I love The Legion

I didn't think I would. Honestly, after the PTB I was like "this is crap." But the little tweaks they did work.

Can he be better? Absolutely. I'm not disputing that he has some problems. (hitting a person with my normal strike drops my frenzy meter? why? if I want to use my frenzy to close distance for a double tap, I can still do it by using my power normally)

I've tried to explain how to use them, and people don't care. They say things like "x streamer says he's #########." Or they cry about his 110 movement speed.

Legion doesn't need 115% MS. If he had that, they would be stupid broken.

As he is, my average chase is 30-40 seconds.

That's hitting the survivor twice, stunning out, walking backwards to break chase, and then hunting them down again.

30-40 seconds. That's fast. That's Nurse fast. That's Hag fast. That's.... Ok Billy is faster if you got mountain in your blood. But you get my point.

The difference between them and the Legion though is this: Legion can force people to not do gens for about the same amount of time you chase. If you find a group of survivors you can force them to mend, keeping them from just jumping right back on that generator.

Everyone loves Ruin, because it adds about 7 seconds of no-gen time, per skill check (if the survivor can't hit greats most of the time). Legion gives double that when he applies his pressure. Sure he has to hit people. But I don't think anyone has said that hitting people with The Legion is hard.

Yes, he plays different from other killers. But that's the point. Look, I'm not saying you have to like The Legion, but I am saying you should make up your own mind.


  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799

    Let's remember how they managed Freddy
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    I'm glad someone else can see the potential and not just say "lEgIoN iS tRaSh" over and over.

    Glad to see you enjoy the new killer <3
    Legion is a great killer and he is really fun BUT he's weak, like probably weaker than Freddy. Oh as a fyi, giving feedback on why the Legion is bad and just saying the Legion is bad are two completely different things.

    I gave a reason on WHY the Legion is bad with reasoning and justification. Take a look and give me your honest opinion.
  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    He’s so fun! And he totally gets 4Ks. I’m honestly so happy with this killer! ^_^

  • BeanieEnthusiast
    BeanieEnthusiast Member Posts: 213
    115% movement speed wouldn’t make him stupid broken. 30-40 seconds isn’t that fast of a chase either.
  • RotBb
    RotBb Member Posts: 396
    Nickenzie said:
    I'm glad someone else can see the potential and not just say "lEgIoN iS tRaSh" over and over.

    Glad to see you enjoy the new killer <3
    Legion is a great killer and he is really fun BUT he's weak, like probably weaker than Freddy. Oh as a fyi, giving feedback on why the Legion is bad and just saying the Legion is bad are two completely different things.

    I gave a reason on WHY the Legion is bad with reasoning and justification. Take a look and give me your honest opinion.
    Stop promoting your new album on every thread
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    I'm glad someone else can see the potential and not just say "lEgIoN iS tRaSh" over and over.

    Glad to see you enjoy the new killer <3
    I'm a Freddy main and I see legion as freddy 2.0
    I'm used to playing trash tier killers. Even played Freddy to rank 1.
    But it's kinda ridiculous, that the devs don't aim to balance all killers around the top tier killers. But instead release killers on trash tier levels. 

    Can legion be fun? Probably. 
    Will he be played a lot? Probably not.

    So yes, he'll find his fans, which love him regardless of how bad he is.
  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.

    It's not exploiting anything. It's waiting letting them get distance and hunting them down.

    But hey, hate what you hate. I'll keep winning.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.

    It's not exploiting anything. It's waiting letting them get distance and hunting them down.

    But hey, hate what you hate. I'll keep winning.

    Hes weak. Im pretty sure no Killer was actually designed to run backwards for a cheezy down.

    I'll use any other Killer instead that can down people without exploiting mechanics, but hey, hate what you hate. I'll keep winning (without having to exploit as a weak Killer).
  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    It’s a different way to kill, and introduces a new p,aynstyle. Maybe some people just aren’t good with him. I wouldn’t say he is meant for everyone to be amazing, because then he would play too similarly to other killers, or wouldn’t provide the new play style. I’m super happy they introduced a new mechanic, and definitely feel like it adds a fresh play style to the game.

    Thanks behavior!

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited December 2018

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.

    It's not exploiting anything. It's waiting letting them get distance and hunting them down.

    But hey, hate what you hate. I'll keep winning.

    Hes weak. Im pretty sure no Killer was actually designed to run backwards for a cheezy down.

    I'll use any other Killer instead that can down people without exploiting mechanics, but hey, hate what you hate. I'll keep winning (without having to exploit as a weak Killer).

    You are exploiting mechanics with every single killer.

    When you time a loop with your bloodlust, that's exploiting a chase mechanic.

    When you turn backwards to hide your red stain at a jungle Gym, that's exploiting a mechanic.

    When you use your killer power, you are exploiting a mechanic.

    The legion is meant to be that killer that lets his prey escape, but then hunts them back down. His deep wounds let's him do that, by making people mend while he does his chase Hey, it's not for you, you want to be in the survivors face the whole time. Or whatever your thing is. That's cool. But you should at least take a step back and see him for what he is. A decently strong killer with a different way of securing kills then other killers.

    He's Not Billy, but he's still strong, and viable at Rank 1

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.

    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there.
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    @The_Crusader said:
    ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.


    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there.

    it actually does. you don't have to walk backward, just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process.

    Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it.

    I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    and? my average nurse or billy chase is 5 seconds

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @The_Crusader said:
    ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.


    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there.

    it actually does. you don't have to walk backward, just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process.

    Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it.

    I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt.

    Cote, is that you?

    But seriously if that's what you find fun, more power to you.

    It doesn't suit me though. Getting an easy hit and then cheesing the mechanics to make them blees out.

    I prefer the "earn 2 hits" gameplay.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    RotBb said:
    Nickenzie said:
    I'm glad someone else can see the potential and not just say "lEgIoN iS tRaSh" over and over.

    Glad to see you enjoy the new killer <3
    Legion is a great killer and he is really fun BUT he's weak, like probably weaker than Freddy. Oh as a fyi, giving feedback on why the Legion is bad and just saying the Legion is bad are two completely different things.

    I gave a reason on WHY the Legion is bad with reasoning and justification. Take a look and give me your honest opinion.
    Stop promoting your new album on every thread
    So, you have a problem with me giving feedback? I'm not gonna retype my 2 to 3 pages of reasoning and buffs when I can just link it. If you have a problem with this then you should talk to a mod about it, thank you.
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.

    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there.

    it actually does. you don't have to walk backward, just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process.

    Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it.

    I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt.

    Cote, is that you?

    But seriously if that's what you find fun, more power to you.

    It doesn't suit me though. Getting an easy hit and then cheesing the mechanics to make them blees out.

    I prefer the "earn 2 hits" gameplay.

    That's absolutely fine :) Everyone likes different things. I happen to be a Hag main. So the 110 movement speed is just another tuesday for me.

    I don't think it's really cheesing though. that's the only thing that bothers me this, is how people think it's somehow abusing a game mechanic.

    It's no different then turning backwards at a jungle gym so the survivor doesn't see your red stain coming, ot using your red stain to bluff a bad window vault.

    Those are both techniques the community views as "high skill" why is it an exploit to let the survivor run away and break chase?

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.

    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there.

    it actually does. you don't have to walk backward, just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process.

    Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it.

    I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt.

    Cote, is that you?

    But seriously if that's what you find fun, more power to you.

    It doesn't suit me though. Getting an easy hit and then cheesing the mechanics to make them blees out.

    I prefer the "earn 2 hits" gameplay.

    That's absolutely fine :) Everyone likes different things. I happen to be a Hag main. So the 110 movement speed is just another tuesday for me.

    I don't think it's really cheesing though. that's the only thing that bothers me this, is how people think it's somehow abusing a game mechanic.

    It's no different then turning backwards at a jungle gym so the survivor doesn't see your red stain coming, ot using your red stain to bluff a bad window vault.

    Those are both techniques the community views as "high skill" why is it an exploit to let the survivor run away and break chase?

    Probably because it's easy to get a frenzy hit with legion. Then just stalking them down while they need to mend....I dunno feels nasty man.
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited December 2018

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion. This.

    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there.
    it actually does. you don't have to walk backward,  just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process.
    Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it.
    I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt.
    Cote, is that you?
    But seriously if that's what you find fun, more power to you.
    It doesn't suit me though. Getting an easy hit and then cheesing the mechanics to make them blees out.

    I prefer the "earn 2 hits" gameplay.

    That's absolutely fine :) Everyone likes different things. I happen to be a Hag main. So the 110 movement speed is just another tuesday for me.

    I don't think it's really cheesing though. that's the only thing that bothers me this, is how people think it's somehow abusing a game mechanic.

    It's no different then turning backwards at a jungle gym so the survivor doesn't see your red stain coming, ot using your red stain to bluff a bad window vault.

    Those are both techniques the community views as "high skill" why is it an exploit to let the survivor run away and break chase?

    Probably because it's easy to get a frenzy hit with legion. Then just stalking them down while they need to mend....I dunno feels nasty man.

    It is nasty. But less nasty then one hitting with a chainsaw. Also, there's a lot more counter play. especially when you get SWF in the mix.

    NOTHING more annoying then someone timing there bleedout to land next to someone that picks them right up. Or maybe they are getting mended by their teammate, and it takes almost no time for a teammate to mend you? This requires some investigation...

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion. This.

    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there.
    it actually does. you don't have to walk backward,  just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process.
    Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it.
    I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt.
    Cote, is that you?
    But seriously if that's what you find fun, more power to you.
    It doesn't suit me though. Getting an easy hit and then cheesing the mechanics to make them blees out.

    I prefer the "earn 2 hits" gameplay.

    That's absolutely fine :) Everyone likes different things. I happen to be a Hag main. So the 110 movement speed is just another tuesday for me.

    I don't think it's really cheesing though. that's the only thing that bothers me this, is how people think it's somehow abusing a game mechanic.

    It's no different then turning backwards at a jungle gym so the survivor doesn't see your red stain coming, ot using your red stain to bluff a bad window vault.

    Those are both techniques the community views as "high skill" why is it an exploit to let the survivor run away and break chase?

    Probably because it's easy to get a frenzy hit with legion. Then just stalking them down while they need to mend....I dunno feels nasty man.

    It is nasty. But less nasty then one hitting with a chainsaw. Also, there's a lot more counter play. especially when you get SWF in the mix.

    NOTHING more annoying then someone timing there bleedout to land next to someone that picks them right up.

    So lets go over this again, I might try it out later.

    I hit them with frenzy, look away to get the timer ticking, then resume looking for them?

    Won't that just pause the timer? Or do you let it bleed down a bit then frenzy hit them to deplenish it 100%? I know truetalent does this but he's using the purple add-on which I don't have.

    Do I chase them at a distance to keep the timer ticking? And do I need stridor and bloodhoud to locate them again?
  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    I like him/her too. Some parts needs some work, but it is different. I havent been completely trashed, and have done a few 4k. I was scared since I am rank 1 that it would be a nightmare, but I've had good fun all day trying out perk builds. 

    Good thing we all think different, we cant all like the same thing. My spirit gets some well needed off time :)
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited December 2018

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said: ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.    This.

    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there. it actually does. you don't have to walk backward, just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process. Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it. I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt. Cote, is that you? But seriously if that's what you find fun, more power to you. It doesn't suit me though. Getting an easy hit and then cheesing the mechanics to make them blees out.

    I prefer the "earn 2 hits" gameplay.
    That's absolutely fine :) Everyone likes different things. I happen to be a Hag main. So the 110 movement speed is just another tuesday for me.
    I don't think it's really cheesing though. that's the only thing that bothers me  this, is how people think it's somehow abusing a game mechanic.
    It's no different then turning backwards at a jungle gym so the survivor doesn't see your red stain coming, ot using your red stain to bluff a bad window vault.
    Those are both techniques the community views as "high skill" why is it an exploit to let the survivor run away and break chase?

    Probably because it's easy to get a frenzy hit with legion. Then just stalking them down while they need to mend....I dunno feels nasty man.

    It is nasty. But less nasty then one hitting with a chainsaw. Also, there's a lot more counter play. especially when you get SWF in the mix.

    NOTHING more annoying then someone timing there bleedout to land next to someone that picks them right up.

    So lets go over this again, I might try it out later.

    I hit them with frenzy, look away to get the timer ticking, then resume looking for them?

    Won't that just pause the timer? Or do you let it bleed down a bit then frenzy hit them to deplenish it 100%? I know truetalent does this but he's using the purple add-on which I don't have.

    Do I chase them at a distance to keep the timer ticking? And do I need stridor and bloodhoud to locate them again?

    You you look away, and watch the meter, the moment it starts ticking down, you start following the bloodtrail. You don't need any of the purps, if you do it this way, it's 3 hit every time. The purps make it so you do not have to let them escape.

    Try taking bloodhound. It makes tracking super easy. Also since most people wont heal, you can follow blood trails at gens when they try to stealth you. (since the blood trails last a good bit longer)

    edited to add: You do need to understand how close you can get to them before the chase picks back up, but generally speaking, by the time you catch up, they have bled enough for it to be a 3 hit.

    @AmorePrincess said:
    I like him/her too. Some parts needs some work, but it is different. I havent been completely trashed, and have done a few 4k. I was scared since I am rank 1 that it would be a nightmare, but I've had good fun all day trying out perk builds. 

    Good thing we all think different, we cant all like the same thing. My spirit gets some well needed off time :)

    I was also scared to use him at rank 1, due to all the hate. I'de be interested in hearing what perk builds you find useful.

    Everyone knows bloodhound and stridor. But I've been having a ton of success with huntress' lullaby

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Nice post here.

    I agree. The Legion has some potential, he's unique. People would to compare him to someone.. like "he's a worse Freddy" or... "Freddy 2.0" or something like that.

    Or just say he's trash. He's not.

    He's well designed. He has a cool look and all that. He's just a bit weak, but clearly they went the fun route over dominance. Which is fine I guess.

    As it stands now... he's fun to play and different. As survivor I really enjoy playing against him. As a killer I have a decently hard time, but he's still fun.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    I like Legion. Comic book villain Suzy (green and purple = comicbook villain. Lex luthor,green goblin, joker, etc.) Has nice tights. 

    Hope legion gets more polish, though.

    Definitely have reason to lvl wraith if bloodhound isn't in shrine soon. 
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited December 2018

    @Dwight_Confusion said:
    Nice post here.

    I agree. The Legion has some potential, he's unique. People would to compare him to someone.. like "he's a worse Freddy" or... "Freddy 2.0" or something like that.

    Or just say he's trash. He's not.

    He's well designed. He has a cool look and all that. He's just a bit weak, but clearly they went the fun route over dominance. Which is fine I guess.

    As it stands now... he's fun to play and different. As survivor I really enjoy playing against him. As a killer I have a decently hard time, but he's still fun.

    I'm not sure about you, but I tend to have a hard time when I first pick up a new killer.

    Even the Legion. I'm talking here after playing waaay to much of this game (i'm a disabled vet so I just play games all day) But I had, and still have, bad games with him. But at some point I will have his mechanics memorized to the point that he will be like my hag. Where things happen on instinct.

    I honestly think he's B tier. Stronger then average but not amazing, wihtout addons.

    With his purps... I don't know if you know this, but he has 2 purps that let him 3 hit. You only need one on for it to work, not both.

    Franks Mix Tape will drop them below 50% with 2 frenzy hits

    And the stab wounds survey makes the total timer like 75% or something, so 3 hits downs.

    With either one of these you no longer need to let them escape the chase.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Thanks for your service by the way. It is appreciated by myself and others I hope.

    I just think there's a feeling of "everyone says he's trash... so lets join in" mentality for some people.

    They tried something different with deep wound, I like him. I'm glad you're being more positive about it.

  • HarshOnion44
    HarshOnion44 Member Posts: 30
    I like him too. He’s fun. :)
  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069
    edited December 2018

    The best thing about THEM* is that you don't must kill nobody to get a pip lol

  • Speshul_Kitten
    Speshul_Kitten Member Posts: 1,861

    It’s a different way to kill, and introduces a new p,aynstyle. Maybe some people just aren’t good with him. I wouldn’t say he is meant for everyone to be amazing, because then he would play too similarly to other killers, or wouldn’t provide the new play style. I’m super happy they introduced a new mechanic, and definitely feel like it adds a fresh play style to the game.

    Thanks behavior!

    This exactly. Legion takes some thinking to use and strategize with, it makes you learn to play different than, “chase, stab, get looped, break pallets, get looped some more, down survivor and hook” that every Killeen is used to. I love him/her already almost 2nd prestige with them. 
  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    Ihatelife said:

    The best thing about THEM* is that you don't must kill nobody to get a pip lol

    Yes I like that as well, no more constantly seeing “entity displeased” 😑
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said: ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.    This.

    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there. it actually does. you don't have to walk backward, just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process. Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it. I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt. Cote, is that you? But seriously if that's what you find fun, more power to you. It doesn't suit me though. Getting an easy hit and then cheesing the mechanics to make them blees out.

    I prefer the "earn 2 hits" gameplay.
    That's absolutely fine :) Everyone likes different things. I happen to be a Hag main. So the 110 movement speed is just another tuesday for me.
    I don't think it's really cheesing though. that's the only thing that bothers me  this, is how people think it's somehow abusing a game mechanic.
    It's no different then turning backwards at a jungle gym so the survivor doesn't see your red stain coming, ot using your red stain to bluff a bad window vault.
    Those are both techniques the community views as "high skill" why is it an exploit to let the survivor run away and break chase?

    Probably because it's easy to get a frenzy hit with legion. Then just stalking them down while they need to mend....I dunno feels nasty man.

    It is nasty. But less nasty then one hitting with a chainsaw. Also, there's a lot more counter play. especially when you get SWF in the mix.

    NOTHING more annoying then someone timing there bleedout to land next to someone that picks them right up.

    So lets go over this again, I might try it out later.

    I hit them with frenzy, look away to get the timer ticking, then resume looking for them?

    Won't that just pause the timer? Or do you let it bleed down a bit then frenzy hit them to deplenish it 100%? I know truetalent does this but he's using the purple add-on which I don't have.

    Do I chase them at a distance to keep the timer ticking? And do I need stridor and bloodhoud to locate them again?

    You you look away, and watch the meter, the moment it starts ticking down, you start following the bloodtrail. You don't need any of the purps, if you do it this way, it's 3 hit every time. The purps make it so you do not have to let them escape.

    Try taking bloodhound. It makes tracking super easy. Also since most people wont heal, you can follow blood trails at gens when they try to stealth you. (since the blood trails last a good bit longer)

    edited to add: You do need to understand how close you can get to them before the chase picks back up, but generally speaking, by the time you catch up, they have bled enough for it to be a 3 hit.

    @AmorePrincess said:
    I like him/her too. Some parts needs some work, but it is different. I havent been completely trashed, and have done a few 4k. I was scared since I am rank 1 that it would be a nightmare, but I've had good fun all day trying out perk builds. 

    Good thing we all think different, we cant all like the same thing. My spirit gets some well needed off time :)

    I was also scared to use him at rank 1, due to all the hate. I'de be interested in hearing what perk builds you find useful.

    Everyone knows bloodhound and stridor. But I've been having a ton of success with huntress' lullaby

    I used this tactic. Kind of worked yeah. Felt a little nasty though lol they had no escape. They either stopped to mend and went down, or they ran away and went down.

    I can't imagine it's too fun from the survivor side.

  • HarshOnion44
    HarshOnion44 Member Posts: 30
    I haven’t lost a single game with him. Went from rank 12 to rank 3. Really love him and am enjoying him so far. 
  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    @The_Crusader said:

    @SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said: ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.    This.

    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there. it actually does. you don't have to walk backward, just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process. Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it. I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt. Cote, is that you? But seriously if that's what you find fun, more power to you. It doesn't suit me though. Getting an easy hit and then cheesing the mechanics to make them blees out.

    I prefer the "earn 2 hits" gameplay.
    That's absolutely fine :) Everyone likes different things. I happen to be a Hag main. So the 110 movement speed is just another tuesday for me.
    I don't think it's really cheesing though. that's the only thing that bothers me  this, is how people think it's somehow abusing a game mechanic.
    It's no different then turning backwards at a jungle gym so the survivor doesn't see your red stain coming, ot using your red stain to bluff a bad window vault.
    Those are both techniques the community views as "high skill" why is it an exploit to let the survivor run away and break chase?

    Probably because it's easy to get a frenzy hit with legion. Then just stalking them down while they need to mend....I dunno feels nasty man.

    It is nasty. But less nasty then one hitting with a chainsaw. Also, there's a lot more counter play. especially when you get SWF in the mix.

    NOTHING more annoying then someone timing there bleedout to land next to someone that picks them right up.

    So lets go over this again, I might try it out later.

    I hit them with frenzy, look away to get the timer ticking, then resume looking for them?

    Won't that just pause the timer? Or do you let it bleed down a bit then frenzy hit them to deplenish it 100%? I know truetalent does this but he's using the purple add-on which I don't have.

    Do I chase them at a distance to keep the timer ticking? And do I need stridor and bloodhoud to locate them again?

    You you look away, and watch the meter, the moment it starts ticking down, you start following the bloodtrail. You don't need any of the purps, if you do it this way, it's 3 hit every time. The purps make it so you do not have to let them escape.

    Try taking bloodhound. It makes tracking super easy. Also since most people wont heal, you can follow blood trails at gens when they try to stealth you. (since the blood trails last a good bit longer)

    edited to add: You do need to understand how close you can get to them before the chase picks back up, but generally speaking, by the time you catch up, they have bled enough for it to be a 3 hit.

    @AmorePrincess said:
    I like him/her too. Some parts needs some work, but it is different. I havent been completely trashed, and have done a few 4k. I was scared since I am rank 1 that it would be a nightmare, but I've had good fun all day trying out perk builds. 

    Good thing we all think different, we cant all like the same thing. My spirit gets some well needed off time :)

    I was also scared to use him at rank 1, due to all the hate. I'de be interested in hearing what perk builds you find useful.

    Everyone knows bloodhound and stridor. But I've been having a ton of success with huntress' lullaby

    I used this tactic. Kind of worked yeah. Felt a little nasty though lol they had no escape. They either stopped to mend and went down, or they ran away and went down.

    I can't imagine it's too fun from the survivor side.

    Is getting chainsawed fun?

    Is a one hit hatchet fun? How about when it's from a hilltop on the other side of the map?

    There's counterplay to it so it's not as dirty as some things. And I think it's pretty fun.


  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,115

    @SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    @SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said: ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.    This.

    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there. it actually does. you don't have to walk backward, just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process. Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it. I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt. Cote, is that you? But seriously if that's what you find fun, more power to you. It doesn't suit me though. Getting an easy hit and then cheesing the mechanics to make them blees out.

    I prefer the "earn 2 hits" gameplay.
    That's absolutely fine :) Everyone likes different things. I happen to be a Hag main. So the 110 movement speed is just another tuesday for me.
    I don't think it's really cheesing though. that's the only thing that bothers me  this, is how people think it's somehow abusing a game mechanic.
    It's no different then turning backwards at a jungle gym so the survivor doesn't see your red stain coming, ot using your red stain to bluff a bad window vault.
    Those are both techniques the community views as "high skill" why is it an exploit to let the survivor run away and break chase?

    Probably because it's easy to get a frenzy hit with legion. Then just stalking them down while they need to mend....I dunno feels nasty man.

    It is nasty. But less nasty then one hitting with a chainsaw. Also, there's a lot more counter play. especially when you get SWF in the mix.

    NOTHING more annoying then someone timing there bleedout to land next to someone that picks them right up.

    So lets go over this again, I might try it out later.

    I hit them with frenzy, look away to get the timer ticking, then resume looking for them?

    Won't that just pause the timer? Or do you let it bleed down a bit then frenzy hit them to deplenish it 100%? I know truetalent does this but he's using the purple add-on which I don't have.

    Do I chase them at a distance to keep the timer ticking? And do I need stridor and bloodhoud to locate them again?

    You you look away, and watch the meter, the moment it starts ticking down, you start following the bloodtrail. You don't need any of the purps, if you do it this way, it's 3 hit every time. The purps make it so you do not have to let them escape.

    Try taking bloodhound. It makes tracking super easy. Also since most people wont heal, you can follow blood trails at gens when they try to stealth you. (since the blood trails last a good bit longer)

    edited to add: You do need to understand how close you can get to them before the chase picks back up, but generally speaking, by the time you catch up, they have bled enough for it to be a 3 hit.

    @AmorePrincess said:
    I like him/her too. Some parts needs some work, but it is different. I havent been completely trashed, and have done a few 4k. I was scared since I am rank 1 that it would be a nightmare, but I've had good fun all day trying out perk builds. 

    Good thing we all think different, we cant all like the same thing. My spirit gets some well needed off time :)

    I was also scared to use him at rank 1, due to all the hate. I'de be interested in hearing what perk builds you find useful.

    Everyone knows bloodhound and stridor. But I've been having a ton of success with huntress' lullaby

    I used this tactic. Kind of worked yeah. Felt a little nasty though lol they had no escape. They either stopped to mend and went down, or they ran away and went down.

    I can't imagine it's too fun from the survivor side.

    Is getting chainsawed fun?

    Is a one hit hatchet fun? How about when it's from a hilltop on the other side of the map?

    There's counterplay to it so it's not as dirty as some things. And I think it's pretty fun.


    Please explain the counterplay to cheesing chase mechanics. Please.

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089

    @ScottJund said:

    @SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    @SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    SmokePotion said:

    @The_Crusader said: ChesterTheMolester said:

    If you have to exploit the chase mechanics to make sure survivors get downed in 40s (or 50% progress) then something is horribly wrong with Legion.    This.

    Dive over a pallet and dash for a hit....walk backwards to let them bleed out a bit....sounds like great design right there. it actually does. you don't have to walk backward, just look away, or let them run off, and break line of sight themselves. I choose to take a couple steps backwards, but it doesn't really help the process. Also, if the survivor doesn't run away, it counters the whole process, and you,as the killer, need to find a way to deal with it. I like it, it has counter play, and is using the chase mechanic in the game. Learn to adapt. Cote, is that you? But seriously if that's what you find fun, more power to you. It doesn't suit me though. Getting an easy hit and then cheesing the mechanics to make them blees out.

    I prefer the "earn 2 hits" gameplay.
    That's absolutely fine :) Everyone likes different things. I happen to be a Hag main. So the 110 movement speed is just another tuesday for me.
    I don't think it's really cheesing though. that's the only thing that bothers me  this, is how people think it's somehow abusing a game mechanic.
    It's no different then turning backwards at a jungle gym so the survivor doesn't see your red stain coming, ot using your red stain to bluff a bad window vault.
    Those are both techniques the community views as "high skill" why is it an exploit to let the survivor run away and break chase?

    Probably because it's easy to get a frenzy hit with legion. Then just stalking them down while they need to mend....I dunno feels nasty man.

    It is nasty. But less nasty then one hitting with a chainsaw. Also, there's a lot more counter play. especially when you get SWF in the mix.

    NOTHING more annoying then someone timing there bleedout to land next to someone that picks them right up.

    So lets go over this again, I might try it out later.

    I hit them with frenzy, look away to get the timer ticking, then resume looking for them?

    Won't that just pause the timer? Or do you let it bleed down a bit then frenzy hit them to deplenish it 100%? I know truetalent does this but he's using the purple add-on which I don't have.

    Do I chase them at a distance to keep the timer ticking? And do I need stridor and bloodhoud to locate them again?

    You you look away, and watch the meter, the moment it starts ticking down, you start following the bloodtrail. You don't need any of the purps, if you do it this way, it's 3 hit every time. The purps make it so you do not have to let them escape.

    Try taking bloodhound. It makes tracking super easy. Also since most people wont heal, you can follow blood trails at gens when they try to stealth you. (since the blood trails last a good bit longer)

    edited to add: You do need to understand how close you can get to them before the chase picks back up, but generally speaking, by the time you catch up, they have bled enough for it to be a 3 hit.

    @AmorePrincess said:
    I like him/her too. Some parts needs some work, but it is different. I havent been completely trashed, and have done a few 4k. I was scared since I am rank 1 that it would be a nightmare, but I've had good fun all day trying out perk builds. 

    Good thing we all think different, we cant all like the same thing. My spirit gets some well needed off time :)

    I was also scared to use him at rank 1, due to all the hate. I'de be interested in hearing what perk builds you find useful.

    Everyone knows bloodhound and stridor. But I've been having a ton of success with huntress' lullaby

    I used this tactic. Kind of worked yeah. Felt a little nasty though lol they had no escape. They either stopped to mend and went down, or they ran away and went down.

    I can't imagine it's too fun from the survivor side.

    Is getting chainsawed fun?

    Is a one hit hatchet fun? How about when it's from a hilltop on the other side of the map?

    There's counterplay to it so it's not as dirty as some things. And I think it's pretty fun.


    Please explain the counterplay to cheesing chase mechanics. Please.

    You be confident in your chase skills, and stay close so the chase doesn't break. This forces the killer into an extended chase, one that you can win as the survivor.

  • Chuckyyo
    Chuckyyo Member Posts: 65

    @SmokePotion said:

    The difference between them and the Legion though is this: Legion can force people to not do gens for about the same amount of time you chase. If you find a group of survivors you can force them to mend, keeping them from just jumping right back on that generator.

    Everyone loves Ruin, because it adds about 7 seconds of no-gen time, per skill check (if the survivor can't hit greats most of the time). Legion gives double that when he applies his pressure. Sure he has to hit people. But I don't think anyone has said that hitting people with The Legion is hard.

    I'm in the middle about Legion. I don't hate them, I don't love them. They're fun with some problems. But my experience on this aspect differs from yours. Mending doesn't take a lot of time. And in order to spread Deep Wound to more than 2 people, you also spend a bit of time. My experience is that, when you got 3-4 people with Deep Wound and start chasing the last one, the first 2 have already mended. So there's not much time gained, because you also didn't use your time to accomplish anything. Ruin or Bear Traps work because you can spend the time won chasing and downing someone. With Deep Wound, you barely gain any advantage. Plus, you're depending on survivors being close enough together.