Calling Myers Players

Zet395 Member Posts: 177
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Oh, the history I have with Myers. When I first got into DbD, I made a point in Myers being the first Killer I ever played, because he was a Killer that I was familiar with in the horror genre, and thought it would be cool. And though it was fun for a while, I didn't go very far. Back in the day, I didn't know how to use his power, nor did I know lunge attack was a thing, so I basically played tier 1 Myers all the time.

As time passed, I started trying other Killers, and left Myers behind, finding more enjoyment in other Killers. Here is why I am making this post. Does anybody else feel like Myers needs some kind of QoL update, or some kind of buff? To my knowledge, Myers is the only Killer in the game that hasn't been changed in the slightest way, other than a terror radius change, and undetectable status in tier 1. I could be wrong, I never really kept track of updates to Killers I didn't play, but I don't think he's gotten any changes to his power, addons or anything like that. I think he really needs some changes! What do you all think? Do you think Myers deserves some love?

Here's the big issues I think he has that could be changes, at LEAST for QoL. First, limited stalking. Can anyone come up with a justifiable reason why his power should be limited and eventually makes him an M1 Killer? If you think about it, depending on your situation, Myers is probably the one Killer in the game that gets WEAKER the longer a match goes on for, because of that fact. Some might argue that he's one Killer that can potentially kill a Survivor flat out, and that's why his power is limited. However, I think that argument is outdated, since Pyramid Head can do the very same time. EASIER than Myers, mind you (since he's undoubtably better in chase, and only needs to down a Survivor to kill them.) With this being said, I think a good QoL update would be able to give him infinite stalking opportunities, OR justify the reason to keep it limited.

I think that some of his addons could use some love, too. Now, I'm no Myers main, so I don't know everything, but I think there are some addons that are just completely useless, like extra speed when you're stalking. Why? Could be a hot take on my end, but that's why I'm gathering thoughts. If you think he needs addon changes, what would you change?

Another big problem is when he CAN kill survivors. Doing so actually hurts your rank, and I think -- though most of us don't care about rank at all -- this is bad for a multitude of reasons. There's a reason why there are memes of Myers mains being chads. There's a reason why we don't see Myers in-game very often. I think this needs to change, and Myers requires much needed love. I know this post was an eyefull, but sometimes, when you care, you have a lot to say.


  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Yup, Myers have been overshadowed over the years of new killer releases in everything he does except how feaking cool the theme and execution of his power is. He could definetly use some tweaks to bring his power up to date so it competes better with killers that overshadow him in both snowball and stealth.

    Altough if changes were beiing made I'd hope that most of his addons stay the same and only the useless ones get updated and purple tombstone gets nerfed but otherwise, they are probably the best addons in the whole game, drastically changing Michael's playstyle depending on which addons he uses.

    Hopefully next midchapter will be completely focused on Halloween chapter, reworking Haddonfield ground up and bringing Myers up to 2021 standart too.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    I find him to be all about the situational snowball. You charge up to 99 T2 and don't pop T3 until you think you can down at least a couple of them. I find the M&A on Mikey is essential the way I play. Get stalk early when I can but go for the sneaky hit and stalk some as they run until I get a couple on a gen on healing. Before this I would sometimes run out of stalkable prey if I offed someone I didn't fully deplete.

    I got into this game for Freddy and I'd like to add he loses mobility as gens complete but with fire it up there's compensation. Stalky boys and other one hitters are the only killers that can actually cause some fear instead of annoyance. I still love jump scare Myers on either end.

    Just my two cents and a wooden nickel

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    That would be nice. Haddonfield is a pain to deal with, and the strength of Myers seems to be an issue. I think he just needs a good bit of love to bring him back up to standard nowadays.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    While I'd say he could use afew tweeks here and there... overall, he's in pretty good spot. He has one of the best set of addons of any killer. By that, I mean most killers only have a handful of addons (3 or 4) that are worth using, but for Myers...I generally use about half of em. You're right though that some of em could be tweeked. Those movement speed while stalking addons are pretty useless since I'm pretty sure they only affect your speed when your holding down the stalk button, but dont ACTUALLY have someone infront of you being stalked.

    As far as his basekit goes... I agree his stalking COULD be touched up abit. Having survivors regain the amount of stalk you could get from them throughout the trial so your not left without a power at endgame could be nice, and I would also suggest being able to gain stalk faster if you are stalking multiple people. If I sneak up on 3 ppl group healing or something... lemme stalk em and fill the meter faster than if I was only stalking 1 person. Even if its not 3X the speed, give it SOME benefit.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    I definitely think that was always a good strat with him. I feel like most of the reason I did that strat though was solely because he has limited stalk and because of that, it has to be utilized in strats like those.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    I'm glad we agree on something. Sometimes stalking takes too long, and to my knowledge, there's only 2(?) addons that help with that? And I NEVER get the green one in my bloodwebs. Maybe that's just my luck though.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Currently he seems to be the most fun alongside Trapper. SNAP AHHH is SOOOOO satisfying. Like old school football I play both sides so hopefully I see you scaring the bejeebers out us soon! Got to represent the licensed bros proper and play when you're warmed up!

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    Feel like alot of his strength that hasnt really been copied by anyone is his base stats. He has the smallest TR in the game in both his T1 and T2 states, while gaining increased vaulting speeds in his T2 and T3. Also add in the super lunge in his T3. This lets him score hits you wouldnt normally be able to score if you were just running around trying to just be a "normal M1 killer".

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    Satisfying Killers can be some of the best when it all works out. lol

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    Theres 3 actually. Judith's journal, memorial flower and J Myers memorial. Judith's journal only works against the obsession, but if you combo it with the perk Nemesis, you can get some REALLY fast stalking speeds. Heres a video Tofu put out awhile ago.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    While the longer lunge does have its uses, and CAN help -- along with his faster vaulting -- I feel like in the grand scheme of things, these do very little to help in chase. It can make some quicker, yes, but not all of them.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    Ah. I completely forgot about the third. I had a feeling I'd be wrong; it's been a while since I've played Myers. I can't remember all of his addons. Thanks for refreshing my memory. Though still, I never really got the really good charges.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    Of course, but its aspects that definitely help and tend to go unsaid when ppl talk about him. Alot of ppl actually forget about the increased vaulting speed in T2 entirely. As for that 16 meter TR... That has put in ALOT of work for me. Shrinking that down further with Monitor and dead rabbit, then running Nurses... Its fun catching ppl off guard that is in the middle of a jungle gym and healing. Just poke around the corner and swing.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    I definitely think that one of the main reasons a lot of people like the play Myers is for the scares and small TR. It's fun! When it works, anyway. Of course, Survivors can always use spine chill or something, or even object of obsession (even after its nerf and it's used as much anymore) can ruin that kind of playstyle.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    There are certain setups that ppl run PWYF on Myers anyway, so having Nemesis on him isnt a stretch. If your running his tomestone piece for example, can get those PWYF stacks off ANYONE using Nemesis while hitting T3 alot faster with the journal by making anyone you chase the obsession.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    I've seen a lot of cool builds with Nemesis included with Myers. I dunno, for some reason, I'm always afraid to use PWYF because I have to give up a chase, when that can very easily spell a loss, if you aren't able to capitalize on it fast enough.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    If I have that kind of sneaky setup...I can generally tell when someone has spinechill. If you stop healing for no apparent reason, I'm just gonna start looking off to the side while approaching. Myers is a killer I've logged way too many hours into, so I dont typically get too messed up.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    I always respect people that can use that tactic effectively. Even being red rank level in skill for most of the Killers I play, it never occurs to me when someone is using spine chill. I always just chalk it up to they start running when they hear my terror radius.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    Feel like you misunderstand something here... Yes, you are giving up what the game considers is a chase. Someone pallet stuns you, then runs off. While theyre running off... you stalk them for a crap ton until you get that PWYF token, then close distance again and restart chase unless theres someone else who's closer. Those tokens will let you clear pallets out hella fast since no one is gonna be able to get alot of loops out of a speedy killer. You're tomestone piece execution also doesnt use up a token, letting you speed up to someone...delete them...and speed away with 3 tokens still.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    Oh, yeah. I was thinking about videos I saw earlier today where somebody had to commonly go for other chases after being made the obsession. I don't remember the context, though. In your example, though, yes, that can definitely be strong. Perhaps I would need the extra practice with it. Sometimes, practicing different playstyles can be hard sometimes, though. Going from a Killer like Billy to a slow and tactical Killer like Myers and Ghostface can be difficult for me.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    Monitor and rabbit equates to a TR of like 6 meters. Thats the distance a survivor can cover in 1.5 seconds. No... If I have that setup, or even just normal Monitor (8 meter TR), they arnt reacting to the TR most of the time. Either its a perk like spinechill alerting them, or they SAW me. If I'm utilizing walls and other such LOS blockers, they didnt see me. A survivor in the middle of a jungle gym isnt gonna see me, and if my nurses calling shows them running off without finishing a heal as I'm approaching, theres not many reasons why other than spinechill.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    I'd say if you wanna try that kind of setup and playstyle... Try putting PWYF+Nemesis on Plague. Her power encourages getting as many ppl sick as you can, so that kind of swap mentality is really good. Her green puke also doesnt use up any PWYF stacks, so you'll be speeding around alot with those PWYF stacks. It's good practice for pressuring a survivor team as a whole rather than just focusing on 1 person at a time.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    Perhaps so. Thanks for the advice. Maybe I'll be able to try something refreshing for once as a Killer. I'll still keep hoping that he gets some kind of QoL, because I think he still needs something, even if it's a bit on the smaller side. I've been starving for something refreshing as a Killer, and the weak Killers aren't too fun to play most of the time.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    I'm still of the mind that he's NOT weak... but I also have plenty of practice at juggling a team. If your just running after 1 person until your able to down them rather than bouncing around, your not taking advantage of his lower TR as much as you could. Could always try using Ruin+ surveillance or something to let ya know which gens are being worked on, then using monitor to sneak up and score hits. I was using rabbit and mirror shard alot when running those. Rabbit helps lower TR further while mirror shard is basically a pocket "I'm all ears" you activate while someone is about to go around the corner. Helps in mindgaming loops and such. I actually found myself using my stalk alot of times for THAT rather than trying to build T3 alot of the times and would ACCIDENTLY have a T3 ready to go.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    Do you think that Myers is TOO addon reliant? One of the reasons I only play specific Killers, is because the Killers I play don't really need addons to be capable.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,168
    edited July 2021

    I've been a Mikey main for about three and a half years. I do agree that he needs some buffs, but he is not as bad as some people claim. Especially people who label him the worst killer in the game. I think that's ludicrous. He's not even in the bottom five in my opinion. Mikey just needs a few tweaks to put him in a very comfortable spot.

    For a start I'd have him begin a match with his tier 1 at 99%. That way he can still start in the oblivious effect and get the jump on unsuspecting survivors (I've grabbed many survivors off gens/totems/chests in tier 1), or he can just tap his stalk and get himself into tier 2 as soon as he spots a survivor.

    I think they need to remove the cap on his stalk. Or at the very least they should DRAMATICALLY increase it. Bubba and Billy are not limited on how often they can use their chainsaw. Oni is not limited on how much blood he can get from each survivor. Mikey should get the same treatment as the other insta down killers. Don't limit him. Plus let him have multi stalk back again. That should never have been removed. It was perfectly fine.

    In tier 3 I think he should have fast pallet breaking speed. He already has the extended lunge and the fast vault speed. Make him a total beast and let him chew through pallets quickly too. Tier 3 is supposed to be Mikey at his most powerful.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    I completely agree with most of these. The limited power is offputting to me. I also agree that he's not nearly as weak as most people say. I definitely wouldn't call him the worst, but I'd probably call him mid-tier at least. WITH addons that is. I feel like the only reason they don't do the increased kicking speed though, is because that could be stacked with brutal strength to probably make pallets a joke. And though that would help him a LOT in chase, it might also make counterplay a bit offputting.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,168

    The thing is though there is already perks that can do that for him anyway. If I run say fire up and brutal on him I could do that. I could also have bamboozle combined with his tier 3 vault speed so that he is practically sprinting over windows. But none of this makes him imbalanced or OP. It just makes him even more deadly.

    Honestly is should be base. Like how Wraith needed windstorm as base speed. What a quality of life change that was for him.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    Yeah, but I'm saying that if it WAS base, the perks would make him almost TOO strong. But I could be wrong. Perhaps I'm not looking at it from the right angle, because currently, he doesn't have a lot of power in a chase, aside from lunge distance and vaulting speed.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,168
    edited July 2021

    Well if you have faced a Myers running brutal and fire up (I have, and I've used it on him too) it definitely does not feel OP. It just makes him feel more dangerous in chase because you gotta up your looping game when the killer can eat through pallets quickly. Bubba can chew through pallets very fast with his chainsaw.

    Mikey deserves the same advantage in tier 3.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    Yeah. Killers like Bubba, Billy and Demo tend to be good in chase just because they can chew through pallets, which tends to be a Survivor's best defense. But I do think if a change like this were made, they'd need to balance a fine line between threatening and no counter play. Nobody liked playing against old Legion because there was no counter play. He wasn't strong, but there just wasn't counter play. It really bothers people.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,168

    Well there is definitely counterplay. If there wasn't every killer would be doing fire up and brutal. It would be meta lol. Fast pallet breaking is perfectly fine.

  • Zet395
    Zet395 Member Posts: 177

    I know. I'm just saying that the balancing team knows they have to be careful when considering buffs to Killers. I think the single strongest thing that any Killer can have is something to help them in chase. The common case is if, if they don't have anything, they tend to be significantly weaker than Killers that DO have something.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    Its in a weird spot for that. While I definitely always make sure to use addons on him... since so MANY of his addons are handy, I dont find myself hunting through bloodwebs for anything specific. With alot of killers that only have 3 or 4 addons that are handy, I would do just that and end up blowing through the majority of the BPs that I got the game before in an attempt to replace the 2 addons I used. With Myers... 1 bloodweb is enough usable addons to last me afew games.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,168

    Honestly you can do fine with Mikey using just yellow add ons.

  • CrimsonMothKing
    CrimsonMothKing Member Posts: 440

    I would like to see Myers get a small update. Nothing major, but something to make him freshen up.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited July 2021

    I've had some brilliant games as Myers, both classic power and Scratched Mirror, I wouldn't say he's 'weak' by any means, though he doesn't have his draw backs. He suffers as an M1 killer just as all M1 killers do, on large open maps survivors can just "hold W." But personally, his only personal drawback is his limited stalking ability.

    It can be incredibly irritating when you hook someone who still has full stalk left in them, and then nobody comes to their rescue, robbing you of 1/4 of your power.

    I suppose the clear trade off is you've eliminated 1/4 of the survivors too, but that hardly seems fair when you should be able to do that without losing any of your power, as other killers do.

    I think that each survivors evil gauge should slowly recharge when they're not being stalked, maybe at 10% the default stalking rate. That might not seem like much but when you're turning your attention between 4 survivors, the time any one particular survivor isn't being stalked is quite a lot. Probably at 1/8th the rate, it would even out that by the time you've fully stalked the other 3 survivors, the first one is now completely recharged, so 1/10th should be fair.

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164

    A QoL I'd like to see is that his stalk automatically stops at 99% and requires a second tap or the Activation button to trigger.

    Due to the servers' rubber banding, it's easy to stalk, only to have it reduced--or the reverse. Similarly it's easy to over-stalk, especially if your eyes are on following the survivor and not your meter. Many Myers will 99% their power and save it for the next survivor. So having that built in would be very nice.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,168

    Another idea would be to have each survivors' stalk regenerate after a while if Mikey doesn't stalk them for a certain amount of time.