New Killer Builds

Anyone have some ideas for builds involving the Legion or their perks? I can’t wait to try Discordance on my Tinkerer+Overcharge Billy. Survivors won’t be able to power through that last 15% if they have to do each gen alone.


  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    oh boy I have a good one, for freddy too, Discordance, nurses calling, blood warden, noed, YOU HAVE PROGRESS WHEN I ALLOW IT

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Many people have been saying that the new killer perks are useless, but I do see a lot of potential with Discordance. Never thought of the Discordance plus Tinkerer combination, could actually be quite nice.
    I could see Pop Goes the Weasel actually having some use together with Discordance.

  • Discordance + prayer beads on spirit = fun gen grabs
  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    here's a good legion build that I use:

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @ad19970 said:
    Many people have been saying that the new killer perks are useless, but I do see a lot of potential with Discordance. Never thought of the Discordance plus Tinkerer combination, could actually be quite nice.
    I could see Pop Goes the Weasel actually having some use together with Discordance.

    many people also cannot play hillbilly properly too, saying those people are the people that cannot use perks like this, and discordance forces survivors to work solo on a generator, or risk being wounded by the killer, also mad grit would work a charm is you just smack the hell out of a survivor on hook while carrying a survivor, iron maiden wastes less time opening a locker

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Stridor is a decent perk for him.
    Brutal strength

    Idea - the add on which has his radius across all the map. 
    Run - Cauliflowerphobia, unnerving presence, Overcharge, thanataphobia 
    This build will make survivors want to heal up wasting thier precious time. And when they wanna do gens it will be tricky to ace the skill checks. When they fail one just hop on over there and kick overcharge on the gen. 

    Remember to keep using frenzy because terror radius only applies for the whole map while its active. As far as i know.
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
     Iron Grasp
    Mad Grit
    Insidious or Territorial

    For fun times.