Nemesis... not fun to play against for me.
I get why he would be fun to play against, and obviously Killers have their own playstyles which would make him enjoyable. But IDK why, whenever I load into a match and see a vaccine chest nearby or a zombie groaning somewhere I just groan and roll my eyes. I've never had this kind of reaction to a new killer before, it's weird.
Do you guys have that same reaction to a killer when you load into a match? I know when Killers load into a lobby and see a blendette or a Nea you might have a similar reaction, but at least you can leave the lobby ... ? I don't know. Rant, I guess?
How many times do you go against Nemesis?
It could just be burnout, I was the same way for Ghost Face
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Me when I see the white clocks on the HUD ;)
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Nemesis is at his best when survivors do not protect their unhooks. He is a relentless pursuer but if he and his zombies cannot see you, he is completely powerless.
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A lot, tbh. And sometimes multiple matches in a row. I hope you're right because I'd hate to constantly have this attitude toward a killer.
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Thanks for the tip; I'll try to implement this into my playstyle and see if I find him a little more bearable to play against. Crossing my fingers.
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He’s just very boring and is essentially ph 2.0
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I enjoy playing and facing Nemesis. I don't think he's overpowered and the fresh A.I. zombies bring something new to the match.
I'm not sure why you feel this way about Nemesis. A good player can make any Killer feel oppressive.
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If you didn't already know, you can kill zombies with pallets for a 45 sec respawn.
Flashlights blind them, too, for about 15 seconds.
When Nemesis is chasing you, listen for the squishy power as you approach a window vault; it's really easy to line up the tentacle shots, so try faking the vault and run around or away instead.
Nemesis has a standard TR, don't rush gens with reckless disregard.
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I don't think he's OP, and one thing I do enjoy about these matches is the little ring around the rosie games I play with the zombies when I'm on a gen. I guess you're right and I'm facing a lot of good killers?
It's not even that I "lose" a lot against him. I escape just fine, I guess I'll just watch myself more and see if I can't pinpoint the moments where I'm just "ugh" when I'm playing against him.
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Note that he is Probably running Lethal Pursuer and can see you at the start of the trial. This has changed the start of trials for me, big time.
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They F'd up with Nemesis. While not OP, he's still very annoying to go against and sometimes even unfair. And the zombies are so cheap.
Nemesis is my new, well, nemesis. I hate playing against him. It's never fun and always just frustrating. I never thought the devs would manage to make a killer more annoying/stupidly designed as Legion or Freddy.
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You get 3 sprint bursts from his tentacle attack, you can cure yourself, you can stun and kill zombies, you can mindgame him and make him cancel his tentacle attack like a Huntress hatchet. What do you have to complain about? Teammates not doing gens isn't the killer's fault.
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??? Are you mad about something? I haven't mentioned anything about my teammmates not doing gens. Am I not allowed to post about how a killer is unfun for me? Yikes.
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Unfun in this community usually translates to "unfair" or "uncounterable". And you didn't really explain why he's so hard for you to go against, so that was my assumption.
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Standing at one end of a hallway while my zombie slowly walks towards someone from the other end of the hallway and seeing the panic is my new favorite thing.
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There's always at least one killer for every survivor I think that they really hate going against.
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I definitely said in one of my posts that I don't think he's OP and that I don't have a general problem going against him. People were nice enough to still offer me some more tips that generally might help me do better against him, but for me unfun doesn't mean those things. Maybe next time don't make an assumption if the original post is so vague to you.
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Don't make it so vague.
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This is the most entitled thing I've ever read on this forum. Smh.
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no u
no u 2
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This is valid.
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THIS. i just want to quit the match after seeing this. Give me Nurses blink sound, Spirits phase sound, Huntress Lullaby for the third time in a row, Doctors shock sound, Victors activation sound... all of this is annoying and makes me sigh but seeing that stupid watch makes me want to die...
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Honestly of all of them I love hearing Nurse's blink sound. Time to play chase!
(Unless the nurse is really good, in which case GG.)
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Thats the problem, i love mindgaming with mediocre Nurses but if they're actually good it's a lost game.
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glad I'm not alone.
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I don't know survivor part but i have so much fun with Nem. He is weak but fun.
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Is he really? He seems strong when I face him. Maybe I really am just facing good killers. IDK.
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I escaped so many times against him. Play against him like PH. If you try loop him, you will get hit. You have to make him run. Shift + W tactics works against him. He has same weakness with PH.
Both you, leave my Freddy boi alone. He just wanna more souls, what is wrong with that? He is good guy.
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I'm just tired. Too many RE fans jumped on the DbD bandwagon just to play as Nemesis.
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I feel there was just to much missed potential with nemesis he could've been something great but he just wasn't and now he just feels... underwhelming???
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Idk I guess he’s not all that exciting to play against but that’s just me.
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He is hold W until you die killer. I had fun playing him first, but then i realised i dont need to mindgame or do anything. I just run after survivor and hit them with tentacle or destroy pallet with it, and do exact same in the next tile. Same when you play against him you just run away, and nothing you can do else really. Pallets dont stop him, and if he is good you cannot bait him to miss with his tentacle. And he has zombies on top of that. Sometimes they can be really annoying, especially on indoor maps. So yeah i can understand why he can be not very fun to go against.
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Freddy can eat my ass thank you.