Why always the hardest maps as killer????

Is there literally ANYTHING the Devs can do about that? I don't mean to be a bad sport, but technically the game is a little survivor sided, and it seems common for the game to send the hardest maps for killers too, and I am just tired of it! Totems generally aren't hid well too, which isn't any better. Keys are just free wins for survivors and ruin the fun of the game too.
Isn't there at least SOMETHING the Devs can do about it all? It is just soooooo hard and unfun to play when you are facing R1s at their best maps that also are hard/suck for you. Get indoor commonly as Nurse, got Haddonfield just earlier as P-Head, and get Coldwind and indoor commonly as Huntress. Please can they do something? Just PLEASE????
Either bring offerings to maps you don't have trouble with or start learning how to play those maps better. There's also the option of just going afk by doors to wait out games then leave so you don't get a DC penalty but that's pretty boring for everybody. And don't worry, your bad indoor map luck is shared by me with Oni and Huntress lol
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You realise this happens to survivors too? We aren’t jumping for joy when we get spawned into Hawkins or Dead Dawg, it’s just the game right now.
Also, the game is not survivor sided. SWF are 100% stronger than killers, no denying that. But killers are stronger than solo queue survivors, especially below red rank. If the game made killers stronger as a whole, lower ranks would be elo hell.
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Technically with the very best survivors versus the very best killer on any map, the survivors would almost surely win. There is pretty much no killer in the game that isn't able to be countered. The best Nurse might be able to win, but there are ways to really frustrate a Nurse too at many maps. Any killer thrives off of the mistakes of survivors, so if they make few mistakes, the killer has no chance. The very best survivors that know what to do in each situation could easily outplay any killer. It is impossible to fully make the game balanced.
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Hawkins yes, and maybe original dead dog, but now survivors send me there intentionally because in order to have a chance I have to pretend I'm the Kool-aid man for the first five minutes to make the loops even remotely able to be ended.
The only true killer sided maps at this point are:
Shelter Woods
The Game Maybe depending on the Killer.
Meanwhile every killer groans when we see.
Any McMillan Estate map
Any Autohaven Map
Any Coldwind Map
Midwich (I'll concede I think survivors hate this one almost as much as killers do)
Lampkin Lane
Badham Pre-School
The game is survivor sided if we're talking similar ranked killers and survivors. 4 red rank survivors, even in solo queue, are at an advantage against a red rank killer.
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There are no killer sided maps, so get over it.
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Using the best survivors in the game as a talking point doesn’t work
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Looks like we have another Sluzzy wannabe
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Why do I always get the worst maps for whatever side I'm playing? Simply put, my luck is #########.
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Don't forget the red forests maps, one of the largest maps with safe pallets everywhere.
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Where would y'all be without name calling?
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Thank you! I entirely agree with that, 100%.
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I entirely agree with that, there only the best maps FOR killer. Dead Dawg has that super powerful loop around the whole building, yet people say that that place is likely the best killer map.
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Oh, it’s a compliment, Sluzzy is the funniest user on here
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When it was first released it really was one of the most killer-sided maps due to how small and compact it was, making generator patrols quite easy. There wasn't nearly the amount of breakable walls it has now, which basically if you choose not to break them it becomes as bad as Midwich does if you don't go around breaking walls.
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Sadly, not anymore. But I remember the good ole' days when Lery's and The Game were deadly.
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I know. I did call it though: Anybody who y'all disagree with, y'all just call Sluzzy. There's no argument or anything of substance, just a label. "Silly opinion here. Everybody move along." That's why I refuse to partake in using Sluzzy's name like that.
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I think not many survivors use Lery's to its full potential, like Hawkins, so they don't know that in theory you can loop a killer for 5 gens on that map, easily. I don't know about the old version though. And The Game was never as killer sided as people said either. A lot of the god pallets/strong pallets people complain about now were in the original version of the map. And it was darker so a Blendette was literally invisible in certain areas like the freezer. I lost games on that map plenty of times, whether it was because of split gens, swf, or survivors generally playing not stupid.
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Old Lery's was my favorite map for a very long time, both as survivor and killer. That map was perfect. Literally perfect.
As for The Game, I disagree with what you've said. Some god pallets were already there, but that was it. There weren't many to begin with, and after they were gone there a little a survivor could do. As for stealth, I never had a problem with it, mostly because Old Freddy had a little trick to deal with stealthy survivors that most people don't know about.
The Game was one of the deadliest maps for a reason.
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I love Old Freddy and miss him. :( He was my favorite killer back then and his power was unique! I loved his permanent invisibility. He was actually my first killer I made P3. When I mained him (when people thought he was weak), I got a lot of 4ks, so at the end of rounds I commonly said "Never doubt Bloody Freddy". As any killer, you can get good with them if you try hard enough.
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"Any Coldwind Map"
In what world is a corn map Killer sided? I've won more games as Survivor there than in HadNoFun and I lost more games there than in HadNoFun. Granted that's because I get Corn maps way more than HadNoFun but it's still corn maps.
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They were saying killers hate "Any Coldwind Map".
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Oh I misread.
Welp, don't mind me. Sorry about that.
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LOL, no worries. I do that all the time in real life.
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Since The Realm Beyond, I wouldn't even say most maps lean one way or another. There are obvious outliers, such as Dead Dawg being a hallway of death, and Ormond being SafetyTown™ for survivors, but pallets have been pruned, maps have been shrunk, and there are many more gens stuck in dead zones that the survivors are forced to do if they wanna win.
The clock is set against the killer, but I wouldn't say the maps are.
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Currently many maps do suck for killer. Tons of Coldwind maps and there are few, if any, killers that thrive in Coldwind.
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Anytime I'm on a corn map survivors just slide into the corn and...
Always try to keep Autohaven and Midwich offerings on hand.
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No joke. That tactics works way too well.
Especially with Iron Will.
I always lose the Killer in chase because of it.
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The maps people say "suck for killer" are usually just normal maps that they're framing as an impossibility
I love playing Badham as killer, but any other killer main would tell you it's hell on earth and that the garage loop is supposedly an "infinite" (lol)
There's only one survivor-sided coldwind map, the rest have been pruned hard. They're only difficult for ranged killers.
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Can't tell if you are serious or just being sarcastic, but here it is:
- Dead Dawg Saloon
- Hawkins National Laboratory
- Midwich Elementary School
- Backwater Swamp
- The Game
- Azarov's Resting Place
- Ormond (after the rework)
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Ormond is survivor city, you can't be serious
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You're telling me any killer can succeed, easily, on those maps?
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That is why I specified "after the rework". The map was reworked a couple of months ago, it's much more killer sided now. You should try it yourself now, see what I mean.
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It's still massively survivor sided
Safe pallet into jungle gym into safe pallet into jungle gym into safe pallet into jungle gym into safe pallet into jungle gym
not to mention the 2 balcony-blocking god pallets in the resort
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Saloon - a small map with two thirds of the area being one continuous dead zone and with one easily seen lane in the middle, where all the gens can be patrolled with no effort. The most killer sided map in the game so far.
Hawkins - indoors map where you can waste a lot of time before finding a gen. Killer-sided unless the killer is a nurse/billy/huntress. All pallets save for a couple are jokes.
School - straight hallways with nowhere to run or to hide, you have to jump into classrooms hoping there is a pallet there. Finding a gen takes longer than mastering Nurse.
Swamp - Deadzone: The Map.
The game: easy to get lost, takes forever to find a gen, never can tell whether the killer is on your floor or on the other one, since the heartbeat doesn't distinguish the Z axis.
Azarov - 3-gen: The Map.
Ormond - small, the pallets are jokes, half of the tiles are deadzone.
I missed some maps from the old rotations, which have a lot of forest tiles in it (ie dead zones), don't remember the names. Those are not pleasant for survivors either.
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ormond, swamp, and the game are not killer sided
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Survivors have more than enough resources in each and every map to trump anything the killer does. If they lose, that's on them. The killer's never in control.
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I can say the same, switching "survivors" with "killer", and it will have the same amount of argumentation in it.
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Except that you'd be wrong. You can feel it, playing killer. There's just something inherently weak about them.
20 second chases too slow? No. Kicking gens doing nothing? Naw. Being forced to run slowdown perks? Get outta here. I'm just making this all up I guess.
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I play both sides very evenly. So I'm hoping my opinions are as unbiased as possible.
When I play killer, the ONLY maps I don't groan about getting are:
- Dead Dawg Saloon
- Shelter Woods
- Hawkin's (though this is dependent on what killer I am playing, most of the roster is fine with it)
The Game is arguable and could go either way, it really depends what killer you are as well. But for the most part, M1 killers will struggle because there are a ridiculous amount of safe loops on this map after the rework. Provided the survivors aren't scared of being in a terror radius for 80+% of the match, it's hard to do well as killer.
Every other map I feel can be easily won by survivors. There are more than enough resources on the "3 gen maps" (Azarov's and Suffocation Pit) to get by. If the killer leaves a good 3 gen spot, then you can pump out that gen and not let them have it. If they spend the entire match guarding the same 3 gens and not chasing, do every other gen and then you literally have all the hook states in the game to do 1 last gen. I usually win on Azarov's and Suffocation Pit as killer by banking on the survivors being overly altruistic instead focusing on gens.
Pretty much every other map is survivor sided for the average killer. The sheer amount of great maps for survivors is also one of the reasons I picked up and learnt to play Nurse.
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I absolutely do, Hawkins and Dead Dawg require actual effort to run. Most maps are just muscle memory at this point but those two have so much ability to ######### with killers if you're creative enough and they both have free gens for relaxation.
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I kind of love the Saloon just to roleplay as the Kool-aid man. But yeah, I agree, survivors send me there all the time. I ain't complaining.
I am a weird killer though, I do not mind Coldwind and DESPISE Lery's which seem to be the opposite opinion of most killers. As a survivor, I quite like Lery's as it is the only map that I can last in chase for longer than 10 seconds.
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I just dc on like 4 maps depending on the killer, if I'm playing blight you best believe i ain't playing Hawkins, lerys, rpd or haddonfield.
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The loops in some of them just suck for the killers. If you say only ONE Coldwind map is survivor sided, not sure you play killer much at all. Some Coldwind maps have literally been made WORSE to the killers.
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Backwater Swamp and Azarov's Resting Place are not killer maps. Azarov's is super long, making the map almost impossible for slow killers unless they do a 3-gen. Backwater is giant also, giving survivors a buff there too. The Game depends, as some are good some are bad there. And Ormond, still not really killer sided. Dead Dawg actually has the giant loop around its entire building, so slower killers are also pained there. Midwich and Hawkins are the decent ones though. You actually forgot Shelter Woods, which is one of the better maps for us killers.
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You REALLY got a few things wrong there. Azarov's sucks for killer and you say it's killer sided because you can 3-gen it? That's the only good thing for killer! Ormond actually still is powerful for survivors for all of the jungle gyms it still has, along with the godpallet in the resort itself. And with school, people can loop the entire building which SUCKS for killers, especially slower killers. Don't think what's bad for survivors in those maps and actually play killers at all of those places to really see their pain. Being in the red ranks too only makes it harder.
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Thank you! So many survivor mains are probably the ones the get new killers always weakened or say some killers are just too strong at some maps. Survivor mains really don't play enough killer to understand the pain here.
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Hey pal whatever you are ON please send some over here. I would kill to experience that high.....
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I know the pain there. The entire point of why I started this discussion in the first place, LOL. I never DC though, rather the suffer through the pain extremely painfully. I actually told myself a few days back that if I got one more Springfield map that day, I would DC. I was too frustrated from getting that map so much as killer.
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True except Autohaven and MacMillan. I love these maps as killer.
I groan inside when I see Badham or any indoor map as killer.
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I like Midwich, maybe my favourite map as survivor and killer