Getting robbed of my pallet hits.

In a single match i've got a hit through a pallet 3 times and saw the survivor down but the game decides that nah, let's give him another chance. I don't know what hit validation have they changed in this patch but AT LEAST don't show on my screen that i have downed the survivor for instants later have him be up again not only making me frustrated but losing chase distance because i thought he was down. Now you don't only get robbed of grabs, you apparently get robbed of hits too.
They made pallet hits basically survivor client sided to "fix" the lagy killer issue.
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I agree, i thought I downed someone through a pallet (heard the scream) and I was looking for them but then I realised they didn’t even go down.
But to be fair for a long time survivors have had pretty much the same where they get hit through a pallet or window when they shouldn’t have got hit.
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Wasnt the change made so its impossible to have the stun and the hit at the same time or something like that? meaning that if you got stunned you dont get the hit, and viceversa
If anything the "illusion" of the downed survivor is likely just latency
Idk havent payed much attention to this change
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This is called Roll Back which sadly only really benefits Survivor. Unfortunately the devs had added the very thing that single handedly killed Street Fighter V
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This is pretty much the survivor's equivalent of getting through windows, yet you're still getting hit from what seems like thin air.
Welcome to the latency club, survivors been here for quite a while, but we'll make room for the killers and we'll share our horror stories around the campfire!
Post edited by NMCKE on39 -
I thought I was hallucinating the first time it happened,knew immediately I wasn't when it happened again. Had it happen so many times yesterday,thought it was cus of bad ping but I always hover around 50-60. Haven't gotten a single hit through pallet since yesterday.
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Survivors have had to deal with this for years on the other end, this is the best solution.
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No, stuns and hits simultaneously are still possible, but there's a much narrower window for them to occur.
Basically the pallet has to be less than halfway down when the hit is registered for the hit to count. If the pallet is more than half way down, the hit won't go through.
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The change seems to have also made it so your hit swings through a survivor before they vault a pallet/as they vault a pallet. I just played a match on Midwich that I wound up throwing while chasing a Laurie to test it after the first time it happened. Every time she vaulted a pallet and I swung for her my weapon went through her and hit the pallet, even though on my screen she was clearly at the beginning of the vault. This game is somehow getting better and worse at the same time.
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I like the new pallets. I'm not getting hit through them anymore lol xd
Alto, haven't played killer yet. So I don't know how pallets look in the killers perspective
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The problem is, and has always been, that unless players are perfectly synced (impossible unless both playing very close to the server with an awesome connection) then one side is always going to be favoured over the other. It's just a tug of war, does it favour the survivor, or the killer? You gotta pick one.
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Survivor should be picked, as they generally have a heavier involvement in the looping.
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I kind of agree that survivors have had to deal with this for years, this is the better solution.
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hearing survivors' scream and you think you finally down one after a nice, long chase. when you're looking for them but only find out the server says no is really frustrating. I HEARD THEM SCREAMED AND SAW THE SPLASH OF BLOOD!
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Seems like Killers really got used to be carried by Dedicated Servers and their shenanigans. I did not get many Pallet Hits in the first place when playing Killer, glad that I dont get the short end of the stick with both roles now, just because I have very good Ping.
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Previously if the killer had bad ping, they could hit through pallets, and as the hit connected on their screen, and as the distance on the server would have still allowed it (as they were in close proximity to one another) the hit would have been allowed, regardless of how it appeared survivor side.
Now, my understanding is the server will also check if the killer is stunned before allowing the hit. If the killer is stunned on the server (and therefore, actually stunned) then its no hit.
The only way to make it so you only see blood/hear the scream would be that the killers client waits for confirmation of the hit from the server before making the necessary sound/animation. This would probably result in noticeable delay between hits and screams though.
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It was healthy and a really good solution. Now i dont feel bad like before, when i was hitting them through pallet drop and knew that it was a bullshit hit from their POV. That being said, killers still have latency priority on hits through windows and pallet vaults. Its not entirely one sided.
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Same here my ping is usually around 30 and I'm not used to getting many pallet hits anyway unless the timing and distances are just right, so it's extra irritating playing survivor and having things happen where in this order I drop the pallet, it hits the ground, the killer swings, the killer gets stunned, and then I get hit - usually at the hands of a wraith or huntress playing from an Antarctic research base or an internet cafe deep in the Amazon rainforest.
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The difference being that it's significantly more impactful for a killer to be robbed like this than a survivor.
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And it sucks for everyone else who doesn't live next to the servers who have been getting stunned from metres away from pallets for years and who now don't have the upside of occasionally actually hitting survivors who were late to drop pallets.
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I guess your latency is too high.
Improve your latency, get better internet connection.
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What is your ping? I usually have around 40-70ms is that is considered a high ping, I may be playing killer much less in the future.
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40-70ms isn't 'bad' per se.
Good ping would be 20-40ms, and anything over about 80-100 is considered 'bad', so you're squarely in the 'mediocre/acceptable' range.
Thing about ping however, is the quality of your connection at your end (whether you use wifi, ethernet, how good your router is, etc.) can cause fluctuations in ping. So 50ms might not be bad, and you may even hit 30ms, but if you're flipping between 30ms and 80ms because your connection isn't stable, then you're gonna feel it.
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You have to have a god ping to get pallet hits
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With the way the new "Stun Validation" works, is that the server will prioritise the person with the best connection to it - so there might very well be cases where survivors still get hit through the pallet in their eyes due to them having a higher ping to the Server than the killer, and vice versa.
The thing with a pallet stun is that it applies the stun when the pallet is roughly 50% dropped (it has done that for quite some time, years), and I'm seeing quite a bit of people not realising that and think that if they're starting to drop the pallet then they're safe, which is obviously not the case.
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That's either not true or bugged because i had 30 ping and my friend 60 yet i got validated
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Also we started opening 30 youtube videos on chrome till the killer had 800 ping and yet even the validator stopped working.
It's a good start but it has its flaws
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It does suck. But if that’s the case you should be lobbying the devs for more/better servers, not lamenting the fact that killers are no longer rewarded with hits for having high ping when they play around pallets.
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Thing is, you aren't robbed. You didn't actually get that hit in anyway, since the survivor dropped a pallet on your head before you were able to get the hit in.
Latency just doesn't give you a free shot anymore.
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It's funny how it's perfectly acceptable to be stunned from several metres away.
There's no reward, nothing to make the game easier. We're not talking 200 ping here, we're talking 50-60. We're talking the kind of hits that would look perfectly legitimate on both sides if it was a livestreamed tournament that suddenly can't land because the server registered the stun before the hit by a microsecond.
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I don’t think being stunned from a mile away is good either, and I hope the devs are able to implement a fix for that as well.
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You mean when killers try to grab from a window but the game decides to cancel the animation and let him leave? Yeah i think we've been in that club together for a long time.
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Yeah getting stunned by a pallet even while respecting it and then having to make 0,5-1 step to even get the break prompt is pretty bs.
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I did a daily with Trapper and this happened two times I though I hit them and it sounded like it, but no. Thought they was cheating first but in the end it was a 4k game and all is fine. Back to playing survivor now thank god 😀
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The situations you're describing are why I never, ever, tried to get pallet stuns. Without exception, I'd get hit through them anyway, causing me to lose a chunk of the speed boost.
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When I play Siege I have 9ms ping.
When I play DbD I have 50-60.
I'm really looking forward to being punished for playing a game with bad optimisation and servers.
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My solution is i stop playing killer fuk this all my other game are between 25 and 35 ping but this game for some reason is always at 60 or more ping. So instead of getting robbed i play other thing like survivor or hide and seek wraith you cant get robbed if you dont swing
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I agree, and that's something that I will bring up as that's a really valid point
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I might not mind this survivor buff if it didn't come with other powerful survivor buffs but not a single survivor nerf or killer buff when the killer is already at a disadvantage in general. They really could afford to do something about SWF after 4 years now.
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Maps have been getting nerfed for survivors consistently across the board... perhaps with the exception of the Game, but that map was considered killer sided for a very long time. So it's not like they haven't been nerfing survivors lately. DS also got a huge nerf, too.
I'm perfectly fine with this change- I personally never benefitted from laggy hits through pallets because I have decent internet. And going back to how maps have been nerfed, I think it's only fair that on the maps that have very few pallets/almost exclusively unsafe pallets, those pallets should be reliable rather than being worthless against laggers.
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Yep, however they implemented this is just wrong. I hear a connecting hit as if they went down, only to see they're still running around? Guess I'm not playing killer anymore until this 'feature' is gone. It is game-breaking from the killer side.
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I don't know how it works, but I feel like there should be some allowance so that, if the two actions happen close enough to each other, it should process as if they happened at the same time -- as opposed to strictly picking whichever one was a millisecond earlier.
Part of the reason I think that is because I don't love this philosophy where whoever has the most expensive internet should win.
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You are not being robbed of hits. You were previously robbing hits that should not have happened. This has now been fixed with better hit detection.
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It isn't a feature, it should have always been like this but you were getting an unfair advantagte, This change corrects that.
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Sure does lmao I played surv earlier today a freddy's claw was literally on me and it didn't connect. Like his weapon was on me and it just didn't connect I got a stun. It works better than before ofc but still It seems a bit too good now. Considering m1 killers are already weak enough.
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There is no fix, one has to be above the other.
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My favorite is when you clearly hit the survivor, they then vaccum back to the pallet and throw it in your face, stun you and the hit gets refunded.
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This is like team fortress 2, you hear the ding noise but you deal zero damage.
On your side you hit them, but on their side you completely missed.
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Finally I’m not get penalised for having better connection !! pallet stuns/ getting hit has been grinding my gears for years now . All hale the update