Is there any chance for a Spirit nerf or is the best thing to main her for easy wins?

Thinking to become a Spirit main, maybe playing against very good survivors can show me a counterplay to her, if not, thats good too,I want an easy win without too much effort, tried Wraith, but he has counterplay if a good SWF, maybe Spirit has none and then I found my fav killer to play as
Devs nerfing Stridor & not her goes to show there's not going to be any nerfs to her anytime soon, mainly due to the fact that they have no idea how to nerf her, despite all the feedback we've given....
So, Yes, you can play her, however, instead of choosing Stridor, you can now choose another META perk to fill that slot in.
Good luck.
Edit: Forgot to mention, this is a band-aid fix. If you nerf a perk, making it more useless than before & not the killer power directly, it's a band-aid fix.
Edit 2: At least for 3 months, until the next mid-chapter update, IF,spirit is going to get changed, and that's a big IF as there are other issues at hand that also need to be addressed.
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Spirit is unfair, she deserves nerf.
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If you can’t beat them, join them.
I just hope she wont get a nerf after few months
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I am fair player. I am rejecting to play with broken killer. I am happy with Nem, Blight and Freddy.
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I dont know about Blight and Nurse, they are fair in a sense that takes lot of practice to play well, so never feels bad when I lose because I know the killer player had to put so much time to master said killers, but considering their str when mastered they are quite broken however.
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Play as her, figure out possible counters, then attempt those possible counters. Always keep in mind that no counter is perfect and you will likely fail the first few attempts, especially since your starting position is "Spirit can't be countered".
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I made a video about this. There's just no way to nerf Spirit without butchering her kit.
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For me Spirit is not really an issue, i don't play too often against her. And when I do even then I sometimes escape.
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Nah should you want the most free wins you're supposed to play pig according to the all knowing statistics. She's not going anywhere.
Spirit gets regular ton of complains where a few are even legitimate. She'll get some kind of update eventually.
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Now I main her, I should have played her all the time.
Played 5 game, first I had a bad game with 3k, and only because survivors was made so many mistakes, but getting better with each game, I feel like a god playing Spirit, she is the most fun killer there is, way better feel than solo survivor or any other killer.
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I'd like to see that too, but ideally I think her balance should come second to her core design. Adjusting numbers or making her kit clunky won't be enough to change her fundamentally flawed design of having zero feedback and information to play with. She probably needs an entire rework.
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Pay attention to the loading screen quotes and count how many of these are about Spirit.
Just today a new Spirit skin dropped, even though she's the 2nd killer with the most number of skins already. She's only behind Legion, who are technically 4 characters.
Look at her pick rates on the last stats that dropped.
They said on a stream months ago that Spirit cost 30000$ to be developed.
So yeah, Spirit makes money, I really doubt we'll see any changes to her anytime soon. Specially if you consider she's a band aid fix to a lot of problems with the game (bad map designs, gen spread, huge maps, etc).
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Another "Spirit Bad" post how original.
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On my tier list of S,A,B,C,F tier if Spirit had an indication she’s phasing when not where. Which tier would she be?
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What is wrong with The Spirit? What part of her does she need Nerfing? The phase walk seems fine to me.
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This is obviously a troll post. Every killer has counter play. Don't expect easy wins of anything for just showing up.
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Every killer has counter play