Farming Should Be Bannable
Every single event, players feel like they are entitled to someone else's offering/time. I do not play DBD to farm bloodpoints. I do not care.
I just got farmed off hook by my team mates and the Killer tunneled me instantly because I did not want to farm. I ran him for about 2-3 minutes and I guess he took offense to me wanting to play the game. This has been happening almost every single match because I don't want to farm. I want to play the game.
I do not care if killer gives somebody hatch, I give players hatch all the time.
Please make farming a bannable offense WITH video proof. Meaning if someone is recording it and they send in the evidence that very CLEARLY shows they are farming, those players receive a ban. It is extremely boring and unfair to the players that just want to play the game.
I find farming way too boring to be worth it so i just do the gens and leave, never had a killer kill me bc i didn't want to farm tho. If I'm not mistaken you can report farming under "working with the killer" for survivors and "refuse to engage in normal gameplay" for killers
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I find farming too boring so i just do gens and leave, never been killed for wanting to partake in it tho. If you want to report it i believe you can report survivors for "working with the killers" and killers for "refusing to engage in normal gameplay"
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So finish gens and leave like you do. i mean if people are having fun together on occasion, those matches are rare.
What, now should a player that "gives a gift" to the killer or "Boop the snoot" of a Pig to to be left alone be banned for working with the killer? Do games always have to be toxic kill everyone ASAP or gen rush ASAP?
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I let survivors farm all the time. I enjoy that. If my farming for donate items or boop the snoot would be bannable, then this game would be even more toxic.
Be happy there are friendly killers for #########'s sake.
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I hope this doesn’t come across the wrong way but people that purchase a game have a right to play the game in a manner they find enjoyable.. within reason of course. Like a survivor or killer taking the game hostage for an hour isn’t reasonable.
Sometimes people like to meme. Picture a solo survivor in a match with a group of 3 meme’ing around having a laugh.. do they deserve to be banned? No, at least not in my opinion.
Players tunnel and camp on the regular and survivors make unsafe hooks all the time.
I understand it sucks and we may see it differently from each other but the way I interpreted your scenario there was possibly a killer player attempting to be “friendly” in order to maximize bloodpoints for themselves and everyone else. Your teammate made an unsafe hook and you showed the person playing killer that your intentions were not to go along with a casual match so they acknowledged this and took on a 2-3 minute chase with murderous intent and completed their objective while you did yours attempting to survive.
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Enjoy getting basement bubbad
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Personally I'm farming a lot during this event (killer main), just because it means a lot less hours played overall to be in the same spot I want to be. I just dropped 7 million BP on demo to get BBQ as my literal last perk. So far, this event, the only survivors I've really cared to kill were a group that popped a generator in my face with my STBFL Demo and I just felt like they needed to appreciate the lesson. I've only really accidentally killed survivors by miscounting hooks, or not noticing that their team let them get to second stage. The smallest group of survivors I've killed was because they wanted me to, I presume so they could go on to the next game because, like you, they didn't want to farm. Perhaps this killer was doing the same for you, I don't want to just assume.
I think a lot of players attribute things to malice that just aren't. I think you need to realize that people don't like to grind, and will do what they can to ease it, like farming.
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Suggesting farming be bannable is selfish. The fact that people are suggesting on how to report "working with killer" as a way to do this is so unproductive. Events are designed so that farming is essentially the result. If you dont want to farm then why is getting tunneled an issue? It gets you out of the match sooner so that everyone else can also enjoy the match without you. Seems like a win/win/win.
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I feel as the though no one really gets banned after being reported so I don't think this would matter
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If you are forced into farming, then please do report it (with video evidence). Farming is a grey area, we do not ban initially for farming if all participants are willing, but of course if someone is not willing then that becomes a different issue.
I personally dislike farming matches as I actually want to play the game.
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So where do you draw the line? Obviously not at the very start of a match but I didn't get the Pig to not get my snoot booped if the survivor knows the counterplay to pig.
As some others have suggested before, unsafe unhooks maybe should award much less points, with the safe unhook bonus adding it back up to 1500, so as an extreme, 200 for an unhook, 1300 for safe rescue. Even more extreme: deduct WGLF stacks for unsafe rescues, although that could backfire making people unwilling to safe in risky situations.
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Would be nice if farming was actually bannable rather than being in a "gray area". I've despised the act of it since the days of Modern Warfare 2 when I first experienced the act of Farming/Boosting headshots for gun skins and because of that I never willingly participate. Though it is annoying that my time is wasted because these kids want to have tea parties with the Killer.
Mandy talks about it only being against the rules if they're "forcibly" farming you but I mean, am I not forced to participate in this ludicrous gameplay when I'm almost always the only one playing the game normally? When the Killer notices that I'm the only one doing gens they start going after me while my teammates sit there and watch or in some cases, they farm me.
I'm being punished for playing the game normally. Because of friendlies. I may de-pip. Because of friendlies. I get less BP. Because of friendlies. I have zero enjoyment during that trial. Because of friendlies. Why is this even a discussion? Ban the friendlies.
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So, how are you dying if the killer is friendly? How is the killer farming, if they won't let you do gens?
Again, where do you draw the line? If there are five cakes or bloody party streamers in the game and I run across someone who's on death hook and chose to down and not hang them, not for the 4K, but to not get them out of the game too early, is that bannable?
If a match is going very much in my favour, one dead, everyone else on deathhook, 3 gens left, and the survivors offer me their items for a teammate I'm about to hang on deathhook and I let them finish gens, is that bannable?
If someone who was unhooked a few moments ago and I chose not to chase them or slug them without hanging, is that not participating in the proper gameplay?
If a survivor boops my snoot and recieves mercy in return, is that a lifetime ban? Or just one month or week? I mean, it's even in the loading screen.
I don't quite see how either of those is punishing for the survivors.
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I hear and understand what you say, but how could farming be bannable in the end if everyone in the game agree to farming and nobody report anything?
I agree with Mandy since if every player have no problem in farming, it should go on, especially talking about the grind we all talk about these last days, newbies not necessarily want to be camped nor tunneled everytime they want to get BP, especially in new ranks, lots of killers camp and tunnel.
This brings another problem on the board: the grind. But this is another topic.
So according to farming should be bannable even if everybody agrees with it, it would never happen. Otherwise, just report your game.
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Stop being so ungrateful.
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I agree. Farming is boring and all you get is bloodpoints. Why do people care more about bloodpoints than actually playing the game? It's literally just points...
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So... you ran the killer for 2-3 minutes, and he then killed you, and you feel like you... didn't get to play the game?
Farming usually involves not killing survivors at the earliest opportunity. If the killer was able to kill you, while farming, just imagine how easily they would have killed you if they weren't farming.
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Because of the massive grind required to unlock the perks required to play the game.
It takes roughly 60 million bloodpoints to get all perks on ONE survivor.
That's all survivors to level 40 then your 'main' to roughly 150 in order to get all perk tiers.
At 30k average per game, that's 2,000 games you have to play, before you've unlocked all of the actual gameplay content, before you actually have the whole game to play with.
Now do that again for every killer.
I don't condone forcing other people to farm, but there's a huge reason why people might want to do it.
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I truly believe we should be able to make our own lobbies then and name them. So people who wish to meme and casually farm can. That way people with like mind sets and those just playing a regular match dont have to worry so much. Would definitely offer a change where certain people can be casual and those who just want the competitive edge can do so.
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Even better, during those events, like the upcomming bloodhunt just make separete lobs to especialy farm bloodpoints, so only people who wants to level up and get all perks will enter and use their cakes, I for one think that famr during events its not that bad, I want to prestige a few survivors and the last 2 killers I've bought, so for me during the event I will try to farm as much as possible, cus I only play like 2 hours a day 3 days week, and a bit more one weekends ... So if all surv ar willing to let me hook them and hit them , I will chase and let they stun me with pallets and so on ... There is a lot of other things that should be banneble