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State of Nurse

I just wanna know what people currently think of her, and her current state. I think shes completely fine as its a skill vs skill matchup

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  • Member Posts: 5,449

    In today’s game, she’s rather busted since she can bypass everything that survivors use for defense, but since elite SWF bully/sweat squads exist, she needs to remain as powerful as she does.

    I actually like facing them as long as they’re not running infectious fright and don’t play sweaty and try to 4 man slug at 5 gens. It’s a different kind of game play against her that is a nice change of pace. It’s fun trying to juke her and make her miss.

  • Member Posts: 989

    Break line of sight and you stand a good chance at looping her around and away from others. Some nurses are very good at predictive pathing and will study you if they miss the first couple blinks. Be really careful, nurse is very strong. It humiliates her to actually strike her with a pallet, so be very judicious about this as it can cause the nurse player to erupt and commit to a slug.

  • Member Posts: 481

    Honestly this may be an unpopular opinion. But when you know how to play against a nurse. For me personally she has the potential to have some of the most fun chases

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I think her blink recharge addons could get nerfed. Thats about it.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    It's actually quite fun running from an average Nurse that hasn't mastered blinking. Problem is a good Nurse is near impossible to escape. The chase is almost entirely in the Nurse's hands if they know what they're doing. We're just lucky most players don't put in the time to practice.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Her power is fine and she's the most fun killer to go up against. However, the bugs can be annoying.

  • Member Posts: 1,158
    edited July 2021

    She is busted as hell and needs either a nerf or a rework.

    A killer that can ignore nearly all the defenses the survivors have is just ridiculous

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    No she shouldnt, a killer THIS oppressive should not exist, just cause theres SWF tryhards, doesnt justify her state

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Nurse is a necessary evil. A monster, created to fight another monster.

  • Member Posts: 385

    Yeah I have been playing her since 2016, I completely agree with you. I don't lose anymore, unless its a really strong SWF on a giga hard map like Lerys. I can't lose perkless and addonless unless again, god tier map and SWF.

  • Member Posts: 459

    She is broken and there's no point even trying when facing her, especially in solo queue. Her range and recharge add-ons as well as her post-blink lunge need a nerf.

    Or she should be reworked completely. But then the devs would probably make her PH 3.0/Nemesis 2.0 where you get hit no matter what you do or something like that.

    That being said, majority of the killer roster needs buffs, maps need to be made more fair and SWF needs tweaks as well.

  • Member Posts: 4,105


    I think she is still overpowered by quite a bit. Once you learned her well, you wont loose many rounds anymore. Once mastered, you could try to beat 500+ in a row with her

  • Member Posts: 385

    I mean shes 100% beatable, just takes mindgames from both ends to make the job as hard as possible, but that's just me.

  • Member Posts: 385

    Oh your completely right she is 100% ######### insane. I currently have a 534 winstreak (4ks, or 3k plus hatch escape)

  • Member Posts: 459

    You cannot mind game a god nurse. You can mind game a mediocre or a good nurse.

    A god nurse is beatable by a tournament squad, a good nurse is beatable by a good SWF using E-key and others crutches and a mediocre nurse is beatable by solo survivors.

    I'm done playing against her, because even if I could last against her a gen or two, it doesn't matter when 80 percent of the survivors go down in 10 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    She’s been broken since day 1 of her release and needs a full rework imo

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Then you dont really need the opinion of us i guess. You prove to yourself that she is busted 😊

    And before some come with the unwise arugment no1 about Nurse: No, winning 500+ times in a row, no matter how hard she might be to learn(which she is not even) is not "fine". If you think that, considere yourself completly clueless on how to ballance a game and spare your words please.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    She's incredibly broken and needs a Freddy rework in my opinion. Her design is just inherently flawed since she ignores every defense survivors have.

  • Member Posts: 601
    edited July 2021

    All of these unfun killers like Deathslinger, Huntress, Nemesis, PH, Spirit, they've all made me have a new found appreciation for Nurse and the skill she takes and the mindgames you can play against her.

    I think most people who complain about her are in the pool that 95% of survivors who paly this game find themselves, and that is the "bad at the game" category. Easy to see every Nurse as a godi-tier Nurse who never misses blinks when you're terrible at the game and are 100% predictable

    Red ranks is just a mash of ranks 1-20 survivors, add in the fact a lot of those people don't even know how to play against some of the killers that exist in the game, or know not to heal against someone like a Legion, puts even further emphasis on the lack of brainpower going o.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Hard to say. The Super ALF or random God Nurse with Infectious and Double recharge is rare. They are unbeatable like a God Spirit. But, they are so rare unless your living is playing DBD. I’ve seen in my whole time playing more Hags then God Nurses. I’m on 2 years. She is entirely dependent on skill level. Bad Nurse = F Tier, Good Nurse = A Tier, God Nurse=S tier. She is a relic of a different era and if Nurse was common and easy to learn there’d be changes.

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