What do you think of a Outlast Chapter?

Vyne456 Member Posts: 848

What do you think of this chapter lady’s and gentlemen.

What do you think of a Outlast Chapter? 36 votes

Yes I do, it would be cool.
Seiko300TerminatorGuyLeonardo1itaMidori_21Uistreelanonymous31337Sackboy123GlamourousLeviathanScary_Punk_GhostCornHubLuciferr_2ndDr_Emaraldxtr4meMarc_go_soloDwightFairfieldBasementDwellerQwQwDistortedDream_NIGHTMARE_syain 25 votes
Meh… It’s in the middle
TapeKnotSacrilegeGGDr_LoomisCornpopers_EvanRoboMojoAwkward_FiendGreyBigfoot[Deleted User]VioletCrimes 9 votes
Hell no! I would say it’s a very bad chapter.
HellraisingPredatorThanotos_Omega 2 votes


  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
    Yes I do, it would be cool.

    This would be awesome!

    There are enough killers to choose from.

    I'm a huge fan of outlast!

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    Meh… It’s in the middle

    If it was something from the first game then, I'd honestly be probably pretty ok with that, I liked the first game enough that I'd like someone like Trager. On the flipside though, I didn't like Outlast 2 so anything related to that game I'd not really care to see in the game. It's kind of a very muddy situation for me but hey, if it gets added eventually I'd ultimately be mostly ok with it.

  • mightytoxic784
    mightytoxic784 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 14
    Yes I do, it would be cool.

    This could be maybe 1 survivor and 2 killers added like chris walker and richard trager

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    Meh… It’s in the middle

    Not a huge fan of the series but it fits the tone.

  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100
    Hell no! I would say it’s a very bad chapter.

    I would say i would strongly oppose them adding a blatantly homo/transphobic franchise to the game while still fumbling over the writers messing up their whole leave everyone's orientations/gender identity vague plan because they couldn't contain their heteronormativity, and after releasing trickster who has so many shades of the "this guy is effeminate so he could be gay and that's scary!"

  • syain
    syain Member Posts: 440
  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    edited July 2021
    Meh… It’s in the middle

    Jesse, what the ######### are you talking about?

    I can get where you’re coming from with transphobia in Outlast 2, but the rest is pretty confusing.

  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100
    Hell no! I would say it’s a very bad chapter.

    Outlast 1 had the guy the outlast devs try to absolve themselves of who cuts men up to make them "women" by claiming no "no he's totally strait!" Trickster has many shades of the old trope of having a man exhibit feminine qualities to code him gay and thus scary to strait men, and a while back one of the team explained they had originally planned to not have most of the cast have any confirmed gender identity or sexual orientation leaving it up to the community, but the writers couldn't resist shoving heterosexuality into people's faces because irony is wasted on nerd culture, they then made a big point about weanting to add LGBT+ rep to even things out but have not done a damn thing and with Trickster have actually done worse than nothing by adding a character evoking an old homophobic stereotype

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Meh… It’s in the middle

    The first one was enjoyable but I didn't like the sequel. Finished both, but the second one was a little annoying at various points.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180
    Yes I do, it would be cool.

    The question would be which killer would I like to see, and whilst Chris Walker is a great choice, much can be said for Trager, the Groom and many other of the killers.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    edited July 2021
    Meh… It’s in the middle

    Anything to do with mental health in “Outlast” is awful, because the series is focused on a more supernatural horror than realism. Gluskin cut up men because he no longer had access to women to cut up. There are files on his history that reflect this. It also let the game put the player in the position where the character could have the threat of mutilation without them having to deal with violence against women complaints.

    K-Pop boys are usually young, soft, and rather femininely pretty. The Trickster looks older to me than most of the real-life singers I’ve seen pictures of. He’s flamboyant because he wants all of the attention on him. Other than his pretty boy looks and bright colors, I don’t see any queer coding in him. He’s a vicious serial killer who only cares about himself and being famous, so he’s theatrical. That doesn’t mean he’s gay. If he was gay, fine, as long as they made it clear that his sexuality wasn’t what’s villainous about him.

    I’m a queer and trans fan of the series, and I’m generally a bit touchy when fiction goes the “queer/trans = evil” route. BHVR has a lot of issues with this game, but I don’t see this as one of them.

  • Thanotos_Omega
    Thanotos_Omega Member Posts: 100
    Hell no! I would say it’s a very bad chapter.

    It's more a matter of it being a fumble then me thinking it's malicious,

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246
    Yes I do, it would be cool.

    fix the game first

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    Meh… It’s in the middle

    Never played Outlast so I don't have any strong feelings on this matter.