Dirty Killer forces you to quit a match



  • PlaysByShady
    PlaysByShady Member Posts: 590

    Yeah, I'll agree with that.

    Still, a killer can't prevent gens being done between multiple survivors though, unless it's one with ridiculously high mobility like Nurse or something.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    They don't have to necessarily make gens impossible to progress to count as hostage holding. They simply have to be slowing down the gens enough that the game is drawn out to an absurd time length because they also are intentionally making no effort to kill the Survivors (similar to how Survivors don't need to be able to hide forever; they only need to hide long enough that the game is drawn out to an absurd length because they intentionally are making no effort to finish the gens).

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    “Killers job is to protect gens”, but the same people making that statement would cry “holding game hostage” when they are stuck in a game with 2 survivors crouching in bushes. Jeez guys the survivors job is to survive, that’s what they are doing.

  • SammehStormborn
    SammehStormborn Member Posts: 147

    Lol, we had a game last night where the killer actually did block us in a corner after refusing to hook (2) of us, and took the game hostage. Then after about 15 minutes downed us and let us bleed out instead of hooking us. Only reason we didn’t DC was to get videos of what happened.

    not being able to finish gens but having the freedom of the map is completely different.

  • Deferlo
    Deferlo Member Posts: 131

    This, almost everyone here is misunderstanding what the fault was.

    While it is reportable and scummy, it isn't taking the game hostage.

    Furthermore, if we read the mod comment on this post:https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/2130212

    It is said that "Beyond that, nobody is allowed to take the game hostage. Whether that's survivors crounching around in corners refusing to touch generators to drag on the game for half an hour or a killer blocking someone in the corner and refusing to kill them, it's reportable either way."

    Which mean that both the survivors and the killer in this match can be reported for not progressing the match.

    While the 2 survivors here went afk because they thought nothing could be done, it doesn't change the fact that they did not contribute to progressing the game and are as such, also somewhat responsible for this 1 hour game because the killer could have tried to hook them or they could have tried to do gens, however slow it may be.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939
    edited July 2021

    I've been through this entire thread now, and this forum is really something else. The wilful obfuscation of this poor dude's crap experience, the hair-splitting, nit-picking, some people insulting the poor guy, even blaming him ffs.

    The point of this post is obviously to outline the ridiculously poor behaviour of a Killer who was purposely griefing the game for two random Solo Q players for his own juvenile laughs. OP might not speak english as a first language (correct me if I'm wrong) and it can be challenging to thoroughly explain a scenario if one isn't fluent.

    Like who bloody cares if it was technically "holding the game hostage"? It was reportable.

    I'm sorry for your experience, OP. There are some immature people playing Killer in DBD, and at times I surmise they think they're Larping as Ghostface (or w/e Killer) instead of gaming. They selfishly think 4 strangers are there for their amusement alone, and it sucks.

    INB4: Yeah yeah survivors bad too. But this particular thread isn't about that.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I always assumed that holding the game hostage as survivor means the Situation in which the survs avoid the killer without doing gens for a long time, so that the game doesn't finish. But if a surv goes afk they will get crows, I think it takes 3 minutes to get 3 crows, so even if the killer doesn't know where they are after three minutes he will. (Devs have made it clear that is is okay for the killer to let the last surv bleed out without a reason, which will take for minutes, so I would be very suprised of the 3 minutes wait time for the crows would be a problem).

    I have also never heard that being afk is reportable for either side (and the game rules don't mention it), so I don't think that you are correct that both would be reportable in this situation.

  • Deferlo
    Deferlo Member Posts: 131

    Thank you for the reply. I thought that since both side didn't try to progress the game in any way, it would be the case but it seems like i was wrong.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    I'm not 100% sure myself, it would have been nice if a mod had commented on this post, but punishing people for being afk seems very weird to me. Of course it is annoying when someone refused to play but you can never be sure if there isn't something going on in their real life, so I wouldn't want to punish people for that, but mods might handle it differently, I'm only guessing based on the game rules.

  • BarbecueiChilli
    BarbecueiChilli Member Posts: 138

    if someone is afk he/she shouldn't complain about taking the game hostage because he/she wasn't doing progress either and wasn't playing the match.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    But as far as I understand the situation the op wasn't the one who wenf afk first. The other survivor did, OP tried to the gens, which obv wasn't possible alone, but the killer refused to kill them (or the other surv, who was afk, so it would have an easy kill) so OP gave up aswell, which is pretty understable to me, because what else should they do when working on a gens doesn't lead to any progress because the other surv is afk but dying is also not an option because the killer doesn't want to hook them or let them bleed out?

    I think you can blame the other surv a bit, but holding the game hostage (or prolonging it unneccessarily long) is worse to me than going afk (and only one them is mentioned in the game rules).

    Also I can guarantee you that there are posts in this forum, where a Killer complains that they went afk because the game was frustrating and the survs refused to just finish the gens and leave. And if I remember correctly, in this posts most commenters were sympathetic to the Killer, so I'm a bit suprised that many people seem to have no or little empathy towards the OP here.

    So in general: Players go afk, yeah it sucks, but people get frustrated or have things in real life to care for, don't be a dick and just end the match, otherwise you are worse than them (atleast in my opinion, maybe even in the Devs eyes, but game rules aren't super clear).

  • BarbecueiChilli
    BarbecueiChilli Member Posts: 138

    was OP running away from the killer all the time? because it sounds like this killer just wanted to be friendly but idk. This wouldn't happen if the other two survivors didn't dc so this is their fault as well, OP is clear (even if killer just wanted to be friendly) but the rest players aren't.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    The killer did down OP as far as I know and then drop them until the wiggle out to prevent the bleed out, which could indicate that the killer only wanted to be friendly, but they also prevented the OP from finishing the gens, so it is hard do judge without a video. But even if the killer is friendly, it is not allowed to force other people to farm even if your Intention is to be nice.

    I agree that it was a sucky situation over all and the teammates weren't helpful either. The suggestion to end the game automatically after 30 Minutes that other people is this discussion made might be a good idea to prevent such and similar situation (e. g. when the survs are just hiding).

  • throughshot
    throughshot Member Posts: 17

    Hell yes a time limit is necessary for both sides to push everyone.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    The killer picking the survivors up and letting them wiggle free means the bleedout progression is only 3 seconds each time that happens. You need 4 minutes to die. That means the killer would have to down the survivor 80 times. That's 25 minutes if the match only consisted of 16 seconds of wiggle +3 seconds on the ground for only one survivor, but the killer was doing it with both as well as other things happening earlier in the match. An hour sounds about right here and that is ridiculous and should not be defended. It would be a different story if the survivors refused to work on gens, or the killer was at least slugging, but they allegedly downed survivors and purposely let them wiggle out to limit progression of the bleedout timer.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    All you people keep forgetting there is another survivor. The killer can't pick up you both at the same time. After 4 minutes the other survivor dies and the hatch will spawn and either the killer closes it and EGC ends the game or they don't and every 4th drop the survivor can run to it.

    There is no way that what happened can last an hour.

    Also last time i'm not defending it. I'm just calling it by the right name

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    Definitely griefing, could be considered taking the game hostage. Yeah, yeah, you could technically bleed out after 25 minutes of repeating the same action over and over, but then again the killer could just find the two Blendettes on Dead Dawg Saloon, right? But that's considered a hostage situation.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    Oh definitely, but the other guy went AFK first, which I don't blame them, but it's definitely their fault as well. You're correct, there would always be time to do a gen while someone was being juggled. A shame they were solo queue and couldn't communicate that though.

  • eleventbh
    eleventbh Member Posts: 374

    Also I do suspect he might have been forcing you both to farm but I would need to see the match myself to actually judge