I don't want to grind anymore. Just take my money and give me unlocked perks....

It used to be fun getting new killer/survivor/new perks and grinding to unlock them (perks) then grinding MORE to get them (perks) on other killer/survivors. Can we just skip the part were we have to grind to unlock the perks? PLEASE just take my money give me the new perks unlocked and let me grind to get them on other killers/survivors. Enough with the grind after grind after grind after grind.
It would have been nice to have at least dropped a 1.5x exp gain for the week or two with the new killer.
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@EntityDispleased said:
@ReneAensland said:
It would have been nice to have at least dropped a 1.5x exp gain for the week or two with the new killer.I personally think the 1.5x bp bonus had lessened the grind slightly and made it actually possible to finish a full lvl 50 bloodweb without falling short of a few thousand bloodpoints. I wouldn't mind it at base honestly, especially if they're not planning to change the bloodweb.
Agreed. It makes gameplay and grinding smoother and more satisfying. Also, it has people playing a lot more.
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They could add a DLC included exp bonus for the 2 purchased characters for idk let's say 1 week or so.
Legion and Jeff's Bloodweb costs only 50% until you hit level 50 for the first time.
That would be very nice, but who are we kidding, they want us to play the game so that won't happen l-m-a-o0 -
some good ideas there