I just wish killers could've had the same hook UI as Survivors

At least it wont take up screen space now.
This is your 4th thread on this Topic. I highly doubt that the Devs will change their mind on that one, the new Hook UI for Killers is mainly positive feedback if they are doing well.
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I like the hook ui though? It's handy if there's 2 gens left and everyone is alive but I have 8 hooks.
would I like both? yes. am I going to disable it because it doesn't do everything I want it to? absolutely not.
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But it doesn't do that.
A survivor dying on first hook is bad for the killer, you only get one hook score event out of it, but the counter counts it as 3, so you can't even rely on the information the counter is giving you.
Also, without individual survivor hook counts, it can be hard to keep track of who you have and haven't hooked, and can lead to inadvertent tunnelling, especially with multiples of the same survivor. So without it, you get accidental tunnels. Meanwhile actual tunnelling killers will tunnel regardless, and already know who they're going after because they're only focusing on one survivor.
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No thanks. Don't need to make it easier for Leatherface to just chase the same person all game.
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I'd love it too (especially during the event when I'm trying specifically NOT to death hook anyone) but BHVR seems to only want us to have overall hook count so *shrug*
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Yeah...but then you only have 3 other survivors. 3 × 3 = 9, you have 9 hook stages before everyone is dead.
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I'm not sure what your point is...
I want as many hooks as possible.
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Okay, but that's on the survivors for unhooking and on you to allow them to unhook and then hook someone else.
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I mean, I dont need either, like I know who has been hooked that often. In the end, those are 4 Survivors and everyone should be able to keep track of their Hook States. It is really not that difficult.
However, I agree that the Killer Hook-Counter should count actual hooks and not Hook Stages. Because the actual Hooks are important for the Emblems, not the Hook Stages.
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Killers will just have to remember hook states just like before
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Killers can count, survs can't as they're to focused holding W and M1.
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I know, I've pretty much given up on the Dev's listening to reason, just saw those patch notes and knew this meme had to be made.
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What do you need that info for? I don't see how that info will help you, unless you really want to make sure everyone is on death hook before you start killing them off.
That info won't really help you not tunnel, except very early game. There is a very easy solution to that, "whoops I accidently hooked dwight twice, o well from now on I wont chase dwight until I have hooked a few others." What there are two dwights wearing the exact same cosmetic, very rare and usually a swf trying to trip you up, at that point you are no longer responsible if you accidently tunnel.
If you need it to tunnel, well.....umm.....bad killer.
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i wouldnt say there a bad killer for tunneling, especially mid to late game, tho i think there a bad killer if they need a hook counter to tunnel
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Imagine the devs thinking that I'm not gonna tunnel people more if they don't have some notches next to their name.
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I hit who I see. If I tunnel I tunnel, if I don't I don't.
A hook counter that works may help me be more conscious of it though.
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No, we don’t need to make it easier for killers to tunnel.
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I would like it as I don't particularly like killing someone early, but I rarely care enough to remember who I did or didn't hook. Especially when there are multiple players with the same character.
As everyone else said, if and when I tunnel, I hardly need a counter, rofl.
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It would be a good QOL change to don't keep the count in your head.
But devs don't want playing killer to be comfortable.
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Some people in here acting like this would make it easier to camp/tunnel.
If a killer is really camping snd tunneling they don't need a counter. They just hook someone and wait until they eithier die or get unhooked. They don't need those 2 notches to know what their doing.
The hook counter would only really help actual killers playing normally. Many times have I killed someone at the wrong time because theres four Neas that can only be distinguished by their different pants...
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I really don't understand why they don't add this, it would literally make the game better for everyone. Killers who want to play fair and get more bloodpoints will prioritize hooking everyone to avoid accidental tunneling, and killers who really want to tunnel would do it anyway regardless of if there's a personal hook counter or not.
And yes of course you could just count yourself, but personally sometimes I play with my mind on auto pilot and don't really keep track of who I've hooked 2 gens ago.
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If killers could see which survivors were hooked and which weren't, there would be an unruly increase in tunneling. Its a terrible idea.
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A better hook counter wouldn't have any negative effect in regard to tunnelling,
A Killer that's purposely tunnelling can easily remember who it is they've chosen to target and a better hook counter wouldn't benefit them any.
But for a Killer that isn't purposely tunnelling and would rather spread the hooks out to be nice/get the most bloodpoints would use the counter to reduce any accidental tunnelling they might do.
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I would rather have the survivor hook count than the killer one we have now
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Killers having the separated hook UI would just be a good quality of life addition.
Letting them avoid accidentally tunnelling and ending up eating a decisive strike and preventing Killers wasting they're perk tokens or powers (e.g. Pig putting a reverse bear trap on a death hook Survivor)
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I'm not sure what your trying to imply here,
that a new player would be encouraged to not chase the first person they find roaming the map because they're not first on the list?
because I feel like even the dumbest player would quickly realize that's a bad idea.
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I personally think it has less to do with tunneling rather with encouraging focus in certain situations, where a killer can track or see several survivors and will choose the one who is closer on death hook than the others. Of course that can already happen with killers who have a good memory, but when killer have the information, they will focus more in situation like these. And the devs kinda want to prevent that from happening.
I personally don't agree with that, but that what I think is the reason why.
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Still, the MAJORITY of killers aren’t trying to play nice and fair.
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Feels that way some times..
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Thing is that works both ways, the Survivors having the individual hook counter encourages focus, either to body block for survivors on a higher amount of hook stages or not bother starting run for a save for someone on death hook when they're picked up and instead focusing a generator.
That level of information is beyond what the average SWF would have been communicating before the counter.
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while I think you're overstating the scale of killers not "playing fair",
As I've said, killers that want to tunnel easily do it anyway, the separated hook counter wouldn't make it any easier. But a killer that wants to avoid tunnelling would have an easier time avoiding doing it accidently.
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Honestly I agree. The amount of killers that play like dbags are going to keep increasing, so I don't think this would really impact that too much in the long run (if anything, the best deterrent for that rn is probably the lack of a DC penalty).
A hook counter for killers like the one survivors see at least helps those who want to play fair keep track of things easier, and allows those who do get ran out of the match quickly more ground to stand on when they say they were targeted unfairly.
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Care to explain your disagreement? or just give a one word response with no explanation or evidence?