

Which non-horror licensed character would you like to see in the game?

Member Posts: 17

Hi, I would like to know which characters you would like to see in the game but you know that you will never be able to enter because they do not belong to the horror genre, also if you can try to create perks for them.

One character I would like to see in the game is Carly Shay from ICarly, it would be interesting to see carly in the game and what her perks would be, i even think there is a small concept of how she would be in the game. jaja

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  • Member Posts: 1,035

    Non-horror, hmmm... Looney toons would be a good option. A scary bugs bunny, willey coyote, or Tasmanian devil would be interesting. Lets add mickey mouse too, he's pretty terrifying as is.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Brutus from Black ops 2 would be very cool to see

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Jack Traven from Speed played by Keanu Reeves

  • Member Posts: 3,755


    David Mills- Brad Pitt

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    The Scrin aren't horror movie monsters but you'd have a great deal of difficulty convincing me this...

    Wouldn't fit in DBD

  • Member Posts: 17

    mmm I didn't mean cartoon characters, but thanks for commenting :)

  • Member Posts: 17
  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Don’t Starve Together. Charlie with a darkness themed power and probably Wilson as base survivor. Now that legendary skins can have distinct voices it would be possible to get different gendered survivors as skins!

    Made a power concept (and @Exerath1992 made a cool follow up loosely based on my idea):

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    What if we got Johnny Lawrence or Daniel Larusso from Cobra Kai?

  • Member Posts: 221

    Survivors don't necessarily need to come from horror movies or games. I think Nathan drake from Uncharted would be a cool addition to the game.

  • Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2021

    lara croft

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Firstly, I love these type of topics!

    So, I'll do this post with survivors only, and will try to give characters that are perhaps less known, alongside why and a perk idea (not developed, but jist a thought):

    1. Dr. Sam Beckett - (Quantum Leap)

    "Quantum Leap" was a late 80's/early 90's sci-fi show that was bloody brilliant! Sam Beckett developed a machine that allowed him to time travel within his own life time and leaping into people who would either suffer or witness suffering within days, which he would need to "right what once went wrong".

    His perks could focus around his leap ability. A powerful, one-time perk could be if a survivor is injured and in a chase within a certain distance, he could "leap" into that survivor (the survivor jumping into his body) and fully heal both him and the other character, yet play as each other (perks included) for a set time, before leaping back.

    2. Annalise Keating - (How To Get Away With Murder)

    A brilliant defense attorney and law professor who selects 5 students to work in her firm, who then become embroiled in the complex murder of her partner Sam. Annalise is a shrewd and protective of her students, but also extremely self-confident and clever enough to manipulate politics.

    As a perk idea, her defensive and protective character with those under her wing means if she takes a protective hit whilst the killer is carrying a survivor, the survivor gains an instant 30%/40%/50% to their wiggle bar.

    3. Snake Plissken - (Escape from New York; Escape from L.A)

    A former war hero during WWIII, Snake became a criminal in response to some dastardly deeds by the U.S.A government that involved the death of his family and loss of sight in one eye. Still, he's dragged into working for them, venturing into these city-now-prisons to retrieve the President.

    Snake is a cynical, stern individual, but only will kill out of absolute necessity. He does jobs nobody else would, and this could result in perks that put him directly in the killer's way. One perk could be a cooldown where a pallet stun leaves killers stunned for longer; making him the obsession.

    4. Jennifer Tate - (Primal)

    A street-wise rocker and general bad-ass who was dragged into Oblivion in this fantasy game about demons (both good and bad) where the scales of order and chaos are broken, and Jennifer is guided by a gargoyle (Scree) to discover her own demon heritage.

    Perks can be based on her demon powers, but I like the idea of Scree being a perk, where a survivor can set him loose and he'd send a notification to alert the survivor of the killer's whereabouts, or even delay the killer for a bit. He could be an AI for survivors.

    5. Preston Garvey - (Fallout 4)

    The leader of the Minutemen suffered the loss of all his comrades, and ultimately gave that title to the protagonist (although you wouldn't know it!). He is determined to do good in the Wasteland; helping those under attack from raiders and other enemies, so as to rebuild civilisation and revitalise the Minutemen

    A joke perk could range around his constant nagging for people to attend another settlement that needs the protagnists help. If a killer injures a survivor, Garvey gets a notification as to where it is. If he then touches another survivor, they see a notification of where the survivor is (not Garvey) and then gain a haste, unhooking and healing timed buff applied to that survivor in connection with the injured survivor only. However, if the selected survivor doesn't get within a set distance of killer or survivor within a certain time, Garvey is annoyed and the survivor suffers a minor gen slowdown for a brief time afterwards.

    6. Zoë Castillo - (Dreamfall: The Longest Journey)

    Zoë was looking for her boyfriend, who disappeared following an investigation into "Project Alchera": a conspiracy by the company Waticorp to create a dreamer console under the guise of advanced VR-like gaming console, which actually can be used to manipulate the iser into murder and suicide, amongst others. Zoë finds herself between the high-tech world she lives in, and a strange fantasy world that is actually real.

    Her perks could reflect a survivor equivalent to Freddy's dreamworld, as she is effectively caught in her own version, able to use advanced tech with magic. One perk could allow her to temporarily disappear into an alternate world where gens do not exist, but she is able to see items others cannot find in the real trial. The killer also appears in this world, but as a black shadow of its frame. In the real world, the survivor will flit in and out of vision, as with Freddy when survivors are awake.

  • Member Posts: 17

    I created this discussion to be able to discuss non-horror licensed characters because I saw that no one had done it, and if you saw any you could send me the discussion please.

    One of my favorite series was How To Get Away With Murder and I think Annalise would be awesome to see and on the other hand there would be a lot of legendary skins like for Michaela, Laurel, Connor, Oliver and Wes and maybe Bonnie or Frank and the amount of costumes there would be too many to choose from. It would be an awesome idea.

  • Member Posts: 17

    You are right, but I was referring to other characters that have little or no chance, some action characters could get in, but I was referring to characters such as drama, comedy, science fiction, etc. Thanks for commenting :).

  • Member Posts: 17

    I think the developers should include more characters (usually more survivors) but as legendary skins, there are characters that do not fit the theme of the game but I think they should include them as legendary skins, so we would have several of our favorite characters in the game :)

  • Member Posts: 882

    Link (The Legend of Zelda)

    (preferred version of default appearance is Twilight Princess, fairly basic idea of Link when you think of him [unlike how BoTW Link is now Blue? No, Link obviously wears Green this has been established] but still dark enough to kinda fit in DBD imo, plus Twilight Princess was my first Zelda game so it's most likely bias affecting me.)

  • Member Posts: 17

    Great concept, but I think the characters are very caricatured, but if l 

  • Member Posts: 17

    It could be the twilight princess link but the problem here would be nintendo (as we all know is very closed with their licenses) and probably would be exclusive to nintendo switch.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Oh there definitely would need to be a great transition into the realistic style of DbD. But especially for Charlie I can imagine her looking very cool and her Shadow Claw could bring some of the Don’t Starve Style into the fog!

    (also I think your comment was sent before finished?)

  • Member Posts: 17

    I got to read the assassin's power and it was interesting, but I don't think I read everything :(.

  • Member Posts: 11

    i'd like to see the Scooby gang make an appearance one day as survivors. And no i do not see Scoobydoo as a horror property haha ;)

  • Member Posts: 64

    What about Ray Lewis the linebacker from the Baltimore Ravens as a killer...pun intended. His power was like a bull rush of some type similar to the blight or oni. He could do part of his dance that he used to come on the field to in his mori. That would make me die laughing.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Oh, no I wasn't saying there were other discussions like this! I meant I enjoy these more creative posts.

    Anyway, here's my killer 6, starting with a very obscure one:

    1. Finn Kelly (Neighbours)

    The Aussie soap isn't the first on anyone's list, but if taking the route of Evan MacMillan and having Finn mutated a little, he would fit right in! Finn was manipulative, obsessed with a particular character and not above kidnapping, abuse and murder to get what he wants. His personality disorder after a fall made him normal for a bit, but his evil side fought its way back - aided by the Entity, perhaps?

    His power would involve a bow that could have arrows with different effects, and his perks centered around obsessions. One could be an ability to get an exposed effect on anyone except his obsession, if he can avoid hitting the obsession - a bit like "Save the best for last" in a token system.

    2. Villanelle (Killing Eve)

    Another killer with an unhealthy obsession (she castrated her instructor's husband, due to this), Villanelle is a supreme assassin, skilled in many ways of killing, espionage and infiltration. Her warped, child-like character is equally terrifying and hilarious. She is am expert at most weaponry, which may be her power.

    A power allowing to switch between long-range and short-ranged weaponry would suit her happily, and her perks would centre around obsession and infiltration. One perk could be an inverted version of the old OoO perk, that if the survivor looks in the direction of the killer outside a certain radius, the killer will see their aura for a brief period of time, and the survivor would get a brief notification after 2 seconds, so the survivor won't be exactly sure when they were looking at the killer. A cooldown perk.

    3. Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid)

    A psychic member of FOXHOUND, a deep psychoc dive into a sick criminal made him psychotic and vengeful against humanity and their obsessions with sex. He controls peoples' minds and perceptions, making him a formidable foe.

    His power would focus around his famous battle against Snake, with the ability to mess up the survivor plauer controls. He'd be only the 2nd 3.8m/s killer as Nurse, but using this power could cause great problems for survivors. His perks could also mess with what the player knows, such as seeing the closest gen to completion's status, including the bar survivors see to indicate progress, or randomly disable a perk or perks for a limited period of time.

    4. Astrid Voorhees (Remember Me)

    No relation to Jason, sorry! Astrid is the Governor of La Bastille in this sci-fi adventure in a world where memories are bought and sold and shared at will. Astrid is known as "Madame" and revels in ripping memories out of people, causing much pain and suffering. She is cold, callous and power-hungry.

    Her power could involve digital copies of herself that glitch yet fight like her as an M1 killer. Also, she can throw digital meteors at survivors, that can scramble their brains, and maybe alter memories - so survivors may started glitching, or seeing objects that aren't there. Imagine taking time to break a totem that never existed, or not seeing gens! Perks can involve the ability to cause confusion with interractions. Opening a gate with intensely difficult skill checks, or being unable to ise items, having "forgotten how to".

    5. Sylar (Heroes)

    In this superhero tv series, Sylar was the main bad. Seemingly able to use any special power another hero has, his ability actually lay in understanding and knowing how things worked, whether it be a clock or a brain, so long as he got to tinker with it. The killing was an unfortunate side-effect to the pursuit of knowledge.

    His power would be able to understand how a survivor works. After downing a survivor, he could learn their perks and use them as his own. Knowing if a survivor has Kindred, so as to know where everyone is, or Dead Hard for a brief spurt to close distance on survivors would be very unpredictable. Perks can involve learning how survivors do things, so faster regression on gens or rebuilding a downed Hex totem.

    6. Adrea Spedding (The Spider Woman)

    Ending on an oldie from Sherlock Holmes, Adrea is the epitome of the Black Widow. She seeks wealthy men and kills them using venom from a spider called Lycosa Carnivora. She's ultimately apprehended, but she doesn't work alone, and her eight-legged friends cause a lot of damage.

    Her power would involve a timed toxin that could kill a survivor after a while, causing visual and audio distortions as it advances. She might also leave a nest of spiders that, if disturbed or not burned, could overwhelm survivors into a cocoon and instant death.

  • Member Posts: 457

    I'd say one of BHVRs original characters from before they were BHVR.

    Naughty Bear.

    He'd fit extremely well aside from being a giant walking teddy bear, but I think he'd have a good chance at having one of the most unique powers in the game. Not to mention they'd make bank off cosmetics for him since there's a LOT of customization options for him in his games, and since they made him they wouldn't have to pay for any licensing.

    They already have a charm of him in the game, but maybe.

  • Finn mertens and The Lich from Adventure Time as new survivor and killer

  • I’d also like The Other Mother from Coraline as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 533

    everyone's forgetting the best survivor to add to the game:

  • Member Posts: 483

    Dr. Phil

  • Member Posts: 17

    Well, I will give some more suggestions of what I would like to see in the game.

    1. Tori Vega

    She is an ordinary teenager but with a great talent, I chose her because victorius was one of my favorite series when I was a kid.

    2 Jack Twist

    He is a cowboy who maintains a relationship with a partner while working in brokeback in 1963, is one of my favorite movies because it is one of those that does not feel forced the relationship with the protagonist and because I like the character quite a lot (although it would seem a bit cruel to add it to the game taking into account that he was killed in a very sad way).

    3 Clementine

    A young girl who had to survive a zombie apocalypse, I know many prefer the series and would prefer Rick over Clementine but I actually prefer Clementine.

    4 Thomas

    I quite liked the Maze Runner saga and I like the main character quite a bit.

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