Dirty Killer forces you to quit a match

Two survivors left.
The Killer did not hook anyone, just kicked generators, never end.
Can't do anything but leave the match lossing rank.
Match Details did not show killer's name,
Can't report or block the dirty guy after quit.
did you 3 gen yourself or what
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Killer just did gens-camping` put down / pick up survivors.
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Christ, now Survivors will avoid doing gens and blame the Killer for not handing them the game?
Uhh..The Killer was patrolling gens, which is supposed to be how he finds Survivors.
If you weren't doing YOUR goal of doing gens, then I'd say it was your fault, not the Killer's. He does not have to walk away from the gens & give them to Survivors that are being cowards.
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Did you not read what he said?
2 Survivors DCed
Killer only kicked gens. He did not chase or hook survivors.
That's holding the game hostage.
Wearing those Killer-Colored-Glasses much?
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Again; if he was kicking gens; he was patrolling. Also 'put down / pick up survivors', which means he DID hit people, even if he slugged them.
Survivor-colored-glasses much? Everything is always the Killer's fault to Survivor mains.
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Picking up survivors and dropping them until they escape and kicking gens is not progressing the game, that's holding it hostage.
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Yes that's exactly what I meant.
The killer just don't want to finish the match until we DC.
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It's not though because the game can still end. If he's being hyper defensive about gens that is not holding the game hostage. There is literally only ONE scenario on killer end that can be considered holding the game hostage and that is bodyblocking all remaining players into a corner/room. That is literally the ONLY point at which a game is held hostage by a killer. Anyone claiming anything else is just being a bit of a salty lad.
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The match was held more than A HOUR.
If that's not holding hostage, I don't know what it is.
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If the killer didn't let gens get done, didn't let survivors bleed out, and didn't hook survivors to attempt to kill them, then the killer was holding the game hostage. An hour is a ridiculously long time, I'm surprised you held out that long.
Reporting the incident requires an in-game report and also submitting a ticket with video evidence.
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I hanged on there watching NETFLIX after I figured out what the killer doing.
The teammate freezed too.
After a show I came back but the killer keep screwing me so I quit.
The most big surprise is how he was determined to screw us.
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There were two survivors , and a killer can't kick a gen if someone is working on it, and a killer can't kick two gens at the same time.
If he doesn't want to kill anyone, just work on the gen until it's done.
If he's playing the game, but overpatrolling the gens, harass another gen that the other surv is doing.
If he's playing the game, but you want to quit, let him kill you.
With two survivors left, a killer can't hold a game in hostage, the survivors are holding the game in hostage.
18 -
Take off your Killer-Colored-Glasses dude.
I play both and Killer can definitely kick gens and keep the game from progressing depending on the map. If they are on coal tower, Hawkins, the Wrecking Yard map or other small maps, the gens are so freaking close and add a fast killer like Blight, you'll never get any progress on gens if a killer is trying.
Plus, you have to remember that there is only 1 person working on gens at a time, the other person is being chased or downed. And if the gens were in a bad position, what are you going to do.
But neverminded, the Killer can never be in the wrong.
Post edited by EQWashu on8 -
I don't wanna argue about if killers or survivors hold the game in hostage.
I just hope there is a time limit ( 20 minutes maybe? ) then everyone could get out of an endless bad match.
Post edited by throughshot on1 -
A give-up button would be another option.
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'If the killer didn't let gens get done' what? So the Killer is now obligated to give Survivors gens or it's 'holding the game hostage'? 😂
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As long as the match still has a way of ending the game is not being held hostage. You could have committed to a gen and died and therefore the match still could have ended. Unfortunate for you as it may be the game still had a way of ending.
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That's not what I said. I said the killer didn't kill them and didn't let gens get done, giving the survivors no way to leave the match.
Anyway, the correct course of action is to report the killer in-game and submit video evidence. What the killer did is at least questionable, and it's up to the devs/managers/whatever to decide whether or not the player broke the rules. It's not up to us.
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A gen only regresses at 1/4 the speed a survivor can repair it from a normal kick. So your excuse doesn't hold up. Let the killer kick it and walk away and immediately start working on it again. And if the other survivor is doing the same, the killer has no chance.
But you said you left to watch a Netflix show and the other survivor "freezed too" so it sounds like you both stopped playing the game and did as much to hold it hostage as the killer did.
To me though it sounds like the killer was trying to let you farm after d/c's but you didn't understand. He might very been trying to do the damage x number of generators archive as well.
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There is a lot of crying in this thread and I don't understand why.
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Tell me how dirty is the killer?
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Not holding the game hostage. Once survivors are down they will die after 4 minutes.
Scummy to do but not holding the game hostage
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If he doesnt do anything then just do the gens? Kicking them doesnt do anything at all.
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I'm confused. As a survivor main I love and appreciate when killers do this and I don't consider it "holding the game hostage." Two people DC'd so the killer started playing nice, is what I'm reading from the situation as presented. Do other survivors just not like this or what? That's weird.
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Since I don't quit voluntarily and there's a hatch somewhere, it seems like one would simply jump in the hatch or, intuitively speaking, go point at the killer to death.
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They explained more in the comments, the killer wouldn't let them finish gens and if they somehow got downed, they would force the survivors into wiggling out so they couldn't bleed out. The killer wasn't farming, but they weren't necessarily just applying a lot of pressure. They were trying to make the game last as long as possible or until the survivors disconnected. That's what I got from reading everything.
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The killer can't kick a gen that survivor is actively working on, so if the killer isn't chasing or hooking, I'd guess he's not attacking either. Just do gens and leave, and if the killer grabs you, then you grab your phone while you bleed out and read more dbd forums while you wait for next trial?
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Not if the Killer keeps to pick them up. The game will never end at this point.
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Ohhh. Well that is scummy.
I went back and read everything and the one thing I don't get is how the killer could screw him over over the course of an hour, when the couple things that could/would be happening are, he'd be going around patrolling and kicking gens, or he would slug one or both survivors and just hold one until OP came back from his show to wiggle away.
But apparently both people walked away at roughly the same time so if the killer was slugging them, one of them would have bled out on the ground in four minutes if he was carrying the other one? Or else he was just standing around doing nothing and also being AFK.
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There is a 3 second cooldown after attack you will eventually die
And while the killer does that the other survivor can do gens or is dying
Scummy as hell but not holding the game hostage. People need to learn what that means.
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It takes 4 minutes to bleed out if the killer downs you and leaves you. Imagine how much longer it will take if the killer only has to go through a 3 second cooldown after downing you, then picks you up and drops you over and over. It would take forever. You’d be “bleeding out” for less than 10 seconds every time, that’s more than 20 minutes and that’s only if that’s all they do.
Taking the game hostage doesn’t mean only a scenario where it literally will never end. It also includes scenarios where someone drags things out for an unreasonable amount of time on purpose.
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This is kind of an important detail that should have been in the main post. Without this context, it makes it sound like you're mad that the killer did the established 3 gen strat that survivors are responsible for enabling by not disabling it. Not exactly sure how the killer's name wouldn't show up. That's bizzare.
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It's only holding the game hostage if the inevitable heat death of the universe comes before the game ends, apparently.
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That's not necessarily true. If the Killer is refusing to let gens be done but is making no effort to hook anyone (and seemingly actively forcing Survivors to wiggle free), then they are preventing the game from ending. That is hostage-holding.
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"the Killer is refusing to let gens be done" omg, that's exactly the point of the killer's role!!
It's down to the survivors to complete the gens, and there's no way a killer can hold gens hostage from multiple survivors. It takes him a few seconds to kick them, whilst it takes less than a second for the survivor to negate that. The regression is also far slower than survivors adding progress.
Ergo, in the time the killer takes to travel to a gen, kick it, and travel to another, you could be putting progress on at least one of the other two gens. Eventually you'll complete them.
The only way this scenario works is if the survivors literally just walk away from the gens and cry in the corner about why the killer isn't holding their hands and leading them out of the gate.
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Here's the thing though:
There is no possible way for the killer to not kill the survivors while keeping generators from being completed.
Lets just say the killer is solely doing generator grabs on a survivor then dropping them.
There's no window to kick the generator so the survivor slowly slipping out will eventually complete the generator by themselves.
Also if the killer is downing them kicking then doing the pick up/drop then one of the two happens: Either the survivor bleeds out with the attack cooldown timer+ kick or they complete the generator as they fix generators 4 times faster then they can passively regress without ruin.
Mind you this post's game is with two survivors so even if the killer is doing this to stall one of them the other has free reign to complete one of the other generators.
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The point of the Killer's role is to kill the Survivors. Refusing to let gens be done isn't what brings the game to an end.
"and there's no way a killer can hold gens hostage from multiple survivors"
Isn't that the whole point of a 3-gen scenario?
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Seems like in an hour you’d bleed out even if you were not on the ground but a second. I don’t doubt the killer was an ass but maybe the time is a bit exaggerated. Plus, juggling two survivors that long would be problematic to not bleed out one survivor or have the other survivor not make significant progress on one gen. Something is not exactly adding up.
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No, that is a killer holding the game hostage. If people aren't getting hooked despite being chased and downed only for the killer to force them to wiggle off by repeatedly dropping them and then going back to camping gens, it's holding the game hostage.
But no, killers can do no wrong.
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It is considered by the Devs to be holding the game hostage. Leaving people to bleed out isn't, slowing down the bleed out timer as much as you can is.
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There is no possible way for the killer to do that and the survivors to not finish the generators or bleed out.
As its impossible for the killer to stop both survivors while doing that or even the progress of one survivor who the moment they wiggled out instantly jumps back onto the generator as the stun on the killer will let the generator progress.
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This is literally an example of a killer holding the game hostage. The survivors can't do gens because solo que, the killer can hook people but refuses to and instead drags the trial out for as long as possible. It is absolutely reportable because it can take over an hour for both survivors to die when killers do this. It is holding the game hostage because they could have ended it but chose not to.
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It is literally impossible for the killer to stop EVEN ONE OF THEM from doing a generator without killing them.
Let alone two.
So if the other survivor refused to do the last generator while this survivor dealt with the killer then its on the other survivor.
Heck its even on this survivor as 16 seconds of regression aka the wiggle timer is counteracted by the survivor working on the generator for 4 seconds.
Also if the killer downs + kicks the survivor will bleed out or complete the generator and if they don't kick then the survivor will complete the generator eventually anyways.
The killer was being a massive jerk but the survivors are at fault for how long it went on for.
Edit: The killer IS reportable here for GREIFING but NOT for holding the game hostage.
As the killer was greifing the survivors even if they weren't holding the game hostage.
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If the killer can hook a survivor but instead forces them to wiggle off, it is the killer's fault. There is no question. There is no argument to be made. You cannot expect scares solo survivors to know when and where it's safe to do gens. You can expect the killer to do their ######### job.
This is literally reportable behaviour under the broken rule of "don't hold the game hostage". A killer can get banned for this. Survivors can't, not unless they were hiding across the map. And if that was the case, the killer couldn't have been patrolling the gens.
Stop trying to defend arseholes by pretending there's some clause in the rules. Griefing via holding the game hostage cannot get clearer than this.
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Been eyeing this thread all day and now I'm wondering if this post was just bait to get the forum heated.
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Maybe theres something else you're confused by: It's still holding the game hostage even if the game has a potential end point, if that end point is ridiculously far away and being dragged out by one party being fully capable of completing their objective but actively refusing to.
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I'm not defending the killer AT ALL!
I am just so sick and tired of people crying the game is being held hostage when its not.
PS. This would apply to the survivors too as one always refused to do their objective while the killer was dealing with the other. Also dribbling shows auras while being held makes the bleed-out timer pause and glow so the other survivor has no excuse!
So everyone in this game should be reported!
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Your fault for 3 gunning yourself sounds like
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hatch needs to be removed.
it just teaches survivors to camp the hatch instead of doing the final gens