This is why I wish I could turn off PC crossplay, hackers..

EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

Seriously yesterday was just a god damn unenjoyable time, I must of faced multiple hackers throughout the day as either role I played.

I let the M&K go

I let the low graphics that brighten the game go

I let the filters that make the red stain/scratch Mark's easily Visible go

I let the often bad latency go.

I drew the line at stretched res hoping youd ban it, but now... now hackers are getting this common? They hack their speed, insta heals/gens, super long stuns, holding me in a game forcing me to quit. One of them was even streaming!! Reports do nothing, a video clip as proof does nothing. I cannot get steam ID, players change their name, and the hassle to record a whole match and upload it online for nothing to happen is a joke.

Let me turn off pc in crossplay.

Iv had about enough, I dont care if alot of people turn it off. If there was advantages to full on hacking people wouldn't care. I'd rather just have xbox and playstation together no advantages, no hacking.


  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    Wait, i believe you can turn off crossplay on settings, or is it just on pc?

  • Coree
    Coree Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2021
    1. You can't turn up the brightness on PC.
    2. Resolution change does nothing but help increase FPS.
    3. You can turn off cross console in the main menu.
    4. PC players see things as you do and get the same bad latency. Only thing they have over you is mouse and keyboard.
    5. The game has a built in anti-hack program. People Will get banned for it.

    Hope that helps.

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    You can do it. But then you are playing only with your platform players.

    Also for topic, we all are not hackers. Blame game because they have not good anti-cheat system. Why you are being racist to pc players?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976


    You can very easilly turn up the gamma and brightness of pc and resolution changes allow you to see way more then with the standert resolution. To the point where you can look over walls.

    There has also never been a percect anti-hack program. And with false reports making the people who do the bans waste their time they do slip under the radar a lot of the time.

    Why do you think they are working on an automated system to help against hackers? Cause the system is working so well now?

    So no, that's the opposite of helping that you are doing. Most of the things you said are straight up wrong

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    1. Yes, you can. Unlike consoles, PCs allow users to install programs that aren't games.
    2. It changes your FOV. This has been proven.
    3. True.
    4. The performance on average PCs is better than consoles with better hardware. That's not normal.
    5. No anti-cheat is perfect, and it doesn't check for points 1 and 2.
  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    "I drew the line at stretched resolution"

    did you even bother to check that consoles can play stretched too?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You do realise that you can just change the colour on your screen to mak scratchmarks easier to see? Or that M&K don't really change anything because this isn't Siege? Or that you can change the gamma on your screen? Or that by "screen" I also mean TV because that's what I use as a monitor? Or that console players have objectively worse latency due to WiFi usage over Ethernet cables, or overlong ethernet cables that give the connection stability but nevertheless limit the bandwidth?

    Or that hacker's can just play in your trials anyway and won't be stopped by something as simple as refusing to play with PC players?

    In fact, it's entirely possible that console players can "stretch" their resolution by changing the resolution of their screen, it certainly works for me on PC but I don't have gamepass any more so I can't check on my Xbox.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Changing your tv settings is very different to filters that edit the game and not what is just on screen. So please dont say they're the same. I also said I let all that go and dont care about people editing there settings for a slight visual advantage.

    However I'm not going to lie that most of these issues are joined to pc players, sure not all but that doesnt matter when they are common.

    If given the choice I'd avoid such players, even if there are good players within that group.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2021

    Have you ever used PC filters? They allow you to change colour depth, contrast and gamma. My TV screen does the exact same thing and even has preset profiles I can set it to, which is funny because it cost me $70 about 8 years ago and is bloody tiny.

    It really is the same. And like it or not, you're just scapegoating PC and blaming everything on magical advantages that don't really exist.

    And the best part is, and this really makes me laugh, hacker's can bypass any locking measures the Devs put in place because they just don't give a crap. Which means that it's not a PC problem.

    Edit: preset profiles I can save and set it to.

  • FogofWar23
    FogofWar23 Member Posts: 75
    edited July 2021

    Cant we Just have m&k Support Most Games with Crossplay have it thats is the only Thing i ASK... Most Killer right only can played on pc Like trickster or blight and IT would even the playing field Just a Littel bit..PS dont say Just buy pc or use xim

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Changing settings that isn't in the game is an advantage.

    Yes the devs are bad and should fix it. I completely agree but being forced to play with hackers is a joke, I have no idea what losers like to cheat but there you go. If I have the chance to avoid pc players which is common with then I would.

    Dont take offence if you're pc just accept people on your platform ruin it. I'm use to people saying all kinds of stuff about console users but end of the day I play for fun. They're ruining it

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I can play those killers fine on console. This discussion is about hackers and people cheating

  • FogofWar23
    FogofWar23 Member Posts: 75
  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I know you all aren't, but with the devs how bad they are at their coding etc. I cant imagine them ever getting a program to stop this stuff. Like I said most things from M&K, low graphics, filters etc. Dont bother me, it's the unfortunate people hacking or cheating through mods. So while it's not everyone I'd rather just not take the risk as it seems to be getting worse and worse.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    I think you may have commented on the wrong post, sure mouse is easier to aim with but not to a degree of it being cheating etc. Like the filters that make the game easier to see, it's a small advantage but not game breaking like hacking and game file mods for advantages

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    PC players are not by definition hackers, if you want to generalize like that just turn the crossplay off! Crossplay is for gamers that look beyond the hardware someone uses and sees a person instead of the console vs PC elitism, such egotistic discriminatory behavior due to the hardware someone uses is not what it is about!

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Once again. I do not mind the small advantages. I do not want to verse hackers and that a completely justified response. Why should I be forced into longer queues and limitations because hackers are free to do whatever?

    If so many people would avoid pc there must be a reason. Mine is hackers and cheaters (cheaters be the ones using mods etc.)

    Gamers dont cheat. I have no issues with any platform except when they ruin games like how hackers are plaguing dbd.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Most people don't want to face hackers, including those on PC the fact you make it out that all PC players must be avoided to avoid a very small portion of people that hack on PC is not justified. Either accept the PC community or opt out, if your queue times are unbearable if you do... apparently not enough of your own platform community agrees with you.

    I am not a hacker or cheat, yet you are telling me that I am not welcome to play with you! That is the reality, sorry but that is not what crossplay is about! Make your choice, opt out or embrace every gamer that wants to play the game

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    I understand your frustration, but this is honestly something you're just gonna have to live with. Like many have said, either turn cross-play off or leave it on.

    Posting a thread in feedback about being able to choose which platforms you crossplay with is a good follow-up, but a thread here is just a place to vent. It's not going to get the word to the devs.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709
  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    So I'm forced to not play the game because I was forced into crossplay with pc. Crossplay with just the two consoles would be great. Infact It wouldn't surprise me if the vast majority of xbox and playstation users would avoid PC.

    Crossplay was done for PC. If the devs cannot have a ban system that detects and stops these players then they shouldn't have done it. Once again while it isn't all pc players hackers exist. People cheating with mods exist. The numerous and debatable advantages exist. Until those are adjusted and fixed they should of held off the crossplay feature.

    Btw if this topic wasnt so popular it wouldn't of earned it's way into surveys made by the developers. That indicates they are thinking about it and I hope it becomes a feature.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    So I'm forced to not play the game because I was forced into crossplay with pc. Crossplay with just the two consoles would be great. Infact It wouldn't surprise me if the vast majority of xbox and playstation users would avoid PC.

    Crossplay was done for PC. If the devs cannot have a ban system that detects and stops these players then they shouldn't have done it. Once again while it isn't all pc players hackers exist. People cheating with mods exist. The numerous and debatable advantages exist. Until those are adjusted and fixed they should of held off the crossplay feature.

    Btw if this topic wasnt so popular it wouldn't of earned it's way into surveys made by the developers. That indicates they are thinking about it and I hope it becomes a feature.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Yeah likely made up, however if they count filters as cheating probably not as far fetched

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I don't know if I'm just lucky but in just under 1k hours I've only run into a super obvious hacker once, which is still 1 too many sure but its to be expected with any large online game I used to run into way more hackers in R6:siege or Hunt showdown. also that one super obvious hacker was from console or could've been from windows store or they hacked the UI but I've only seen that recently with the report UI and never making it so they seem to be on console.

    So I've never seen hackers as a serious issue but just from looking at the forums it seems to be an epidemic but to your other issues you can turn off cross play if its such an issue for you and I know that massively increases your queue times but that's life my guy.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I'm seeing a lot of posts about hacking recently

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Because just genuinely suck. Honestly, they have nothing going on in life so they're only satisfaction in life is to mix it up and bully players by cheating and dodging the banning system. It makes things more "fun" for them than them just actually getting up and taking a break so the game can be fresher to them

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    If I run into a hacker I'm gonna have to take a break

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495
    edited July 2021

    I try not to let it get to me, but I also ran into a hacker here and there.

    Like I said, people suck. But, they're just feeding for attention. Ignore then and move on, if there is a whole team of hackers, record the match early on then DC. Acquire their page infos and report it to proper place

    @MandyTalk Would the player DC be truly accounted for being negative if they're going against ungodly hackers? If they made a proper case would this stain be removed from their record?

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Let is follow your logic here; it was made for PC players, yet they should target removing them from the pool because you don't want to play with them! You claim that most console players would opt out yet it is impossible to play without PC players!

    The numbers are made up, they are based on nothing but fictional fear mongering.

    Once again showcase the disingenuous nature of your whole argument and the full discriminatory nature of your position. Crossplay is about inclusion of others and you just try to throw all PC players under the hacker category... as justification for an exclusivity feature addition. "You have no issues with PC gamers" is such a bogus flat out lie based on your whole request.