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Greek Legends Cosmetics

Member Posts: 2,811

First off, let me say I'm a huge nerd when it comes to Greek Mythology and I love seeing these cosmetics so much.

Now time to guess who's based on what (including last years cosmetics), starting with the killers then survivors

Greek Legends 2020

  1. Clown's Lord of the Underworld - Hades, God of the Underworld (you did Hades dirty BHVR)
  2. Spirit's Furious Nyx - Nyx, Goddess of the Night (easy)
  3. Oni's The Minotaur - The Minotaur (also easy)
  4. Yui's Goddess of Victory - Nike, Goddess of Victory (easy)
  5. David's Champion of Olympus - Heracles (commonly Hercules), greek hero
  6. Adam's Herald of the Gods - Hermes, God of basically anyone and everyone who travels a lot
  7. Feng's Goddess of Warfare - Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Handicraft, and Warfare
  8. Jane's The Goddess Muse - I think it's based off of just the muses in general and not any in particular

Greek Legends 2021

  1. Nurse's Vengeful Enchantress - honestly? I don't know. The whole arachnid thing in the description of the outfit reminds me of Arachne, while the name reminds me of Circe, but the whole scorpion thing is Artemis, so I don't know who this outfit is based off of
  2. Blight's Ferryman of the Underworld - Charon, the Ferryman of the River Styx in the Underworld
  3. Kate's Lyrical Goddess - one of the muses, I think it's either Thalia or Erato
  4. Jeff's Titan of Fire - Prometheus
  5. Elodie's Bearer of Gifts - possibly Hebe, she was the goddess of youth and also a cup bearer to the olympians
  6. Zarina's The Goddess Queen - Hera, queen of the gods

That's all of them with my guesses. Most of them were easy and all the harder ones belonged to this new group (for the ones that were actually hard).

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  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Jane's mentions a Thalia if that helps you guess hers

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    I think the enchantress skin may be referring to either of the two witches from the Jason and the Argonauts Myth

  • Member Posts: 878

    I would guess Terpsichore for Kate, since She’s the muse of choral lyric and dance.

  • Member Posts: 14,890
    edited July 2021

    Ah I wondered why Adam got Hermes, but traveling makes sense for his character!

    Though, why did Zarina get Hera I don’t get? All others kinda make sense in one way or another..


    On nurse, I don’t think any of the ones you mentioned really fit, as. nothing I know of those would lead me to scorpions, poison or a false image of serenity. The one fitting best would be Circe as she poisened the water..

    Artemis they need to use for Huntress, maybe next year.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    The reason I pointed out Artemis is because she's involved in the myth about the Scorpio constellation, which is a Scorpion. I honestly just can't figure out Nurse's so I just threw out names hoping they'd stick while having some level of reasoning why I picked them.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Thank you for these, yeah Thalia does make some level of sense if Jane's is based on a specific muse

    and I forgot that Terpsichore was all about dancing and choral lyrics, that does actually make more sense.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Yeah I can see why you picked those three! But in the end none of them really fit that well as you pointed out yourself.

    Never heard of her before, but Achlys is the personification of sadness and misery, which is kinda fitting with Nurses backstory. AND she is also the goddess of deadly poisons (kinda?), scorpions may have just been used as an easy symbol for poison.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    The thing that throws me off about that idea is the cosmetic has a lot to do with scorpions and I don't think either of those witches had anything to do with scorpions, I could be misremembering though or the devs could have just decided to throw in scorpions because... well scorpions.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Something else that I've noticed about the cosmetics that could lead to the idea of maybe Circe is the fact that Circe generally uses a lot of herbs and potions with her magic and the cosmetic shows herbs strapped to Nurse along with vials that are possibly filled with potions also strapped to her. The only thing that doesn't make sense for her, like you said, is the scorpions.

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    I guess it could be Achlys, but once again "false sense of serenity," you're probably not about to have a false sense of serenity around a being who surrounds herself with death and is also the goddess of misery. She also doesn't strike me (from what I remember) as vengeful, just sad.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    hopefully we can get hestia for twins or Eurytus and Cteatus

  • Member Posts: 14,890
    edited July 2021

    Could Elodie be based on Pandora?

    The box of Pandora was actually a jar and not a box, which gets depicted on her dress. And she was wearing all the gift from the gods (bearer doesn’t have to mean she is giving away the gifts but she wears the gifts.. right? Not a native English speaker here..)

    Post edited by Mooks on
  • Member Posts: 4,092

    well one of them did turn people into animals. It was probably just them throwing scorpions in for scorpions because the only scorpion in greek mythology or that I remember is the one that killed Orion

  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Yeah, Elodie could be based on Pandora for sure. Honestly, now that you say it, it probably is Pandora and not Hebe.

  • Member Posts: 105

    As someone else mentioned, Jane's outfit is specifically based on Thalia. All of the outfits from 2020 (including Zarina's as it was first in a Rift) outright say which mythological figure the outfit is based on.

    Both Jeff and Blight are pretty obvious. Prometheus gave fire to humanity and got punished by having a bird eat his liver once a day, as can be seen on Jeff's shirt. The name of Blight's outfit just gives away the fact that he is Charon, plus he's got the coin motif for the toll shades had to pay to board Charon's boat.

    Kate is obviously a muse, but it's a little hard to tell which one. I don't think it's Erato, however, since she dealt mainly with erotic poetry. I think Kate's is either Terpsichore or Euterpe, and I'm leaning more towards Euterpe. The description for the outfit mentions composing melodies and the description of the shirt has Kate writing lyrics, but dancing is not mentioned at all. If the outfit were based on Terpsichore, I would imagine at least one piece would mention dancing in the description.

    Nurse's is Medea. I don't know what the deal is with the scorpions, but the descriptions for the outfit tell Medea's story. After learning Jason was leaving her for a princess, Medea pretended that she was fine with that and the fact that she was being exiled. This got the king and princess to let their guard down, which Medea took advantage of by sending the princess a poisoned dress. Then, she reluctantly killed her own children because even though it caused her grief, it hurt Jason more. The only thing that really doesn't make sense to me is the arachnid imagery. Why is she covered in scorpions? Why is there a jar wrapped in spider legs on her back? Why does she have a spider leg? No clue. She's definitely not Arachne, and the set name being "Vengeful Enchantress" means she isn't a Goddess, which rules out Achlys. It's really weird.

    Elodie's was the hardest for me to figure out, but when it clicked it CLICKED. The descriptions for each individual piece didn't offer any new hints, so I tried to figure it out using the name of the outfit. I at first thought "Bearer of Gifts" meant that the figure the outfit was based off of gave gifts, but instead that figure is the one who was given gifts. Elodie's outfit is based on Pandora, the first human woman whom the Gods all showered in gifts. That's why Elodie's dress has a pithos on it, it represents Pandora's box.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    I wouldn’t rule out Achlys just because of the naming ‚Enchantress‘, as Circe is also a goddess but is often referred to as an enchantress.

    but I still think we are missing something here, I can definitely see Circe, Medea and Achlys all kinda work but then again not really..

    agreed on the others though!

  • Member Posts: 497

    You're clearly not a 'huge Greek mythology nerd' referring to it as mythology; because you'd be accepting of the fact that 'myth' is a Christian term used to disregard nearly every other religion on Earth. The sad truth.

  • Member Posts: 105

    The reason why I don't think it can be a Goddess based on the name is that one of my college classes on Greek myth stressed that sorceresses were not Goddesses, and we should never mix the two up. Though now that you mention it, Circe was both a sorceress and a minor Goddess.

    Either way, I still don't think that it's Achlys. She does work for the poison aspect and a possible connection to scorpions, but she wouldn't be able to hide her misery and create a "false sense of serenity." Nurse's outfit honestly feels like it may be a mix of multiple mythological figures because no one sorceress or Goddess can account for everything we can see.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Yeah, that’s what I am thinking as well.. but she would be the only one in the collection not based on a single mythological character and that would be weird..

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