When Will Disconnect Penalties Return?

PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

The title says it all. The disconnects are getting out of control. Their have been times when I am the only survivor left because all the others disconnected as soon as they were picked up by the killer.

I play as killer and survivor and it is negatively impacting both sides.


  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,265

    I believe tomorrow, we're going to have an update.

    Maybe some major bugs are going to get fixed and on the way DC penalty will return.

  • PhantomChimera
    PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668

    Exactly the haven't but they should have is what they are saying.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    When they fix the crashes that are still going on.

  • PhantomChimera
    PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668
    edited July 2021

    What crashes? I've been playing for weeks and experienced none. Not even in the Racoon Police Department map after they reactivated it.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495
  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    idk but I dc'd yesterday because haddonfield had all its windows open and I got no dc penalty

  • TheGhostofZgor
    TheGhostofZgor Member Posts: 334

    Preferably, not till the game keeps lagging into crashing. If I get RPD and the game just can't handle it and crashes, I think I ,or anyone else, should be punished for it. I agree DC penalties should come back but not till thats fixed.

  • Thr_ust
    Thr_ust Member Posts: 481

    The issue is when the game is designed around a 4v1. Someone instantly turning it into a 3v1 over a minor inconvenience breaks the game. A 3v1 is just a complete thrashing and isn’t really fun for either side.

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    All of the people saying they want dc penalties back should really be asking for the devs to put more effort in to updates and console optimization. Everytime they mess something up like this, which lets be real will happen again if it is even fixed tomorrow, then the penalties will just be shut off again.

    Hold the devs accountable all the time not just when it begins to impact you.

  • Cerebral_Harlot
    Cerebral_Harlot Member Posts: 280

    Also for really bad map design. RPD is just a mess right now.

  • Dodgingbears
    Dodgingbears Member Posts: 252

    That is still an issue with the community. The fact is that people who struggle with the game or chases in particular, often throw the game out of frustration or bruised egos. They expect the killers to play without good builds or addons.... or to not play top tier killers, when the game clearly and overwhelmingly favors the survivors if they play well. The largest portion of the player base is mid level players and the fact that the killer community is much smaller than a 4 to 1 ratio means that I often get stuck with survivors who have 400 -600 hours in the game or are green ranks. I am sorry, but their chances are very slim to none, regardless of the killer I play or the build I use. Map knowledge and experience with the game and how to play and transition tiles far supersedes an arbitrary number rank.

    As someone with 3k+ hours, it is obvious when a survivor makes less than optimal plays and I generally take it easier on them, as the more difficult survivors are more fun to chase, but often there are several overly altruistic or flashlight loving gamers that are extremely easy to exploit as they miss saves and hang around hooks.... then cry about being camped or tunneled or killers op after a game in which they walked to a killer and expect me to leave the hook, when I see them right behind a rock... instead I will down them and with two on hook a dc is often coming.

    People have been killing themselves on hooks and DCing for years. Putting in a DC penalty will just cause those people to troll or kill themselves on hook. It is the people, not an arbitrary method that hurts the players that DC unintentionally, due to poor servers and game crashes.

  • PhantomChimera
    PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668
    edited July 2021

    If the servers were "poor" you would see more players complaining about it then you do. I have played online games that have trouble with a server and the outcry from the player base comes from a lot more of the player base than it is right now.

    Reading the forums it would seem the major issues that were present following the release of the Resident Evil DLC seem for the most part to have been resolved.

    The DC issue has gotten really out of hand. The ratio of people that disconnect when a match isn't going there way appears to be going up. The number of matches where at least two of the survivors disconnect as soon as the killer picks them has increased. Possibly because many of those who don't disconnect when a match isn't going their way have stopped playing increasing the chances of getting matched with those that do. To prevent any more from leaving hopefully they will reactivate the penalty soon.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I hope it's back tomorrow.

  • skyguys
    skyguys Member Posts: 67

    honestly, if we really want to hold the devs accountable, then the community has to stop buying the chapters until the game is more stable. our money speaks more than our voices

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Unless tomorrow's update doesn't fix the big problems, the DC penalties should return tomorrow for every platform except Switch. That's what I expect, anyway.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Hopefully tomorrow if they actually make the game playable again

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393
  • Mr_Onehouse
    Mr_Onehouse Member Posts: 14

    I so much agree. I'd have agreed far back in the PC only days when there had never been a dc'ing penalty.

    No offense to console players, but it got so much more worse when we went cross-platform. I hope the penalty time is longer so it's an actual inconvenience. I have been disconnected by loss of signal, game glitch, and my own accidents and yet would still accept 1 whole hour as a penalty for the first disconnent if only to make this stop. Then double that for each disconnet/rage-quit within the same 24 hour period.

    Thinking on this, the rage quit penalty should be exponential with each time you disconnect within a contiguous 24 hours. Time could be 30 minutes for the first dc. One hour for second dc. Two hours for third and then 4 hours for fifth dc and so on and so on... . . A habitual repeat offender could be looking at DAYS of being banned from play.

    Not sure if it's possible for DBD's coding scheme, but I have a proposal to diminish the odds of an innocent accidental dc'er being penalized. Program in a rage-quit detector that triggers the dc penalty only if the player is in a chase, within 30m of the killer (or of the surv if dc'er is killer), or. disconnects while on the hook.

    On a related note, survivors letting themselves die on the hook has too often been an exploit to get around a dc'ing penalty. Maybe remedy that with this: When put into second stage struggle while on the hook a survivor must attempt each skill check given (notice I didn't say succeed). If they don't then they take a Bloodpoint penalty equal to buying an Ultra-Rare item on the Bloodweb. (And yes, if the result is a negative number that gets applied to the player's BP grand total.) Teammates still get at least that long to perform a rescue and earn themselves BP for the effort.

    On another related note, please, please, PLEEEEEEEEEASE, no bots to replace dc'ing survivors. They will only bog down FPS & the resulting rubberbanding & lag glitches.

    P.S.: Survivors have been surrendering to the killer a lot, too. You know, just get next to killer and wait to die. It'd be fun if all killers could have a command prompt & ability to grant Minion status to one survivor per match. (Assign to an unused key/button survs use to make gestures.) A survivor would have a corresponding Surrender prompt that gives the killer permission to use the Minion ability but is only available while crouching within 10m of the killer. Minion would then lose the ability to repair & to open any containers & lose all perks but also be immune to being killed or hooked, have an aura visible to only to killer (usual gestures used to guide the killer), and have a limited range ability to highlight to the killer one survivor they can see. Minion's awarded BP for every down, hook, and kill but gets none of it until he/she is that last survivor. At which End Game Collapse starts but with both gates opening themselves. If you think SWF using comms would exploit this, you're right. Killer would have a constant Kill Minion prompt that would summon Entity's claws for an inescapable End Game style grab'n'stab at the Minion. Perhaps even the end game score screen would stamp TRAITOR in large print over the Minion player's face, ID, and perks. Could that a means for solo survivors to have more fun?

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,064

    Due to the lack of a DC penalty, I've given up on playing altogether. I got what I wanted from the event as much as I could (roughly 700 cakes spread out among my main killers and survivor), but after that I refuse to play until it returns. The game just isn't fun for either side without the DC penalty. If you're Playing survivor, usually 1 or more teammates DC at the drop of a hat for asinine reasons like getting spotted/hit first, what killer we're up against, what map we got, etc... and while killers do the same, that happens much more rarely for me tbh. If you're playing killer on the other hand, sure having a survivor DC on you Makes the game an easy win, but I don't like easy wins, I want a challenge damnit!

    If survivors aren't gonna provide me a challenge, or play the game through to the end despite how the game is progressing because they're a bunch of over-entitled brats who have the worst sense of sportsmanship I've ever seen, then there's literally no reason to play with any of them.

    FFS, the fact that this game HAS TO HAVE a DC penalty in order to make it playable and force people to at least show SOME "sense" of good sportsmanship is just a testament to how pathetic most of the players are... and that disgusts me.

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    The whole issue about DC penalties comes down to the matter WHY people do it. Make the penalty as harsh as a 1-week- ban or even a 1-month one., it likely won't save everything. Or much at all. There will still be DCs, might they be technically-induced or otherwise.

    Personally, if some other players, may they be playng killer or survivor, bug me enough to make me voluntarily DC, a penalty won't change that. I'd rather take the ban than endure for minutes after minutes some gameplay that feels like punishment instead of fun. And yeah, we don't have e.g. a blacklist to address this issue.

    At the end of the day, you can't force people to play a game/match/trial they don't enjoy (any more). Not to an extended degree. For a clear example: the other 3 survivors DC'd before much at all happened. You expect me to stay around as sole survivor thereafter for... something? Not going to bother. I'd rather take whatever penalty and if need be even leave the game for a month or whatever.

    If you can't relate to that, you're either still having fun in that very situation or simply are a glutton for punishment.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    The game works.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    DCers DC because there is no penalty and they feel entitled to ruining everyone else's trial just because they didn't like something that happened (not the "right" killer, they were found/downed first - or at all - and so on). If you tried to remove all the reasons why people DC, you'd just remove the game.

    If the DC penalty didn't do anything, DCers wouldn't try to convince everyone that DC penalties were useless.

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    I'm not saying a reinstated penalty won't prevent any DCs, just not enough all by itself.

    - It won't do anything to address the ones due to technical reasons for starters.

    - It won't do much for the DCs due o toxic behaviour of other players. Because eff any penalty when you feel sort of abused. (Could blame he commu nityor lack of in-game policing).

    - As a sole measure it won't be enough to combat some of the fundamental issues leading to many, albeit not all DCs (Some ppl are just archetypical dung-heads, can't change human nature.)

    - If ppl DC on purpose (a lot), it's a sign they're not having fun (any more) for some reason. 90%+ of the time it's not likely in order to troll you as another participant in the trial. So you want to FORCE them to continue doing something unfun in a game? GL with that.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    Half these comments just read as killers missing out on their infini mori 4k so their epeen took a hit.

    Besides family share on steam mitigated d/c penalties anyway, these post are just low hanging fruit, because its easier to point a finger.

    I guarantee you, you've lost more new players because they got camped/tunneled out of a game so just left only to get penalised for the experience.

    The players leaving because of no d/c penalty a small minority.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm not saying a reinstated penalty won't prevent any DCs, just not enough all by itself.

    And nobody's saying it will be enough by itself either. So it seems like we're in agreement.

    I'm a survivor main. There are five players in each trial, four of whom are survivors. When you DC, you're ruining the trial for four other players.

    If DC penalties were so easily bypassed, we wouldn't have DCers try to convince people otherwise.

  • Davidex93
    Davidex93 Member Posts: 63

    It depends if they disconnect when the game is loading as killer and your game will be terminated by survivors that's right, but if they just DC randomly after loading and starting the game, it just be a gifted pip for the killer, but from survivor side that obviously let the other players getting boring playing the game and maybe uninstall the game.

  • DuneT
    DuneT Member Posts: 88

    We are indeed in agreement about it not being an universal solution to issues. I freely admit there are some which might not be able to be fixed. Like that one fellow Survivor 2 days ago who DC'd right after missing a skill check on a Gen repair not even 2 minutes into the match. I was working next to him on that Gen and just thinking: "What the frakk, dude?" No way to fix that guy likely. *rolleyes*

    My beef is rather that only reinstating DC penalties will do next to nothing for the underlying issues why ppl DC. At all. Makes it feel like a mere placebo.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334

    LOL, the whole I play survivor mostly is usually the opening salvo of a killer main in my experience.

    What your arguing is design choice. D/C is bad and easy for the average person to understand, to understand how steam, family share works takes a little more understanding, as you've just demonstrated with your un-insightful response.

    FYI when a survivor leaves a game I'm usually like 'yea fair enough'. So no, that person did not ruin the trial for me. I have fun either way.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    The only people saying we don't need a DC penalty are the kind of person who would abuse not having a DC penalty. Anyone with half a brain can understand why it exists.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    has it returned?

  • Gplays2000
    Gplays2000 Member Posts: 214

    Just had a game again first guy gets knocked by the killer 2 dc‘s…..

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    They may be waiting to hear the overall concensus of how the patch went down.

    If it's a s good as the patch I've gotten, then it could simply be a matter of days before it returns. They just need to be sensible and wait for the data to come in confirming it'll be fair to do so.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    People are saying that the RPD map still causes crashes. DC penalties returning may take longer than expected. We shall see.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Yeah, I've read that too. Another option would be to disable that map until further notice, that would allow the penalties to come back, and when the map is repaired and they want to test it, do it in a ptb with no penalties and see how it works out. If the other maps work well, then that would be the best state of play, I reckon.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Switch didn't receive the 5.1.0 update and thus can't play with cross-play on; it's effectively separated from all the other platforms. So, it's very probable BHVR can actually enable DC penalties for all the other platforms except Switch. However, it seems that the new 5.1.0 update may not have fixed crashes, anyway, and if the crashes aren't fixed then DC penalties aren't coming back for anyone.

  • Rattius
    Rattius Member Posts: 34
    edited July 2021

    Disconnect penalties are back as of today. I found out the hard way. :(

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    People will still DC. I've had it happen three times today, and it's back. If anything I'll just be playing less DBD, like I have since the DC penalty was enacted.

  • MikaKim
    MikaKim Member Posts: 334


    You have too much time on your hands and don't pay attention. We've already had this conversation else where, all you've done is stuck you fingers in your ears and gone 'lalalalalalala' rather than adress my points over there it seems.

    BTW I still don't care if some d/c in my game.