I think unbreakable should be nerfed

I have a really weird opinion in this game as someone who plays survivor occasionally. I'm possibly the only person who has this opinion so I'm not going to justify that this would be healthier for the game in any way, it's just a pet peeve. You may read this and completely disagree and I'd completely understand why.
Unbreakable is just too damm good. If you're making a casual build with a mix of different perks, a bit of borrowed, maybe DS, maybe wglf, maybe windows, etc. And you add an anti slugging perk; which perk would you pick? Tenacity? Flip flop? Soul guard? Unbreakable blows them all out of the water.
If you're making an anti-slugging build, you need unbreakable. If you're using tenacity then why not add unbreakable. If you're using soul guard, why not add unbreakable. It just combos so well.
Unbreakable is not only the best anti-slugging perk, it combos so well with every other anti-slugging perk. It's reverse power creep where every perk is weaker then the original piece de resistance that is unbreakable, but all of them are made better by being used with it.
To clarify; I don't think the actual effects of unbreakable are too strong, I just think the perk just does too much in comparison to every other anti-slugging perk.
I think that unbreakable's effects should be split into 2 separate perks. Let unbreakable pick yourself up once and some other minor effect, and let another perk increase recovery speed.
its a one time use perk, its fine. there needs to be perks that counter slugging.
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It 's truly high reward high risk. It's heavily reliant on killers' choices. You mostly go trial after trial without getting a proc. So, when it does proc, it needs to make a difference.
The current synergies are not an issue. The only problematic one was with old DS and that's gone. If you're committing more than one slot for one situation, then typically you're making a bad investment.
It blows the other anti-slugging perks out of the water. True that. But it's more of an issue of those perks being underwhelming.
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That's completely not what I was talking about, but ok.
While it's true that it only happens rarely, I think that all the perks should be equally useful on that scenario.
Eh, I disagree. you don't need much perks, so why not combine them for more fun effects. It's not an uncommon thing. Quick & Quiet with head-on. Small game and inner strength. Borrowed time and wglf. Some things just work better together.
Besides, I'm not talking about any of the combos being problematic. Just annoying with how well they combo. Some things having synergy is nice, every anti-slugging perk having synergy with a single perk is dumb.
The issue with that is, that if they were all buffed, to the strength of unbreakable, then the combination of them would be potentially overpowered. While I do think alot of them could use some buffing, I think a better solution for equalising them is to nerf unbreakable aswell as buffing them. Lower the ceiling and then raise them up.
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I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen Unbreakable used since the DS nerf... very situational perk that is fine as is.
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That's completely not what I was talking about, but ok.
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Your title suggests nerfing the perk, and I'm saying I think it's fine how it is. You say it blows the other anti-slugging perks out of the water, which may be true for most but Tenacity can be as or more effective than Unbreakable. Just requires a fellow survivor to pick you up when ready.
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I'm not talking about the actual strength of the perk tho, which is what it sounded like you were talking about. I'm talking about needing it due to the relative strength of it compared to other anti-slugging perks and equalising them.
But yeah, tenacity is great, but it works better with unbreakable. You don't even need the other survivor. Other perks like soul guard, flip flop, no mother etc. Are crap on their own and need unbreakable to reliably work on their own.
Also my issue with tenacity is that the killer can notice the increases speed and pick you up and you need to get to another survivor and the closest one might be on the other side of the map whereas unbreakable is 20-seconds and you're up. That's why I'd say unbreakable is better.
That's my main issue, is that if you want something to counter slugging, perks other then unbreakable are either weaker, useless or need it.
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So is the solution to nerf Unbreakable, or buff the others?
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I think it's both, nerfing unbreakable by splitting it into 2 perks and raising the other perks to match the new position. Lower the ceiling and raise the floor essentially. It's just that everyone always talks about buffing the other perks so I made this post to say "nerf unbreakable".
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That -is- what you're talking about when you're suggesting it should be nerfed, though.
You can't make an argument for something to be nerfed by comparing it to another of the same type of item. You have to look at the overall performance of the thing you're arguing about.
Yes, Unbreakable blows Tenacity, Flip Flop and Soul Guard out of the water. But that isn't an Unbreakable problem. That's a problem with those three perks being (With a mild exception of Soul Guard) absolutely useless. Flip Flop basically ceases to exist outside of a Flip-Flop Power Struggle build, which is situational as all heck and generally quite pointless, and Tenacity is only there to support Unbreakable. Soul Guard can compete with it but has a terrible activation condition where you need to hope your team doesn't do what they logically will.
Unbreakable isn't overpowered. It's just a decent perk, nestled in a bed of abject garbage. Nerfing UB down is the opposite of good balancing, since good balancing would be buffing the other picks.
This is a problem with survivor perks in general, there's a couple of good ones, and then a ton of absolute trash.
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That isn't what you said tho, what you said was implying I just didn't like unbreakable and anti-slugging perks when the opposite is that I want better equalisation of their strength.
I don't think unbreakable is overpowered. I think unbreakable is a decent perk with 2 very good strengths to it. It's why I said it should be split into 2 perks.
Buffing the other perks would be a good move but buffing them all to being unbreakable's strength could be potentially overpowered, particularly when combined. I think unbreakable should be nerfed because I want the power ceiling to be lowered, so the floor can be raised without worrying about the resulting combination having unintended consequences.
Just buffing those perks without taking into consideration the resultant combination of them is terrible balancing.
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That isn't what you said tho, what you said was implying I just didn't like unbreakable and anti-slugging perks when the opposite is that I want better equalisation of their strength.
That's not even close to what I was implying.
I was implying you want to nerf Unbreakable because it's better than the other three anti-slugging perks. And I am implying that because it is literally what you are saying.
I don't think unbreakable is overpowered. I think unbreakable is a decent perk with 2 very good strengths to it. It's why I said it should be split into 2 perks.
That is, and this is going to be a pretty big understatement, a gargantuan nerf to the perk.
And as explained, Unbreakable, by itself, -really- doesn't deserve it. If you nerf Unbreakable, all you achieve is that all the anti-slugging perks will simply phase out of the game entirely. Maybe, once in a blue moon, someone will run the Flip-flop-struggle combo and probably get slaughtered without ever triggering it, but overall, people will be forced to switch to something else. UB is worth the one perk slot, but it's most definitely NOT worth two.
I want the power ceiling to be lowered
That's not lowering it, that's collapsing it, because any real nerf to UB would just dump it outside viability.
so the floor can be raised without worrying about the resulting combination having unintended consequences.
Nerfing UB doesn't create any space for the other perks to be buffed that isn't already here now. Nor is it impossible to buff those perks without causing conflicts or overpowered combos.
One thing, for example, is tacking Flip-Flop onto Power Struggle innately, so it only costs one perk slot instead of two to have the slightest possible chance of functioning.
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It blows the other slug perks out of the water because all the other slug perks are garbage not because it's too good.
Moving faster and crawling while recovering is going to make the killer lose on the ground at best, but that's hardly useful, if the killer is leaving you on the ground for long enough to lose you they are getting free pressure by slugging you. Tenacity is simply never going to be meta anti slug because hiding while slugged isn't good. Killers slug to keep you out of the match and get pressure. Tenacity does not prevent that
Flip flop is garbage that doesn't do anything without power struggle, 50% wiggle isn't even enough to get you out a decent chunk of the time if you even get to that point. Flip flop is garbage anti slug because it assumes you're getting slugged then picked up later, most killers if they slug you, you are staying slugged until they've pretty much won the match or you've been picked up.
Soul guard is the only that comes close to even being a decent competitor since you can get up if they have a hex and you have the bonus that when you get up you get endurance so you can't be downed as soon as the killer gets you up, if you knew ahead of time the killer was running a hex this would be better, but UB is more consistent counter to something that doesn't happen consistently in the first place.
UBs major effect is also limited to one time use which isn't true of the others
UB is an extremely important deterrent for the game's health. If it were removed from the game tomorrow, you'd see a lot of killers shift their strategy to mass slug because they know they won't be punished for it.
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If I run it for 10 games, in 8 games I play with 3 perks more or less. It's not that good but of course it's like other situational perks they sometimes win you the game.