Billy, one year after his nerf

I have barely played Billy since 4.1.2, which was when they renerfed his cooldown rate for overheat a couple weeks after his rework, and I have only played him here and there for dailies and hated it but I decided to try and pick him back up again recently because of the lack of stimulating killers since blight.
At first I remembered why I stopped playing but decided to keep playing him to try and get back into the groove of curving and timings and started to get my old touch back.
But at the end of the day I still hate everything they changed about his base kit, still hate overheat, still hate his roar, still hate his new chainsaw noises and still hate 90% of his addons which is more whatever since I don't like playing with addons to begin with but now I feel bringing his brown and yellow addons for overheat is necessary to just bring him back to feeling even remotely similar to how he used to feel, which is really annoying to me since I keep running out and I get like 1 of either from my blood webs.
So in conclusion #MakeBillyGreatAgain.
Devs loves "data" right ? That must tell them that no one plays Billy anymore, 1 year after his rework.
They took Billy, gives him a "cool" chase music, a stupid scream, 1 useful addon (Lopro), 19 bad/meme/typical BHVR addons, and they taked away all his fun aspects.
It fells less awful playing Bubba right now (a great rework btw), such a shame.
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Come on devs revert the nerf but just change some of the addons!
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I still love me some Billy but he needs an addon rework.
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They need to remove overheat and then rework the addons that affected and he'd be perfect, also remove the scream or make it so it only does it rarely or after a certain amount of time since the last one
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I don’t think overheat needs to be wholly removed. Buff dissipation to the released amount (5.0/sec) and I completely agree, rework those addons to more fun addons.
- Pighouse gloves could be the yellow engravings without a charge time penalty.
- Black Grease could be a combination of Dad’s Boots and Steel Boots.
And so on. He needs more fun.
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If they're nerfing it to the point of it barely applying I'd rather them just delete it so they can change the overheat addons into something actually interesting plus I hate how high pitch the chainsaw gets at higher overheat
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I still run into Billy like every 3or 4 matches and my killer is almost always cross-play (I'm on console) could be anecdotal though
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I'd need proof for that honestly. Since his nerf the amount of times I've seen him can be counted on 2 hands and from what i've seen and read hes similarly rare for others
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No more wallhack at the end of a chainsaw sprint, dev has lowered the Hillbilly's 1st.person cam for this reason. And this point changes many things...
Many main billys can full chainsaw the 4 survivors but many bugs during the chainsaw animation are still on.
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What the hell are you talking about?
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I wish Dad's Boots addon was base and overheat was removed or at least less annoying. That would definitely make come back to play Hillbilly.
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literally all he needed was add-on changes. that was it. but no, god forbid we have a fun killer in this game, and god forbid bhvr shows any amount of competence.
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Its only been downhill since billy and blight was released. The midchapters have been more consistently exciting then the actual chapter releases and even then it was really only the wraith change.
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And almost a year since we seen one also.
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Hes like a unicorn these days, real sad to see my boy fall so far.
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You could see inside the building with the 1st.hillbilly version, at the end of his chainsaw animation (the billy's model could put his head inside the building and his point of view saw accross the wall). You can't do it anymore because devs are made this Hillbilly's remake: his 1st.person cam is different now and his 'wallhack' doesn't work anymore.
Post edited by n000b51 on0 -
Okay but thats like the least of my worries, didn't even mention it in my post because even before the best use of that was just to check lockers a little faster. Honestly forgot that was even something you could do.
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I'm in! #MakeBillyGreatAgain
To everyone here: Try playing Billy with the yellow Punctured Muffler add-on and see how it goes compared to base-kit Billy.
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Overheat is a stupid mechanic that punishes the killer for using their power.
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With this much heat dissipation (5.0), it only punishes the killer for holding their power too long. Like in front of a hooked survivor. Or holding someone hostage at a loop.
Its not stupid, but it should be better.
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only baby billys revved their saws for that long before anyways though, so why punish babies trying to learn the power. Probably part of why so few people play Billy anymore is that he's no longer beginner friendly.