Trickster changes went into wrong direction

Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

First of all, I really like that devs adressed The Trickster... but unfortunately his changes went into completely opposite direction he needed. He is okay at loops, but doesn't have map control... All the changes make him even more obnoxious at loops, force him to tunnel even more... and he is still genrushed easily. I like the changes to addons though <3.

Less knives to deal damage: He is now very strong at loops, but not op as people claim, smart survivors can still attempt mindgames and force more and more loops on structures like shack, jungle gym ect. Just don't get caught in the open. Honestly, playing against him in the loops is similiar to playing against Billy now - caught in the open, you're dead.

Laceration meter healing on it's own: It now goes away even faster... forcing the killer to literally tunnel the one guy as knives put into somoone will just go away if you switch targers... He also doesn't have map control, at all, which hurt 110%ms killer a lot.

As I proposed before: Revert all the changes (except bug fixes), make his laceration never go away on it's own. Survivor could just mend it (but don't have to).

Boom, he is fixed. Not too opressive in loops, doesn't have to tunnel, survivors have interesting choice to either mend, but waste time or just continue with objectives, but being more vulnerable.

Just a suggestion, but just make another PTB with this simple change and I can bet anything, everyone will find it way, way better and healthier.

Edit: Oh, the no way out changes, I LOVE THEM, perks is now actually usefull. Maybe not super strong, but it really does have a use now and is not wasted without survivors even trying to open gates.


  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    That doesn't fix things.

    Here's the thing. you know who can, right this very second pull off the whole ranged killer who spreads damage and slows down the game thing?


    Seriously, he can run Sloppy Butcher and both mend time add ons with M&A or Tinkerer to make not healing a terrible idea and do that way better than Trickster ever could.

    As much as I'm doubtful it was a good call, making Trickster ranged Bubba does at least put him in a unique role among killers and your change does not. Also I doubt people will find mending knives healthier. People already complain about vsing Legion being mending simulator.

  • Leon_Loves_Cheryl
    Leon_Loves_Cheryl Member Posts: 41

    I think what they did this patch was actually good. Like, it solves the biggest problem with Trickster which was his lack of lethality.

    However, it didn't do anything about the fact that he is just a weaker version of Plague and Huntress. They just made him kill harder, not more unique.

    My idea to make him more unique: Bouncing Blades is now basekit, but Main Event blades bounce FOUR times instead of two.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496

    @FFirebrandd In my change they wouldn't have it, it's an option to either play safe or riskier. Well okay, ranged bubba, loops with short walls are instant death, while he is useless on maps with tall ones. For me it's not healthy, but it's an opinion.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445
    edited July 2021

    Your first 2 sentences are too generic and I don't know what you mean. Could you try explaining what you mean again in greater detail please?