Your thoughts on the 5.1.0 Update

I quit— well I shouldn’t say quit but a took a break and waited for this new update because the lag in the game was making the game unplayable. I was hoping that this update would fix the lag and everything would be back to normal Dead By Daylight. Give me your thoughts on this update and what it fixed and what it broke. The new faces don’t really count but you can rant about them if you want.
The game runs a bit better, less freezes from what it seems, and that's about it. I'd talk about my opinions on the Trickster changes and the survivor model reworks but since this is about bug fixes/bugs then I probably shouldn't talk about them.
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I think they’ve done a pretty good job so far
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It didn't break anything major & the game isn't a lagfest anymore. RPD is the only thing that severely lags my game now. It's a pretty good patch imo
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I agree, I like the patch so far.