Question to Killers!

Q: Have you any killer rules?
I have some rules:
When i play PH, Cheryl will survive.
When i play Myers, Laurie will survive (because she is always surviving againts Myers)
When i play other killers, Kate or Leon will have hatch (because both of them my main survivors)
If i am playing againts really bad survivors, i am playing slower for give them chance.
Maybe these rules seem strange to you but i love playing like this. Have you any rule? Shoot to topic!
When I play nemesis I hardcore tunnel every Jill or Chris even if it means throwing the game
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You are real Nemesis 😂
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Jeff’s and Jane’s will always escape no matter how well I do
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Both them are so rare, y'know.
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They are also my mains so I feel obliged to let them escape
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As killer no bill dies on my watch l. He will be escorted to the promise land
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When I play killer, my rules is this:
I'm kidding, I just play normally.
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Rules like that? Nope, don't got those.
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I usually only have one rule in general for all my killers:
"If you Decisive Strike me, I'd be more likely to target you over other Survivors."
I mean Killers do it to me too as Survivor, so I figure why not?
Oh, and if you're Jill and I'm playing Nemesis, sorry but I am canonically obligated to tunnel you or mori you.
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When I play Ghostface and t-bag to you, I expect you to T-bag with me. That's the catch to live. No t-bag? Hook you go. Same for pig, boop the snoot and imma farm with you. Also if you ever leave a gift for me, I'll let you live no matter what honestly. I'm a kind killer that plays for fun
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My "rules": Well, not really rules, but thats how i am:
If they are not toxic, they get hatch.
If they give up and stop running, i let them farm.
If they dont want to play serious for some reason, we farm.
I never play a toxic killer. No Twins, no Deathslinger and only in very rare occasions i would play Spirit.
Thats about it.
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I never tunnel. I always look for the unhooker unless i have no other option, i never camp unless the gates are powered and i have no kills, and if ive gotten 3 kills and the last survivor gives up i let them live. I also dont slug for the 4k. If a survivor is going out of their way to be a jerk i might alter them slightly but it doesnt happen often.
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Nope, none.
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How the ######### is Deathslinger toxic? In what world is a worse Huntress toxic to you?
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My two rules:
DS me on your first hook after I've tried going for someone else and you're getting tunneled/camped.
Flashlight/pallet/flash bang save before I've gotten any hooks and the rest of the match is you being tunneled out.
Old rule of mine:
You bring Object and you're getting slugged and bled out. (With Object nerf I no longer adhere to this rule)
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When I play killer, it's pretty simple. If I'm playing the Pig (who I play more as than anyone), then if you Boop, you live -- no exceptions (unless you've done something to warrant no mercy earlier in the match). I've depipped and had complete 4-person farming matches occur simply because everyone approached to Boop at the beginning.
Otherwise, I try to give as fun and as "fair" a match to the opposing survivors that I can. If you BM me, though, I'm going to make it rough for you and prioritize your dying over everyone else. Conversely, I don't worry about a 4K that much (with some exceptions, obviously). I often give the hatch/door to the last person alive, and I've done it a lot with people who I've seen have picked up crowns throughout the Anniversary event.
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Yui gets hatch if I dont get rolled by that team. Im a Yui simp.
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My rules :
- last survivor drops his item, he lives.
- Unlegit DS (like running around to make me down him to DS me), he will die, same for flashlight spam click
- T-bag when in a comfortable position, you will die
- god looper, you will live if I manage to catch you.
- you drop too much items in my basement, you're hired and will live
- Cybil will live.
- If you die to manage to put a blast mine I take in my face, under my eyes, you will live.
That's all I think...
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Tunnel the turd who tanks a hit with BT when I am obviously going for the unhooker. If you feel safe enough to take a hit, you're safe enough to get into another chase.
Be nice and play easy if they're obviously potatoes.
Back when survivors could spin in the dying state, If they spun after I spun, I'd let them live.
If you keep running to the strongest loop on the map (looking at you, you stupid meat tree), every time I even look at you, you better pray I don't catch you near the basement, because you are not getting out.
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Do you live on the moon? Slinger is the most hated killer since Legion 1.0.
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I've actually been away from DBD for a while, only recently got back around the time Trickster was released.
How exactly is Deathslinger toxic or hated? He is just a slightly worse Huntress. If the people who play him are toxic, that's on the people who play him, not the killer himself.
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How? You're comparing a killer to a killer who actually had the worst bug combo in the game that actually did guarantee wins.
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Most hated killer is Slinger? Did Spirit and Bubba died?
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He has a hard to hear TR and the existence of his gun makes it so that he can zone survivors, even if he doesnt aim.
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You mean the same thing Trickster has?
I never found that incredibly annoying. Or annoying at all for that matter. It's such a minor complaint I'm surprised he received the titlle for "most hated"
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Trickster is atleast weak on a lot of loops with high walls due to him taking a while before he can throw his first knife. Slinger can shoot relatively quickly at the speed of a max charged hatchet.
Personally Slinger isn't my most hated killer, but I can understand why people put him up there.
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If im carrying a survivor to a hook and i pass by hatch ill let them have it
i try my hardest to never go after the person just unhooked even if im losing hard
if a person is trying to get my attention by spamming vaults or flashlights i will purposfully ignore them (have fun sitting on gens all game)
i dont slug for the 4k
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i usually give Feng the hatch if i hadn't to kill her before because of reasons.
If a survivor begs for hatch i usually have mercy with the exception that i have a challenge or need some pips for next rank.
Not a hard rule, but sometimes if a team played very well without being annoying or "toxic" i respect that and give hatch to the last or the best survivor.
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More about how I play them than guarantee survival. As examples:
The Trapper: Play defensively, and be practical. Suffer no fools.
The Wraith: Hunt like a lion. Be compassionate to survivors and let at least one go if possible - Philip isn't a monster and understands their suffering.
The Hillbilly: Chainsaw ######### EVERYTHING!!!!!! No mercy. Cause chaos.
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When I rarely play killer, if you’re the last player and you weren’t being an ######### all match, and I catch you close to either the hatch or the gate, I will let you go.
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If you flash that light in my face, I am about to do some very disgusting things to you that survivor mains complain about all the time. Otherwise we cool, cuh.
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I never slug for the 4k (unless I need to do so for a challenge or something)
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Simple rule: If a survivor begs for my attention, i´ll give him my undevided attention.
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I go easy on a Dwight or Jesus, they are both cute.
other rules?
I dont give a damn about camping, tunneling or slugging.
No hatch or escape for someone who played poorly or didnt help the team.
Think thats it.
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My number 1 killer rule is that Jill and Chris must die *at all costs* when i am playing nemesis. S.T.A.R.S.!!!!!
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When I play Myers I do not have mercy, no hatch, no slow game and if they bring a Key I bring a Tombstone piece. However I will not use any slowdown perks on Myers as they do not fit his style in my opinion. Also I will not tunnel or camp because thats no fun for me. Myers has no mercy.
When I play Ghostface and a player tbags me, I tbag right back at them all the time. And I always play him to stalk and not just a hit and run style. Also if you break me out of stealth I will hunt you until I get my power back even if this means to tunnle you, because by revealing me you just signed up for Ghostys bad-guy-list.
In general I give the last survivor hatch if they did not flicker a flashlight and where not a sandback to their team. That selfcaring Claudette in the corner is going to die, that godlike Steve who looped me for two minutes while his team did not do any gens gets to live.