Why always the hardest maps as killer????

Is there literally ANYTHING the Devs can do about that? I don't mean to be a bad sport, but technically the game is a little survivor sided, and it seems common for the game to send the hardest maps for killers too, and I am just tired of it! Totems generally aren't hid well too, which isn't any better. Keys are just free wins for survivors and ruin the fun of the game too.

Isn't there at least SOMETHING the Devs can do about it all? It is just soooooo hard and unfun to play when you are facing R1s at their best maps that also are hard/suck for you. Get indoor commonly as Nurse, got Haddonfield just earlier as P-Head, and get Coldwind and indoor commonly as Huntress. Please can they do something? Just PLEASE????

