost finished gens, hiding all game while your team is on death hook. Don’t know how to play as a team in general. Even red ranks survivor do the same stuff, but all that is nothing compared to killer getting stomped by toxic swf who exploit this poor game

  • Member Posts: 184

    I actually like this idea. It defines a set role for the team.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    Hm why are you comparing it even? 2 ######### games dont make a good game all of a sudden. Theyre both garbage experiences and both need to be looked into. If you buff killer bc of swf, you're killing the game for everyone else, which believe it or not, it's a lot of solo players.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    most swf are the toxic pieces of crap u think they are, mabye take more time to play the game, and you will see swf isint that big of a deal

  • Member Posts: 226

    Killers already get more consistent BP gains by a substantial margin... You guys want more BP for killers...?

  • Member Posts: 215

    I play solo a lot, and not trying to be mean but majority of noobs I notice either are kids, girls, or people who don’t really play games but like horror stuff. What does being a kid/girl have to do with this? It because most of them play for laughs and giggles not playing to win. That’s mine opinion as a 22 year old man who played video games all my life.

    If this game so popular why is there only one lobby queue. There should be two separate game modes, Solo should be called survival mode and every gain more bp. Swf should be called casual mode and they gain regular bp.

    but buffing solo is dumb, I don’t think any buffs would stop people for only playing for laughs and giggles and playing like a bot, only buff that can help is make borrowed time a free passive not a perk, but only activates in the basement hooks, kindred should be a passive not a perk, maybe nerf the range so it wouldn’t just free info but actually telling people the killer is not at the hook. DS should last longer than 60 seconds maybe 120 seconds. and maybe buff we’re going to live forever to able to unhook while injured so survivor have at least 1 more chance to save their friend on the hook while the killer is breathing down their necks.

    Obviously killer should have corrupt as a passive not a perk, and maybe pop as a passive not a perk. Hex totems should be harder to find and actually have to go out your way to find them. and just buff weak killers in general like legion, pig, ghostface, billy, Myers, clown, maybe plague, demo, nemesis.

    so in general if anything swf should it’s own little game mode, while solo q becomes the main game mode that should be highly focused on by these devs. I know someone just going have their own opinion that maybe swf is more popular than solo and majority of people would hate the idea to change anything to fix how broken swf is in this 1v4 game

  • Member Posts: 215

    Yeah not a big deal but still kinda amusing that this game just ignore how broken swf is that’s why I don’t even try to rank up as killer. The higher your rank the more boosted survivors getting carried by swf exploit is going to be more and more. Like i don’t know anyone who feel satisfied losing and getting stomp by swf can defend this, they must be a masochist.

  • Member Posts: 878

    How would the game know it was a SFW other than people happen to be on invited to a game? I occasionally invite people to games but we have no communication, so it’s not SWF.

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    when why should the killer get punished for survivors playing with friends?

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