General Discussions

General Discussions

What are some of your unpopular opinions about DBD?

Member Posts: 632
edited July 2021 in General Discussions

Some of mine are:

  • J flicks are fair and balanced, it didn't deserve to be taken out.
  • DBD is more balanced then people think. Most people say that the game is Killer or Survivor sided but the truth is that they'd rather blame the game then fix their own gameplay issues

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  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Trickster’s fine

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    -EGC is a bad mechanic which should be removed from the game.

    -The word "outdated" has no meaning in this game. This was an excuse, created by people to justify changes to perks and characters which they did not enjoy.

    -Freddy's current power is very boring and unhealthy for the game, but in terms of strength it never required a direct nerf.

    -Every single reworked character model is bad, and Quentin's is easily the worst.

    -The Twins are extremely overrated, even when scummy tactics are in play.

  • Member Posts: 9,029

    Spirit is extremely boring to play

  • Member Posts: 1,282

    Not really unpopular tbh, a lot of people feel that way. It's a dull power, it's strong but boring.

  • Member Posts: 2,495

    Swf should be limited to two people at one. This way it's more fair to solo ques and killers, but still offers you advantage and to clear up more space so everyone can find games much faster.

    Spinechill and any perk that slows down or speeds up gens needs to be removed, if they needed to look at regress perks to balance things out that'll just be fine by me.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Exhaustion and info perks need to be added to the base game rather than be perks. Info perks because they're genuinely necessary to facilitate some form of co-ordination, and Exhaustion perks because they're completely unecessary and unbalanced and this is the best alternative to deleting them - rebalance the game around everyone having basekit SB or something.

    Also, the game is balanced but in the worst possible way: Completely uninteractivly.

  • Member Posts: 2

    For a game that describes it's killers as unstoppable they really don't seem that way.

  • Member Posts: 1,265

    • Nurse is worse than Spirit

    • Wraith extra speed after uncloaking is unnecessary

  • Member Posts: 882

    Agree with all but point three, who said Shelter Woods was survivor sided? I thought it was universally agreed to be killer sided.

  • Member Posts: 10,908

    ######### I meant to say killer sided, I’m going to need to go edit that fast now. Thanks for pointing that out lol.

  • Member Posts: 9,029

    Midwich is a fun map as killer

  • Member Posts: 2,074

    1. Dead by Daylight is a bad game

    2. RPD isn't criminally over hated

    3. Midwich is fun on both sides

    4. Clown is a really good killer

    5. Resident Evil is the worst chapter (I am a humongous RE fan btw)

    6. The Twins are very fun

    7. Nemesis is worse than Trickster

    8. Huntress is weak

    9. DC penalties shouldn't be a thing because people should be allowed to leave when they want

    10. I hope DBD dies for screwing up their biggest chapter

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Smartyface Bubba's wear the skin to be toxic.

  • Member Posts: 88

    DBD Matchmaking has been so stellar for years now, it should be the (gaming) industry standard. Easily responsible for 90% of the fun in the game... not.

  • Member Posts: 5,233

    Bamboozle is not a healthy perk for the game due to certain killers

    Mostly Wraith & Bubba.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    RPD is the best map in the game

  • Member Posts: 102

    Midwich is an awesome map.

    Huntress is way harder to master than nurse.

    This game will never be fully balanced due to it being asymmetrical with one side being team based and the other side being individualistic. It’s also a good thing that the game be slightly survivor sided at the very top.

    “Crutch perk” and “2nd chance perk” are silly community terms that are just veiled pejoratives.

  • Member Posts: 939

    If a Solo survivor is being facecamped and tunneled from the beginning of the game I don't blame them for disconnecting.

  • Member Posts: 293

    Just because you lost it doesn’t mean the team was a sweaty seal team 6 swf

    shack pallet should be used.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    they werent taken out, there still in the game, just a little harder to do, i want them completly gutted tho

  • Member Posts: 85

    SWF is over rated. Most of them are friends hanging out, distracting each other and failing to give useful call outs.

  • Member Posts: 582

    Oh, I have quite a few of those.

    • Killer is a lot stronger then people give the role credit for in most cases.
    • SWF isn't that bad. At all. Most of them aren't really sweat lords, they're just a bunch of friends trying to have fun.
    • Gens going fast in the beginning of the game isn't as terrible of a thing most of the time as people make it out to be.
    • Slowdown perks shouldn't be able to be stacked to the degree they currently can in PUBs.
    • On that same token, imho Survivors should have a perk lock out for meta perks, similar to a lot of tourney rules, where you can only have up to 2 of the same meta perk, or at least exhaustion perk. (So like, 4 Flip-Flops is fine, but like 4 DS+UB with DH isn't.) At the very least, I wouldn't mind seeing this rule for 4 man SWFs.
    • Slugging/Tunneling, along with NOED has a lot of potential to absolutely destroy in PUBs, and can be really hard to counter for how easy it is to pull off.
    • Spirit does take some skill, but not half as much as the other Killers at her strength.
    • A lot of people on both sides make a lot of mistakes in game that lose them games, but not enough people want to talk about their own mistakes.
    • On the same token, this game is unnecessarily sweaty, and the game+community doesn't do enough to help encourage the breaking of this cycle, on both sides.
  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited July 2021
    • The Clown is unironically a fun killer to play as, and a decent killer in terms of power. In fact, I would consider him to be one of the most fun killers to play as.
    • For 5.0.x, not PTB 5.1.0: Although he is weak, The Trickster is a fun killer to play as and against.
    • Despite the reasonable hatred towards it, Billy's roar is awesome.
    • Lithe is an annoying perk to go against, but is still a balanced perk.
    • Mindbreaker is actually a good perk.
    • Although it was justified to remove the J-flick (Z-flick is still alive), it did indeed have fun and interactive counterplay.
  • Member Posts: 1,378

    Rank does not matter, pips do not matter, you should not care about either.

    Using meta perks makes you weak

    Perks should be nerfed, some more then others, let skill and experience decide the outcome of matches, not perks.

    Add Ons, the way most are implemented, are fundamentally flawed for either balance or needless busywork.

    Camping is not a strat, its a non-match, its no better then just being afk (which weirdly enough is bannable) and it should be dealt with and the only reason its called a start is because the devs are not competent enough to fix it.

    There should be more gorey fanart instead of all the cutesy crap

  • Member Posts: 10,114

    Spirit is mostly fine. Hatch is stupid and needs to go. The game is and probably will always be survivor sided.

    I do play both sides. It's just that those are all I could think of right now.

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Meta perks are overrated. Most perks are way better than many realise.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    • Meta perks are not needed to be good, and if someone insists upon that then they're not as good as they think

    • That it's highly likely people who say they seem to "nearly always have bad team mates" are making excuses for their poor performance.

    • Holding 'w' complaints are completely invalid and show a poor understanding of the game.

    • The devs do need to be held to account, but not as much as the attitudes of some people who play this game.

    • Complaints of tunnelling, camping, teabagging and such are not valid, since all are within the rules. Yes, some "toxic" behaviours are very inefficient, but all can be interpreted within the game as ways to use physical and psychological tactics. A toxic behaviour is either somethong not in the rules, hackers or people being shits in endgame chat.

    • In reference to above, "toxic" is a grossly overused word.

    • Some people deem content creators as the be-all-and-end-all of DBD knowledge. Those people need to stop worshipping these guys and making their own way through the game, playing it how they want and not as some person who records themself playing. Be individual and learn what fits you best.

    • Some people have no sense of humility or acceptance that they may be the problem and need to get better, and instead blames nearly everything else.

    • Experience does not equal expertise. A fresh set of eyes will spot errors or missed opportunities by those stuck in their ways.

    • I don't get the idea behind killer or survivor "mains". Those people are paying for a full game to only play half the game. Feels like buying RE2 and only playing the Leon or Claire chapter. Also, they're partially blind to any argument because of this.

    • Memes are fun and needed, but having people run around in swimwear and onesies has helped take the horror out of the game and turned it into an asymmetrical, more bloody version of Fortnite - which is not a good thing.

    • People who change their playstyle because of a few bad experiences, to a playstyle that is made purely to ruin another's experience, are an example of one of very few times where a player has "lost the game".

    • There are more positive, friendly (or at least neutral) players than their are nasty, and people need to be more humble and complimentary towards others. This more positive attitude will rub off, of done more.

  • Member Posts: 1,624
    1. Killer is the Power Role.
    2. Game is skill-based. The better player(s) wins.
    3. SWF are mostly newbs who have no idea what they're doing. That's cuz most SWF are made up of one veteran and a bunch of his new friends he's trying to get into the game.
    4. Spirit needs skill to win.

  • Member Posts: 2,011

    Tinkerer is not nearly as op as some people claim

    Nemesis is weak; no, he is not b tier he is c tier at best and needs buffs

    Totem hunting is fun and not hard at all

    4 man swf is borderline cheating

    Camping and tunneling are valid tactics that work because survivors do stupid stuff

    Gen rushing is a valid tactic that works because the killer does stupid stuff

    Stealth is a valid alternative to looping if done correctly

  • Member Posts: 311

    That the game is fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,867
    1. Killer is way stronger than solos below red rank, and still stronger at red rank. Solo queue desperately needs more information.
    2. Blight is not hard to play.
    3. Pig is one of the worst killers to go against, and every game against her is either boring or aggravating.
    4. Wraith’s buffs were bad, he should’ve received a rework, instead of his numbers being boosted.
    5. Doctor is one of the most enjoyable killers to play against.
    6. Thana is a borderline terrible perk on anyone other than Plague, Legion and Nurse.
    7. Tinkerer is the only perk in the game that needs a nerf.
    8. The Plague is more interesting than any of the licensed characters could ever be.
    9. Midwich is ugly.
    10. DS is no longer a top tier perk.
  • Member Posts: 3,001

    I think that spine chill shouldn't work with stealth killers (undetectable) only because Myers and Ghostface require to actually stare at survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited July 2021

    Opinions you see on forums are by nature not representative of dbd playerbase in general. People comitting to spend their time on game's forum are far more likely to be angry / irritated / unhappy about dbd's state relative to an average player, and I suppose bhvr approaches opinions expressed here with a grain of salt - even if they are widely supported by other forum residents.

    Player count dynamics and sales figures give a far better and more reliable feedback than all the posts here combined.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Ghostface is the 2nd weakest killer.

    NOED is fine but the excuse of just do bones is really stupid

    Nemesis is really unoriginal except for zombies

    Nurse is easier than people give her credit

    Blight is harder than people give him credit

    Knockout is the worst designed perk in the game

    Comp is fun to watch

    Solos should be buffed to the Strength of SWF and then killers be buffed

    Pig isn't as weak as people say

    MMR is the most likely thing to kill the game

  • Member Posts: 164

    RCPD is a great map and changes up the gameplay for DBD

    Deathslinger is insanely fun to verse

    Noed is a fine perk and give killers a second chance to win at the end game just like exhaustion perks give survivors second chances in chases

    Gen speed is to fast

  • Member Posts: 88

    Next buff to Nemesis should be equipping the zombies with launchers for heat-seeking missiles that insta-kill on impact.

    Also need an emote which makes survivors wave a white flag for surrendering.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Toxicity is a highly-overused term for this game and its community.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I really liked Kate's PTB voice and thought it'd fit her well...

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    Lethal Pursuer should activate at beginning and after the 5th gen.

  • Member Posts: 107
    edited July 2021

    Despite having good points, killers are getting way too comfortable complaining about the survivors having it easy, to the point where it'd make you think playing killer is impossible. Killers are not as weak as people make them out to be, folks are just super competitive.

  • Member Posts: 878

    No matter what changes are made to this game, someone will always ######### about it. (I’m not immune to this either.)

  • Member Posts: 438

    • Midwich is a balanced map that encourages interactivity between Killer and survivor, and it's incredibly easy to learn.

    • NOED is fine, especially with how many Totem Perks exist, along with pink maps.

    • RCPD is actually really fun once you know the layout.

    • Pyramid Head's nerf to his butt was super unwarranted.

    • Freddy is a good killer, but the dream state should have more of an effect to survivors to make it stand out.

    • People who trash talk in end chat should remember that there's more to life than this game, and should really be more empathetic to their fellow players.

    • Camping is a gamble that the killer takes. If survivors leave the one hook to die and rush gens, then that gamble is lost. If they stop and start being overly altruistic, then it was a success.

    • BT Bodyblocking is a great way to protect fellow survivors, however, players should not be surprised if the Killer decides to tunnel right after, or knows to wait it out.

    • Seriously though, that butt nerf was unwarranted.

  • Member Posts: 878
    edited July 2021

    They did his butt wrong. (As in they were unfair to it, not that it was incorrect.)

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