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Insults in the endgame chat. How often does it happen to you?

GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
edited July 2021 in Polls

Today i was playing Killer, i killed everyone and was carrying the last survivor.

I heard the hatch opening, so i dropped the survivor and closed it.

After i closed it she Disconnected.

This is a screenshot from the endgame chat.

The reason why i said pls report me was because he was blaming me for cheating.

I recorded this match.

How much does this happen to you?

Insults in the endgame chat. How often does it happen to you? 85 votes

This does never happen to me.
Yoshman2523kaeruAGMRoboMojoDBD78KITTMaceWinduHannonLuciferr_2ndDr_EmaraldLittleSageyPSPsyainHybridLPangel26[Deleted User]ZonkyWizardHex_Ignored 16 votes
This sometimes happens to me.
White_OwlAdelooSeiko300TapeKnotkandalphtaempestuous[Deleted User]musstang62InsaneCoasterSebaOutbreakEmeal[Deleted User]Scary_Punk_GhostScarletBrigadebjorksnasCornHubTatariuFilthyLegionMainEntity_Lich94landromat 55 votes
This happens way too often to me.
juk3ta1entMat_SellaMementoMori_MassacresaminationGlamourousLeviathanRattiusxtr4meSoleymanHex_LlamaDbD_EnjoyerMoldy_JellogamerismeySennahojGamergirl85 14 votes


  • maxjacobusvoid
    maxjacobusvoid Member Posts: 7
    This sometimes happens to me.

    I mean, some people get salty after a loss, or feel like they were tunneled or camped (LOOPING BACK TO THE HOOK AFTER LEAVING FOR A MINUTE IS NOT CAMPING ILL DIE ON THIS HILL)

    Generally, if you stay at the end and read the chat, it's really all on you at that point if you get insulted and you feel bad about it (im not bashing you, just saying there's a level of personal choice).

    What I'm saying is that toxic people are toxic, and if theyre going to accuse you of cheating or unsportsmanship, there's not much you can do but report them for being sore losers, which let's face it, isn't much the support team can go on to do something about until said toxic person acts toxic to enough people who report the issue.

  • Hannon
    Hannon Member Posts: 221
    This does never happen to me.


  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    This sometimes happens to me.

    Insults in endgame chat? Sometimes. People get salty that's just facts.

    People telling me to die from cancer and the same for my mom? Yeah that's much more rare for me personally... I don't usually meet people that get that intense in endgame chat and those are thankfully much more infrequent. When it does happen I just leave, let those people smolder and stew in their own frustration.

  • HybridLPangel26
    HybridLPangel26 Member Posts: 119
    This does never happen to me.

    I play console more over pc,but there was a time i got messaged calling me a stupid noob and i played as survivor.

    The user was blocked on Xbox,and i have changed my settings to block everyone from contacting me.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    This does never happen to me.

    We don't have endgame chats.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,860
    This sometimes happens to me.

    I had one killer tell me and my team that he wants our families to die.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2021
    This sometimes happens to me.

    Unfortunately, asymmetric + competitive = recipe for toxicity and childish/salty attitudes, doesn't really matter if you play sweaty and make 'em suffer, or if you play chill and non-toxic.

    People feel super protected behind their screens, so of course they'll throw you a barrage of their "best" insults when they get outplayed, or even when they manage to win while being as toxic as they can. Personally, I just close the chat and almost never open it. My Steam profile is private so good luck trying to send your salt.

    The bad thing is that reports usually don't do much even if you have video proof, so people like this clown will keep on doing that cause they feel there's no risk. A shame, but it's an expectable outcome.

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878
    This sometimes happens to me.

    It depends more on if I am playing killer or survivor. I usually play survivor, so it’s not that often. People are more often ######### to killers.

  • KajdanKi
    KajdanKi Member Posts: 219

    Do you even care to try to read end game chat? I almost forget it exists.

    If one is trying to piss me off I know I win more than a game :)

  • PHeadisHot
    PHeadisHot Member Posts: 18
    This sometimes happens to me.

    I don’t care what they say and will just continue to the next match lol they’re just wasting their time on endgame chat dude just move the f on.

  • _Trapper
    _Trapper Member Posts: 6

    U guys have end game chats?😂. Wish we had one on console..

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
    This sometimes happens to me.

    Sometimes i wish we didn't have it. 😕

  • HipnoE
    HipnoE Member Posts: 68

    Wish I could say, no fun allowed on console. The only endgame chat we get are other angry console players that take the time to go through your profile.

  • GamerEzra
    GamerEzra Member Posts: 941
    This sometimes happens to me.

    That sounds sounds like a amazing experience. 😥

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited July 2021

    Depends. If I'm playing survivor very rarely, if I'm playing killer all the time.

  • DbD_Enjoyer
    DbD_Enjoyer Member Posts: 459
    This happens way too often to me.

    Everyday on almost every match, like 8 out of 10 matches are just SALT SALT SALT !!!

    I suggest you to drop something like this on every match and leave the lobby right after:

    • "GG = Git Gud."
    • G I T
    • U
    • D

    You don't have to stay there and receive their SALT, but if you want to combat their toxicity with LOGIC, here is a "guide" for you:

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393
    This sometimes happens to me.

    Im on console so no end game chat but lots of salty messages. I really enjoy when stop a full console swf and they all message you similar complaints individually spamming your notifications. Its quite amusing.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911
    This does never happen to me.

    Console here

    But we can message each other through PSN, i think i have only got a response like this once or twice.

    I cant remember the last time someone messaged me aggressively, theres been disagreements but not necessarily like salt.

    For the past months at least its just been messages saying "gg wp", "thanks for hatch", etc.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    This sometimes happens to me.

    There is always one guy who complains about something, but insults are luckily rarer.

    On a side note, as an italian I can say italians are among the worst.

  • Mynkon
    Mynkon Member Posts: 9
    This sometimes happens to me.

    I personally think this would just trigger survivors who might have had a rough match but weren't going to flame in the endgame chat.

    I've had super frustrating matches as a survivor and just stick to saying gg, but if the killer says ggez or something it's just super annoying... Like, I'd totally get it if other people were to message you/go to your profile and say nasty stuff (which I don't think is a good idea anyway lmao)

  • _Aleksi
    _Aleksi Member Posts: 11
    This sometimes happens to me.

    After some time of actually reading the end game chat and having this happen, I completely stopped checking it. I just leave the match when it's done.

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567
    This sometimes happens to me.

    Very rarely and it never was this rude

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,915
    This sometimes happens to me.

    I have tried to be better in Post Game Chats.

    I never say, EZ or Easy or things like that because I dont know the skill level of my opponent.

    I never say GG anymore cause I think its a meaningless phrase by now.

    I always try to compliment good team behaviour and the opposing side as well. Ill look for the best parts.

    I always use GL HF in endgame chat, cause I wish them good luck and to have fun.

    My end game chats have become way less toxic. But I still get called -rep Camper on my steam profile.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568
    This does never happen to me.

    For me it's so rare, so I would say never.

  • 1miko
    1miko Member Posts: 268
    This sometimes happens to me.

    I mean that was a rude thing to do and I get why they're so heated up after in EG chat, still that won't justify any of what they said in there.

    I guess I sometimes get this, almost everytime I queue up into a game in a bad mood, planning to be a piece of sh*t and with the intent to make the game unfun and securing a win with a bs annoying build or just playing scummy with multiple slugs, patrolling hooks or whatnot.

    Maybe it's almost the same situation but with a -try to make opposing players actually sad- purpose, I'm guessing, with you closing up the hatch right in front of a dropped survivor?

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148
    This sometimes happens to me.

    I'm just gonna leave evidence of something that happened to me. Dude had no reason to go off like that.

    Warning, contains the R word.

    Also my internet has gotten crappy and out of my control because apartments SUCK.

    You've Been warned...

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545
    This sometimes happens to me.

    Used to happen to me almost every match when I was new at the game. A lot of the times they were relentless homophobic, racist, etc comments until the lobby would force close on us.

    Now that I know how to play the game it hardly happens. Especially since playing Trickster a lot of people are so much more wholesome with me since they like the character and my name. Very rarely I'll get called a tunneler still when I watch back Twitch streams I was in but it's always a mistake or something they say out of frustration for me hooking so fast that they feel like they got tunneled.

    I actually got my first toxic comments in a really long time just last week. Was streaming to a couple of my friends on Discord to show them how I play Trickster and to show off his Mori and they were being a toxic duo with tea bagging and flashlight clicking (before they knew I had Mori). I was even gonna give the last toxic guy hatch since they had a dc but they continued to be toxic to me.

    Needless to say I enjoyed carrying them out and dropping them into the open so my audience and I could watch the Mori. Here's a picture from how that chat went:

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326
    This does never happen to me.

    Actual genuine insults? Very rarely surprisingly. My post-game chats are usually not very pleasant though. Just the usual 'uninstall' or 'lol you have to camp/tunnel/etc to win' type of stuff. I guess I'm lucky in that sense

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556
    This sometimes happens to me.

    Oh I've had people be homophobic to me on console as I have 'lesbian' in my bio so people have actually came for my sexuality because they're salty about a loss in a game. Yeahhh makes total sense. I have also had people tell me to go die and horrendous things which is just insane like.

    It does happen to me but not as often since I'm on console, most of the time it's people just trying to rub a loss in your face or question your intelligence because they don't like how you play.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583
    This sometimes happens to me.

    I mean, if its a online game then you have to expect trash talk. Since it makes your W's better when they say X,Y, and Z but you destroyed them.

  • Badonkadonk
    Badonkadonk Member Posts: 79
    This sometimes happens to me.

    Most of the time no. I don't care to respond if they do either usually, most of the time I'm not trying to play this game optimally (Basically I avoid meta perks for more fun or unusual builds, or at least one that isn't practical at higher ranks) so I don't care much if I win or lose, which means I usually also won't care if I'm insulted.

    Also the players I usually encounter are on console.