Those who take a break from DBD Game??

Why did you take the hiatus from game?

I have never taken one and thinking i should cause those auric cell packs creating so much internal vomit.

I just don't like ridiculous 200 hour grinds and microtransaction paywalls (In General) that have unfair market standard prices.

Best Answers

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Answer ✓
    I took a break from the game due to frustration with overtly toxic players that sour the fun for me and my anxiety that sometimes flares up on multiplayer games
  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334
    Answer ✓
    I took a break because holding a single button for an entire game gets boring when you do it for months straight. Plus there are other games out there.
  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    Answer ✓
    I've taken a few breaks from the game and I think it boils down to 3 reasons for me -

    1) Toxicity
    2) Game issues (balance, bugs, etc)
    3) Other games
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    Answer ✓

    I took a break after beta because the game genuinely sucked. I wanted to play killer and this game was just of the most frustrating and worst gaming experiences ever (hell...Evolution was better!)

    Came back after little while ...And I have been playing it ever since...more and more as time goes by.

    I love the learning curve. I love the "factions" (even on the forums).

    It just gets better and better! The player base is horribly toxic but that actually makes it more fun somehow!

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    Answer ✓
    Cymer said:
    I catch myself playing less and less dbd, because of the grind and repetitive gameplay.
    You need around 1334 games to level one you can start experiment and enjoy the game on a different level.
    I can play save with the killer and farm BP or hold m1 sim with survivor.
    Most of the time I'm getting now one of the following games, either I just do my stuff and farm points or a super toxic swf group destroys me with almost no counterplay.
    So it's rather unfun or frustrating.
    Now and then I get motivated to try again, only to be reminded why I left.
    I love the game idea and would love to play more, but with every patch and every dev stream it becomes clearer to me, that the game is going a direction I am not willing to follow.
    What's the point of a ranking if only nurse and hillbilly are viable on higher levels?
    The devs themselves stated. If you want to climb and win, play nurse and hillbilly. They are not interested in a balanced killer roster, they just throw in, what they think is fun, regardless what's really happening everyday within the game.
    The role of the killer becomes more and more the role of an entertainer and partyclown and the survivor play feels more like a catch and m1 simulator than actually a struggle to survive.
    I love competitive games, where I can outplay and show off my skill within a game. Even if I lose against aomeone truly better I would then not get frustrated or toxic, the contrary, I am getting motivated and inspired to better myself. But within this game my options are limited and from the game mechanic there is not a lot I could do. 
    I cannot outplay a DS, SB, Unbreakable, hatch standoffs, new flashlight-pickup interaction, Breakdown, Hex totem placement and mechanic (it's so fun if your totems gets broken before you go even can reach it at the start of the game).

    I will come back every now and then, because of the amazing community and potential I see within the game. Hope is the last thing that dies.

    Best luck in the fog!
    Good points want to feel the power roles in stuff rather than hillbilly aand nurse. All i could suggest is play spirit cause she is right up there with hillbilly. But that still leaves alot of killers
    I really hope stuff in stream is implemented and not just mentioned cause i think there is alot quality of life choices needed for players.
    1. Fix endgame
    2. Variety game modes/ Events
    3. More diverse objectives
    4. Make freddy freddy
    5. Make killers balanced around being op cause in 1 vs everyone games that is just what you do. I don't think i would of enjoyed mario party as kid landing on red spaces if i was balanced power role. (Shit your pants is only game in developement seeing do this well so far.)

    This game has evolved and stagnated in some places but hopefully next break can come back to better version.


  • m3rcyNside
    m3rcyNside Member Posts: 1

    @Delfador said:
    They are cosmetics and you don't need to buy them.

    Most games don't even allow people to grind for cosmetics, cash only.


  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    Delfador said:

    They are cosmetics and you don't need to buy them.

    Most games don't even allow people to grind for cosmetics, cash only.

    1. Yes they are cosmetics .... doesn't mean they don't have value. Why dress up games sell and also games based on cosmetics like animal crossing sell.
    2. Most games have the same formula of purchase exclusives that are ungrindable. But there cosmetics that are grindable and those that take over 200+ hours to grind all cosmetics like for honor are held accountable. Most games don't reserve the 200 hour grind for a single outfit.
    3. Yes you don't need to buy them to show not supportive of them. But there will be always a purchaser making a dumb purchase. It could be small or larger purchase but it will always fuel greed.
    4. You stop having that 100% complete perfection one could have on a game. Ps2 era was great for doing completions on favourite games. That thrill is unachievable unless your rich.
    5. Im kinda just curious why other take hiatus from the game cause heard people have. I love this game so curious what were other reasons to take break. I was just grossed by the inclusion of such devices in fun games.
  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    (Option to still laugh at my topic)

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    Nikkiwhat said:
    I took a break from the game due to frustration with overtly toxic players that sour the fun for me and my anxiety that sometimes flares up on multiplayer games
    Is it cause get flak from toxic teamates that expect the world from you.... or the other side not letting you play the game Dx
  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    I took a break because holding a single button for an entire game gets boring when you do it for months straight. Plus there are other games out there.
    Is it lack of objectives as survivor?
    Or the easy controls of killer?
    There is alot of cool games reflective of this genre coming out. Plus there will always be good games out there probally coming out soon.
  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    RWoodrow said:
    I've taken a few breaks from the game and I think it boils down to 3 reasons for me -

    1) Toxicity
    2) Game issues (balance, bugs, etc)
    3) Other games
    Number 2 is only one see hard to hold against a game unless a bethesda game. It most likely will be fixed. But guess if issue bothers enough can turn you off product if not done right. Plus there can be unfair bugs that just don't want to wait to be fixed.
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @RWoodrow said:
    1) Toxicity
    2) Game issues (balance, bugs, etc)
    3) Other games

    This sums it up a lot for me, as well.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    I took a break after beta because the game genuinely sucked. I wanted to play killer and this game was just of the most frustrating and worst gaming experiences ever (hell...Evolution was better!)

    Came back after little while ...And I have been playing it ever since...more and more as time goes by.

    I love the learning curve. I love the "factions" (even on the forums).

    It just gets better and better! The player base is horribly toxic but that actually makes it more fun somehow!

    That is pretty cool didn't like its rough start but like the evolution of game came back too.
  • douggie123
    douggie123 Member Posts: 1,316

    I love this game, but at this point, I'd rather get abused and verbally harrassed on LoL, the most toxic game, rather than play this game.
    It's the same goddamn thing everytime I decide to play a game or two. Get into a game ---> get found, get downed ---> get hooked --> the camping / tunneling begins. When I start up the game, I already just know it's not going to be fun, but I love the game so much that I keep giving it second chances.

    And when that sh!t happens every game, it's not fun whatsoever. And the fact that this is promoted by the devs is mindblowing to me. I don't even do anything to make the killer mad, I don't BM, I don't abuse infinites, I don't use DS.

    I am sorry but camping and tunneling issues again just deal with it, it's a part of the game personally camping doesn't bother me because I pack borrowed time and tunneling what do you mean by tunneling. Going for a survivor who has like one hook left and leaving a survivor of who has three hooks left if so then that's just daft killers with common sense are going to go for the weakest survivor first.
  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Nikkiwhat said:
    I took a break from the game due to frustration with overtly toxic players that sour the fun for me and my anxiety that sometimes flares up on multiplayer games
    Is it cause get flak from toxic teamates that expect the world from you.... or the other side not letting you play the game Dx
    I main Killer so, essentially bullied at every chance with some of these games.  Literally first Survivor I see spans Crouch, obv to get my attention, which I ignored and then it turned out it was a SWF group and they all teabagged and tried 360 mlg turns whenever possible.

    Had a game where I admittedly tilted and ended up with a 2k near 3k and the last teo wouldn't leave.  We were on opposite sides of the map, went over to the exit gate annnnnd flashlight spams and teabagging.  Pushed em out (too far in/dead hearts) but it's like....Ilike....I can't report them as I'm on console, useless when you get these kind of groups constantly...jconstantly...just kills the fun for mw.

    Few will agree, but if your spamming crouch, wish it give you a penalty or debuff.  Can't stand that typw of behaviour
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @RWoodrow said:
    I've taken a few breaks from the game and I think it boils down to 3 reasons for me -

    1) Toxicity
    2) Game issues (balance, bugs, etc)
    3) Other games

    As a console player I personally would switch 1 and 2 around and that is exactly why I left DBD. I only really join for events, if at all.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965
    edited December 2018
    Unicorn said:
    Pretty much just the toxicity. Can't stand it and I refuse to witness/tolerate it.
    *Hides system of a down cd* yes guess its not everyones cup of tea
    krayziek said:
    The match making made me quit for awhile. I have other things I could be doing besides playing campfire simulator. When it takes 10-15 minutes to find a game sometimes there is something wrong. 
    Probally was happy about dedicated servers until it said have to wait till summer

    This game is like heroin at this point I can't catch a break.

    Exactly all games in similiar genre are like drugs that give me an amazing horror high. Think only way to quit dbd heroine is to find another brand of heroine xD
  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    @RWoodrow said:
    I've taken a few breaks from the game and I think it boils down to 3 reasons for me -

    1) Toxicity
    2) Game issues (balance, bugs, etc)
    3) Other games

    As a console player I personally would switch 1 and 2 around and that is exactly why I left DBD. I only really join for events, if at all.

    I had some...exceptionally poorly timed toxic messages, otherwise, I'd swap 1 and 2 myself as well. As a killer main on Ps4, I have often times referred to this game as Dead by PowerPoint due to the horrible framerate.
  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 611
    I took a break because I forgot how much I love this game. And plus the tumour of Fortnite consumed my friends so I was semi-compelled to play it with them. And life: life has been strenuous. But I’ve come back to it, and I’m happy. Though I might get a little distracted from it with Red Dead Redemption 2...
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    I'm currently taking a break from DbD, but not because i got tired or got bothered by something, i simply do that with online games from time to time and when i play them often.
    I like to do other things and don't want games to stop me from doing them.