Hitboxes are garbage in this game

I was playing against spirit, I used my flashlight and blinded her, then I moved to the side, she swung directly in front of her NOWHERE NEAR ME, I was directly to the side of her at this point and still managed a hit. This is the type of garbage that makes this game suck. It's one thing if she blind swings and hits me kind of near her, it's a completely different thing if she hits me standing on her side while swinging in front. Fix this game or get some programmers that can understand how hitboxes should work.
Thats not how hitboxes work especially with latency, they hit you on their screen, and the server accepted the hit, hits aren't rejected just because where you are on your screen differs from where the server is showing the killer, that would be completely unfair to have to hit an invisible survivor 0.25 seconds ahead of the model or more if the survivor is especially laggy
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Hitboxes are garbage? Always have been *points gun*
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I will always argue that hitboxes should work in favor of the survivors, not the Killer. If the Killer's ping is that bad, survivors shouldn't be punished for it.
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It usually is as very bad ping hits will cause the cooldown on the killer's end but not damage the survivor.
However lag compensation is more for the killer as melee(and flame thower) hits in online games tend to require more given that they are cones attached to a model that's constantly moving.
Nature of the beast with multiplayer + melee hits.
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I think hitboxes are fine as they currently are
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cool, still holding the same point, fine doesn't mean perfect but I think hitboxes are fine
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I see a lot of people saying that latency was the issue, and there are many instances where that's the case, however in this one it wasn't because I checked we weren't dropping frames, no one was moving weirdly. She wasn't getting special hits after lunging or anything. And this wasn't a case of where the animation ended and then we dropped. This was 100% a hitbox issue, she swung in a direction that was nowhere near me and still hit me, this wasn't latency, this was bad hitbox orientation.
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That's not how hitboxes and latency should ever work in a game. In FPS games for example, it always goes in favor of the person doing the shooting. Otherwise you have to aim where someone is going instead of where they are which makes the game far more unplayable than sometimes getting shot "around a corner"
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makes sense, if survivors also had weapons to hit the killer with...... maybe you havent noticed yet but this aint an fps game.
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I kind of like how his comment went clean over your head
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So killer attacks are actually hit cones. The dbd models have a hit capsule(3d pill shape) that is a bit bigger than the actual model within. So if you moved to side then you were still in the cone according the hit registration's calculations.
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I personally hate how EVERY medium vault is a guaranteed hit.
Medium vault during a chase = killer hit you
Medium vault while killer is chasing someone else on the other side of the map = killer hits you
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And that is exactly the issue, they need to clean up hitboxes in this game, it's not rocket science, every other game for the last decade has done it, and they have nowhere near the budget of this one.
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But I love getting hit by the Huntresses hatchet around a corner and up two flights of stairs.
And who doesn't want to jump down a floor only to get hit by Freddy when you're half way down?
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I agree, but the flashlight is actually my number one complaint regarding how generous things are. Rofl.
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Yes, let's make survivors immortal just for using a VPN.
That's like saying the prompt to activate objects should be randomly placed somewhere withing 4m of the object. Want to vault a window? Run directly into the wall next to it and hope it's the right one.
The killers objective is directly tied to hitting survivors. The survivors objective isn't, or else genrushing wouldn't be a thing.
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That's not physically possible. Your hitbox is a pill, her attack is a cone, both have to touch in order to get hit. If she was facing away from you it wouldn't hit.
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Don't worry about hitboxes. Hit validation is on (not) Or maybe it is, but it only works when killers have 200+ ping, meanwhile you can have the lowest ping of the match, yet the killer still gets off-looking hits. Forget being hit when the killer isnt even facing you, thats normal. Its the "favour the shooter" system, which clearly works well in this game.
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Feel the same when survivor but then as killer couple of booty shakes and my auto aim kicks in, swings that should hit don't, just life atm.
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Youre confused. Hitboxes are a bit iffy in this game for sure, but what you are talking about is latency.
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No, latency is when she swings then I run past her and get hit later, she swung after I was already way past her and I still got hit, that's hitboxes NOT latency.
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And yet, I got hit, which is why this thread now exists.
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You do not understand, programmatically, what you are saying.
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I do understand what you're saying, you're just wrong.