Anniversary Event Update

Two words: BLOOD HUNT
Starting July 29th, we're having a Blood Hunt!! For people who don't know, this is a 2x BP event!
So far we've hit 9,711,302 Crowns collected. If we hit 10,000,000 then we'll get an extra day for this Blood Hunt!!
Start the countdown, lights camera action, the Blood Hunt begins in 10 days!
Hey and they waited until their (alleged) fix to do it too! That was nice of them to remember that a good chunk of their user base is kind of dead in the water right now :D
22 -
The cakes the community has earned over the event should be enough. IMO they should cancel the bloodhunt.
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wait you don't want more bloodpoints?
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What the absolute ######### are you talking about?
More bloodpoints for everyone is MORE BLOODPOINTS FOR EVERYONE
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This community doesn't need more bloodpoints, anyone who disagrees is just being greedy.
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It's a ######### game with a long ass ######### grind, you really think we're being greedy for just wanting to unlock the ######### we already unlocked on Killers and Survivors we want to play? I don't think so.
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Excuse me? So a bonus for collecting Crowns in an event based around collecting crowns that the devs are doing voluntarily is bad because you personally feel like the community doesn't need more BP.
Also, just because you don't need something doesn't mean you shouldn't have it. Using that mentality, you don't need a forums account nor the ability to play this game, so complaining if you can't play the game is greedy.
If you feel like you don't want the Blood Points, I have great news for you! Don't play the game over the period of time and bam suddenly there's no Blood Hunt!
17 -
The bp economy will never recover from a bloodhunt immediately after an anniversary event. The way i see it, after the bloodhunt is done its gonna be ultra-rare add-on city for weeks.
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Oh no, players can use rare things in the game! That contains these rare things! What an absolutely catastrophe-
It also will encourage newer players to keep grinding, help older players with the P350 grind too, and overall will make playing the game even more rewarding.
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What game have you been playing?
It's been keys and BNPs and Moris and Fragrant Tufts of Hair in Rank 1 for me.
That has ALWAYS been the case. A Bloodhunt doesn't change that. Because both sides will always bring their best add-ons. You denying this just makes you look like you're just salty you lose to these add-ons and items.
17 -
A Blood Hunt? Now we are talking.
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I am salty I lost to OP items that are SUPPOSED to be rare, yet i see them every game on both sides. Many people agree that a bloodhunt just isn't needed right now.
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Dude. No one here agrees with you. Everyone wants this bloodhunt. You're the very odd one out.
And ######### hell, no one thinks these add-ons are rare.
Everyone most likely has over 10 of each other if they play this game for over 1000 hours. Again, a bloodhunt won't change that.
15 -
That's not a problem with the bloodpoint economy, that's a problem with those specific add-ons.
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Well hopefully us console peeps can enjoy this event lag free.
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Oh my god, this could end up triggering a full-blown bloodpoint recession
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Only if it continues for 2 consecutive quarters
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Who cares about an economy when we can't trade or sale what we're getting with the influx of bp? This ain't diablo, hun. People actually getting enough bp to make headway through the grind is a win, but then again you're probably just post baiting so *shrug*
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Glad somebody actually sees it my way. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did a reverse bloodhunt so they could retain a stable bp economy.
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I hope you know that guy was mocking you.
Also, thanks for confirming as much that you're baiting.
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Like I said in a different thread, this is nice but kinda disappointing because the big final reward shouldn’t be something that should have been active from the beginning. Why couldn’t it be something crazy like millions of BP and tens of thousands of shards or enough Auric Cells to get an outfit? It’d definitely help make up for how terrible the event has been. You only get one 5th anniversary after all, don’t let it go down as one of the worst times to play DBD.
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Meh, was hoping for some better rewards but whatever. A good amount of gifted BP was better, since killer and survivor behavior is just trash during events and bloodhunts.
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8 -
But how long will the Blood Hunt last?
What is the multiplier? Usually its 2x the normal bloodpoints. We had 3x once.
Wouldn´t it be fitting to give a 5x bonus for the anniversary?!
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I don't know on duration but we can assume it's a 2x multiplier. This is because it's a Blood Hunt, while all 1.5x events have been a Blood Rush and the single 3x event we've had was a Blood Feast.
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They were mocking you bestie
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Would have been a nice touch for all the console players that couldn´t play during the event.
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If MMR gets activated then it maybe will not be a big problem. Strong add-ons will boost the player's MMR and in the end the add-ons will not give too much advantage, because the player will face stronger opponents.
Btw because of this economy balance, my grind rework idea was based on giving perks for free and leaving only items, add-ons and offerings in the bloodweb. More details here:
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You may already unlock all characters, prestige them all, unlock all perks on each of them. Doesnt mean other people, especially new players already achieve it.
This game can only able to enjoy when people are free to choose perk builds, which requires half a decade to unlock them all.
People put 5.000.000 BP into a single character not because they grind for good add-on, its for perks.
8 -
this is wonderful!!
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It'll be nice for those of us who haven't played this game for more than a year. We're so behind compared to those since day 1. And it's frustrating sometimes to be running the weakest builds. And all I want is every character and perk unlocked so I can start the grind for getting the perks on the characters I want. That's all I want to do. So more BP just helps a lot of us out. But I get what you're saying don't get me wrong. It helps those at the bottom but also at those at the top. Unfortunate I'll be working Thursday so I wont have tons of time to benefit from it. #work #kids #spouse #adulting lol xD
So for all you lazy kids out there enjoy!
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I just realized I missed 5th anniversary art contest loooooong time ago. Sad
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4 days but if we open enough crowns, 1 more day
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I'm sad that the bloodhunt is starting a few days after I move to Omaha but at least console players will get the bloodhunt as a sort of compensation.
I hope all of you do your best to find those crowns so the bloodhunt can last longer!
0 -
What a 🤡
10 - don't want more blood points in a game where the grind is atrocious?
Am I reading this right?
7 -
Bloodpoints shall pour like rain, and killers shall bring the pain!
I'm not a I guess they'll just ...
At the Exit Gate.
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I'm farming with all the survivors until I get 1,000,000. Then I'm saving for the next chapter
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You should show your commitment to your stance by wasting all your bloodpoints on every single brown bloodpoint offering you come across until you don't have enough bloodpoints to buy anything while also avoiding every single perk that shows up in a bloodweb. FINANCIAL RUIN FOR THE GREATER GOOD
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I don't use add-ons in my matches because they make me too reliant. Frankly all i see is a bunch of add-on addicts here.
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i literally play pyramid head add-on-less and just want this event for more offerings but go off
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Odd flex but okay
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I didn't say anything about add-ons.
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I'm perplexed ... it's an event! what problem can that be?
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question: what's the problem with add-ons?
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honestly nobody knows but blood hunt op i guess
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Do you play this game at any ranks above 9?
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So you're going to play MAYBE 2 trials a day?
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I know, right? DbD decided to not properly load in the sparkle glitter assets last night and I had a trial where the game stuttered heavily every time a sparkling survivor entered my FoV.
The definition of event-induced lag.