Bloodlust and Skillchecks Miscellaneous Changes

Whomst Member Posts: 168
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions


If the Killer is more than 20-Meters from a Chased Survivor, Bloodlust Effect activates.Bloodlust deactivates when within 20-Meters from the Survivor during a Chase, however the Effect persists for 5-Seconds during this Time or upon a Chase Ending Afterwards.

The Killer's Movement Speed is Increased by 0.2/MS while Bloodlust is Active.

Skillcheck : When performing an Action involving a Skillcheck , the Following Applies :

Looking within a 90-Degrees of the Skillcheck-Action , the Skillcheck is displayed as Normal.

Looking away at 120-Degrees from the Skillcheck-Action, the Skilcheck has slightly less Clarity/Blurred-Effect and the Skillcheck Window Size is decreased by 40%.

Looking away at 180-Degrees from the Skillcheck-Action , the Skillcheck has moderately Less Clarity/Blurred-Effect and the Skillcheck Window Size is decreased by 45%.

Looking away at 240-Degrees from the Skillcheck , the Skillcheck has much Less Clarity/Blurred-Effect and the Skillcheck Window Size is decreased by 50%.

The Skillcheck Placement is placed Slightly-Moderately Off-Center relative to the Vertical and Horizontal Camera Placement of the Survivor.

Technician : When Repairing a Generator the Noises caused by Repairing and its Hearing Distance is Reduced by 8-Meters. While Repairing, your Generator Progression appears 25%-Behind from its Actual Progress for the Killer. This Effect persists for 5-Seconds after Ending the Repair Action.

Missing a Skillcheck while Repairing causes the Following Effects : The Generator Explosion is prevented.

The Noise Notification will trigger on an a Generator not currently being Repaired.

This Effect can only be Triggered Again once you have Repaired for the Equivalent of 60%/55%/50%-Generator Progress.

Post edited by Whomst on


  • Whomst
    Whomst Member Posts: 168
    edited July 2021

    Bloodlust : Currently, Bloodlust is a polarizing Mechanic. Bloodlust can be Ineffectual to ending Chases early and Time-Inefficient. It is either built up too Late, unnecessary on playable Tiles , or on certain Structures is nullified as the Tile is too safe for it to Build-up properly. It is not very practical when Playing a Killer whose Power is Chase-Oriented which will cause Bloodlust to reset every so often. On the other hand , Survivors can feel very little urgency during Chases as Bloodlust becomes a Powerful Tool but only after an unnecessarily long time burned by the Killer. However , Bloodlust can be repurposed to try and counteract Survivors making long distances during Chases. The Point is help the Killer cover and keep ground in the meantime: If the Survivor is at a Long-Distance , it gives the Killer an opportunity to catch-up to the Survivor. Granted, there are Tiles that need adjustments and to set up this system, the Chase Detection would need to be more consistent in maintaining when the Killer is chasing a Survivor at greater distances but in a gameplay-sense could make Bloodlust a more robust mechanic.

    Skillcheck: This is to add an element of Immersion to Skillcheck-related Actions and make the mechanic have a bit more relevance and add emphasis to a Survivor's positioning and Situational-Awareness while preoccupied.

    Post edited by Whomst on