How do I refund cosemtics FOR AURIC CELLS at least?

Several cosmetics don't fit the new faces on the survivors and David particular is ruined for me...They don't look as good as they use too, such as facial hair. Just wondering if a refund is possible for cosmetics that have now been changed.
NOT CARING FOR MONEY BACK, but more of me wanting to return the cosmetics for a different one that I like more now that the previous is ruined. REFUND IN AURIC CELLS IS FINE.
I understand the Terms I agreed to...that I Was forced to agree to after purchase of them game was made...BUT THEY DIDN'T CHANGE THE COSEMTICS...THEY CHANGED THE CHARACTERS AND IT IS FALSE ADVERTISING OF SAID PURCHASE. I just would like the Characters to have the old face as an option at least then...Not to mention how they ruined facial hair in general on everyone.
nooope lol, they got your money already lol
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Lol asking for a refund is pointless as its more work then its worth I doubt you will ever get one
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You cannot, under the EULA you agreed to when first playing (and continuing to play) DBD all "Virtual goods" (including skins, power ups, currency, or characters) are non-refundable. This is shown under Section 5
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You agreed when you stared playing the game that they have the right to change anything they want as it is a live service game that is constantly changing.
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read the eula that you have to accept before playing they say there virtual good dont count too a refound they can be changed at anytime
edit: i wsh i could refound whole game after 4years of playing for me the changes that kate recivet killed the game for me
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Sounds as logical as asking for a refund on a game that one has already played for thousands of hours.
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Welcome to microtransactions
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No refund
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Virtual goods cannot be refunded, this is clearly stated in the game's EULA:
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My main 3 ruined, We send our feedback but they didn't care. Acutally they ruined Jill too. lol.
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Jill is a bug.
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Downloading been really slow, did they really mess up Ace that bad? Everyone's been talking about the other survivors (mainly Kate) so I haven't seen much of Ace yet.
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Same as PTB, They didn't fix his mouth/jaw. Also his facial hair is so weird.
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yes kate feng and ace looks really bad
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What's wrong with Jill???
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so it didn't change at all, great job listening to feedback devs.
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Feedback... What about the ones who like the new models? It isn't feedback as well?
Sorry if you don't like them. I do hope for you that you'll eventually start to like them soon.
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Her face is bugged
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Yeah tbf there 8 people who liked the changes for those three. So its ok i guess.
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What's the point in buying every cosmetic? You can only use 3 at a time.
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I don't know about y'all but David looks even better to me now than he already did. They even gave him a little bit of chest hair.
squeals in gay
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Oh my god, I found it... ugh. She looks bloated. I had been dumping my BP into her, too. I really hope this is a bug that gets fixed quickly and she returns to her original look. She was perfect before.
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You guys act like this game is an mmo where your constantly seeing the same char for 100s of hours
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I don't care for a refund as in money, but a refund in Auric cells at least.
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Virtual goods include but are not limited to virtual items (characters, accessories, items such as “character customization”, power-ups), points, credits, tokens and currency (collectively, “Virtual Goods”) for use in the Game.
Auric Cells are classed as "Virtual Goods" as well as cosmetics.
Virtual Goods are licensed to you, not sold. You do not own the Virtual Goods, and you acknowledge and agree that all Virtual Goods represent a limited, personal, nonexclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable and fully revocable license to use the Virtual Goods, for your individual, non-commercial, entertainment purposes only. You have no right, title, interest, or ownership in or to any Virtual Goods. We may terminate your license at any time and at our sole discretion.
You do not own these Virtual Goods- you are licensed the currency and the cosmetics.
BHVR has the absolute right to regulate, discontinue, update, modify or eliminate any Virtual Goods at any time in its sole discretion and BHVR shall have no liability to you or anyone else for these actions.
BHVR have the right to change these Virtual Goods at any time.
Virtual Goods have no monetary value, and in no event may you sell, transfer, trade, exchange, give, convert or redeem Virtual Goods for “real” money or other goods or services, including other Virtual Goods, inside or outside the Game except as expressly permitted by this EULA, the BHVR Terms or otherwise permitted in the gameplay.
You cannot exchange one Virtual Good for real money or other goods or services, including other Virtual Goods.
All purchase of Virtual Goods, whether made with “real money” or virtual currencies, are non-refundable and non-returnable and are not redeemable for any sum of money or monetary value or virtual currency from BHVR at any time.
All Virtual Goods purchased, no matter how they are purchased, are not valid for a refund (non-refundable) at any time, for any sum of money or monetary value or virtual currency from BHVR.
This is what you agreed to when you first opened Dead By Daylight. You cannot get a refund for your purchases as outlined in Section 5 of the EULA, and BHVR has the right to change whatever aspect of their product that they like without liability nor the obligation to offer a refund.
You can ask all you like, but legally they do not have to do anything and most likely won't. Only one refund has been given out ever to my knowledge, and it was for the Leon and Jill Very Rare skins, which became a set shortly after release (having been released unlinked).
So, again, no refund of any kind.
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So that leads to another issue I have....
Why do I have to BUY a game then after I bought it, I get asked to agree to the terms and conditions? I can't ask for the refunds afterwards.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
But, you can at that point? You can view the EULA and if you don't agree you can ask your respective platform for a refund or- you know- read them online?? Where they're published???
Two seconds. Two seconds to search this.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
so much b!tching today sheesh
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Yeah exactly. I totally bummed about what they did to David (he’s too pretty), and all I’ve spent on him, but they are well within their rights to change what they want, and I know I’ve got no grounds to demand refunds. Besides, I got a hell of a lot of use out of him and his cosmetics so it’s not that bad.
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At least now you know not to purchase cosmetics for real money.
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Every character listed here at least resembles their older version. Like, if you put the new Kate up you can tell it's her but with some funky features.
New Dwight (henceforth called Dwot), is a completely new character. Face shape, jaw line, eye placement, nose size, mouth curve, hair texture, and ear height have all been changed. Dwight was body-snatched and replaced with a whole different character.
I main Dwight. I ONLY play Dwight. If someone showed me a pic of what was released today, I wouldn't eve be able to guess that it was Dwight.
This was NOT minor changes as claimed. This was a complete re-imagining.
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I think it's worse for the people who love these characters and main them, to have them ruined for them rather than some people now liking them a little bit better because they look good to them.
I genuinely don't want to use Kate anymore her face looks unrecognizable and I doubt BHVR cares what we think.
It's whatever I'll main someone else but it's like actually sad.. Don't be so flippant towards all of us for being bummed about our fave survivors being changed so drastically bcuz it really is sad to see certain characters look COMPLETELY different in the face.
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They can be refunded;
"We don't normally offer refunds for cosmetics, however, in this case we are making an exception. Anyone who purchased either Jill or Leon's very rare outfit in the first 24 hours (before they were sets) can contact support for a full refund."
They just won't be refunded.
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yes, they can refund, of course they can, but they're under no obligation to. which part of the several discussions today stating that from mods and other commenters wasn't clear??
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What's not clear is that many posts are saying cannot, as if BHVR has no choice, when it should be will not.
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I believe the posts say cannot due to not being able to apply for one in any way under section 5 of the EULA
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FWIW, I don't like some of the updates, and I don't really care that much, but I can understand how other people would be annoyed.
It's true that you would lose if you tried to sue them to get your $5 back, but I don't think that means you can't ask, or that you don't have a right to find it vexing that you paid for something that the game essentially took away from you by replacing it with a different thing you don't want.
A really, really good customer relations team would have anticipated that a certain number of people were going to be annoyed by this, and proactively found a way to frame it as a positive for them -- maybe by giving out free shards so people can get a new cosmetic they're excited about; maybe something else. But BHVR takes more of a "batten down the hatches" approach to these things.
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I didn't see myself in game, but I thought Yui got better? Like small tweaks.
Really sad about kate, she doesn't really feel like the same person. Her nose is just wrong
I'm personally glad ace looks terrible. I'm sorry but I've had a huge hate against him for years, seems like every ace player screws me in a match when present. Also just ugly and a wack douche (lore wise). Maybe I'll see less now
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I must be the only person that really does not care about mods or cosmetics. The fact of the matter is behavior can change any cosmetic or character at any time and there is really nothing you can do but complain.
Spending real money on cosmetics in a game like this is a risk and unfortunately you are seeing the negative side of that risk.
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I'm closing this here, since OP is not trying to have a discussion.
As previously stated, virtual goods are not refundable, as stated by the EULA, and being this a live game, it's subjected to change constantly, this is something you have to keep into consideration when you accept these conditions.